Goblin Slayer

So I guess we all can agree that every girl that is not priestess is best girl right?

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But priestess is best girl

That's rude... they even made an asanagi tribute for her in the anime.

explain fuhrer

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Priestess will be best girl too when she drops the dumb hat.

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the fuck is that got anything to do with "asanagi tribute"?

Asanagi the artist, tribute to the artist.

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CG what the fuck

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That doesn't look like priestess.
Elf on the other hand

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Yes it's a different character, just posted as reference. The style of priestess in ep07 was very similar to asanagi in some scenes, I think it's a subtle tribute.
I didn't know about this doujin, good to know. I wonder if asanagi is acquaintance of the author, or the animators.

No that's literally just talking out of your own ass.

Whatever you say, doesn't change the fact that the design of Priestess in ep07 looks similar to his style unlike in all the other episodes.

How can I feel so bad for him when I can even see his face?

No really you're just reaching at this point.

Why are priestess's cheeks so puffy?

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For this.

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Cowgirl is the worst girl, Goblin slayer subconciously agrees.
Also for the guy that asked for the poem/song, here you go.

It's elf's puffiness I have more questions about.

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His helmet is the face

Why does priestess wear such a weirdly designed bikini, it almost looks like she's wearing two.

what volume of the LN is it where they escort SM?

It's because she isn't very smart. The better question is why is elf wearing one at all?

she was given one after everyone else found her skinny dipping

The volume that comes out in september, 8.

is that 7 then or 8?

Why would she bother with it even if given one? And why doesn't that image show her before she put it on?

Pages of 7 are posted in this thread and are about the elves, its volume 8 for Sword maiden escort.

They ganged up on her to make her wear it.
because artists are mean

She should have waited for a good opportunity and removed it again.

It's a diaper.

she did

And the artist decides to pick the worst possible time to show her? What is wrong with the artists for this that they never give elf the proper nudity she deserves?

They know lots will be killed if they ever show nude elf

Hello where are the goblins to be slayed?

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Pick one.

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This is my choice of course.

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It's obviously elf.

>CG pussied out of giving him her left hand
She deserves to lose, really.


because she is a babu.

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>No priestess version.
>uses the rhea girl for some fucking reason.

Now this is just sad.

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>>uses the rhea girl for some fucking reason.
Because the artist wants to give minor characters some love and there is nothing wrong with that.

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Himekawa Yuki, you go back to idoling and cheering on baseball games and leave the fantasy world alone

Surely in Volume 8, 9 or 10 Cowgirl will finally get a small victory.

>Laugh in the face of your emotionally stunted crush when he tries to do something nice for you
She absolutely deserves to lose.

Uh, nope.


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>trying to convince me that cyberpunk Erufu and Judge GS is coming soon

I am the father of that meme. It will be a long fight.

Reminder that CG went from screaming bloody murder at the idea of Gs being around other girl to this pathetic display of low self esteem.

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Easily. Especially GG, Erufu, and CG. All for different reasons.

>anyone picking pisstess

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volume 7 when

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2 days ago for me, 3-4 days away for you.

I think we can all agree that goblin slayer is just shity harem that pretends to be dark fantasy

It's really elf's only hope to have some form of GS by being main girl. I can't realistically expect any sort of harem end, or even GS caring that much about just one of them enough compared to slaying goblins.

>high level endgame characters don't wear helmets
Explain this, oh such a realistic world!
Helmet merchant is bankrupt.

The shit haruhi fights could one shot her if they hit her head regarless the helmet, so she decides to drop that and focus in vision and evasion.

>Emotionally stunted
>Is fully aware of his social shortcomings
>tries to overcome these hurdles now that he has actual friends
>decides to buy something he knew his childhood friend liked back when they were kids since he doesnt know what she likes now
>gets laughed at for his genuine if awkward attempt

Poor dude.

You mean the only protag in entirety of japanese media that actually deserves getting harem?
Yes, we all agree.

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>explain this
Have you seen what these adventurer's are like? Helmets don't inspire bravery or courage. They're scary to the normal people, and most adventurer's are obsessed with fame, glory, or some combination the two. They want shiny armor, big or magical weapons and favors done for them

it's why GS is so popular on the lawless Frontier lands. Not only is he basically pest control, getting rid of creatures that have been known to sack entire villages, he's also generous to a fault, hates being in debt, and makes sure to pay for supplies instead of demanding them upfront for free.

It's not that far-fetched because was a simple farm boy, raised with good manners, even if he's really terse in conversation, he doesnt mean to be.

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I pick this UNZIP DICK

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Vol 7 looks interesting.

Of course, since it's elf centric.

Wew lad.

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Who's that? She got a handlename?

Yes, she is called best girl.

Why must you toy with my heartstrings so, passing this on as something real..

Nice way to ruin your cover and reveal that this is fake bullshit.

It should have been obvious after the second sentence that it was fake, still I read it all.

Cardigan with last button open is so fucking sexy fuck me

its cowgirl dressed wearing a dress so everyone calls her noble.

Fuck you. Priestess and archer are best girls

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Any typesetter? Posting the translations from last thread.

Title: Let’s get a quick start on our studying, eh? (はよ勉強しろや)

>Lizard Priest: Pardon the intrusion~. (お邪魔いたしますぞっ~)
>Elf: This is a nice place, isn’t it? (いいおうちねっ)
>Cow-Girl: Let’s study in the dining room. (ダイニングで勉強しましょっ)
>Cow-Girl: Both of our rooms are too cramped, after all… (私や彼の部屋じゃ手狭だから…)
>Priestess: Wha- Eeeeeeeh!? (ってええええ!?)
>Elf: Yoooooou live here!? (ああああんたここに住んでんの!?)
>Gob-Slayer: I’m currently lodging here. (下宿している)
>Elf: Is that based on the LN [literal translation: the original work] !? (そこは原作準拠なのぉ!?)
>Cow-Girl: Huh? Didn’t I mention it before? (あれ?言ってなかったっけ?)
>Priestess: You shameless Slayer~! (はれんちすれいや~っ)
>Elf: You shameless Bolg! (はれんちぼるぐっ)
>Caption: Kyaa! Kyaa! Kyaa! (キャーキャーキャー)
>Cow-Girl: I’m gonna go boil some hot water, so get started without me. (お湯わかすから先に始めててっ)
>Uncle: That loli-priest’s surprised shrieks registered at 98.41 decibels! (ろりっ娘神官の驚きは98.41デシベルっ!!)
>Uncle: It’s obvious that she’s in “L-word” with him! (奴にほの字なのは明白っ!!)
>Uncle: And I guess that elf girl isn’t all that bad neither. (エルフ娘の方もまんさらでもにあいといったところか)
>Uncle: But don’t worry! Out of this whole group of girls, you’re the BIGGEST! (だが安心しろっこの中でお前が一番でかい)
>Uncle: Datto Elfu eezu practically flat…… (エルフ・イズ・ジッサイ・ヘイタン……)
>Uncle: There’s not a man in the world who hates big ti- (巨乳が嫌いな男などこの世に)
>Cow-Girl: Please just go and clean the cattle barn. (さっさと牛舎掃除してきて)

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Title: Injured Priestess (けがされた神官ちゃん)

>Priestess: Higuu… Mr. Cow’s spit… (ひぐぅっ牛さんのだえきが…)
>Elf: Just stick to eating grass. Grass, okay? (あんたは草くってなさいっ草っ)
>Priestess: Come to think of it… (それにつけても…)
>Elf: This is a milk cow (female) ……
>Caption: Overflowing Motherhood. (あふれる母性)
>Cow-Girl: You two, come in quick! (はやくうちの中はいってー)
>Cow-Girl: Coffee or black tea? Which one sounds good? ( コーヒーと紅茶どっちがいい?)
>Priestess: I’mFineWithMilk, I’mFineWithMilk, I’mFineWithMilk(ミルクでミルクでみるくでみるくで)
>Elf: Make sure it’s raw and milked straight from the source. (しぼりたてせいぶんむちゅせいでっ)
>I feel like I'm kind of misunderstanding, but okay~

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It could have been some kind of edgy porny mushroom-induced deepest desire vision or something, damn it.

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>Title: Came around to the Farm (牧場にやってきました)

>Lizard Priest: Oho! This place is the holy land of cheese! CG: Uncle, I’m hooome! (おじさんただいまー)

>Uncle: Aah, friends from school? (ああ学校の友達か)

>Uncle: And what about you? (でキミは何?)

>Uncle: What do you like about my little girl? (うちの娘のどこが好きなの?)

>Lizard Priest: Eh? Umm…. (え?いえ……)

>Uncle: Can’t fuckin’ say it clearly? (はっきり言わんか)

>Uncle: You after her body? (カラダが目的か?)

>Uncle: Her breasts!? (乳なのか!?)

>Lizard Priest: If you’re going to force me to say it, then what this humble servant desires… (強いて言なれば拙僧は…)

>Lizard Priest: Are cow breasts (udders)! (牛の乳が!!)

>Uncle: My little girl’s breeaaaaaaaasstts (うちの娘の乳はあああああああああ)

>Uncle: Would never lose to a damn coooooooooooooowwwwwww’s! (牛に負けとらんわああああああああ!!)

>Caption: Kirisaki! Soratobi! Karinunaseeee! (キリサキ、ソラトビ、カリヌナせエエ)

>CG: He’s a little emotionally unstable, but don’t worry about it, okay? (ちょっと情緒不安定だけど気にしないでね)

>Elf: No, I’m definitely plenty worried. (いえ、がっつり心配です)

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