Having powers doesn't make you a special snowflake

>having powers doesn't make you a special snowflake
>being the best doesn't guarantee happiness
>there are no shortcuts to happiness, so work hard

This is why ONE's works excel. He succeeds in making entertaining stories while competently distilling good lessons.

Attached: mob saitama.jpg (604x453, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>You will meet people who you were meant to meet no matter how hard you try to avoid them

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>having powers doesn't make you a special snowflake
you can be a nice guy or have people like, but I’ll take country busting powers thank you very much, and powers do make you more special than anyone else btw fag
>being the best doesn't guarantee happiness
success = happiness, only rich and successful people say otherwise
>there are no shortcuts to happiness, so work hard
there are actually, being born talented, rich will most likely make you more happy than the average person

>OPM - Dude i am like superpowerfull LOLZ I WANT TO IMRPRAGNATE LOLI!

>Psycho Mob - Actual problems with anxiety , how real people are , actual conflicts and actual mental exploration

Never compare both again please

>Be a slave to society goy
>Reject individualism
>Nothing you do matters unless you do it the way we say

Never space like this again please.

This. Like HELL I'm not better than most plebs infestating this shithole or sewers like reddit.

How are you better than the people you're talking about?

Back to kindergarten for you.

>there are no shortcuts to happiness, so work hard

??? there is literally nothing stopping you from being happy right this moment, except yourself

What does Tatami Galaxy have to do with Mob and OPM?

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more like
having superpowers doesnt matter if you have autism

I have fun

Lewd mob with dat baldy

The only thing I learned is to get somewhat good at whatever I do but not too good

I need to watch s2 but as of s1 Mob is dumbfuck
sure, his naive approach to his powers keeps him from going full Palpatine, but he could do so fucking much good in this world if he actually tried
i mean
one fucking visit to one children oncology ward in one hospital spent on eradicating cancers left and right would bring nearly endless joy and mirth to thousands people, and he could be done with that in what, ten minutes?
Applications to his blessing are limitless, he just doesn't bother with examining them

>I know you can literally move mountains with your mind but please don't rock the boat too much
>really you'd be a lot happier in an office 12 hours a day with no overtime pay like the rest of us
The irony is, that "muh normal peaceful society" wouldn't even exist if it hadn't been for the actions of status-quo-upsetting warlords in the past. For example, where would Mob be if Ieyasu and pals hadn't unified Japan?

Where would Mob be if Bronze Age Collapse didn't happen?

Mob doesn't care about any of that and he has no obligation too. He just wants to live a normal life. Just because someone has a natural talent for math doesn't mean they have to become a mathematician. What if they wanted to be a chef or something? The point is that Mob can do whatever he wants with his life.

What people "want" isn't something random. They want to do what they perceive as most valuable. Mob is just an idiot who can't see anything.

He's a middle school kid and the thing that's most valuable to him right now is getting fit and asking out his crush. Who's to say he won't develop larger goals when he gets older?

At his age Pavko already knew his goal in life was to aid The Eternal Revolution by ratting out the kulacks
Mob is slow child

One's actually brilliant
Most people take his works as "lol so random" but they are a lot deeper and challenge a lot more interesting themes than meets the eye.

ONE is great writer

You're not better than others. But it doesn't matter. We are inherently egoistical, we believe ourselves to be superior over other people, even when we know it's not true. And that's a good thing... or else /r9k/ would be committing mass suicide.

Wait I just realized this is Yea Forums, ignore the part about r9k

The core message of all his works is the same: People who seek out a different society do so because they don't want to deal with the compromises life hands to them.

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>Saitama is powerful, but unhappy
>Mob is powerful, but unhappy

For ONE, being special is a bad thing.

Maybe not related to this thread, but why does OPM Season 2 look so shitty?

Then what will Saitama's ending be based on the ending Mob got?

being special IS a bad thing

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Done by a studio with no experience with a series like OPM. The committee also rushed it since the last director was still doing other projects. Since all other studios was booked JC or Deen was left and they chose JC. The director for this new season doesn't have the connections the last one did and also don't much experience direction full series. His credentials moslty show him as an animation director for naruto movies and many episodes of other series JC did. One series he directed was a forgettable ecchi add that with production issues and you have yourself a bad anime.

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ONE isn't saying that making use of your talents is bad, Mob does it all the time to help his community. He says that basing your self worth and happiness is.
Everything Teru has isn't because he worked to get there, but because he worked with what he was already naturally ahead in

He isn't saying being special is a bad thing, being super powerful or super talented isn't the end all be all, it doesn't always get you what you want.

Saitama wanted to be the strongest hero and now that he is, hero work is no longer fulfilling and everything is boring. Mob is the most powerful psychic but he never asked those powers, it hurts those around him, and it doesn't help win the affection of the girl he likes.

Can psychic powers even do anything against cancer? Was this implied in the manga or something? So far in the anime, it seems like psychic powers are not much use for anything constructive except defeating evil spirits.

Wouldn't people become dependant on psychics which would lead to corruption?
Also, there needs to be some darwinism in there, but we wouldn't want to talk about that in a shonen manga would we?

Evil cancer spirits, duh.

I connect with this character a lil bit too much

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>it hurts those around him
>it doesn't help win the affection of the girl he likes
Why can't he be both, special and socially ok?

these two characters are polar opposites
one is two emotionak, other is less caring

Mob has difficulty controling his powers under distress, the whole 100 thing is refencing him supressing strong emotions until he can't anymore because he hurt his brother in one of his outbursts. an individual is only special when the people around him consider him to be special, it means nothing nothing that mob or scar has incredible psychic power if nobody acknowledges it as special.

>Mob has difficulty controling his powers under distress, the whole 100 thing is refencing him supressing strong emotions until he can't anymore because he hurt his brother in one of his outbursts.
>an individual is only special when the people around him consider him to be special
That I don't agree. One reason why Japanese society is so harmful to young people is precisely this thought that being special is a bad thing, so anyone who is special will not be recognized as such.

>bad guy says A is right
>good guy says B is right
>good guy proves he's right and good by defeating bad guy
so deep

the fuck?

>One reason why Japanese society is so harmful to young people is precisely this thought that being special is a bad thing

No it's not. It's because parents push kids to be more special and exceed the rest. The toxic parts of Japanese society comes from the fact that kids are sent to cram schools and taught they have to be on top of society when most literally aren't capable of it just by virtue of IQ distributions in a given population. Mob Psycho's message is literally the opposite of this, that it's good to strive to have a healthy relationship with society and to integrate with it in an ordinary way, but also that trying to stand on top of everything when you're not that special is insane and self destructive (Teru) and that abusing your ability to stand atop society is also wrong (the President).

Parents push their kids to be more special and exceed the rest because of increased competition now for employment compared to when they were growing up. The world is far more global even in an insular country like Japan than it was a generation ago. Taken to its extremes you get nasty issues with suicides and self-esteem, but it is not a bad thing to push your kid to have a leg up in life. Yes, because of the IQ distribution most kids pushed this way won't end up being some genius researcher, CEO or inventor. It's important for the kid to keep that in mind. But if that kid does end up achieving more in life than he would have if he wasn't pushed that's not a bad thing at all; that's literally why Asian immigrant families are so financially successful.

>Asian immigrant families are so financially successful
And also because most of the successful ones came from well to do families to begin with. The early chinese and SEA for examples created the equivalent of shanty towns and ghettos, ethnic pockets of shits. Sure they're not as bad nowadays but a lot of asian americans still grow up and live in poverty or lower class.

Sure, wealth will help you be more successful. But what you're overlooking is the cultural aspect of it all. Asian parents will work two jobs at shit wages just so their kid can get tutoring / go to a better school / get a better life than they did, which naturally sets expectations high for the kid. Perhaps I've only seen the successful ones, but quite a few middle class Asian households are first-generation college graduates.

Do you even watch or read OPM? also the fuck on the loli part?

Since the anime finished, MP100 threads always end up filled with shitposts or explaining the story's themes and analyzing society and individuals' place in it. The later is nice.

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Why there's no Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs in Japan despite its praised education? Because being special is bad.

#reddit spacing filters

But Mob didn't convince the Boss by beating him. He convinced him through his own wisdom.

Talk no Jutsu you mean

Too put it Bluntly, cancer is just unchecked cell growth.
Since mob can force plants to grow to extreme sizes at extreme rates, he should be able to do the opposite.
But that may be something his character might be completely against (literally killing a living thing).
He could set a bone, remove bone fragments, literally pull the shit out of someone, clear arteries to immediately end heart attacks, make his dick bigger by forcing the cells in his dick to grow, move all the fat in someone's body directly back into their stomach. To put it bluntly it's like be able to use magic, non-invasive, surgery if he studied to be a doctor. becoming a literal White Mage

And since you can shoot people, you should be able to un-shoot them.

>having powers doesn't make you a special snowflake
Wrong, it makes enimies to fuck off.
>being the best doesn't guarantee happiness
Wrong it gives you previlage
>there are no shortcuts to happiness, so work hard
Wrong, shortcuts made are for winners

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>Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs
You do realize they are the literal "idea guys" and not the people who actually created the products their famous for?
They weren't smart enough/skilled to make it, so they had to find people who were.

Can't apply that logic here, because the gun is a tool you use that you are incapable of creating yourself, and requires multiple 3rd parties to remain functional. since Psychic powers allow immediate and direct intervention, it's possible to undo/reverse most things without any hindrances other than the user's lack of knowledge and senses. otherwise mob wouldn't have been able to completely reconstruct that middle school he fucked up.

I guess, if that's the term for every instance of dialogue based conflict resolution.

>Can't apply that logic here
Yeah, because it isn't one. It's nonsense.

why are power level fags always illiterate third worlders

>so work hard
Remind me again, what's One Punch's training regiment ?

>Complains about one misplaced word
>Can't even capitalize and punctuate his post

What is a point if you lose all emotions.

>What is a point if you lose all emotions.
What's the point if you lose all free will?

emotions=~free will. So One punch sacrificed his free will?


that implies it actually fits somewhere

are you implying "their" doesn't fit somewhere?

not in that post, no

Damn right.

The messages are simple and Mob and Saitama are simple-minded characters. I think ONE is just a simple man and is at home with that fact, which is commendable.

>When you were a teenager dreaming of having supernatural powers you thought it would change your life
>You imagined all the cool and interesting things that would happen around you, the momentous events you would participate in
>Mob shines a light on this adolescent self deception, even with powers; your anxieties, flaws and fears would still exist
>If you tried to live out your power fantasy you would become like the claw espers, a narcissist who only believes that their own story is important
>Mob is the mature realization of this kind story, demonstrating that greater power does not equate to righteousness, happiness or self realization
>That kind of catharsis can only be achieved by hard work and personal strength, values that mob champions despite his own weakness




Missed the point.

>Since mob can force plants to grow to extreme sizes at extreme rates, he should be able to do the opposite.

What exactly is happening at the cellular level to those plants, though? Obviously new cells are being produced, because the plants are also growing new organ structures (leaves, petals, branches), which cannot be produced by simply increasing the size of the original amount of cells. New cells mean new cell wall material and cytoplasm, so they are somehow metabolizing things at an extreme pace... the energy to fuel this process could plausibly be coming from Mob's psychic energy. But just drowning a plant in energy will not make it grow within seconds... Mob is more likely also locally accelerating the flow of time, otherwise it would be impossible for the plants to grow that fast. If it's possible to locally accelerate the flow of time via psychic powers, would it be possible to reverse it as well or do we hit a similar limit as objects moving at relativistic speeds?

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>Everything Teru has isn't because he worked to get there, but because he worked with what he was already naturally ahead in
So? What is wrong with that? If Teru was doing that and had a humble personality wouldn't it have been fine?

More pressingly can he use this power to make Reigen's rod twice as big?

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The point was that Teru based his entire self worth on his perceived superiority due to having psychic powers. When he meets mob, someone who stronger powers it completely undermines his personality and sends him into a destructive rage. A more humble Teru might have been able to accept that he is weaker than someone else and would have gained a friend. Instead he was nearly killed and completely demoralized.

>What exactly is happening at the cellular level to those plants, though?
To put it simply, cell division.
The opposite would theoretically be to make it turnback into a sapling if it's time related. If it's strictly related to growth via forced cell division, then the opposite of that would be killing the cells completely.

Attached: cell-cycle-cell-division-76-728.jpg (728x546, 133K)

>And since you can shoot people, you should be able to un-shoot them.
>Mob's powers let him piece back a school turned into a mush back into proper shape
>but he clearly couldn't just find a lump of cells and then kill them off real quick

Mob's a 100% magician who's too dumb to realize REAL extent of his powers, and thus what he dreams of is pathetically tiny compared to what he could be doing
Search and rescue. Heavy construction. Wildfire firefighting. Cleaning the world.
He could, on his own or with other Espers lead the humanity into new age where shit just gets done pronto and mankind is finally capable of claiming the whole galaxy as their innate birthright

>Saitama wants to impregnate a loli

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Interesting question.
Plants normally have active stem cells to fuel their continuous growth. Since the plants grew to form their normal structures, it implies that Mob did not alter the normal genetic program of growth, but merely made it work faster using psychic energy as a source of power.
Mammals however are not constantly growing organisms, and the genetic programs to form an organ are long shut off after embryonic development. But mammals do have stem cells in many tissues that need constant replacement of damaged cells (e.g. muscle, skin, intestinal mucosa, hair follicles). So Mob could probably be able to generate benign skin/intestinal tumors, make your muscles bulge up faster, regenerate a liver, and make the hair of your balding head grow back. But organs that don't normally have stem cells and an active genetic program for regeneration such as the lungs and heart could not be altered by psychic powers.

In short, he could make his rod longer by making the skin bulge into benign tumors.

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I can work with that.

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And to clarify, he isn't speeding up time to make the plants grow. If that were the case then the soil the plant gets its nutrients from wouldn't be able to replenish itself fast enough to supply the plant with enough physical matter to grow to even normal sized. Not to mention speeding up time for the plant means it's ability to receive sunlight naturally is also reduced proportionally ex: 100 times normal rate of time means light has 100 times slower to reach the plant, since the source of the sunlight is outside of the affected space.
The only possibility is he's using his psychic powers to directly fuel the plants growth, since photosynthesis is what generates the energy to make the plant grow. I guess he would just be converting some of that energy into physical matter to give the plant the mass to work with, but that just fucking straight up violates the laws of physics

Right, but the cell division is happening much faster than it could under physiological conditions, which implies faster time.

Turning energy into mass is fine according to physics.

The problem is where mob is getting all the calories to throw buildings around comes from

Why does it violate anything? For all we know it's just conversion from one type of energy (psychic energy) into another one (matter).

with proper treatment you can revert virtually any cell back into stem cell
also there are axolotls

What the fuck is r ddit spacing? I never got this meme.

>with proper treatment you can revert virtually any cell back into stem cell
Yeah, but Mob has not shown any ability to do that. Maybe the Shou's healer lackey could though.
>also there are axolotls
Axolotls are amphibians, not mammals.

Have you considered what makes it slow process in the first place?
Hint:Think about how the cells get everything they need to start division


who are you quoting?

>Axolotls are amphibians, not mammals.
I don't see how that invalidates the existence of near perfect cell regeneration, which Axolotls are uniquely known for.

axolotls are outliers even in their own clad, and mammals descend from amphibians
iirc doing that stem reversion isn't that complicated, keeping the cells alive without support of the body and protecting them from pathogens is what makes it tricky.

When you write your posts like a shopping list.

Kind of like this.

It's just stupid, and always ends up with the retard defending the act, pretending a sentence makes a paragraph.

Of course, that's not right.

So hide them and save yourself the bother.

You never miss anything of value doing so anyhow.

There are few better tells for a pompous retard.

So what you're saying is that Mob is a) materializing all the necessary molecular components and b) putting them all in the proper place to allow fast growth, eliminating all the time delays created by random brownian motion and synthesis pathways?
That's... actually in-universe plausible and a satisfactory explanation.

because madhouse decided to do some other shit instead of doing season 2

Doesn't invalidate anything. Just saying that Mob has not shown the ability to induce (re-)generation in a normally non-regenerative tissue.

It's because he's reluctant to use his powers on humans. especially if it makes permanent changes to the body that could potentially kill them or leave them disfigured and crippled, in case he fucks up, which he's most afraid of.

>Being the best doesn’t guarantee happiness
>Good lesson

I think he’s just mad because his art sucks and he can’t improve it.

>being the best doesn't guarantee happiness
I remember reading this phrased a lot better from Fate/Zero.
it goes like:
>choosing your calling based solely on your talents won’t always guarantee you happiness.

Do onefags actually think this is a deep sentiment lol? Both opm and mob are mediocre trash

>Wrong, shortcuts made are for winners
Teru was right all along, without power you can't protect anything.

Becouse power decides everything.

I think it's a good lesson. There isn't much left to do when you achieve all your goals.

>a literal nobody creates two webcomics with comically awful art
>both of the webcomics become ridiculously successful
>both of the webcomics get anime adaptations
>most top-tier editor-cucked, popularity-cucked manga artists struggle to get one super successful manga let alone anime adaptations
I think ONE self-inserts as Saitama to pretty much rub it on the face of other manga artists. Even though his art is crap and he distributes his work through the Internet and not through conventional systems, his works are much more impactful, popular and successful than anything else while being immune to editor or popularity bullshit.

If someone can tell the truth while missing the point, maybe there's something wrong with your point.

>3 newlines in a row
>paragraph shorter than 250 characters
>spaghetti posting
>reply consisting only of green text and a response of under 200 characters separated by 2 newlines
These are some high quality filters.

>deep sentiment
Nothing he makes is "DEEP". I find his stuff consistently entertaining tho

>success = happiness, only rich and successful people say otherwise
Taken literally this is correct, but you seem to mean the wrong thing because otherwise you'd know that
>there are actually, being born talented, rich will most likely make you more happy than the average person
is bullshit.
Fact is, income has only a very weak correlation with income within countries. People are not happy because they have power, people are happy when their power increases. That's why rich people are on average not more happy than poor people. A billionaire who loses 10 million will be more unhappy than a normal dude who wins 100 bucks. That's why there is indeed no shortcut to happiness for most people. You need to work to improve your situation. Of course this only applies within certain boundaries. If you can't afford to pay for your basic needs you will usually be more unhappy than someone who can. Also, with increasing age the desirre for improvent decreases. But even then it's all about loking back at past accomplishments.

*income only has a weak correlation with happiness.

Don't listen to the people who have no talent or money in this thread trying to cope.

It's easier for a person who already has power to simply drop out than it is for normal people to climb to the top.

>being the best doesn't guarantee happiness
It does.

>is bullshit.
Wrong, when you born with special powers and money you are can decide fate of others.

The messages are really simple, so it's strange how quite a few people miss the very obvious point.

>Basic Shonen themes being praised as literary genius.

The more I come here, the more this place feels like reddit

>I get my philosophy from cartoons
Cringe. Pick and read an actual book nibba.

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This. Imma be overpowered and fuck yall

Cartoons are a weak start but if it gets someone interested in the idea it doesn't seem to be worth dismissing.

Madhouse weren't the reason s1 was even good. It was the director and his connections.

Imagine not getting it this much. Absolute negative IQ post here.

Yes and? Read my post again.

Easy way get success? Kids of politics or good reincarnations are life winners, and have an easy access to happiness.

Without powers Mob was target for bullies.

It is a problem when adults espouse often reductionist basic trope shonen aesops that is deduced as how author intended via guided narration of the story as philosophical gem pieces like how OP did.

That's not the reason he was bullied, he was bullied as a punishment or test by Shigeo, to see how he would cope with a much crueler world to see if he would retain his outlook on life. Mob has made friends and relationships in the real world without the use of his powers.

>imagine an anime about socrates, plato and aristotle teachings
fund it.

>Diogenes walks in and starts masturbating

He was autistic and without powers. That was a reason. At least Teru can survive in that world.

The OP called it an entertaining story with a good lesson, not as a grand philosophical work of our time. Though you're correct that people can take these lessons too far but it's also a possibility that having a philosophical stance, no matter how weak, gets you introduced to the idea of debate, discussion, etc.

>parody of the hero's shounen journey is about hard work
nice bait

>be a slave to the system goy
>your life has no meaning
>you are easily replaced
>nobody is special
What next, ONE makes a webcomic supporting Israel?

He was destined to be harassed by Minori when he was put into that world, it's the whole point of Mogami's arc. It doesn't matter who would have been in the same spot, they would have been sent through the same treatment because that was what Mogami wanted to happen.

And he showed him what will be world without special abilities.

World with special abilities.

Diogenes is literally our guy.
I would unironically watch an anime solely about him.


>Kids of politics or good reincarnations are life winners, and have an easy access to happiness.
M8. You just keep repeating your point which I have already proven wrong.
"Emotional well-being also rises with log income, but there is no further progress beyond an annual income of ~$75,000. "

Yeah but more possibilities more way to spend good time.
Mob was talking shit because he has special powers. Without it he was a bully target, because of no Reigen.

look, if he did that then it would end up like Inuyashiki, superpowered mass murdering One Piece otaku and all

Yes but you said that he was bullied because he didn't have powers and I was telling you why that wasn't the case. I'm not disagreeing that he was stripped of his powers.

what point are you trying to make?

>All your greentext
Honestly, where are people getting this from? Are we watching the same show? Are people shitposting about their takeaways?

>having powers doesn't make you a special snowflake
>being the best doesn't guarantee happiness
>there are no shortcuts to happiness, so work hard
Hey, hey don't cheat in life and be a good person and fall in line. Sounds like what someone would cook up IRL but I can't mention them or I'll get banned.

Mob was talking bullshit.

>You do realize they are the literal "idea guys" and not the people who actually created the products their famous for?
But that's the point. "Idea guys" are are not very welcome in Japan, because being like others is the japanese motto.

>>Basic Shonen themes being praised as literary genius.

it's shitposting, with how often the same points are brought up in every Mob thread it's unlikely that genuine randfags are all too upset about its moral.

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ONEfags BTFO in this thread.

Dude, he can't even make the plants he grows bare delicious tomatoes. What makes you believe he can control the targeting of his psychic powers on a cellular microscopic level according to expression of oncogenes? I take it you've never studied oncology or genetics rigorously?

What are these facial expressions supposed to convey?

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Why did i laugh so hard.

Mob's powers let him reconstruct that building they destroyed probably because it was destroyed through psychic powers.
It's implied throughout the series that most things he can remedy with psychic powers were issues caused by psychic powers in the first place. ffs, the tomatoes he grows don't even taste like anything.

Now maybe he could still do search and rescue or construction work, but since he's currently a middle schooler, he has no time for it, and there aren't always humanitarian crises in Japan all the time. He's already doing good for people through banishing evil spirits anyways.

>Never compare both again please
This. Mentioning a masterpiece like OPM in relation to MobShitco is a sign of retardation.

>being born talented
How about you learn to not be a loser instead of being born talented.

>rich will most likely make you more happy than the average person
Imagine actually believing this lmao

He draws just well enough to get his point across and I think he's self aware enough that he ends up leaning into it rather than trying to be someone he isn't. The cornerstone of his work is obviously his writing and comedic timing though.

Only ONE promotes all the opposite of what you greentexted.
Saitama and Garou are both depicted as special and both refused to conform to the system. Working hard by chasing your dream or ambition instead of slaving away to some shitty paycheck is portrayed as the meaning to each character, these dreams usually contradict and oppose the beliefs of society and the whole world around you (Saitama, Garou, Sonic, Suiryu, the ninja duo, Psykos, many monsters). Saitama, Garou, Tats and even some side characters are completely irreplaceable and there's no one like them in the world both in strength and in character. Literally half of the main cast is special and unique.

Cut the crap you falseflagging kike, OPM isn't Mob and it promotes values that take a royal dump on everything you listed.

Attached: (You).png (1471x1411, 759K)

Why is he barefoot?

Those are some basic bitch battle shounen "lessons". Pretty much every battle shounen is about hard work (i.e. that was literally Naruto's whole schtick pre-time skip with him harping on about "no shortcuts to become hokage"), most series also show that powers don't mean shit, either through the MC getting a solid ass-whooping by the new villain of the arc (Tatsumi getting wrecked by Jabberwock's men in the Prince En arc), or conversely the mc is a normal or relatively normal human who give solid ass-whoopings to villains with powers (index, assClass when the kids fight the assassins, gantz).

I thoroughly enjoy ONE's works, but don't act like they're special in their themes/lessons or anything.

One Punch Man subverts all those lessons.
Like there's one chapter where Saitama talks about "the power of acquaintances", subverting the "power of friendship"

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Not him but they are special in their lessons because of the way the author deals with the themes. Themes and lessons don't mean shit without a critical approach from both the author and the storytelling itself and to criticize something properly you have to expose it for it's shortcomings, beat it down and drag it through the mud like ONE did with the hero trope in OPM. Your Nardo parallels make no fucking sense however.

I'm saying that both OPM and Nurutu were similar in how they tackled the "hard work and no shortcuts in order to succeed" aspect (at least in the beginning for Naruto).

I love OPM but ONE doesn't tackle themes/lessons particularly better than any other popular shounen manga like BNHA and HxH.

>having powers doesn't make you a special snowflake
This was only poignant in Mob S1. All conflicts in S2 are solved due to Mob's powers and all non-powered people manage to be are fodder (99% of them) and somewhat not-awful role models.

Mob S2 was a mistake and all those plotpoints were better abandoned than solved underwhelmingly.

>being the best doesn't guarantee happiness
A valid point, but One kinda beats over it too much. Again, nothing new regarding this idea was found in OPM S2 or Mob S2.

>there are no shortcuts to happiness, so work hard
There are probably hundreds of stories with this message in manga.


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>All conflicts in S2 are solved due to Mob's powers
There's nothing wrong with using your talents to help others. There is something wrong with using your talents to feel superior or take advantage of others. It's not that hard to understand.


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>you can be a nice guy or have people like, but I’ll take country busting powers thank you very much, and powers do make you more special than anyone else btw fag

That's where the subvertion comes from ONE's works: There is always a bigger fish and thinking too high of yourself because of your achievements will lead to even more suffering than happiness obtained. Except "those who sit on the top" and then, if there is no challenge in life, you will grow either bored or arrogant. Enjoy the road before enjoying the goal.

>success = happiness, only rich and successful people say otherwise
there is even more blander media that shows this is untrue. Of course statistically speaking you should be more happy, but by individual experiences, there is no absolute: You might be a miserable millionare if you are a drug dealer for example (waiting for the day you are either caught by the police or betrayed by someone punching up just like you).

>there are actually, being born talented, rich will most likely make you more happy than the average person
People born with talent can grow arrogant and lazy too and fall down to average or lower. You can have talent but if it's not properly exploited, it's a total waste. And to properly exploite something, you need work and perseverance. That very work is what you should be looking for to make happiness, and then the goal in on itself. Later on push for bigger goals to actually look forward for something in your life.

Buddha is literally jew then

Not him but he's not exactly wrong you know. You on the other hand take ONE's themes and set them as some ultimate message of his works when interestingly OPM and Mob are rather opposing in what they promote simply because what they depict is rather different.
Mob doesn't strive towards power not because it's a bad thing in the Mob universe but because it's not in his mentality, he's not cut out for it. Even Dimple realizes it by the end. His temperament and personality are too weak and are in contrast with his esper power.
In OPM ambition, the will to conquer and force your surroundings into submission are depicted as a positive driving force so far, until the story says otherwise it will remain so.

Japan said to give up on OPM S2

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mob: cringe and bluepilled
saitama: based and redpilled

>saitama: cringe and bluepilled
>mob: based and redpilled

>Jude Law and its east equivelant the anime

This is the power.. of Fubuki's acquaintance

the reason tons of people keep watching OPM even when everything after Boros is just mediocre fights and even worse if you read the Murata version.

>having powers doesn't make you a special snowflake
Yet characters are drawn to mov anyway. Correct me if im wrong but this seems exactly like MHA being all about hard work but the MC gains the most hack power of them all.

>Correct me if im wrong but this seems exactly like MHA being all about hard work but the MC gains the most hack power of them all.
Deku must strive to use the power. It is not something automatic and free. In the context of the story, so far, he's far from a special snowflake. He is not the first of the class, he lost a tournament, he couldn't save his tutor. But it seems that the hate for the series makes people forget that.

Sauce pls

Some characters are drawn to Mob becasue of his powers and most if not all of them soon realise that what makes Mob worth hanging around with/a good person are not his powers but his personality and other qualities. Other characters never cared about his powers at all (Tsubomi, the body improvement club, etc) while others have their entire development based around becoming less obsessed with Mob's powers (Reigen, Dimple).

>Deku must strive to use the power. It is not something automatic and free.

Yes we get it, Deku has to train to use his ability. Just like Naruto learning to control the Kyuubi. Actually, it is 100% exactly like that. It is so fucking blatant that the author is just copying the kyuubi power, but changing it just enough so the fans won't complain. Think about it, it's even a power that is passed down from person to person. The kyuubi also changes hosts over time, the most recent one before Naruto being his mother. And both powers (Deku's and Naruto's) have the potential to destroy them if they release too much of the energy.

But anyway. it's still the most hack power you could possibly have, nobody cares that he lost a tournament or whatever. The show will get to the point where Deku has full control over the power, and then he will be the second coming of ninja jesus and nobody can lay a finger on him

...you should stop going there user... it's statically one of the worse boards for mental health

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>OPM - Entertainment
>Mob - Similar entertainment to most, deep and profound story to absolute retards like you
They're both good but Mob elitists are incontrovertibly the Rick and Morty faggots of the ONE fandom.
The morality and philosophy are basic, common, and universal to all cultures. This is to highlight how Reigen and Mob are normal people in a crazy world, not just a zany fraud and a zany psychic. This is also shown, though actually more subtlely, in Saitama's personality and some of the side characters.
The reason you consider Mob a superior or more mature show is because its subtext is more obvious and it's more humor, less action than OPM.
You consider quiet people to be intelligent and humor of any kind to be more "grown up" than action of any kind because you're enough of a brainlet to think that people who like high-intensity neural response in their entertainment are somehow more savage than people who like the muted comedic timing of a still shot of Mob staring off into space for a few seconds.

Since you're dumb enough to still be finding new thinking grounds from the bog basic diet that Mob feeds you, re-watch the season 1 finale a few more times and let it sink in that Reigen is talking directly to people like YOU as well, and that a quiet, passive-aggressive idiot is not in any way better than a loud, aggressive idiot.
Lastly, for the love of anything, read at least one non-fiction book before you die.
>if people aren't looking at me and giving me free shit, I'm a slave!
Sure are a lot of Communist "neo-Nazis" around Yea Forums lately.

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It's just your standard jap mediocrity-worship
>muh hammering down nails

>wtf why aren't anti-social psychos rewarded for violent behavior? must be fucking asian collectivism, ignore everything Reigen does to defend and build up Mob
You're still flesh, rage-kun

Yes, of course. I'm sure Mob will have a very fulfilling salaryman life. Based reigen.

Yeah, because Reigen just does what everyone tells him and is a straight-and-narrow no-adventure pushover sort of guy.
How can you be this triggered and stupid?

You sure are assuming a lot based solely on the fact that someone thinks Mob is better than OPM

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Interesting counter point, I particularly enjoy the dot at the end.

Karmen Rider has more depth than that sesame street trash

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This. How many times do anti-Mobfags need to be btfo before they give up? It's ok to just not like the show. There's no need to try and come up with nonsensical criticisms that make you look like a brainlet.

>there are actually, being born talented, rich will most likely make you more happy than the average person
No you're just envious.

>Anime tries to be meaningful
I mean I mostly saw Mob Psycho as pure entertainment, but I still enjoyed how it touched on some touchy subjects.

No, I'm assuming it based on the way he's expressing this opinion which is common all over Yea Forums on completely unrelated threads.
It's not trying to be meaningful. It's sad that you think that's what it's trying to do. It's comedy with some character development and sentimental story points to keep you invested.
What "touchy subjects" does it touch on that Arthur the Aardvark didn't?