Koreans Raws.
Gallia started it's killing spree.
Parallel Paradise 82
The New Mies guardians
My bad.
I hope they live long enough to be begging for sex.
>Koreans Raws.
so, Lumi is dead for them?
Bomber a cute
It's scans my bad.
If only one can survive because Lumi still exists, Bomber should be the one to live. Something like but naked underneath would be a good way for her to start before being touched.
It's RaPe TiMe!
Is this really what i think it is?
Gallia killing the girls while youta is cumming inside Amane?
End of Dump.
Because she was left out, and they want to how her what it's like?
What's the chance he gets teleported as he does to the location of the other girls? Maybe instead of inside one it's on the face of another?
holy shit
her face is very cute, damn it
thanks, user
A cute face won't last long next chapter.
Anime when?
Were Boat sluts ever confirmed dead or not?
we saw one still alive.
but somehow i believe she's not going to kill the ones that got the mark.
They're locally published
That time when we get to point where haremettes starts literally serving MC his next victim.
>People are fucking dying
Look I'm the biggest Sex=Useful guy, but come on, tone whiplash
Aren't witches super evil woman eating monsters for them? Why dress like one?
Another spear girl, either this one dies or Momo is going to die :(
This is literally Megumin of this series.
that is not a spear
If elves don't have to look like they would be expected to, why should witches?
What the fuck is going on? I stopped following properly ever since MC went on a boat and the ship got wrecked and he ended up on some mansion with a pistol wielding maid that later gets cocked, but there was some clown girl who didn't get affected, and they used him as a breeding stallion.
Why is she murdering everyone? Are they some other faction?
Witches eat people.
>Why is she murdering everyone?
she is a witch
>Are they some other faction?
Yes. Nishina (a.k.a """GoDJ""") "faction"
also, read the manga
Shit went tits up
Is there any sex in this?
not that user, I'm stuck at ch 75. Were the chapter after that translated or did something happen?
I like the look of the one with the headband, but then, I really like girls with headbands
so, are they replacing the ugly girl who died, and Lumi(because she's off with the MC)?
well, I hope none of the girls I like the look of die.
Yes. It was stated just as Lumi left, that they will replace her as well. Thought in actually Misaki wanted replace herself, as she originally wanted to go with Youta instead.
Are you talking about Lumi getting killed for them in a story sense, like "old characters make way for new characters" or was there some balancing mechanism within the story I missed, that meant the old guardians had to die for new ones to come about?
damn, they're really eager to get their friend laid
I'm having trouble keeping track, did Gallia teleport to where Misaki and the others are under her own power, or get transported there by some other means?
Maybe they're working according to a sort of batman-principle, where they dress up as something scary to keep people in line?
>but there was some clown girl who didn't get affected,
was it established that she isn't affected by the MC's vaginal-tsunami touch?
How do they resist the desire to just stay with her and help more directly?
>ugly girl
you gay, user
They will obviously watch from behind doors again.
not finding ugly girls attractive doesn't make you gay, silly,
I hope headband girl & misaki survive this skirmish.
the mangaka can kill-off the other girls if he likes, though
That's obvious, but how do they resist the desire to stay behind and help undress and hold her down where they could go after her?
Our redrawer had to stop due to issues with college.
We got another one but he also can't redraw because he's taking care of a family member at the hospital.
because of that we're stuck on 75 we already got the scripts for the next 3 chapters.
>come on, tone whiplash
Tone whiplash is practically synonymous with Okamoto Lynn.
she is not ugly, user
Hanahana best girl
Not first time they want afford good first time for friend. Orgy will obviously follow when everyone already had their first time.
Will she start talking during her first time?
>she will scream "EXPLOSION" every time she throws a grenade
Not the only time she will be screaming it I hope.
Oyakodon when?
Not soon enough.
Did these girls ever figure out Clown won't eat the marked ones? If they did then this scene makes sense.
Maybe it's just that they taste or smell bad. I hope some of the unmarked ones live long enough to get marked.
>Akshually the proper term is...
Fuck off nobody cares
mass pregnancy arc when?
When this arc is over
With this author, what kind of monsters will they give birth to?
Marked give birth to monsters, unmarked to normal children.
Better breed hundreds of them just to make sure though
The conditions of the mark's appearance needs to be tested more thoroughly. Age, past masturbation, how much love vs lust they have for the MC, species, position used, pregnancy state, etc. all need verification with sufficient sample sizes for each.
So far what we know:
>virginity has nothing to do with mark
>mere insertion is enough to get mark
>under certain conditions mark will not appear (implied to be possibly excessive masturbation and after state of moonbreaking)
>mark gives special abilities like power see invisible beings (like Noah), or resistance agaist power of witches.
Things like virginity could be related, if there are multiple conditions that have to be met. Testing for that just gets more difficult.
I thought no-one in this series had a mommy?
I wouldn't mind seeing a second guy show up.
I'm curious if every man causes extreme horniness, or if once the MC touches a girl, another guy can still cause the same effect?
>Things like virginity could be related
Pinako was not virgin when she got mark.
Mermaid does, but she aged too much when she met hers.
I want to see the MC touch a girl who does not get affected, and isn't an enemy, and get sex anyway.
Noah has.
You must just forget that skeleton scene.
Did they died?
don't get me wrong, i like this, but if it must be like the sensei one during this season i'd rather have something like a movie ora an OVA.
Some anonymous bitches died again.
How many anonymous bitches have to die before they are marked?
Far too many. I know the MC can't survive mating with all of them, but those would be good for experimentation purposes.
>Deeply Jealous God
is this a bad translation?
if not, Nishina is not the DJ and there is something else
I'm not sure if she is that god yet
>we already got the scripts for the next 3 chapters.
Reddit or our boys?
I just want clown analsex with clown hats on. Is it that hard to do?
Probably. I doubt there is any situation where the MC is able and willing to rape her as punishment instead of just killing her.
Can she at least try to seduce the MC as a form of begging for her life?
Maybe she can try that and he starts acting like he is going to accept, just to distract her while another girl kills her from behind.
jester is cute!
It is parody, probably.
Oh, yess...
God what a lucky bastard. Free thots delivered daily.
Just like Lumi is parody of Aqua. Now imagine, if she got voiced by Takahashi, just like Lumi got voiced by Anamiya.
and like Aqua, she is the Goddess of Deep Jealousy
He should throw her to the Kall
poor MC, fucking women's become his 9 to 5
He did anal sex with Katsuchi.
She just kill them. Or command.
maybe the protagonists could do something to incapacitate her first?