continuing from The culture festival is upon us, and Yugami plans to enjoy it to the fullest. But chapter 76 is the last chapter of vol 15, and the ending is dramatic.
Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai thread
Chihiro´s dream revolves around the classroom being cleaned. First she cleans by herself while the other girls talk with her friends, then she finds yugami sitting by himself - there are 5 people responsible for cleaning, and he cleared up his own share. The other 4 split without doing anything, so all of them get blamed for the classroom not being cleaned.
The problem is that afterwards, the class blames yugami for not "reading the air" and not leaving until the classroom was cleaned. Chihiro wants to say something to defend him, but feels too opressed by the atmosphere and wakes up feeling terrible from the nightmare.
As for Yugami, passes by to greet subaru as he usually does so he doesn´t forget him.
During the culture festival, while chihiro is busy distributing pamphlets advertising the handicrafts club and the puppet theatre performance they will play, shiori is practising with the puppets and taking the stoll from place to place. It seems the stool Yugami made is quite sturdy.
And i didn´t realise it until I skimmed the yugami blogs, but the play they are making is actually an adaptation of exupéry´s "le petit prince".
As for Yugami himself, he is busy visiting EVERY atraction there is, with no exception. Even the baseball club only gets a limited time alloted. Like last year, the club made a noodle stand but it seems that without Yugami´s cooking and him making sure they had a proper menu and presentation, they aren´t being very sucessful.
Among other things, he passes by the literature club (displaying some writing pieces) with zaizen and the broadcasting club (that´s organising the announcements) with rio before joining the line to visit the haunted house.
He meets watanabe in the line, who is suprised to see that he actually visits school festivals for fun. When the girls actually recognize him from the school trip, ask him if he´s going to watch the bonfire that closes the festival (he says yes), and then tell him who they are and from which class they are from, Watanabe is just left bewildered because Yugami isn´t really sociable.
The historical research club overhears the conversation, and initially sneers at the impurity of it all, but when Yeagashi starts to arrange a small lunch for clubmembers to close off the festival, he is surprisesd to hear everyone else is going to the bonfire too, so he has to go too...
As for Rio, she took some time off to help out Chihiro with the puppet play, and asks about if Yugami is doing alright. Chihiro mentions that he is visiting all the atractions, but nogami says his misterious actions are being influnced by someone... and turns out, at this time Yugami recalls his grandfather trying out the pinball machines, and only really stoping once clearing the game, even with a cute grand daughter wanting to see the fireworks.
The puppet show is a sucess, and Chihiro asks Yugami if he watched everything and he says he did. However, before Chihiro can thank him for his help Yugami bolts off to yet another attraction. Yugami´s family is feeling nostalgia, but he is just satisfied that he was able to see everything.
Chihiro and Yugami had a bit of small talk about the things they set out to do for the festival, with Chihiro happy that they may have gotten some new club members so Shiori won´t be on her own.
Yugami then says he´s heading back home since it´s done, and Chihiro tries to make him stay for the class group photo, but she is interrupted before she can finish and by then, Yugami is already going out of school grounds.
This really upsets the class since they think that´s really cold of him, they gathered for the photo and all the other classes are doing it. Kuzumi tries to contact Yugami, but suddenly remebers he has no mobile ever since he threw it into the pool (how can you forget that, really). As the class starts blaming Yugami for upsetting their (not very) well organized gathering because he can´t read the air, Chihiro finds her voice. She actually can´t read the air, she says, and she SHOUTS:
I’ve been thinking this for a while now, but does telling someone to “read the room” mean they should just let you guys walk all over them? ‘Cause if that’s the case, there’s something wrong with all of you! Stop insulting my friend!
Boom, end chapter 76, and end of volume 15.
Paraphrased from
Chapter 77 picks up right where chapter 76 left it.
>I’ve been thinking this for a while now, but does telling someone to “read the room” mean they should just let you guys walk all over them? ‘Cause if that’s the case, there’s something wrong with all of you! Stop insulting my friend!
Beautiful. Chihiro is too good for this world.
Poor Chihiro
And all the courage Chihiro mustered finally goes out as the poor girl simply collapses in tears, imagining she is now doomed to be forever alone after spending an entire year desperately trying to make friends.
Since the mood is rather sour, Watanabe tries to defuse the situation by trying to make a joke about the whole thing, but Yeagashi isn´t amused and points out that he should have started insuting yugami in the first place, and that he had the opportunity to tell yugami about the picture and didn´t, so really it´s all Watanbe´s fault, while kaori demands he apologise to chihiro and the class verbally piles on him
Yugami on the hand is just enjoying the rakugou just fine, even though his mother is disappointed he came home so early.
Ah, japanese and their puns.
Yugami Yuuji -> Yuganda Yuujin -> my strange friend
Yugami´s wordplay with Watanuki is too sophisticated to explain, but he basically says she feels empty inside.
The next day, Yugami notices a poster saying that, like last year, heiraku´s pupil will come by for a performance. He is looking forward to both it and for his classmates to get a better taste for rakugou, but Chihiro arrives at school so depressed she heads straight for Rio´s classroom to cheer up, so Kaori thinks back to when Chihiro comforted her during their Kyoto school trip (when they all got lost) and decides cheer her up and protect her from the class if need be, because she’s Chihiro’s ally!
Watanabe is gloomy for being blamed for the mess, but Yeagashi apologises for over reacting and being unfair to him, so they´re buddies again. The girls acknowledge it, but don´t really care about that. That do feel bad for Chihiro since she may have declared herself Yugami´s friend, but...
...because Yugami acts pretty much the same as ever and shows no signs of caring. So then Kaori takes Yugami to the school roof to tell him what happened. Yugami is confused as to why Chihiro went out of her way to stand up for him when the class insulting him is something that happens all the time. Kao-chan tells him that’s just what friendship is about, but he´s just "?". She then tells him to imagine them insulting someone he thought highly of. He thinks of Heiraku and instantly gets angry - Kaori explains that this is exactly how Chihiro felt, so Yugami says Chihiro is a good person.
Kaori tells him that if he understands Chihiro’s feelings of goodwill then he should return them. He says he does understand, and says it´s similar to a rakugo tale - “Kouya Takao” (
Yugami thinks this sounds way too easy, but freezes up when trying to call Chihiro by her name and aborts, mumbling that it “feels wrong somehow.” Kao-chan is pissed that he couldn’t do something so simple, not understanding why he’d be reserved about calling her by name when he says whatever he likes most of the time. (For reference, Yugami has always called Chihiro "you", and occasionally ‘Watanuki-san’).
>She's dreaming about him
Overhearing Kao-chan’s grumbling, Watanabe asks what’s up and she explains that she’s trying to get Chihiro and Yugami to be more friendly with each other, because right now Chihiro is in a “one-sided friendship”. Yeagashi adds to it by recalling how Chihiro kept being good to people during the school trip, and he wished she would always get reward for it. Right then Chihiro asks Yugami if he “heard something”, but he doesn´t answer and the two fall into awkward silence. While agreing that Yugami isn´t the nicest guy Chihiro could befriend, Watanabe decides to help her out to redeem himself for making her cry.
Later, the teacher says Heiraku´s pupil has fallen ill and wouldn´t be able to perform, which DEVASTATES Yugami. Well, at least until the Teacher annouced that the pupil would be replaced by the master himself, and he blows up in joy. This does give Watanabe the idea of putting Chihiro and Yugami together during Heiraku´s performance, when Yugami will be happiest, and the entire class buys in the plan.
The idea is simple; Yugami will want to sit before anyone else (Watanabe even realises he didn´t have to tell people to wait because Yugami is so fast), so all is left is to make sure Chihiro enters last, so the only seat left is beside Yugami. Kaori manages to tough it up and overcome her awkwardness with Rio (remember she tends to be possessive of her friends so she sees Rio as a rival of sorts) to get her to help, and all is set for the one sided friendship to be something more, but chapter 77 and my posting today ends here.
I´m amazed nobody in the class even thought they were trying to start a romance, but the whole thing is just too pure.
>everyone disappears when they notice each other
Thanks, user. I can't stop fucking smiling.
Keeping this thread alive.
Pls don't die yet