is this any good?
Is this any good?
I LOVE IT, fukumoto is pretty good at the misanthrope character type and highstake stories.
is it great,i strongly recomnd it
if you enjoy the sensation of being broke, go for it
I want to read Ten but all i could find through google was some shitty scans. Are there any HQ scans out there?
I hated it since nothing fucking mattered in the end.
Is the English manga out?
you could just watch it
Just finished Akagi. Have they ever made anything that shows how the match between Akagi and Washizu ends or am I forever forced to read the manga? Is there at least a decent place to download the whole manga if that's the case?
First arc is amazing, it's still worth watching after that but kinda disappointing in comparison.
There's a live-adaptation that picks up right after the anime ends and it's actually very good.
>instead of zero 3 we got another mahjong manga
But it's a Ten sequel
>Endou spends the whole chapter doing nothing of use again
It's tremendously good. The psychology behind each gamble and the psychological fallout of the post-bubble economy are greatly nuanced to the slightest detail. Fukumoto is also amazing at walking the tightrope of having Kaiji believably be both a normal guy up shit creek and a brilliant strategist under pressure.
The manga is the best form of Akagi. The anime actually removed some crucial scenes regarding his character. It also made him look smug and like a prick in scenes when he didn't have those reactions in the manga at all.
As a manager I really relate to Endou here.
Isn't Ten a mahjong manga?
>Watching a live adaptation of Akagi
What the fuck
Because it wasn't the end you retard
Check mangadex
It's the greatest thing fkmt wrote
It was so boring and such a chore to watch. Dropped after first arc. The MC is a crybaby.
Be gone shonenshitter
Not as good as this.
Why was this so fucking long?
Funny people say the same about HxH, it's almost like art is subjective.
watch it already and make up your own damn mind, if you're interested enough to ask, you are interested enough to watch
>just a bit
Guy was digging his own grave there.
Part 1 and 2 are unironically 10/10 manga.
The rest is great, as well. Though it does slow down a bit during Kazuya-hen imo.
Liar Game is great, but the character of Kaiji and those around him top anyone in that series.
Love the originality of some of the games, though. Really solid.
>games by Liar Game author
>characters, psychology and plot by Fukumoto
>art by Death Note Artist
I liked the first one because there were lots of different things going on.
Espoir remains my favourite but The Bog was pretty cool too.I think I should learn how to actually play Mahjong before reading volume 3 though.
Every part seems to drag on longer and longer though, it became a bit of a chore to read I think I quit on part 5.
Still going to buy the series though when it releases.
Still not licensed in English and it pisses me off, France and Germany have it. Surely there's a big enough market for English readers??
Glad to see people still think highly of LG, it had creative games and solid characters but it gets a lot of hate because of its terrible ending.
I still like Kaiji better though.
Go back to whipping your slaves
Dont try too hard to learn mahjong you can read part 3 without it.
Or try playing majsoul to learn it quickly
I dont know how you guys can stand female character like this. I want to enjoy this manga but i just cant
Ironic that you post that with a hxh picture, a show who's character designs aee a chore to even look at
Still miles better than Kaiji and Akagi where all characters look like 1930s Anti-semitic Nazi propaganda posters
>fucks up
>blames on it on the henchies
stupid endou
Low IQ post
Fuck off hunterbaby, Hunter Hunter isn't even the best in it's own genre.
>work at a massive casino
>get to see people ruin their lives on the daily
>people breaking down, on the brink of suicide
But they never stop, it's free entertainment.
Hxh is far and away the best battle shonen.
Not in a world where Jojo exist, sorry pseudo intellectual-kun.
Hey but your favorite children's comic can be 3rd best behind Jojo and Attack On Titan
youre drooling again, user
best moment in kaiji?
what a fucking madman
agakUUuuu hodo ni
It may as well have been since his character regressed to what it was at the start for no good reason.
To call it "regression" means that you haven't been paying enough attention to what he is
I know he's a junkie, but to have that mean he'll never get any concrete development ruined it for me.
>to have that mean he'll never get any concrete development
That's not what I said. He develops, even though he's addicted and repeats some mistakes.
Those mistakes aren't the core aspects of his character as far as the first season goes. Admittedly though, I dropped it at the start of the second one.
>Admittedly though, I dropped it at the start of the second one
Here's why you think he hasn't developed.
Although to be fair I find Akagi more developed.
Is Akagi that different from Kaiji?
Alright, you've sold me on Akagi.
>compares allegories
This MUST be bait
It's pretty accurate though
No it's not, Kaiji is more 2nd picture than Akagi. It is literally in the name "Kaiji: The Ultimate Survivor"
Come on dude i like Akagi but this is just bullshit.
It's accurate because Kaiji makes mistakes and sometimes drops his guard while Akagi is a lot more thorough and never flinches.
Endou and Kaiji taking a Tom and Jerry skit to a whole other level
Akagi would give up more easily than Kaiji though. You just like Akagi more so you HAVE TO make Kaiji look bad.
How is this comparison making Kaiji look bad? Making mistakes is part of what makes the character great.
>Akagi would give up more easily than Kaiji though
Only if it meant not being able to be himself anymore (pic related)
>art by Death Note Artist
Usogui Artist*
But Togashi is a huge fan of FKMT and takes a lot of inspiration from him
>Attack on Titan
How can you read FKMT and still think aot is good?
>Attack On Titan
kys retard
jojos fights are overall better but hxh still has the better story and characters
Go away HxHenablers, you're too stupid for Fukumoto.
Attack On Titan is better than Hunter x Hunter. HxH has a highest high but AoT is overall better
Stop responding to shonentards
>Attack on Titan is better than Hunter x Hunter
I was considering giving hxh a try but definitely not now if it's THAT bad
These threads are truly dead if you have to talk about other series in them.
hxhtards shit up every thread though
Hurrr durr just watch it hurr
Yeah don't watch it, someone of this level of retardation wouldn't like it anyway
tilting the building > pic
It's not their retardation that's the main problem, you get used to it.
It's these shit HunterEnablers within FKMT community that are shitting up every thread
it's good if you like the same face on every single character throughout the show even expanding across completely unrelated animes
But it's literally the exact opposite? Unlike other art styles where you could just switch hairs and find similar characters you can not find 2 characters that look similar in Fukumoto's work
You're just talking out of your ass
Man that manga spread in pic related is perhaps the best manga page of all time.
The anime did it good too with the amazing OST.
Death Note gets overlooked here because people take it for mainstream garbage. If Death Note isn't in your top 20 anime you're just a contrarian.
Death Note has trash tactics because the concept is too limited.
easy there sameface apologist, dont you have a later JJBA season to be enjoying?
But i love fukumoto? I in fact like his works more than hxh im just not dumb enough to actually enjoy aot.
Good you dont deserve it.
Show me 2 characters with a same face.
Although yeah Araki, especially in the latest parts does suffer a bit from same face syndrome
That's because you haven't read the manga and only watched the anime. Post time-skip AoT is peak manga. One of the only modern masterpieces.
Go back to your containment thread please
here i just drew a template for every other character you'll see in this fukumoto's cartoons
>a bit
>actually taking the bait
>respond to a HxHfag and then later answer something
>get told to go back to the containment thread
What I find strange is that Gyro looks nothing like that in the manga but Araki for some reasons draws him like that on the cover.
>Calling aot a masterpiece
Seriously, go back
>Modern Masterpiece
The absolute state of the manga industry
i like kaiji akagi hxh one piece jojo ya'll niggas get dabbed on
>saving the thumbnail
That's illegal
She evolves as it goes on.
Yup. I liked it