>Shield Hero is already forgotten even though it's still airing
You guys told me this is the next big thing, why did you lie?
>Shield Hero is already forgotten even though it's still airing
You guys told me this is the next big thing, why did you lie?
also, Yea Forums actively said it was garbage though
God is there anything more satisfying than hatefucking myne?
Watching her get fucked by ugly dude like me.
How can I forget about it when every time I check the catalog, someone keeps making a thread about how it's no longer relevant
I want to be the rocket launcher hero.
I want to be the plasma rifle hero.
I want to be the Cram Hero
You can cram it up your ASS
I gave it a try, got hooked, but it is trash. Not worth talking about. Gotta finish what I started though.
Its a time flop before it even stopped airing.
Will they get to the renaming in the next episode? The promise of that part was the only thing that kept me watching, but I am already tired.
I don't know, I haven't seen next week's episode yet because it isn't out yet.
I want to be the fork hero
Dropped it at the shitty episode with the "you'll be just like him" bullshit.
It was bad before that point but that tipped over the edge from easy schlock to unwatchable garbage.
It's just a poor man's overlord.
myne is an angel
The loli was a lie
The manga is garbage. Why would the anime be any different? It's FOTM isekai bullshit with no redeeming qualities.
>Seasonal fags who only cling to shit because of controversy quickly move on
I am shocked. Shocked I say.
>1 or 2 threads always on catalog
>see normalfags talk about this in their habitats/forums
OP what the fuck are you talking about?
at least wait until it finishes airing.
>isekai shit n°664849
>next big thing
It's not really forgotten, but who watches anime weekly anymore? Certainly not I. Once it's finished airing, I'll watch it.
Still, they need to give it at LEAST another 2cour. Even then it might be rushed. I am sick and tired of watching Japan belt out isekai series and NOT FINISH THE MOTHERFUCKING JOB. If you're going to animate it, you better fucking commit to animating the whole thing. Otherwise, fuck off.
It's funny seeing shit like this; Shield Hero, Mushoku Tensei, and Konjiki no Word Master basically kickstarted the entire fucking "isekai" webnovel craze. They were some of the earliest works that got hugely popular on that shitty webnovel site. Yet people actually refer to it as flavor of the month. Hilarious.
>time flop
Stop this shitty meme already. "Time flop" is a time flop just like "native isekai".
I gave it a shot because "lol feminists are FURIOUS". Should have known it was just gonna be more of the same.
>The manga is garbage.
I bet you read yuri you fag.
Still better than hurrdurroro
The source's writing is shit. The only thing that's gonna save it is good animation, and the anime didn't deliver on that too.
I do agree that Shield Hero is this season's Goblin Slayer though.
Shield Hero is a native isekai too, you know.
>Half people in this thread think manga is the source material
Never change Yea Forums
You don't understand the term "native isekai" if you think Shield Hero qualifies. To qualify as "native isekai" the MC needs to originate from the isekai world. That's the whole point. If the MC is summoned, or dies, planewalks over, or whatever the fuck, it's simply isekai. Being transported to another world somehow, is the whole premise of the "isekai" genre.
native isekai is really just fantasy with regular isekai tropes or rpg elements
>trusting isekaitards
>generic isekai
>but the mc is a """""""""""""""""""tank"""""""""""""""""""(who also has high tier damage skills ROFL DUDE LMAO)
>another isekai
I dropped it after 7 episodes and the last 3 ones were already hard to get through.
Raphtalia and Filo are the only good things about this show.
too bad they're both MCsexuals
Not our fault the show turned into a mix of team rocket bullshit and terrible looking CGI birds.
How can you even call an attack skill that causes damage and status ailments to the caster a high tier damage skill?
In fact, all the heroes get that shit. The only reason shield could deal with it later was because by the time they get curse series shit, he's already figured out how to combine all the power-up methods of the other heroes and leaves them in the dust when they don't believe him.
I agree, the best thing he could do to attack directly is equip a shield that has a pointy end that causes status ailments and stab people with it, but while effective, it's fucking inefficient and it would be better to let his party attack.
i've seen posters admit it was pure shit on ep 4, but they still watch it for raccoon girl
Dropped the edge, shat the revenge plot, cgi'd the animation, used a shitpost tier line as excuse not to off a cartoonish villain.
And of course the original sin - ruined a good loli.
Is Malty a good villain?
Shield Hero was at it's peak with suffering. Now it did a 180 and the show's sucking Naofumi's dick as if he dindu nuffin wrong the entire time. The anime even reinforces this by making Raphtalia say the, "If I kill him, I'll be just like him" line when she meets hers previous master. In the LN Naofumi actively encourages Raphtalia to kill the guy, and she stabs him and pushes him out of the window, instead of tripping on his own whip like in the anime.
I loved the manga and LN but lost interest on episode 15.
Wait, so red haired bitch wasn't cooperating with the church, right? But the Church "killed" Sword and Bow dudes, and told everyone that Shield did it.
But Red-haired bitch knew that Shield couldn't do it, so why the fuck did she believed the Church and didn't get suspicious about that lie? Why did she just decided to go along with the obvious "Shield did it" lie that someone else came up with?
What the fuck is going on.
i wanna know about those other girls. in fact, the bow dude has that one cute girl in his party, the one carrying all those books in the OP. the show has too many dudes. it should be girls only. girls kissing only.
What is this meme some in Yea Forums are spreading? The show is great. I'd take it over the standard adventure trash.
The music in this anime is pretty good.
Garbage tier writing ruins everything else tho.
(You)tubefags and l*dditors love it
i stopped watching when he one shotted the raid boss with his iron maiden.
i definitely consider that a high tier damage skill considering everyone else couldnt do anything
I'm still watching and enjoying, but it's become a bit of a slog in the second half. Toning down the edge and how absolutely retarded everyone is doesn't help. Raphtalia taking a backseat also means waifufags aren't as invested anymore either. People thought it would be really popular but the hype died pretty quickly.
Is the spinoff involving the spear guy better than this shit?
If you haven't dropped it after the first three episodes your taste is trash. It tries to subvert expections at the start just to throw everything out of the window few minutes later, becoming a generic isekai. It's basically a parody of itself. Absolutely horrible.
I found about the WN some year ago and since I know more or less what happens, I'm just waiting for the BD release to marathon all at once, the anime isn't bad but it came out in the wrong year imho. This is the designated /r9k/ novel and the /r9k/ fad has died a while back thanks to /r/Yea Forums.
The story got extremely uninteresting. I had some hope after fan bitch showed up thinking that maybe we would get a hardcore training arc or something, but then they went full throttle with the "muh victim" shit by making it look like he kidnapped a literal princess, it's fucking laughable. That followed up by Raphtalia's boring, generic backstory and I dropped it immediately.
>Goblin Slayer
GS have potential, it's there, but the author still amateur and easy sway by what currently popular
I rather watch kenja no mago than this shit
pinoys get the fuck out
It’s hilarious when the show’s mega cuck has a much more terrifying and interesting backstory than the main waifu.
Hey even a flip like me wont want shit like kenjo na retard
Dropped it after 15 episodes. The second cour is absolute garbage. The episode 2, 3 and 4 Raphtalia arc is the only good part.
My nigga. At least the comedy is mildly entertaining.
That's what happens when you do a 'OH MY GOD CONTROVERSIAL HOOK!' and that's it.
You have nothing afterwards because you relied on a hook based on outrage and not actually telling a compelling story
some trannies are mad at the show.
Yeah, I don’t understand why people can’t think of making a functional, long-term story by planning their shit out or by creating a world with some functionality in place. One Piece is mainly the latter with a some of the former and it still carries itself very well for old fans and newcomers.
>watching Kenja no faggot
>already forgotten
>when new episode threads still reach bump limit despite the second cour being a shit show
>when there's always a fag like you making these kind of threads
If you want something that actually got forgotten 10 episodes in look at slime
Gimmicky and unfunny isekai
bump haha
The last episode was literally worse than a recap episode.
>not watching Kenja no Smugo
You have to actively compare is to the main series for comedic effect, it also fleshes out the timeline a little in that you find out who was where during the shenanigans.
Eclair for example was a trapdoor away the entire time. There is almost nothing alive that can even tickle spearchad, not even chicken empress who is scared of him.
native isekai is a stupid name for fantasy tropes.
there,i said it
now fuckoff with your meme
For max effect you need to read shield hero already before spear hero.
Raphtalia is pic related in the spinoff so yeah, its fucking better (mostly because its a comedy and seeing Motoyasu going fucking insane is fun as hell)
>Raphtalia is pic related
Motoyasu never rescues her so she dies alone and sick in her cage
Viral marketing tried to play it up as controversial or something, but it's really just mediocre. The only thing it really had going for it was its hook
I don't know, to me it doesn't seem that forgotten when some of you are making daily threads to bitch about it
Trash pacing for the 2nd half.
Production issues making a soft recap and fights don't look as good anymore.
I want to be the bomb hero
It stopped being edgy after the first four episodes, eventually the edgelords grew tired of the wish fulfillment and dropped it.
I dunno I keep seeing these threads like every single day.
>already forgotten
Depends if what you mean by forgotten is "is not having daily threads reaching the bump limit" then sure, but the fact that its still getting 500+ replies and 150+ip threads when a new episode airs, despite the adaptation being shit and a good chunk of this board hating it tells me that its hardly forgotten.
But anyway I'm replying to a bait thread so I don't know why I bother.
If Yea Forums hates it then it must be good.
>Watch half an episode
What the fuck why didn't Yea Forums warn me that it was this bad?
Was that it? God that felt like a waste of time, pope is not interesting at all and dragging his shit for 3 episodes is just bleh.
I assume an alternate line where Naofumi wasn't disgraced so he didn't need a slave so who else was gonna buy a sick coon?
Well one of the episodes was literally a recap episode.
The only thing I knew about this series going into it was how everybody called it "Shieldbro", but he's not a bro at all.
Yes. And is Motoyasu's fault.
why has maxresdefault become the new tumblr autisim? Do you really expect people to check the name of every image and slap their numpad to hide their power levels.
Some of the changes in the anime confuse me. Raphtilia did not hesitate to try and kill Idol at all, no "muh killing him means Im same as him" bullshit in both the manga and the source. Combine those changes with the lazy animation and you get something you get less and less invested on. Looking back, the high points of this arc in particular are only Blutopher and the Queen.
>Looking back, the high points of this arc in particular are only Blutopher and the Queen.
we'll get the former next episode, the latter later
Does anyone get the feeling that this show oozes zomerism?
People that came for slave lolis and mommy fetish left because once the OP starts I already get hit by a wave of zoomerism
why are trannies mad? My hero was the one that killed a tranny
>mining diamonds with a stone pickaxe
dumb loli coon
>expecting retarded autists to not be autistic retards
Let them sperg out. They can’t hurt anyone.
>False rape accusation
>Male protagonist
Gee user i don't know
The initial hook made it appear slightly less like generic isekai trash.
I am aware. Its just hard to keep interest in. I mean, my expectations might have been a little too high since these guys made a visual masterpiece with Made In Abyss
why do you assume it's tumblr?
He's referencing people sperging out for using tumblr filename
Nah shield hero threads looks active only because this year winter and spring have been so shit Yea Forums looks like a ghost town compares to previous year and other than OPM2 which get shitpost to the ground there no series to shitposting aside from shield hero.
watch more anime
My expectations of the anime being somewhat different from the source were met.
What a fucking newfag you are user.
Sounds like moving the goalpost to me
>page 10
not on my watch, motherfucker
Raphtalia is garbage,she is literally why would making Rem the heroine would be bad, annoying moeblob, also Firo a shit, Sakura is the superior Filorial.
You know it would be better to just make a non shitposting thread instead of bumping this one
Why are you bringing re:zero into this.
>Sakura is the superior Filorial.