Are morally ambiguous villains really the best? Or is this just a meme started by Yea Forums?
Villain Thread
>Random MHAfaggot on High tier
Dumb retard thread.
T. Bitter Hisokafag
maybe if you're under the age of 18, yea
Edmond Dantes would be only high tier if that shit was legit
Griffith is definitely a more complex villain than the Anti-Spiral even though the latter is more "morally ambiguous".
How the hell does Shishio not correspond to the high tier criteria?
Theres nothing wrong with lusting after more power
How is the Anti-Spiral more "morally ambiguous" than Griffith?
Junko's motives aren't a mystery, even in the games. She just gets off of despair (which puts her in obeying her nature or just evil).
Infinite Tsukuyomi is elder god plot
>which puts her in obeying her nature or just evil
Why are these categories even separated in the first place? On the top of it by whole two tiers.
in fact
there are so little villain who lusting after more power that actually good
I think the chart is trying to imply that Griffith's primary motivation is to have power, willing to sacrifice everything else to achieve his own ambitions, while the Anti-Spiral are willing to restrain themselves for the greater good of the universe (though I would say that there's a lot more going on with Griffith than just "lusting for power" even if that's the best category for him on the chart). Even so, I don't think it makes Griffith's motivations "worse" than the Anti-Spiral.
Despite all that Freeza is still the best of all of them.
Griffith simply wants to run a kingdom. He's willing to be nice, ruthless, underhanded, honorable, whatever is useful. He sees himself as being above everyone and won't stop until everyone agrees. The anti-spirals on the other hand are trying to save the universe. They may treat the universe as if it is they own the place, committing genocide when they feel necessary, but ultimately they don't want to be at the top. They hate their existence, but they fear what would happen to everyone if they are ever surpassed.
Of course, Griffith is portrayed ambiguously and antispirals are just portrayed as bad guys making the same mistakes as every other villain in the series
you ruined it, you ruined it with MHA faggot ass bitch, fuck you
First, that's not what "morally ambiguous" means.
Second, this is obviously a troll chart.
Third, by any standards the Anti-Spiral's motivations are on paper morally better than Griffith's.
>There are Anons on this board that will drop a manga because the hero decides to lecture the villain
>There are Anons on this board that will drop a manga because the hero has the fucking balls to stick to a certain principal and moral code and is willing to enforce justice based on that moral code, unwavering to the downsizing rationalization of other people that do not adhere to the internal logic of morals of the hero
I fucking hate this. Morality is definitely subjective, but it’s not enough to drop your own morality for the sake of others’ version of morality. You’d be a serious pussy if you aren’t willing to follow your own rules to the end just because some faggot thinks otherwise
What in the world are you talking about?
> Morality is definitely subjective
I feel strong disdain towards you, user
Griffith isnt a villain though. He is an idealist that wanted to build an utopia and rule it himself, for others. He never sacrificed the innocents, band of the hawk was filled with killers, murderers and scum of the earth who had committed every sin on god given earth. Only eternal hell was a just punishment for them.
Even then were the innocent or remorseful spared aka Casca and Rickert.
Moreover if you argue that creating the utopia indirectly killed innocents youre not considering the world they resided in. Innocents were being brutalized by fellow humans, apostoles or foreign powers all the time. Conditions were absolutely shitty and not improving.
Improvement is the difference between post and pre-griffith world. In post griffith world the world is improving for humans, their suffering is lessening and those who once struct at them are being weeded out. Evil magic or human sacrifices like those of Ganishkas are completely extinct.
So in essence Griffith dammed killers and filth of the earth to an eternal suffering which they would have had eventually received. Then he uplifted the world and reversed the trend of increasing suffering into decreasing suffering.
>but what about Guts
Deserved it for being brutal killing machine that took part in burning whole cities
>what about Casca
Deserved it for being brutal killing machine that took part in burning whole cities
Edmond Dantes wasnt a villain. Taking out revenge against those who betrayed you is an act of justice
What about villains who just want to push the limits of their abilities and have fun?
reminder that villains that are evil for the sake of being evil are the best
It’s a dumb meme. The most memorable villains are the ones that are relevant to the story. Having some random villain show up out of nowhere and spew his life story at you before his battles you is lazy storytelling.
Yes, all stories should be the same.
Anti-Spiral did LITERALLY nothing wrong.
all that matters is that they're entertaining
There's more to a character than their motivation, it's just one part of an overall character. The "lower" motivations are shit on because they're commonplace in fiction, and they're commonplace in fiction because they're truthfully the most common reasons anyone is a piece of shit. The higher you go, the more you're dressing up to suggest your villain isn't really a villain at all despite the insistence there is an objective morality within your story.
Plus this shit is all over the place. Can you say Lelouch and Gendo are just doing bad things because of their situation, despite clearly having personal reasons of their own?
>Villains who are retaliating against misdeeds done to them. they may be seeking to change society as a whole
Nigger that's literally Shishio