Why does Yea Forums hate used goods?
Why does Yea Forums hate used goods?
Every girl should become used goods by a MC.
I like experienced girls.
Goblin slayer?
Because this is a Christian board
I don't mind used goods but im not touching diseased or damaged goods.
I don't
I don't mind used goods.
I don't hate them, I just want to see them turn into gob factories
Why would anyone pick up used bubble wrap? It's not fun anymore if you can't make it go pop.
used goods in anime have weird baggage associated with it
So insecure even an ex of 10 years ago is a competition too serious.
Yea Forums never cared. Only crossboarders try to force that meme.
And you bitch have no legs. So?
>Yea Forums never cared
Yea Forums is very misogynistic.
Used goods are for cucks, they let the alpha Chad deflower their crush and after Chad is done pump and bumping they rush to lick the sperm off her meathole like the good doggies they are.
Pure virgin is the way of the Chad.
and stay there.
>muh purity
The alpha Chad lets the beta handle the obnoxious bullshit like the hymen and the girl playing hard to get, then NTRs them and pleases the woman better than the tiny-dicked beta who has to search for "tight" (too small for a real man's penis) virgin vaginas ever could.
Well yeah why should I trade my precious virginity for less?
The answer is autism. It's always autism.
That whole manga was worth it just for this page
>being this much deluded
Pic related, you under the bed.
>trying this hard to cope
Whatever make you sleep at night
there's literally nothing wrong with liking used goods as long as you never invest anything in them
Deposits are fine though,
>5th chapter isn't translated
Why even live NTR-bros
Was that really Yea Forumsnons, or just japanese anime fans?
virgins are yucky because i dont want blood on my penis.
Tootbrush charity, live for toothbrush charity.
Give out your toothbrush to homeless shelter and install camera in it's bathroom so that you can see how every bum rubs it on them filthy gums and rotten teeth.
Then take that toothbrush back and use it yourself like nothing happened.
Fucking degenerate and I don't even mean it in an impressive way.
Promiscuity and/or sexual trauma are negative traits for a long term partner, so men prefer virgins.
>implying Yea Forumsnons cared beyond posting some sad retard's pile of burning manga and broken merch
I wish the guy could draw.
>not knowing enough nippongo to read your ntr shit
Made me chuckle
Not all NTR fags project themselves in the beta, the NTR doujins/eromanga with inverse NTR are actually filling the majority of the category, that one is indeed the beta NTR type but the dom oneesan artstyle is gorgeous.
Not here to argue anything but this was kinda a different situation, is not that she was used goods but that it came out of nowhere after the whole fanbase was already formed, see Whoro for example, she was always portrayed as a mayor used goods character, yet everyone loved her because it was part of her character.
What a chad!
I don't want them to break down after a few use and sometime they are faulty, but that can also be say to new and untested thing.
It was basically a relative handful of people sperging out or trolling, which was blown out of proportion by sankaku complex, and ANN mistaking them for an actual news source rather than the tabloid they are. I'm fairly sure there were a few people on both sides of the pond genuinely upset, but most people just liked making jokes about it, and it turned out to be a big nothing in the end anyways.
I hated Horo when she made that dumb joke.
>it won't be sheep I'll be counting on the bed
She deserves to get bukkake'd by a pack of rabid wolves.
>alpha Chad
>no impregnation
>no offspring
>even leave it to some beta losers to take care of the rest
literally omega bitchboys
>Pure virgin is the way of the Chad.
this is correct though
Because men of taste are interested in females for reproduction, and a whore lacks the security of reproductive exclusivity that all men desire.
It's okay to be used goods as long as you act pure. Girls who act slutty are shit even if they're virgins.
Anyone would want to mate with her too.
I'm sure having to take care of somebody else's children, on top of taking his leftovers, makes you a super ultra alpha. Asexual relationships with single mothers are the best.
>Yea Forums hates used goods
>CC is the most popular CG girl
I think at the very least, people don't want to feel deceived. Ideally virgins are the preference, but there's nothing to whine about if the character was never suggested to be one. It's why typical NTR involves a 'pure' girl, not a 'used' one.
Sakura's only a non-virgin due to unfortunate circumstance. She's cut from the "hooker with a heart of gold" cloth and would rather die alone to be without Shirou. Meanwhile Rin has no qualms fooling around with people of both genders but we'll block that out of our minds because muh pure waifu. TM is not very safe for purityfags.
I can't expect Rory was never used once over the past 900 years.
Because there's enough female characters in anime / manga that you can pick one that is not used.
>Not all NTR fags project themselves in the beta
If anything, NTR is good for anyone who hates that kind of character and laughs at the asshurt of people used to projecting on them. Not that there isn't NTR where the beta benefits at another's expense or at least doesn't lose out.
Rape victims are "damaged goods". There is a difference.
Goblins and worms are chads now?
>She deserves to get bukkake'd by a pack of rabid wolves
Fuck this NTRseries.
manchildren and other garbage
>Keima pic
That guy chose the one girl who would have banged another guy if he had accepted her.
Are the people obsessed with purity the same kind of people who love christmas cakes and "mommi" characters? Because those two aren't really compatible.
Soon. The guy translating this has patreon and release 2 weeks after his patreon release.
Post 10/10 used goods story.
I only like used goods if their butt is stinky
I like that she realised how retarded their relationship was, the mc is way too pathetic though
That panel is so annoying.
The pure/virginal belong to the impure/non-virginal.