Yu Yu Hakashou is so fucking bad I don't understand how it has such a high rating. Idk if it's just Hunterfags rating anything Togashi does as a work of God or if It's the same bullshit nostalgia factor that DBZ has.
Yu Yu Hakashou is so fucking bad I don't understand how it has such a high rating...
It's just nostalgia. Story, characters and fights are all below average.
I tried to give this a chance but this show just sucks. It's like all the other powerlevel battle shonen but with worse animation and better art
But YYH animation is generally pretty good
Actually it's really good. You probably just don't like it because it lacks perv old man scenes.
The animation is the worst I have ever seen. Even Berserk 2016 looks better than this.
If you're going to shitpost don't be more transparent than a window
Could you give a reason as to how it's pretty good. Literally everything about it I can think of is worse than the worst of every other shounen I've seen. I mean no hate it's a legitimate question.
it's an early 90s shonen
take what you can get
It's exactly what a shonen should be.
well that's exaggerated but YYH had those classic old animation techniques where they would zoom three times into an attack
In general the fight scenes were less animated than the daily life scenes.
You either like it or you don't, good and bad are subjective. How far did you even make it into YYH?
I watched for the first time a couple of years ago, dropped it after 50 something episodes, loved the characters but the biggest problem it has is that the fights are kinda shit so having a tournament arc was a bad idea. I would probably have loved it if I watched it as a kid.
Episode 80 atm. Yusuke is chasing that Shunsui guy or whatever he was called.
Are you watching in Japanese?
> (OP)
I am. I just can't remember the name.
someone link the op song, also botan best grill
Japanese is pretty dry for YYH. Keep in mind YYH was an afterschool show that aired on the same block as DBZ and Rurouni Kenshin so it's just something that people have fond memories from. Even so, it's not poorly written for what it is and doubt you could make anything as good
Next time get better bait
What did I say that made you think I'm baiting?
Its mostly nostalgiafags
>But it was the first of the generic shitty shonen series, which automatically makes it a classic
>watching a long running battle shonen instead of reading it
what the fuck do you expect? Literally all of them are garbage, at most you can maybe hope for them to do something worthwhile with a few of the most important parts like Naruto did.
You just have terminal trash taste is all
For fuck’s sake my dude watch some anime
terrible advice, get the fuck out of here before it's too late.
Its unironically just "okay" up to the dark tournament arc. But the dark tournament is 10/10 and the two arcs after it are still very good despite being really flawed. One of the few shows where I genuinely wished there was more.
BUT he's right though, YYH sub is not great.