Bocchi's gonna shoot up her school!

Bocchi's gonna shoot up her school!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.20_[2019.05.18_02.38.36 (1280x720, 306K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll make a harem of all of Bocchi's friends!

thought that was a vibrator for a sec

Bocchi becomes friends with everyone in her class by eliminating the rest of her class

Bocchi's got a glock!

[pumped up kicks plays in the distance]

Bocchi is too much of a coward to get revenge and terrorise her school.

Attached: 43796169751.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

I'll never get over how retarded this scene and all scenes before it are.

It's kind of retarded that she could do this pre-martial arts training, but conceptually it's a good scene

They killed her grandpa and she was born with retard strength. They picked the wrong person to pick on.

I felt like crying this episode along with bocchi

I actually cried.

Don't tell her that, she might pull it off!

Attached: 1557558582076.gif (960x540, 613K)

Attached: bocchi-note.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

FUCK bocchi


Attached: 1495124627269.png (329x442, 173K)

bocchi befriending everyone by using death note and killing them all in a shinkansen wreck!

Attached: sticker_key@2x (10).png (150x140, 6K)

>befriending bocchi (sexually)


Are they going to be ok

They were killed


They didn't kill her grandpa, they just stopped her from seeing him before his final moment

Same thing as putting the knife through his heart.

Attached: 1556255167736.png (1280x720, 588K)

/pol/cucks should kill themselves.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv - 0013.jpg (1280x720, 224K)

Bocchi would browse /pol/

Any more blood in this show? Might try to watch if there's more violence.

A girl gets her ribs crushed and in the last few episodes they get a little violent.

Attached: I_want_to_sniff_Rinnes_armpits.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

I always start tearing up when they do that.

Bocchi just needs to have sex.

shit meme, get outta here

bocchi confirmed american

Bocchi needs to get over her entitlement to user's dick, anons have no obligation to do lewd things with her.

Bocchi doesnt need to have sex. She needs to be fucked HARD and made a slave to the cock.

Kai-Chan? More like Kunt-Chan. I hope she gets beat by her parents.

ˢᵐᵒᶫ ᵇᵒᶜᶜᶤ

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Attached: smugko2.png (186x175, 78K)

with ME


Attached: 1558161550511.jpg (1280x720, 407K)

Bocchi's school of laughs is about to turn into a school of screams

bocchi, no!

Bocchi'd and redpilled

Hitori Bocchi no Enjo Kousai Seikatsu

>in japan

i feel like i should watch this bit isnt there like 20 spin offs , prequels , sequels ect before this one
just seems like effort

...with a water gun, because she thinks engaging everyone in a big game of water gun tag is a sure fire way to make friends with every single person at school.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 01 [1080p].mkv - 0007.jpg (1920x1080, 291K)

Attached: smuglyzannen.jpg (365x340, 71K)

If my friends were as much of a piece of shit as Kai I'd shoot a school too.

Attached: 1537612921302.png (912x976, 552K)

bocchi, yes!

Stupid sexy loser

Attached: [Erai-raws] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 sexy loser.jpg (1920x1080, 263K)

I want to Nako Nako's Nakos!

Attached: Nako.png (600x800, 269K)

>aru did you know that despite being 13% of the population

I want to fucking beat the shit out of every character in this series(except Sokota) until all their teeth are gone, I'm the only one?

I am Super Sexy Bocchi.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.19_[2019.05.17_17.00.38 (1280x720, 152K)

Unless you mean it in a sexual fetish way, you're a real weird guy and should kill yourself.

Anons, you have 5 seconds to hit me with your best beam!

We hating Kai now? Pathethic.

Was it just me or was this episode the best yet?

Not according to our newfriends

My dick was extremely pleased and it was as fun as usual, even though Bocchi (and Kai) crying hurt a bit.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.09_[2019.05.17_17.03.13 (1280x720, 219K)

My least favorite. Needs less drama and more Bocchi being cute.

The first half was great. The second half should have been great, but then Kai-chan came and cucked us out of Aru's song.


probably they'll hate kako too

Look how hard it was on her.
Don't blame her for being autism.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv - 0016.jpg (1280x720, 205K)

Imagine shaving her head and make her walk naked around the city.

Please don't cut the ahoge. The naked part is fine though.


Attached: 1557388443821.gif (916x1564, 440K)

Attached: 57414166_p1.jpg (1455x919, 226K)

I'm tentatively curious, source?

Never mind I managed to google it. should've tipped me off but there's several monumental series I haven't seen yet.

Attached: 53a87372c0ada.png (297x353, 132K)

Attached: Aru Beam.webm (1280x720, 1.82M)

why dont you have Yea Forums x installed so you can hover over title to see the source
WAIT is also built into Yea Forums x and thats literally a button press that works too

Attached: isq4Cvm.png (556x46, 6K)

>people actually post on Yea Forums without 4chanx's noscript CAPTCHAs

Attached: 1531616215813.jpg (1440x810, 447K)

i cant live without all of 4chanx's features
i also have a pass so no captcha and faster post times for peak shitposting efficiency


Attached: bocchi2.png (1280x720, 585K)

>people actually post on Yea Forums

Attached: 1563463214.jpg (1269x721, 54K)

Would Bocchi wear some kind of bodysuit?

>Yea Forums

>The Bocchi is asleep
>Well wake her up!

>there are still people today who don't use 4chanx with oneechan custom rice with your waifu as a mascot
Fucking newfags

Are the only backup friends for the season the pancake group?

At least Aru knows when she's gone overboard and when to stop. But Kai? God damn that bitch needs to choke on a dick.

Attached: 41974147_p0.jpg (1119x902, 500K)

fuck i installed oneechan and everything looks fucking wack now

Sotoka's sotoka...

Attached: sotoka.png (1280x720, 879K)

It's built for customising user, open that options menu and start fiddling till it looks the way you want it to.

Attached: 1551488476342.png (1900x951, 249K)

im trying my best but im autistic and overwhelmed
ill keep playing around with it tho

Trying is all I ask of you user. Do your best, I believe in you.

Attached: 1548717201702.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

Looks shit. Can anyone of these things autosolve captcha? No? Then no thanks.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 03 [1080p].mkv - 0010.jpg (1920x1080, 337K)

Need a shop of that saying "Friend Note" instead

well its uh , rounder, i think i can live with this

Attached: hrGNb6O.png (1920x1080, 583K)

>still doesn't have a pass
What are you, poor?
If you're using a non cucked browser there are extensions that can do that for you regardless.

Unironically kill yourself

Imagine paying to shitpost and being proud of it

Update your browser, read your email, and finish watching that episode of anime.

> win 10
i like how the notifications for (yous) actually alert me

> chrome
whats wrong with it

> trannyfox
i don't even know what this one is? i guess mangadex

eat my fucking ass it makes keeping track of what i watch easy

god i forbid i talk to my 2 other friends quickly and easily on something they reply they fast on

update can wait , email is junkmail anyway and i paused the episode as the op ended so technically i haven't even really started the episode

>Using botnet

I'd rather give my credit card details to Hiro than feed jewgles AI algorithm.

if you're talking about qbittorent i like the features it has

It does the second best thing, which is replace the awful captcha with a much simpler version known as noscript captcha.

>this thread
Anyway, don't give Hiroshit money.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 01 [1080p].mkv - 0010.jpg (1920x1080, 305K)

i literally had to because my area was rangebanned or some fucking shit
i had been posting fine for 4 years until they suddenly decided they felt the need to tax me
and i didn't want to miss out on hanging out with all the anons on here

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv - 0011.jpg (1280x720, 180K)

Attached: hana sparkle.webm (1280x720, 182K)

Why is this so fucking sexy?

Kai-chan is a dick.

Anyone else weirded out by their clothing?
You'd expect those kinda thigh displays in a loli doujin.

Attached: hobbsi.png (733x666, 990K)

defending your tastes. respect.

Go home Mya-nee

i really don't understand why people give a shit about how other people use things
it has absolutely fucking 0 impact on their lives at all

Bocchi is so fucking fat no wonder Kai left this pudgy mess.

Misfiring of brain functions that help with socialization.
>oh you like that thing? me too?
>oh you dislike that thing? me too?
Then they form these pretend identities for their imaginary e-friend group.

i see
it's very interesting how the human brain works
personally, i'm of the belief that hating something doesn't make you cool or interesting, unless you have a legit criticism of it

>Academic Failure
>Can't Swim
>Constantly makes fun of her friends to cover for her own insecurity
I think we all know who the real loser is here.

Attached: Fucking Loser.png (960x540, 441K)

Like the holocaust?


Bocchi, Nako, Aru and Sotoka a CUTE!

Kai-chan a SHIT!

Attached: Snapshot-00096.png (1920x1080, 2.77M)

>programmer socks
This author sure likes lewding young impressionable girls.

Attached: boo.png (632x369, 388K)

It's a shitty thing to do to your friend, but at least she keeps to her convictions despite it eating her up inside

autism levels are through the roof. at least we got the cute trifecta (nako, aru and sotoka) because of kai-chan trying to address bocchis autism

Attached: Snapshot-00203.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)


Thank you universe for making young girls so sexy

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.26_[2019.05.17_17.07.18 (1280x720, 253K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.07_[2019.05.18_11.03.51 (1280x720, 892K)

She's the cutest though.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.34_[2019.05.17_17.10.37 (1280x720, 199K)

Pretty sure the author was thinking of a future jav actress when designing her character.

You forgot
>The only one that isn't socially retarded

well, at least we got a clear worst girl of the year out of it

Attached: 1558135437736.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

>Leaving the house

Nako is alpha, she can just sit around all day and other people do stuff for her.

We need more Okinawa anime.

Attached: narumi stitch3.jpg (1920x1301, 1.47M)

What is this stupid meme? She did it for Bocchi. Without being an asshole to her she would stay autistic forever.

Attached: 1483024582976.jpg (1280x720, 59K)


Attached: [FFF-Vivid] Non Non Biyori Vacation [BD 1080p AAC] [3D65299C].mkv_snapshot_00.57.36.028.png (1920x1080, 2.8M)


Garbage memes seem to be mandatory part of these threads, you know, to balance the good with the bad so no one would forget that life is hell.


Attached: UX8Svty.jpg (400x400, 32K)

She did it for Bocchi. She did it for the people.

>If everyone in my class dies, then I'll be the only one left and I'll be friends with everyone in my class!

>read the manga because season 2 never
>Hitori is basically the coolest person in her whole class
Should this be called Rising of the Chad Hitori? Also if Alien Girl, Hikkikomori, and Rich Girl are not animated it will be a fucking crime because those stories are so fucking heartwarming.

>Should this be called Rising of the Chad Hitori?
This is what every Bocchi thread has been about pre-anime. The Bocchinator grows stronger.

>season 2 never
>if Alien Girl, Hikkikomori, and Rich Girl are not animated

They already hinted this before, but how will they deal with the fact that Bocchi's friendships are quite superficial? She befriends people only to increment her friends counter. That is the whole purpose.
Nako realized this, and Bocchi could save the friendship. How does this scale up to 30 or so class members?

Is Bocchi fucked?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 01 [1080p].mkv - 0023.jpg (1920x1080, 282K)

Attached: 25.jpg (1250x1800, 126K)

Attached: 26.jpg (1250x1800, 169K)

She is already on the path of becoming the Godfather, soon they will all answer to her.

Even if it's in a sexual fetish way, it's still pretty weird. A little sadomasochism can be fun, but there's a point where things cross the line.


Wa ha ha

Attached: Snapshot-00099.png (1920x1080, 2.1M)

>chapter starts with bullying Sotoka's forehead
this is inexcusable

Attached: MozgusMad.jpg (528x620, 125K)

Guys wait a second.

She got a handful of friends in first semester then a ton in second. If her power is increasing exponentially every term how powerful will she be by third semester, let alone second and third year?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.19_[2019.05.18_23.21.51 (1280x720, 482K)

Why doesn't she just get an Instagram account? That's what everyone who wants superficial friends do anyway.

It's fine because Bocchi is their to save her and convince her to accept best hair style. Also Aru with her hair done by Sotoka is OLEV.

What happens when her number of friends exceeds the number of people alive on Earth?

Bocchi begins to manifest new friends using her willpower.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.14_[2019.05.17_13.09.59 (1360x768, 619K)

She's autistic so probably dubstep.

>Bocchi's earthfriends stop all progress to work on interstellar travel for Bocchi to befriend the aliens
>tfw they enter the multiverse and eventually collide with the antibocchi

Bocchi? W-what are you d-

Attached: 2356990.webm (600x400, 635K)

Then she must start befriending the dead.

Attached: sakurako spooky.png (288x534, 200K)

Attached: tumblr_n9arz4so4y1to2wb8o5_500.jpg (500x281, 40K)

She's Italian?


Attached: 15554234234.jpg (1280x720, 454K)

Aru should rape me

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.56_[2019.05.18_10.55.52 (1280x720, 734K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.14_[2019.05.19_07.31.32 (1280x720, 155K)

How spicy are Sotoka's armpits?

Fuck off?


Attached: 1557070997813.jpg (1009x714, 486K)

Do I plug this thing into Yea Forums X somewhere, or just run it as another tampermonkey script?
I wanna plaster this cutie onto Yea Forums

Attached: KzpZLWxzKyo.jpg (1042x1080, 190K)

Sotoka's way of speaking is starting to sound way to cute to me

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p]-[08.42.439-08.46.276].webm (774x638, 626K)

She's autistic enough that I could see her doing it.

what's the point of this dumb bimbo?
does she exist solely to show off her pits and hips?

Are you saying she wasn't always way cute to you?

Attached: Forehead shake.webm (800x450, 1.15M)

Loser not so tough after getting molested.

Attached: unfortunate.jpg (839x1012, 200K)

>no 9/11 edit

cmon guys.


Do it then

Forgive me, figured it out.
This got a laugh out of me

Attached: epic.png (504x27, 2K)

Attached: 1558227941003.png (632x369, 269K)


Attached: 1556933995966.jpg (320x401, 37K)

If you're referring to the screenshot it was from google search.

I feel really bad for Bocchi; she has one year of middle school left and nearly half a class to get through still. She’s really gonna have to step up.

Guys? Why does Bocchi speak Arabic?

Attached: 71CFE04A-59FE-436C-A926-FC1EF2E877C1.jpg (1250x1800, 104K)

FUCK Kai-chan.

She's an academic AND athletic failure.

Attached: Bocchi removes Hajji.png (1280x720, 616K)

fake delinquent

Her parents are german descent.

Bocchi is smart! And knows several languages!

She's a cute fucking loser at least.

Attached: Nako chop.webm (800x450, 886K)


Good job.

Attached: join the pike side.jpg (1080x781, 156K)

>down under plays

Attached: 1556602306302.webm (1280x720, 2.49M)

Attached: bocchi-friend-note.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

>bocchi was such a social disaster that she didn't show up for the interview at kai-chan's middle school
Kai did what she needed to do, even if it meant that Bocchi might hate her for it.

Her reason may be superficial but Bocchi is a very genuine and driven person. For example, even though Sotoka said she wouldn't be her friend until she finishes her ninjutsu training, Bocchi decided to actually read about ninjutsu stuff and try and do it properly.

Also you don't really need an important reason to be someone's friend.

Anybody got the music version of this?

Chuu2 Bocchi!

I can't be the only one who wants Bocchi to pee herself.

She would

>bocchi wearing a fishnet bodysuit

Attached: rape face.jpg (628x788, 87K)

ˢᵐᵒˡˡᵉʳ ᵇᵒᶜᶜᶦ

Attached: 1558144441909.png (10x10, 471)

We're reaching levels of smol that shouldn't even be possible.


Why is Kai so shit

I really want to know why she didn't think 3 friends are enough, when she only have 2 herself.


She did it for Bocchi

She's jealous of Bocchi's CHA

She can't be Bocchi's friend because she's going to become her wife

>sees your dick

Is Kai just extroverted Bocchi? A social mess but not shy at all?

Bocchi is Key

Attached: 15.mp4_snapshot_01.28.08_[2019.05.19_00.20.11].jpg (480x360, 25K)

I mean, that was more or less her original plan.

What's that?

>does she exist solely to show off her pits and hips?
what's wrong with that?

she's cute, I like her

Fuck off

Bocchi just needs hugs.

This should be illegal

how unfortunate indeed

To be a cutie.

rape is illegal

Mikuru beam!

Attached: Mikuru beam.gif (252x200, 442K)

>Not taking your own HD screenshots

Attached: 1544118374188.png (1920x1080, 1.5M)

Made for bbc

Attached: get it cause they are paeds.jpg (900x900, 30K)

Kai is just an idiot.

Key the Metal Idol, a story about an autistic cyborg girl that needs to make 30,000 friends if she wants to become fully human.

Hearing Bocchi cry broke my heart.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv-0005.jpg (1366x768, 177K)

Same. Her friend is a heartless bitch.

It was such a good crying too, love her voice actor.

Cool, thanks.
>30,000 friends
Bocchi would just fucking explode.


Attached: small bocchi.png (41x40, 3K)

>Bocchi would just fucking explode.
So did Key in the pic I posted


well, shit.

So is bocchis show worth watching over the manga? Or should I wait for the love action adaptation by Netflix?

Got a really complicated feeling since it felt like it was played as a joke in the manga, but here you've got her actually crying.

Attached: 1552791231240.png (472x462, 117K)

Attached: microboc.png (5x5, 248)

No. She did the right thing.

Key needed fans, not friends.

ˢᵐᵒˡˡᵉˢᵗ ᵇᵒᶜᶜʰᶦ

The anime adaptation is great but you'll miss some stuff and it obviously won't cover the entire thing. It definitely won't cover alien girl which is one of the most heartwarming parts of the manga

bocchi needs a government-assigned husbando

If you want love action, you'll have to wait for TMA.

Anyone who makes Bocchi cry deserves death.

They nailed the cock joke.

ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ˢᵐᵃˡˡᵉʳ ᵇᵒᶜᶜʰᶦ﹖

ᶜᵃⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵘⁿᶦᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ʰᵃⁿᵈˡᵉ ᶦᵗˀ

ˢᵐᵒˡˡᵉˢᵗ ᵇᵒᶜᶜʰᶦ ᵖˡˢ

They're so cute together bros
Imagine having a threesome with them

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.24_[2019.05.18_11.00.16 (1280x720, 845K)

Attached: 1558204313832.png (5000x5000, 2.91M)

It's great how you can pick any two girls and get a nice threesome out of it

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.09_[2019.05.17_16.56.56 (1280x720, 181K)

Gay bar

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.23_[2019.05.19_09.51.23 (1280x720, 440K)

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: 1558126230482.webm (896x540, 92K)

The non-caucasian of course


Yes, without a doubt.

Invisible Bocchi

I wish Bocchi was my friend.

I wish Bocchi was my sex friend.


Semen BEAM!!!

Attached: funnymom.gif (370x285, 1.97M)

Who's more shit, Kai or Kako?

Nemurin Beam

more like:
OP confirmed american

Attached: hehe xD.png (360x594, 250K)




ha pi~!

Meet Tamado, Bocchi's new sexfriend

Attached: (1270x720, 150K)

Her crying went on for just a little bit longer than was funny and it done that "hit a second breath" thing.
Though it seems pretty deliberate to add some drama to this otherwise cute series.

Well done on posting the original small bocchi instead of the 40x40 imposter

At least Kai gave Bocchi a condition that on completion will result in friendship. Teru-chan just outright said she won't be her friend, she's a monster.

I don't get how you'd ever see that as a joke (or as something terribly serious) anyway.

Kai wants Bocchi to grow thus making that stupid promise

Kako is literally Bocchi if Bocchi isn't autistic and took Kai's "don't be my friend" bullshit seriously

I guess both of them are equally shit

Its the ending Watamote shouldve had

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Attached: tEEE.jpg (964x957, 100K)

>installing a keylogger that will steal all my Bitcorn
Nice try!

i don't even have bitcoins

I thought summer starts in June

It's always summer on Yea Forums now.

you weren't supposed to cross the streams

>Gen 4 Glock

That scene wrenched my heart

That's how I'd treat a 56% mutt, too

It sounded so real I ended up crying a bit

Attached: 1557850541028.png (577x569, 411K)

I preferred her before-evolution stage.

Attached: 1536360846683.webm (960x540, 639K)

but that's Aru because she's ugly like Yui

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.52_[2018.03.18_09.41.13].jpg (1280x720, 389K)

this looks absolutely retarded

Attached: gay bar.jpg (480x360, 26K)

Talk shit get hit

She went too easy on them.

Will you include her?

It isn't?

What is she saying?

did you watch the scene after it?


This is sexy AF.

Allahu ackbar

Me fapping in the background

>look it up
>(((Wikipedia))) calls it a (((conspiracy theory)))
What the fuck, it IS happening, I thought that leftists would say that it's good and progressive, not try to convince people that black is white.

Please keep /pol/ shit out of bocchi threads kudasai.

That pic piqued my curiosity.

Not a pedophile, but I'd put my ponos in her vagoo if you catch my drift.

and yet we have Kai-chan enablers saying this was a good thing

Attached: 1554580360980.jpg (657x720, 131K)

Hope Bocc's VA gets to do voicework for more animus. She's too good

Definitely not a pedo but I would mate with this girl and cum inside her knowing that she couldn't get pregnant!

>implying tomoko could have had the guts to even buy a gun

I'd expect emoji to snap and do it before tomoko

That image makes Bocchi look like the villain from Love Live

I planned it all in my head:
>tomoko's schooltrip goes horrible wrong and further isolates her
>she fucks something up with good intentions and a lot of people despise her for it
>she's jealous and gets bullied more
>online she visits an anonymous message board where someone is willing to send her an AR 15 in exchange for a box of used panties
>the trade goes well
>tomoko hestitates at first but imagines that the rest of her life would be horrible, awkward and lead to an eventual lonely dead as a cat lady despised by everyone
>she goes to school and spits hot lead killing about 3 people (no previous practise so she just shoots randomly at close in the hallways)
>then she reloads slowly and kills herself
>title appears across the screen written in blood" Its your guys fault Im not popular"
>the blood morphs the words not and popular into "dead"

powerful and to the point

Attached: 1534689415204.jpg (1000x562, 79K)


Better than the /u/ shit we got.

I wish I could

Based. Perheaps even smolpilled



The kaffir will soon pay for their crimes

Underrated post.

Attached: 1535127229004.jpg (1299x730, 106K)

Villain from Love Live?

Attached: 1467471596780.jpg (600x720, 79K)

Imagine Bocchi's soft "no" as you penetrate her underdeveloped vagina.

i imagine she would start crying like she did after seeing kai-chan
could you honestly keep your dick hard as she wailed like that?

That's when it gets even harder

Attached: 4wzmuktlslc21.png (1404x2144, 1.33M)

Yui is the prettiest color.

Attached: the bad guy.png (478x493, 232K)

That's wrong, user. She's pure and cute.

Attached: 1545325992300.png (600x664, 346K)

I wouldn't know
Never seen the show, but she comes off as villainous in the clips

Attached: the bad guy high res.png (483x522, 360K)

Never is too late. Take a look at this innocent cutie.

Attached: 1553970274041.png (1920x1080, 1.94M)

She plays the devil's advocate for everyone's sake.

She killed millions.


Nico Nico Bocchiiiiiiiii

It's funny how "shooting up a school" is a meme for murrikans.

Both Nico and Bocchi are school shooters so it's a good comparison

They do it every week, it's their national pastime.

Her mom is a fuck-up whore who can't raise her kids properly so Nico has to do all the household chores.

sound to me that the daughter is better wife material than the mom

Just call it ninja stamina training!



install 4chanx
hover over title
or use


Attached: 1521755440741.png (535x721, 823K)

Very cute girl.

Wa ha ha on top of an aluminium can!

Attached: shukuro_tsukishima___facebook_by_blackbommer22_d3jqlgy-250t.png (405x250, 83K)

Holy fuck bros I can't believe it.

Attached: 1555014258315.png (130x169, 16K)


Attached: 1555287954650.png (355x259, 73K)

Imagine catching Bocchi while she is jumping like that with her eyes closed.

That art style is the def of soulless.


regular size bocchi

Attached: 1557666134984.png (165x282, 77K)

If somebody drew me like that, I'd shoot everybody I saw until I finally suicided by cop.

Because he's from Yea Forums and he thinks that "soulless" means "thing I dislike"

is just one point above the yuribait we have now


still no photoshoped version w/ gun in her eyes

She gets diarrhea mid sex


miss that, time to save it yhx

We're all Bocchi's trying to make frens

Actually "soulless" means "I shitpost"

Bocchi with fingerless gloves!

Attached: 1558286149983.jpg (657x720, 44K)

Useful image, thanks.

Cute, would cover mouth and drag into a dark alleyway.

and beat her to death?

>Shoot the school except for Nako
>Whole class but her are dead
>She is now friend of the entire class
She should have done this instead
Easier and quicker

Attached: Bocchi wants to make columbine look like a fucking joke.png (1754x562, 1.07M)


Congratulations on being able to associate brand logos with the correct products in 3/5 of the cases. Someone should make you a medal.

I wish Bocchi would befriend me.

Giving smocci a smoochie!

Attached: 1466809600419.jpg (1704x1943, 314K)

poor qt

I wish Bocchi was my daughter.

You'll regret it when she shoots up her school.

Bocchi is my daughterwife

*wa ha ha*

Attached: Capture+_2019-05-19-22-31-53.png (1080x1191, 85K)

I am imagining Bocchi in a cute barrier jacket with an intelligent device that just says “no...” and “JRINK VAR”.

My daughter Bocchi is not strong enough to handle a firearm.

I wish Bocchi would defy me.

honestly, it's the funniest thing to hear. it makes leaving even better


I want to be blasted by her giant pink thing!

Attached: mission begins in 30seconds.webm (1280x720, 477K)

Attached: 1557683833033.webm (800x450, 1.02M)

aru on top of a-

Attached: aruminum can.webm (640x640, 2.17M)

The body and face of a doujin rapist but the height of a middle school boy. Interesting.

He's at least high school tall.

While praying to Allah. Blessed be his name.

I will protect Bocchi.

Attached: Christ this thread is still up.png (1900x1080, 1.31M)

Looks like that one Aqua scene.

Wait I'm sorry Bocchi I'll watch your anime


>kai apologists

Bocchi has 176 friends!

Why didn't Kai-chan even show hrr face? What an ass


Yes yes, a secret group of people voluntarily aims at replacing white people with colored people because reasons. It's not paranoid or retarded at all. Now shut the fuck up.

ya seethe

Except they aren't secret at all

Attached: bq-5ca8335fa3479.jpg (650x755, 153K)

It isn't paranoid though?

I use the Buster solver addon so I can solve captchas without the clusterfuck of an interface it has that's also coupled with pepe memes in the settings.

Attached: makes you think.jpg (555x783, 185K)

>he's STILL ricing Yea Forums

Attached: teedus.jpg (1280x1024, 429K)

>If I kill the whole class, there will be no one left to befriend. I can then be Kai-chan's friend for sure.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 06 [480p].mkv_snapshot_06.20_[2019.05.10_18.54.31 (848x480, 34K)

What's the context of this scene?

Anti-Bully Ranger

They killed her grandfather.

I find it slightly amusing that Bocchi starts crying for real when Aru tries to cheer her up.

Colors or Bocchi ?

>mexican little girl displays superior intellect by choosing both options.webm


That chad over there is literally masturbating to Bocchi

Attached: IMG_20190520_201152.jpg (1269x720, 225K)

Is Bocchi still fertile?

Very fertile.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.25_[2019.05.17_17.00.49 (1280x720, 210K)

her 2 buns symbolize the 2 buns i'm going to put into her oven

Can you please resize her left eye? It looks bigger than her right eye.

Attached: 1557128348866.jpg (211x171, 23K)

I want to court the princess!


ViVid Strike
They bullied her to such an extent that it probably violated the Geneva Convention, and kept her from being there for her dying grandfather. So, as you can see, she straight up pushes those bitches' shit in.

It's actually fairly self-contained. You don't have to see anything else to "get" it.

due to my particular autism when i decide to watch something i watch it from start to end, spinoffs , movies , prequels, sequels, everything