Overlord season 2 is trash

overlord season 2 is trash

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inb4 seething undead

Attached: hah.jpg (728x616, 84K)


Yes, and so is season 3. Watch the spin offs instead.

Attached: JCNgN9h.png (1280x720, 1.02M)

we should of got another season of le hamburger merchant isekai instead

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wow hot take


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Albedoposter on suicide watch

Attached: beep boop.gif (500x505, 1.81M)

>gets hit by one low level turn undead

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Attached: Ahem.jpg (1061x870, 150K)

What's going on in here. It reeks of thy undead.

Attached: want-some-more-asshat.gif (532x513, 336K)

If you intended to bait Overlordfags you have successfully baited complete agreement out of them.


The undead are afraid, I can smell their fear.

Attached: thebest.png (510x720, 503K)

Cringe & screenshoted.

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I thought pics with cum were not allowed on Yea Forums.

Why is she so racist?

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Stop that.

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Are u sick op? Maybe hangging out with that trash girl make u ill. You should go see a doctor.

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overlord ________ is trash

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oh, noooo

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This makes me feel bad and I'm not even an aquafag.

That's the general consensus in the OL threads too.
Your point being?

>That's the general consensus in the OL threads too.
That's a good start, even overlordfags know how shitty they are!

Attached: fucking perfect!.jpg (1477x932, 268K)

>overlordfags liked or watched adaptations

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kazuma is better than ainz prove me wrong
>you can't

loloool overcucks

Attached: smallqua!.png (259x194, 10K)

Season 1 lacked content at the end, seasons 2 and 3 were just poorly made.
It's just an advertising for the LN, so I'm not that upset.
Calling it now: he will be friends with everyone by the end of the series, Aqua included.

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Konosuba was trash from the beginning.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.28_[2017.03.16_ (1920x1080, 154K)

PS Pic strongly related.

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Kazuma would have already taken over the world and stolen everyone's panties if he was put in charge of Nazarick.

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Both Overlord season 2 and Konosuba season 2 are trash.

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Shitqua deserves to suffer

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You know. Overlord with an adaption of the quality of Kinosuba, enhanced boobie physics(tm) included and all, could have been really good. But it wasn't.

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Can you make a webm version of this with this playing in the background.

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I want this.

Attached: GANSTAQUA.jpg (1080x1080, 102K)

The idiot tries her best, she doesn't deserve abuse.

Attached: 77D5EA7A-F8B5-4BAF-81A8-C51E79595F03.png (640x357, 215K)

>a webm
I'm sorry, but I can not. I only do shitty gifs. Maybe someone else may help you. Good luck. Fuck Undead. And Fuck Albedo. Seriously. Get fucked already. Praise Aqua.

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Wrong. The retarded deserve to suffer

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It's time to learn! You're on the cutting edge of Aqua memes, we need you to get an upgrade brother!

Attached: lalalala.jpg (750x468, 61K)

>Fuck Albedo
Only if you're Momonga.

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No. Leave me alone. AAAHHHHHH

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Please!!! :DDDD

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Bully aqua.

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If such a creature is a goddes, the state of that world would be utter trash.

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Have you looked outside lately? The world is falling apart and people are dying in the streets. The apocalypse is here and only Aqua is profiting.

Attached: CUTEEE!!!!.jpg (562x1000, 103K)

Is this an /x/ thread?

Really, you have to do this massive spam to summon me? Not this time. This counts as massive trolling/spam and hope you get banned. Sayonara fag

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Are you saying that the rotting corpse you posted isn't already dead?

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It'd also never happen. It's been established that Aqua is physically strong enough to easily overpower and murder Kazuma with her bare hands so it's safe to say that if he ever escalated the physical punishments beyond minor shit like cheek pulling, dope slaps, etc. she'd beat him into a bloody pulp

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Aqua is talented!

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Albedo is a demon.
>Kazuma as baseline of strength

That wasnt me aquafag, as always you assume the first thing that comes to your mind
Dont worry, there is some great stuff in this thread that can get you banned for. Im just waiting for the jannies and mods to do their job

Attached: Albedo.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Aqua won todays battle you obsessed zombie!

Attached: duhuhuhu.gif (640x360, 2.06M)

>obsessed zombie
Ironic, anyway im just gonna leave and wait. Hope your ban this time is permanent.

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>not intelligent enough to reply
typical braindead zombie

Attached: aqua is the greatest.gif (540x405, 655K)

Don't try. We all know mods here are Aquafags.

>im just gonna leave
this is what defeat looks like

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Aqua spoke only truth

She is when it matters like when her skills at construction and party tricks played a major role in beating Wolbach by raising morale and repairing and reinforcing the fortress walls at a rate that made Wolbach's explosion spells about as effective as fire crackers

Ainz btfo? Sure