was the ending really that bad? i mean up until episode 15 it was amazing and i agree that it took a weird turn but it wasn't as terrible as people say
Was the ending really that bad...
The show alone had many plot holes that were quite forgotten after a while like the Eva beast mode homage, you can tell that the show's original premise shifted elsewhere.
Basically they ditched all the build up at the last moment for ALIENS. Also I think reincarnation endings are not as popular in the west, either.
ya i agree that the alien plot twist was shitty but i feel like it doesn't fuck up everything that came before it and the show all in all still had alot of touching moments
A lot of hype on Yea Forums after episode 15 and before the ending was around the class rebelling against APE and things escalating with the klax princess. Instead all the momentum goes away, the klax and APE become less important, and then an enemy with very little development is introduced at the end. Really the show could have used 50 episodes like Gundam SEED or Eureka Seven.
It was great.
The entire show was really that bad. Shitty "trigger" (actually mostly A1) series for teenagers. Every theme is just "it means sex".
The ending was good. Plotfags BTFO!
Madoka is better than Eva beast mode though.
I would've taken Eureka Seven levels of cheesiness any day of the week
The end was still salvageable up until the last 10 or so minutes
Fucking reincarnation bullshit I'm still angry
anything below an 8.0 rating is a waste of time
>The entire show was really that bad.
The only correct answer.
i mean sex is a strong theme there but considering their life that they don't know what a weddings, pregnancy or even a kiss is, it didn't feel like some shitty fan service side plot
From the thumbnail, I thought you were shitposting with an Eva screenshot.
>Caring about MAl scores
Do you really think this is the GOAT anime?
>it didn't feel like some shitty fan service side plot
But it did.
MAL is a great filter to see which anime is worth watching or not.
ok, then go watch this shit and fuck off
you could say the same about guren laggan and yet it is beloved by many, i agree that their "alien" surprise wasn't as bad as in darling tho
E7 didn't need 50 episodes.
>doesn't have enough brainpower to comprehend LOGH
it really makes you think.
You're wrong though, it was neither amazing until episode 15 nor bad after it. The quality was pretty constant, if anything the episodes after 15 are the better ones.
Anyway, it's still the obvious aoty for 2018, but this doesn't mean much.
New chapter in like 45 minutes
I wonder if the user who makes the threads is still here
i am here :) but what do you mean by new chapter? i thought this was a stand alone anime not from any source material
I'm talking about the user who has always made the manga thread when a new chapter releases, not you spammer-kun
le epic bait, le very funny joke derp
Putting "it was aliens all along" in the last 3 episodes is not good writing.
Agreed. The second half of it wasn't as out of place as the second half in Gurren Lagann. Only difference is Gurren Lagann came out in the 2000s and has the nostalgia to back it up. I wouldn't be scared to bet that if DITF came out in the 2000s, it would be more loved than it is now.
The manga started after the anime ended. You should give it a read, its pretty good!
MALfags are insanely negative fucks who always have to ruin the fun. Yea Forums used to be a way comfier board before the MAL invasion.
>was the ending really that bad?
Not really,mostly faggots crying because it wasn't their perfect holywood ending.
>i mean up until episode 15 it was amazing
It was mediocre,entretaining at best
>and i agree that it took a weird turn but it wasn't as terrible as people say
>lol aliens out of nowhere!
It was a rushed mess,even if thw anime in general wasn't that good the final "act" was just terrible.
Even up to episode 15 there were only like 2 or 3 really good episodes. All the rest were filler and teenage drama.
Today new Manga chapter right?
It's out already. Thread is up
I’ll argue the problems are the lack interesting characters to provide interesting concepts or explore deeper into some aspects of the show’s lore and themes. Mato’s version of Papa and the vice councilor would’ve been better written antagonist than the canon version, as those two shared a dynamic with Papa as the kind-hearted man and the Vicehead as the cold-hearted monster.
I liked it, I even think it was better than guilty crown. I sort of facepalmed when the robot became a grown up zerotwo, but ending was good and just not great.
It wasn't bad, its just that people took it at face value and got mad because muh waifu is ded
>up until episode 15 it was amazing
Haha yeah I loved the part where the dino aids situation got asspulled with literally zero repercussions, tension, or suspense
>was the ending really that bad?
The dumb melodrama is what killed the show, not the ending. If you just ignore the rest of the episodes, the last 3 or so stand alone as a Gurren Lagann ripoff that is better than the rest of the show was.
>up until episode 15 it was amazing
It wasn't. You might have liked the premise, but the narrative itself rang pretty hollow the whole time. It was obvious that it went nowhere.
Yes, you can argue that it got worse over time, but that's only natural for something with this many inherent flaws.