Christmas Cakes

This is an un-marryable girl in Japan.

Attached: q17.png (985x1400, 377K)

>Single woman over 25 who has fucked men but can't maintain a healthy relationship with any of them
Japan is right.

Delete this. Hara-sensei is pure

Attached: V17.png (985x1400, 1.02M)

>This is an un-marryable girl in Japan.
>According to otaku.
You're an idiot if you base reality on Chinese cartoons aimed at 30-40 year old neckbeard NEETs.

>This is an un-marryable girl in Japan.
>That jaw
Sounds about right

>According to otaku
The author is female

>her jaw
Look at her baboon lips, that's her actual problem.

Attached: y1.png (846x1200, 523K)

It’s a cultural peculiarity that works for men, when women hit 25 and above they lower their standards considerably. It’s something that should be enjoyed not spurned by bitter neets.

There's this Nip girl in HR that's like 4'11 and I'm pretty sure she's at least 25. Her engrish is the cutest thing ever. Do I have a chance? What anime should I talk about to break the ice with her?

>What anime should I talk about to break the ice with her?



VN? What else do Japanese people do when they're not at work?

>when they're not at work
no such thing

But I watched her go home yesterday.

she was actually going to her second job

She doesn’t have a happy ending, but I sure do *honk honk*

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This is your 3D Hara-sensei

Attached: MV5BODEzOTBmMWMtZjE4OS00NWEwLTk0YWQtYzUwODA1M2VhYzg4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjk1MzYxMTc@._V1_[1].jpg (640x627, 340K)

Attached: YouAssCard.webm (854x480, 603K)

>cake thread

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Takizawa JAV parody with Hitomi Tanaka when?

Takizawa is pure!

Attached: DhrVG2pUYAAZoz3.jpg (576x1024, 105K)