How disgusting

the last scene of Neon Genesis Evangelion. what does it mean?

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Shinji hurting the person closest to him, and Asuka returning it with a kind gesture.

The definition of the phrase in Japan is basically "a bad feeling", so it's not actually Asuka talking about Shinji as much as it is how she's disgusted at all the shit that's around her and the situation she's been through.

I'm sure she has lingering anger towards him, but it's highly doubtful they don't make up after about a week.

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>"At last Anno asked me 'Miyamura, just imagine you are sleeping in your bed and a stranger sneaks into your room. He can rape you anytime as you are asleep but he doesn't. Instead, he masturbates looking at you, when you wake up and know what he did to you. What do you think you would say?' I had been thinking he was a strange man, but at that moment I felt disgusting. So I told him that I thought 'Disgusting'. And then he sighed and said '... thought as much.'"

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She knows Shinji jerked off to her when she was in coma

The experience she's been through, the situation she's left in by all the rest of humanity that hasn't returned like she has, what Shinji just attempted to do, herself for going along with that and not really resisting at all, Shinji for not going through with it, she has a lot to be sickened by.

It shows character growth in a perverse way, shinji finally took agency in his life by acting on his feelings the way asuka wanted him too for the entire duration of the show. Asuka having finally come to terms with the origins of self hatred and projection is finally able to reach out and make an unconditionally kind move towards shinji that reflects her true feelings. After demonstrating their capability for these more complex interactions, both let up and revert to normal, but with a new understanding of each other.

IIRC the original line in the script was "Someone like you will never kill me"

That was back when the ending scene was Asuka showing up and defiantly kicking down one of the grave posts Shinji set up.

Not that I don't like the idea of this but it would have been pretty inhuman to just have Asuka come out of everything having learned absolutely nothing and acting like the past ninety minutes just didn't happen

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Its may have still happened, we see this shot of the posts with one broken in half.

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She was basically saying "I feel like shit"

>there will never be an alternate take of this scene where Asuka on the verge of a complete meltdown throttles Shinji in retaliation and he moves past his selfishness by caressing her on the cheek, prompting her to finally break and cry on him

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The other scripted ending idea was even bleaker than what we got in the final version ,after Instrumentaly it would show Shinji laying down on the beach holding hands with somebody, the camera would pan and reveal he is holding to a disembodied pale arm (Rei's?), while Eva 01/Yui crashed in the Moon's surface, thus her mission to ''preserve'' mankind failled.

it's a metaphor for imperialism

>while Eva 01/Yui crashed in the Moon's surface, thus her mission to ''preserve'' mankind failled.
That part would actually be pretty funny to see Yui's whole plan fell apart from something like that.

It's on point with that earlier parting note of Shinji realizes he's been like this before, he'll forget and relearn the same thing again, and he's okay with that because he has a chance of growing just a little every time he cycles through hollow joy and vicious self-hatred. Asuka's mad at him for giving her up for dead and just at her own grave in particular, like of course she'd return how dare he doubt her, even though it's been some apparent time before she arrived. She's back to masking insecurity with bravado, which is some recovery from catatonia or frenzied bloodlust, something Shinji understood she does for half the show, and part of exactly the environment Shinji hoped to have again by leaving the sea.

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Sure, but the issue I have is that Asuka should be too tired at this point to even bother. She's only human. If she came back doing the same shtick as always, it'd be the most soul crushing shit on the planet, it's like nothing even happened to her.

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But wait, there's more, because that version also had Shinji ejected from Eva-01 and Instrumentality inside his entry plug, splashing down in the sea and coming out to look on Rei's giant severed head like young Misato seeing 2I from her escape pod. Suggesting that he was never tanged and actually nobody is shown to reembody from it, making it questionable if that's even possible to do.

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10 bucks says Anno contemplated jacking off over Miyamura.

during the human instramentality auska found out about the jerk off session. However when she and shinji came back she lost memory of what happened in the big giant rei but retained the emotional feeling like a fuzzy dream, seeing shinji after focusing she felt disgust.


Only the two that were in entry plugs came back. Little incentive to stay alive so Asuka asks Shinji to do the most selfless thing he could possibly do but he is unable to go through with it, thus failing to redeem himself so he's called pathetic. The end.

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>you only come back if you want to and by proxy if you want to live
>asuka screaming her lungs out about how she doesn't want to die earlier in the movie
>implying that after all that she actually does want to die

They were in massive shell shock and probably took a couple days to compose themselves, after which it would sink in to them that their incentive to stay alive is each other.

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Asuka both likes and hates shinji, during instrumentality she saw that he jacked off to her. Its the mixture of wakingn up at the sight of a shitty person, being alone with a shitty person and disappointment in knowing that the shitty person you kinda liked jacked off to you while you were in a coma.

Shinji seemed to be in a decent mood upon getting out of instrumentality, its not too crazy that Asuka would have a similar temporary catharsis on being alive again.

Then lets say that despite meeting again, neither make any serious conversation about what happened or regarding each other, figuring that complicated issue can wait until the rest have returned.
Then as they wait on the shore, no one else comes. They wait a bit more, and it dawns on both of them that no one else is coming out, causing both of them to go into their 1,000-yard stare mode we see in the final scene.