Itt - canonically heterosexual characters

itt - canonically heterosexual characters.

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Not you

You first

Except for that time she fucked saber

An act of desperation that was never repeated, never brought up again, and which has been retconned. Don't try and use it as an excuse yurishitter.

Pic not related, right?

She even says "I didn't know I swung this way until now." when she was fingerblasting Saber's pussy.
You can't argue against canon.

But it's not canon. It was removed in Realta, and has never been mentioned in a single piece of Fate media since. Face it, yurishitter delusions remain just that.

*canonically incontinent characters

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>15th year anniversary uses the original VN
>adaptation are based on the original VN
>Realta is never mentioned anywhere
Realta was never canon, sweatie.

The only straight girl in a world of gays.

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And in any of those was Rin anything else other than Heterosexual? No.

Itt - people trying to make an irrelevant character relevant again.

We aren't talking about Sakura, user

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>tie-in for a movie where it hasn't been revealed that she can fight yet doesn't have her as a fighter
Gee, what a shocker. Now look at the Lost Butterfly tie-in.

Yeah, we're talking about Rin.

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You mean the one where they still didn't put Sakura and just put Angra Mainyu?

That seems like Extra Rin. She mana transferred with a girl. That's pretty gay even if it's virtually.

Not even Sakurafags say Dark Sakura isn't Sakura. Stay desperate.

>hetfags are so assblasted by yuri that they create threads designed to make yuriniggers go apeshit and make themselves look bad

You must be very fucking new if you truly believe that

>enthusiastically fucks Saber
Okay, my easily butthurt friend.

Pop quiz: Who is the first named character Dark Sakura kills?

There was no enthusiasm there. Rin was only doing it to save her life. And as Realta proved, she would gladly do it another way if she could.

>mfw Tertiaries

Realta is an improved version of the original with new music, new scenes and better reflects the creator's vision. And it's the VN. So it's not Tertiary or Secondary, it's pure Primary.

>Non-canon tertiaries this anally devastated when then find out Rin enjoys fucking girls in addition to boys
Why are you so obsessed? Are you mormon or something?

Yurifaggots are the ones obsessed with trying to prove that a heterosexual character is in fact otherwise, against the weight of evidence.

Not Op

Yes OP.

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She is bi
