Best Sarazanmai boy

Best Sarazanmai boy

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Other urls found in this thread:

Any pre-screening leaks yet?

None yet. Most are just non-spoiler comments.

the zombie

um yes spoil me daddy

Still not dropped this crap? Impressive.

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it seems that the fujos were sad with this episode so it will be good

>"Mabu is suffering in secret."

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So gay suffering next week? Fill me in, daddy

kill yourself

Mabu fucks an otter

Sad as in the story is sad or sad as in disappointed?

How much has Reo fucked up

Attached: mabu's ulife.png (495x373, 10K)

I should clarify: An otter fucks him

Did Reo get Keppi to put his butt in Mabu's butt like they were a chuck tingle novel

Sounds like sad as in story. Everyone's been irritatingly vague about the actual content so far. Hopefully that person on 5ch got in and isn't shit at taking notes.

I think the two maybe

Reo got cucked

ginny sunyshore is a cocktease saying we should rewatch and pay attention implying is something we should know alreadyf

what a snore

I mean, the episode is supposed to be about (at least partly) Reo and Mabu's backstory and we do have most of the pieces to it, we just can't be sure which way it fits together exactly. (I do agree that her baity posts are a bit annoying, spill the beans or don't if you ask me)

>spill the beans
she used to spill the beans and also be super expressive with her posts until anons and nips bullied her from all sides so don't expect a lot

Give me the fucking spoilers already, you useless nips

Supposedly there'll be more content about gay cops, but they always said that in each ep and what, it's always like 1 min lmao

I saw one nips talking vaguely about the Kuji brothers. Can't varifly.

I did spoiler for you guys. Mabu gets fucked by an otter. Reo doesn't accept this Mabu as the "real" Mabu.

At least this time the actual episode synopsis and caps suggest that they will have some significant screentime.

Maybe this time we'll get 2 mins top heh

Post proof, cuck memer.
Honestly though, I wouldn't be shocked if Ikuhara pulled some "Mabu never died and the mechanical heart is a metaphor for Reo's perception of how Mabu has changed" shit to cunt punt every fujo.

No proof but I will just add one more.

Enta is jealous of Toi and Kazuki getting close and is trying to sabotage him.

There seems to be some misunderstanding about the Ikuhara trolling meme.

why would he do that? that's so unlike him and his themes

who the hell is ginny sunyshore

This is what happens when retards parrot things without knowing the context. Yes Ikuhara love suffering and general weirdness but he's mostly positive.

Enta being a shit nothing new

anti-spoiler babies ruin everything

Denkimouse. Japan is strict about spoilers and given her large following, she isn't going to give any.

Fucking cowards

they misdirect and have you think the three of them became best friends. So Enta was supposed to be not a shit, but then he was revealed to be one.

oh. who cares

What's unlike him about showing his audience that love isn't all sunshine and gay rainbows? Sometimes the best of loves can be completely fucked by some basic was human communication failures.

Then she's irrelevant. No point in bringing her up.

Nothing wrong with what you just posted but saying that he only does things to troll is an exaggeration.

fucking Enta a shit.Do they beat his ass for that?

fucked by an otter, in this case

I should have said "and cunt punts" instead of "to cunt punt". Apologies. I know most fujos watching know better than to expect "Together they're Sarazanmai" 2.0 as well, I'm just posting bitterly because I have to wait to see the episode.

Can you just give a bullet point summary of the episode instead of this attention-whoring bait

Mabu actually is trying his best for Reo. It's Reo who won't accept him this way.

I get less inclined to believe this happens the more it gets meme'd, so I'll thank you for making me surprised if it actually happens.

>cryptic bs
You don't even need to spoiler it, faggot.

I’ll suck your cock if you just post spoilers, seriously

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Reo is an abusive spouse!

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why do you want to deliberately spoil yourself to such an extent? honestly I’m just curious as to why someone would want to know so much about an episode they have yet to even seen. it just seems like an odd practice to me

if that's true, fuck reo. hope he gets zombiefied for being a shitty husband

Some people like being what you call "spoiled". It doesn't negatively impact the experience that they want to have.

Not the user but fuck off

>Mabu is doing his best but is shit at telling Reo about any of it
>Reo doesn't understand why Mabu has changed into such a cold person and resents him for it
good stuff

I expected this.

Then fuck off

Maybe Reo actually died and Mabu gave his shirikodama to Reo and now he's a "robot" because Reo has his desire organ

Because I like knowing stuff going into things and trying to piece together shit from "spoilers" is half the fun for me. Though regardless of your feelings on spoilers, surely we can all agree that playing coy with this sort of thing is significantly more irritating than either alternative.

Anyway, enough meta bullshit.

I wish that you were my friend

Keppi did a butt transfer but Reo is unhappy at the results and wants to get him to fix it?

Attached: keppi.png (461x325, 11K)

Not that user but I’m just impatient. though if what’s said so far is true everyone is going to despise Enta after this episode for doing that to the fan favorite. RIP yellowfag.

Reo knows what's happening. He just thinks that HIS Mabu is dead, but otter and Mabu insist he's the real thing. It's hard to bullet point because the cop shit was all over the place in unrelated scenes. Mabu got reprogrammed to be able to eat but Reo just gets pissed off when he tries, especially when he's so visibly gagging.

He'll never have pancakes again

Jesus christ that's fucked. I thought Reo was crazy, but not THAT crazy.

But is there the possibility that Reo is right because of the fact that Mabu is "reprogrammable" now? Maybe Mabu doesn't know that he's not the original?

Sounds about right.

When will Ikuhara let Mabu top?

Do we get any hints about the timeline or see baby Sara?

shit, that sounds depressing


If he's a robot and not the original Mabu made into a cyborg, then yeah, Reo is right.

>to cunt punt every fujo
Joke's on him, this is the shit I eat with a spoon. And isn't that one of the normal theories, I saw it at least twice in the threads.

huh, looks like Reo is getting enough shitty human points to get killed off

Is it really surprising that he would act that way if he watched and felt his loved one die and then that loved one randomly came back to life later on? If someone I loved died then reappeared and claimed to be restored after death by some shady ass otter while I was in the middle of grieving, I might trip out.

If your shirikodama goes in a dead body Keppi seemed to be saying they would be alive and you would cease to exist. But if your existence is tied to a shirikodama and yours is going in another person then doesn't that mean their original shirikodama is dead so is that person still themself after revival?

Imagine being forced to live for 10 years with something that looks and acts like your dead lover, but there's just enough wrong and uncanny about them and how they act that you know it's not actually them. And they insist that they are.


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If that's the case and it wasn't an instant revival moments after he died, then yeah, I'd freak the fuck out too.

Murdering and shredding people was enough shit points. But if spoilers are correct this is the misunderstanding to be resolved, they will still die but connect and be happy before that happens.

Is he being forced? It didn't seem forced on twitter.

Even if Mabu IS actually real, I can still sympathize with Reo being unable to believe it. It probably shook him to his core that Mabu died for him--that he was responsible for Mabu's death--and then something that might just be pretending to be him came back.

> I've had a lower and I even have an imperfect substitute now
That's a huge improvement.

Tagged spoilers are all fake

Otters seem pretty clearly evil and the one I mentioned has rapey vibes towards Mabu, calling him his "doll". You can't really blame Reo given that the two of them are forced into this situation and they're taking his dead love and turned him into an unrecognizable "doll".

It's still sad to hear Mabu go, "It's me your 相棒." Less sad to hear demonic otter insist it.

but he should have known that if he most likely went to the otters for help,unless they tricked him and Reo only realized after having him back

You don't have to believe me. You'll see next week, anyway.

It's still not clear exactly what the timeline is with the Twitter. Still, Reo could be "forced" to stay with what he believes is a fake Mabu by his own emotions. He may not be able to accept the possibility that Mabu could be real, but he also can't leave something that looks like Mabu. Something like that.

Needs a nip source like last week's spoilers.

The otter empire said they'll be killed if they don't follow orders, and given the zombification process requires both of them, they have to stay together.

Man, that's just fucked.

Then give the real ones you cunt

Twitter seems to be ~10yrs before the anime.

shove it in

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Shit, I can eat this kind of suffering like a scented candle.


Reo looks like an alot.

>"It's me your 相棒."
That's a mixture of horrifying and really sad, and I hope Mabu has the blankest, most dispassionate stare while saying it to up the creep factor.

That's the twist, Reo's an alot

holy shit, Ikuni delivered

>ReoMabu gets progressively more fucked up as episodes go
Naisu, naisu. I hope we see that Ikuhara hasn't lost his teeth.

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It's going to make a huge difference if Mabu's real emotions are clearly trapped inside him unable to reach Reo, or if he's truly empty and it's doubtful that he's the real Mabu at all.
I should have gone to sleep hours ago if I can't remember to use a shortcut.

what the fuck is going on in those panels? Did he just puke?

He just puked up the broccoli dish Mabu made him that's shown on the twitter, yeah.

Those are clearly puking noises

Was the rain shotas scene in this ep?

>Mabu got reprogrammed to be able to eat but Reo just gets pissed off when he tries, especially when he's so visibly gagging.
Shit, if it is the real Mabu, he's trying and failing to become "real" enough for Reo to accept him.

> if he's truly empty and it's doubtful that he's the real Mabu at all.
I feel like if the evil rapey otter is trying to make Reo believe that this is the real Mabu, he actually isn't.

ty Ikuhara for making the fujobait into fujohell

I didn't follow the Twitter too closely but yes it's this dish that Mabu tried to eat in the episode.

cool cool very cool

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Depends. I think it's the kind of situation that has to be seen before any real judgements can be made.

I'm sure that was a fun episode to watch if you ordered Reo's dish at the cafe.

As much as I'd like the real Mabu to be alive for the rescuing, it would spare him a lot of suffering if he was really dead. Mabu being unable to connect with Reo while his body betrays him and a rapey otter ruins both their lives, forcing him to watch helplessly while Reo makes a viscous descent into madness, void of the love and kindness he used to have, is a deeply cruel fate.

I hate KazuToi so much. Because I know it will never be real and it hurts me ;_;

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Is Reo getting Akio end? Or are they going to be able to walk out of this?

is just getting sadder every minute

Maybe they'll be able to walk into the next life together.

Honestly even fully fake Mabu could be pretty tragic in its own way. I could see Ikuhara pulling some kind of like actually completely fake Mabu develops real emotions for Reo and a genuine desire to become "real" type thing, which would also be very sad.

No wonder Reo thinks his only option is literal reality-bending magic to get out of it.

I guess you're real, one fujo account I was looking at RT that image and added crying icons.

even if it's really fucked up, i wish this will be true. Been some time since an anime was this angsty

Wow, that's Reo favourite food.

>be street rat
>retard moe kid picks you up
>grow up together and live together in domestic bliss
>except there's a small niggling feeling inside you that you don't deserve this
>and a desire to taint him with your dirt somehow
>push it all down because you're happy
>look you two even adopt a kid!

Hmm, though if all this is true surely that means Mabu's death has to be after the manga, right? There's no way Reo would be able to act so normal around him if those spoilers are true

His death was during the war.

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It has been brought up that the Mabu on twitter is already a resurrected version. There are signs that he's "not right" as he can't write properly but he might have been close to the original so Reo accepted him.

Reo seems fondly amused by him maybe it was the honeymoon resurrection period

>"It's me your 相棒."
>Mabu has the blankest, most dispassionate stare while saying it to up the creep factor.
>but >tfw Mabu is real and means it, he just can't make his robotic body say it with any emotion
>>tfw Reo looks at him with revulsion and fear as he tries desperately to express himself but every word comes out cold and hollow
This could be an incredibly painful metaphor the struggle to be understood by someone you're connecting with. Communication can be pure hell when misinterpretations occur.

No shit, but we don't know when that was relative to anything else.

Yeah I mean that's the camp I've been in but some people think the Twitter is concurrent with the manga (I find this unlikely due to the lack of Sara mentions and that girls day tweet personally) The reprogramming thing seems to fit with some of this new information though.

Thanks faggots now I'll be disappointed if the episode isn't as heavy as this.

Maye he was fine until some malfunction, adding to Reo's anger at him because he was fooled.

>the reason mabu's penmanship is horrible isn't because he's a himbo it's because he's a robot

Yeah then Mabu was "reset" at the end and the anime is 10yr later.

Yeah I could buy that too.

Someone on 5ch noted a few things (details are still sparse)
Lots of ReoMabu flashbacks (obviously)
A second version of the otter song (second verse maybe?)
The lucky item is a "ball" (tama)
Keppi and Sara flirting

Well he can type just fine so it's not like he can't read or write.

Maybe it was before Mabu did something that revealed he definitely wasn't right. Maybe Reo ignored all the little oddities, but then saw Mabu's open chest cavity at some point and understandably freaked out and "realized" that he had been tricked into thinking Mabu was alive, he had been living with and loving some fake as if it was Mabu while Mabu was really dead. That's plenty to go fucking mental really quick. But it wouldn't have to be quick, because he had to spend 10 more years with the fake.

Maybe robot doesn't have the fine motor control down.

No, on twitter they weren't involved with the otters so the mechanical heart might have came when Mabu was "reset".

>Mabu came back perfectly at first and Reo really thought he was back
>Over time, however, Mabu began to break down and act in ways that clearly aren't himself
>Reo realizes eventually that this isn't his Mabu, realizes that his Mabu is dead and gone and has a breakdown
>The otters offer to return Mabu to his original state of being a perfect copy if Reo + Mabu work for them
>Reo accepts in his desperation
>As he spends time with this Mabu, he really sees all the differences between the Mabu in his memory and the doll in front of him
>No matter how many times he goes for "maintenance" that should restore him back to normal, Reo still notices these differences and can't see "Mabu" as the real thing
>Reo is pushed further into insanity by this
>Mabu just believes Reo doesn't love him anymore and tries harder and harder to resemble how he used to be
thanks, i hate it

>tfw no Tooi brother in law

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Mabu is able to cook elegantly and he can write well when it's in ketchup on an omelette. I'm not totally convinced that the "off" things about Mabu in the Twitter aren't just quirks of the retard we already know from the manga.

Based KazuToibro

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Do you suppose Mabu might have been resurrected for real at first, then the otters took him and reset him, after which Reo discovered it and thought that he had been fake the whole time? It would really destroy his ability to trust robo-Mabu.

I don't want to cry about a butt anime

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I guess the big point against the resurrection happing pre-twitter is that Mabu seems perfectly capable of eating. Unless he just pretends for the camera.

Nip spoilers

This whole thread hurts.

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I'm fine with Asakusa burning as long as Reo and Mabu get to be happy

So spoileranon wasn't lying.

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Throwing this out there: Real Mabu, M1, saved Reo when he was a kid and worked with him at whatever they did while wearing those uniforms. He was fond of Reo as a comrade and saved him. Reo can't accept his death partly because of his complex and tries to resurrect him.

Cue fake Mabu, M2. Reo doesn't realize he's fake and accepts him. This IS manga and twitter Mabu. Near the end of the twitter feed shit happens and Reo finds out. Mabu is also running out of desire juice or whatever powered him, or has a new error or something, that makes him more robotic.

Reo is horrified and so bent on resurrecting M1 he doesn't realize his true connection is with M2.

Holy shit Ikuhara.

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can someone do me a solid and translate that dialogue section

It's gonna hurt.

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Kek I love it.

B-but they can still be fixed r-right? Ikuhara won't make them so sympathetic and show their suffering if it can't be healed. And this is supposed to be a vanilla anime.

It's a reference to the Little Prince, but Beauty and the Beast is a good duo name for Mabu and Reo.

Pretty sure this is a Little Prince ref but that's cute paintanon.

Nice but I have to tell you the art is base on The Little Prince and his love for the rose.

I'm fuckin' dying man.

Okay so in the breakfast scene
Reo: "You think you'll get me to accept you if you eat my favorite food?"
Mabu: "I should be fine, I've had digestive functions installed."

And then the next one in the hospital after this week's C part, Reo and Mabu are separated. Reo wakes up:
"Mabu! ...Where is Mabu?!"
Otter: "We barely managed to save you, but we were too late to save Mabu. Would you do anything to save your dear Mabu?"
Reo: "I would do anything to hear Mabu's voice one more time!!"

Then when Reo and Mabu are reunited
Reo: "Mabu...?! Who... Who are you?!"
Reo: "Mabu would never look at me like that!"
Otter: "He's been revived with the Otter Empire's state of the art technology."
Mabu: "I am Mabu."
Reo: "Don't you lie to me!"
Otter: "If you dislike him so much, then stop his mechanical heart with your own two hands."
Reo: "Are you telling me... I to kill Mabu again?!"

>Reo is horrified and so bent on resurrecting M1 he doesn't realize his true connection is with M2.

But M2 is also M1 and Reo is connected to "both".

>the maintenance scene is ero
There is never any escape from the cuck memery.

Utena looked like a fairly standard, if not subtextually a bit creepy, shoujo anime right up until Akio is revealed to be fucking his sister.

>Reo: "I would do anything to hear Mabu's voice one more time!!"

That was just a silly theory with the basis that M1 died permanently a long time ago. I'm sure it's wrong but suffering is fun.

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So just catched up with the anime and have a question, does the manga about Reo and Mabu have anything to do with the show? Because it kinda contradict each other.

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Well, this blows the "Mabu was killed and revived before the manga/twitter" theory out because Reo is horrified at the sight of him as soon as he's revived.

Not really but the mangaka says it's part of the same universe or some shit.


Glad we'll get 3 whole minutes now instead of 1. :^)

The manga artist declared that the manga is not an AU. Most fans believe that the manga is a prequel and some time fuckery or memory erasure has occurred.

I'd say they were a third to half of the episode. I could be off though, because it was a lot compared to just one minute.

If you're the spoiler user from earlier, can you clarify anything about what Sara and Keppi were up to?

Nip says they went on a date.

Sara carried him around as they put stickers on the statues to clarify if they were frogs or kappa. There was a cheek kiss involved.

B-but outside sources say Sarazanamai is vanilla this time dish.

It's a sequel. The timeline is cleansed of the otterkappa war bullshit and they're allowed to live happily as retarded gay dads. Believe me ;_;

That would be cute if it didn't involve keppi

well i knew that the otters were gonna die but i'm wondering if they're gonna die in the ikuhara sense, like going to another world.

there was also evil Keppi at the end

Shut up dish. He's a great prince dish!!


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the overused dish break sound stock killed this scene for me

>"Mabu would never look at me like that!"


He's a kappa of course there's going to be dish related elements.

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Some more tidbits from 5ch:
Kazuki's relationship with his family has improved
Toi joins Kazuki and Enta for soccer practice, but someone destroys the practice area
Chikai is in danger so Toi needs to leave Asakusa
Kazuki says he wants to use the plates to help Toi
Enta is the one who grabs the shirikodama and leaks this week (did not specify what the secret was––spoiler user would you care to elaborate?)

Yeah I'm going to stay the fuck out of these threads now that spoilers are flying everywhere.
I thought we could do some stupid faggy speculating but it seems most people would rather spoil themselves instead.

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Come back when the new PV is out monday.


So many fucking black bars. Can spoiler user make a summary of which ones actually came from 5ch?

Don't be lazy.

Enta kills Dumbledore episode 606

Aaaahhhh cute!

I've read through them all, user. I just want to know which ones are fake.

Okay this is a nip source if it matches it's real.

They all appear to be real. The only thing I haven't seen explicit confirmation of on the JP side yet is Enta trying to sabotage Kazuki's relationship with Toi but everything else that user mentioned was true and it sounds more than plausible.

Anyone want to get this?

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You will.

Who will kill themselves first, Mabu2 or Reo

>Toi joins Kazuki and Enta for soccer practice, but someone destroys the practice area

That someone is Enta?

Reo will kill himself along with Mabu2.

I can't ;_;[

Why would he do that to his own practice area? In the synopsis of the episode it says 'Reo and Mabu are plotting something', could it be that they are targeting the 3 kids that are with Keppi to arrive at him?

I want to connect
But I can't buy doujinsi from Japan

Not a spoiler, but I don't think it is. That part is actually in the summary, so maybe it's the two kids that got beaten up.

5ch just confirmed that that's the leak. I had a feeling that's what was going on.

I shouldn’t have read spoilers. Now I’m going to be so impatient for next week.

That's kind of dumb. Why wouldn't he let anyone else take the hit instead. Of course that shit's gonig to spill out.

So I suppose episode 8 will focus again on Toi and Chikai? Since Toi has to leave Asakusa because his brother is in danger. And at the same time they'll give us more insights on the otters/Keppi/Reo and Mabu.

In this episode there were no clues about Reo and Mabu's current relationship with Sara?

I mean he's not the smartest kid. But my guess is he did it to gain sympathy from Kazuki or maybe even cast doubt on Toi but it didn't work, so maybe he didn't care if they found out

Yes, that's what I meant by sabotage. he also steals the plates so Toi can't have them

The object is soccer balls because the zombie was into BDSM and liked his girlfriend to step on his balls Like last week, the zombies themselves are less of a focus

Link dead?

No, but they only adopted her in the manga. Not like they're blood related.

He steals them all or just the one they got from this one? To be fair this one is his.

So that's why tama tama.

Whopps guess the fujo locked it.

All of the previous ones they had saved up.

>was looking forward to getting into pure speculah territory
>forgot all about pre-screenings so there's still no point in speculah
God dammit

Enta a worst

Holy shit enta

There's still plenty to speculate about, you massive babies. You fucks don't speculate about shit you just bitch and moan about spoilers constantly. Contribute to the thread or fuck off.

I would like to know this too

Where do they even hide the plates? How did Enta get to them so easily, especially Toi's?

>this entire post
Are you okay?

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But there loads to speculate still. There's more revealed but it also adds more questions.

Near the statue under a tile thing

It's still kind of demotivating knowing that some stuff is already out there and will already be contradicted ahead of time. I'm enjoying the show but I think the limited speculation has held me back from getting obsessed with it like I did with Penguindrum.

These three kids are not very smart huh.

Makes me think Enta's going to have a run-in with Reo soon. Some people on 5ch have been noticing how he and Reo have a lot in common with their one-sided, idealized loves too.

I don't know but I like it when new "information" comes faster. It's like Live-watch>episode discussion>spoilers>discussion with new info>PV>discussion with new visuals>new episode.

Nothing wrong with that, more power to anyone who likes the flow of information so far. I just prefer it differently and honestly forgot about the pre-screenings so I got my hopes up about something that wasn't going to happen in the first place.

Still can't wait for the next episode, I just miss being totally consumed by a plot-heavy show having no clue what's happening next.

Can someone who still has the fusetter open in another tab please copy paste the runes here?

user translated here

Well you can still talk about the latest episode and speculate about other things beyond spoilers.

I can read jp though so I want to see the original text

Of course. I posted about the last episode here and there and I'm still having fun. My frustration was more to do with my own forgetfulness, not necessarily the existence of the spoilers or people talking about them. It'd be pretty retarded to expect people not to discuss spoilers or have fun with them if they're there, especially since everyone's been using tags properly.

I hope the theories about Chikai getting kappa zombie'd never come true.

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Awww fuck. I guess Enta was too innocent even with his perverted ways.

Thank you

Shouldn't they have enough silver plates by now? I'm not sure about the theory of them giving the wish to Reo anymore. Feels like it's too soon for that to happen.

Why would they give the wish to Reo now after he tried to kill Haruka?

How many do they need anyway? They don't have gold ones.


Five. Cat burglary is 1. Enta's kiss is 1. Toi's murder is 1. This week was 1 and next week should be another.

They don't know that yet.

It wouldn't be Ikuhara if the prince wasn't secretly evil

is everyone gay in this thread? wtf

No, only you.

Im talking about the stock sound

Bet he's her dad or smth

Keppi is Sara's prince.

Everyone's rotten in this anime

>tfw just a neutered dog

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It might not be the real Mabu.

Imagine being Mabu. Die saving your husband. Wake up again in an artificial shell you can't fully control, with your husband rejecting you and driving himself insane because he'd do anything for "you" to come back to him.

Enta stealing the plates are weird. I'm betting it's not just adolescent jealousy or whatever and there's some twist here.

Maybe Reo, with how fucked he's in the head, might get triggered with how Enta looks like a younger version of Mabu?

Gomen I forgot to spoiler. Reo's insistence that it's not him make me inclined to think it is.

They don't actually look alike, it's just anime arr rook da same.

But then how do you include the incest?

They might be siblings AND lovers. Pretty hot.

They're siblings or cousins.

Siblings? Close blood related relatives? Royals like to marry within the family.

If the manga hadn’t been published in a BL magazine I’d be disinclined to think that Reo and Mabu are even together. They don’t act anything like a real couple.

and some evil otter is raping you. ffs if Reo can't connect with Mabu2 at the end of anime, at least he should mercy kill him to prevent more suffering

>I'm betting it's not just adolescent jealousy or whatever and there's some twist here.
For example? Do you think he might know something or he is a spy or what? Just curious. Use the spoiler tags if you feel that it's going to be too spoilery.

Yeah it's probably him and they're folklore creatures in a fantasy anime so real world or sci-fi rules don't apply.

I dunno man. It just strikes me as weird that he'd go so far at to steal all the plates without any other mitigating circumstances.

Also we don't know how kappa society works, it could be their tradition to marry a blood relative or it may not be a taboo between them.
They are/were really close and intimate, whatever the nature of their relationship is. I think Reo particularly cares because Mabu saved his life after all.

Royalty is often inbred.


I enjoy memeing about otter rape now but I want them to be some kind of happy together in the end.

Maybe he is overflowing with desire and this turned him crazy, I see him as a possible victim of the cops. I have to watch the episode though before judging, I want to see myself to c what extent he is desperate.

>tfw you remember Reo accuses Mabu of liking the otter rape

even nips noticed it, dunno man we don't know with all this crazy shit

so enta's leaks are transitioning him from strictly gay to strictlya shit?

>I see him as a possible victim of the cops
Well yeah maybe if they injected some weird shit into him to turn him loco. Normal Enta doesn't seem this yandere, is all.

Huh, it was meant to >> 188354034#

with more and more spoilers it seems reo&mabu(be it real or 2's)relationship sank to the bottom while burning. Can't see how it can improve without looking rushing desu or killing themselves to run away from this rotten world

Look at it this way, we had less than 10 minutes of screentime to tank it, so even 1 ep wholly dedicated to them is twice the screentime to improve.

Anthy and Utena didn't properly connect until the very last fucking minutes, all we need is 1 convo of ReoMabu sorting out their issues and we can leave them on a hopeful note where they can start again.

Kazuki still wants to give the plates to Toi, so he's stealing them to prevent that. I don't see anything weird about that. That was probably his boiling point after Toi broke the golden duo into a trio.

insane theory: keppi is the rapey otter,rape the father fuck the daughter

not weird, but an incredibly asshole move

How is the English dub? Good for memes?

It's otterly sexy.

Cringe. Watch it dubbed only if you hate yourself.

Sounds ominous. If it isn't even 'so bad it's good'.



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It's not that much worse than the japanese version seiyuufag.

It's awful, dubfag.

It is much worse though. Sounds legit tryhard.

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Not really. Mabu dude sounds about as good as the japanese one. Mamo is not good at singing at all. You just like his voice.

Get your ears checked.

Not bad desu.

>all the black boxes in the thread

>defending a dub

Yea Forums really has fallen.

Americans are a huge mistake, they have the worst voice actors and their obsession for simuldubs backfires on the products.

Burgers can't into reading.

Gomen user. It's totally not like training vocals is part of my profession. I'm sure you know better.

>I'm sure you know better.
Glad you realised that.

>super expressive

I think you mean super autistic. She over exaggerates everything.


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where's the ikuhara bingo? I think we are soon gonna check "suddenly it turns really dark"

Well Kazuki is becoming a decent human being which means that someone has to be the shitty one, and it's not Toi.

Symbolism and complicated sibling relationships should be filled.

Shouldn't fabulousness be checked out cause gay cop dance and human sacrifice for Mabu's death?

Unmarked one

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Enta was always a shit to Toi though.


Geez, Ohtori Academy really turned dark after Anthy left.

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Waiting for a cow.

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There’s nudity during the leaking sequences

Does Tooi's ruler count as a sword?

I'm waiting for the cow zombie.

>"torimodosanakya ikenai mono ga aru"
>"ushi ushi"

that's for next ep

I just finished the Reomabu manga and it wasn't gay at all wtf?

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Oh yeah we could get a cow as a zombie. Do it Ikuhara

I really hate acrylic shit. They can't be used as keychains at all, print wears off momentarily.

I think Sara will be a princess eventually.

They both have round glasses (little Mabu has them in the Migi manga panel), short hair with center parts, green eyes, and an ahoge.

We'll see if she really marries Keppi.

Forgot pic.

Not true.

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They opted for a Boy's Love magazine where to serialize it, that's why people tend to agree that they are an official couple even if they don't act blatantly gay. They live together and are determined to raise Sara as her two dads, but with the twitter and the anime now it's all confusing.

Exactly how shit is Enta trying to split them up? Nanami level shit or higher?

can we mark "happened the other way around for the free space lesbians (we got gays) or that's cheating?

Yes, it's totally heterosexual to raise a kid with your best bud, fight over who's gonna be dad, cook naked for him, get jealous if he shares the food you prepared specially for him, say with a blush how you cook cause you want to see him smile, share a bank account and other fag shit. Totally het lel

Too bad Keith is a blond playboy or he'd count.

Uh there a lot of conversations they wouldn't have if whey were actually together but ok

>share a bank account
I don't remember this, or do you mean the piggy?

>they don't act anything like a real couple
How do you think this? The only thing the manga doesn't show that's decidedly couple-like is physical intimacy (PDA is still widely frowned upon in Japan, especially if the story takes place in the past) and spoken declarations of love (which are also not very common in Japan).

If they were a couple they didn't act like one. like at all

enta is mabu's reincarnation, too bad his reo (kazuki) is not a fag

This is getting a bit much even for me.

but they did, or do you think the only valid romance is the most stereotypical shit as if you were honeymoon 24/7?

Doesn't the novel use wording that suggests something like "the end is nigh" after the darkness breaks free of Keppi?

What about these two? Were they into dudes?

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I agree with your post, however
>PDA is still widely frowned upon in Japan, especially if the story takes place in the past
True, but not when you are alone at home with your partner of course. This is not a good point.

They seriously don’t. Your standards are very low

But that was a flashback. Let's wait for more episodes before adding.

Fuck off you off topic nigger.

Some of you need to stop taking bait posts seriously.

Mabu has been way more charming about it so far, but Mabu also has displayed possessiveness/jealousy issues like Enta. Mabu is also a romantic.
Kazuki and Reo both display self-loathing and self-sacrificing characteristics.
Enta feeling that he was "saved" from his lonliness by Kazuki is similar to Reo being saved by Mabu.

Is Enta being controlled?

He's controlled by his libido.

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I don't think so.

Just jealous?

No, they share a real bank account. The piggy bank was Mabu's personal savings.

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Oh yeah

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I don’t know. The part especially where Mabu blushingly confesses that he wants Reo to eat his food so he can see him smile and Reo reacts like that’s a revelation to him reads more like an interaction that’d happen between two people who have underlying tension but aren’t actually together. Plus I don’t think putting a lack of physical affection down to “it’s frowned upon in real life Japan” holds up when this is fiction and there are lots of private moments shown, besides. I’m not saying that there necessarily needs to be a lot of physicality involved to suggest that two characters are a couple, but to me they came across more like a set of weird roommates getting into sitcom style hijinks that involved having to raise a baby together.

Reo and Mabu dont spend a lot of downtime in their private quarters in the manga. The story could have shown some intimacy if it was a priority, but apparently it wasn't.
There is a chance that despite running in a BL magazine and all the evidence that the pair isn't actually an official couple at that point, but I don't think the lack of physical intimacy in the manga de-confirms it or even makes them seem like they're not a couple.

In Ikuhara's anime, it's a given that characters let feelings get in the way and this causes troubles.

I refuse to believe the leaks regarding Enta's secrets. They spent 6 episodes building up the relationship between the three boys and he's just going to wreck all that in one fell swoop? Enta truly is worst boy.

Do you not watch the show? It's pretty obvious he's just jealous.

This is the feeling I got from it too

You explained it very well. That's why I never really got attached to the cops' supposed romance. I can't see any despite the cute domestic moments.

Because of the BDSM zombie?

Because of the nut crunching

It's easy to imagine how Enta is struggling to deal with jealousy to the point that he would act out of character. Enta tried his best to "fix" Kazuki himself and get back the other half of his Golden Combo before Toi got involved, but Kazuki never responded to him. Instead, Kazuki has to be saved by Enta and Toi's joint efforts and when that's happened, Kazuki's gratitude is divided across the both of them. If Kazuki also pulls Toi into the emotional space that used to belong to just Enta and Kazuki, especially if he's still carrying on without acknowledging Enta's feelings, any normal kid like Enta would feel dissatisfied. Kids that feel like they're being pushed out of their social circle by someone newer or better than them often have don't have the social skills and maturity to react to it properly, and it's a really common experience in life.
I expect that he's going to regret everything bad that he does, but he doesn't know how else to cope right now.

I imagine he's also struggling with the fact that he more or less got what he (claimed to have) wanted at the end of episode 6, but probably feels dissatisfied with it (because really he was fooling himself into thinking he'd be happy as long as Kazuki started playing soccer again).

Lack of physical affection is realistic for a nip couple that’s past the honeymoon stage. They don’t kiss or even hug and will sleep in separate rooms. But it’s probably them being afraid to portray homos being homo than realism.

Plus the summary refers that they invited Tooi to their soccer club, maybe Enta is annoyed that the new kid is in a place that belongs to him and Kazuki.

I mean when people don’t even have the decency to mark whole paragraphs of spoilers of significance in a place where speculation is meant to be prominent it goes without saying that those who don’t wish to be spoiled would want to completely retreat from the discussion.
So yeah call me a pussy or whatever but I’m avoiding these threads from here on out

It says they invited him, but given the spoilers I assume it's just Kazuki who invited him and Enta went along with it so he wouldn't be a stick in the mud.

Fuck off and don't come back

you need help

Unless I missed some posts, all the spoilers posted here are carefully hidden.

>But it’s probably them being afraid to portray homos being homo than realism
Is this common even in BL? I don’t really read BL so I’m not sure what the standard is. I think in Reo and Mabu’s case it stands out more when compared to Enta’s feelings being portrayed very unambiguously in the anime, too.

>They spent 6 episodes building up the relationship between the three boys
Did they though? Most of Enta and Toi's scenes together are just them fighting about how the other is handling the situation with Kazuki. It's just a relationship with Kazuki in the middle of it, but Enta is not particularly close to Toi at all.

>Lack of physical affection is realistic for a nip couple that’s past the honeymoon stage
Also, this is pretty sad.

Possibly tooi, who likes/liked soccer bc of ep 4, is bonding with kazuki over their shared pastime while enta is drowning in jealousy about not getting the attention he craves of his crush.
Had seen that in youngsters who get similar feelings when their own crush/friend gets closer to other people, plus he's a middle school kid full of hormones

It's only episode 6 that was the three of them finally acting as a team and friends.

Agreed. On top of that, if Kazuki is ignoring Enta's feelings but willing to show massive generosity (giving up the plates) and sympathy to Toi, Enta should really feel neglected. On an immature emotional level, it doesn't matter if Toi's problems or needs are more significant than Enta's; realistically, Enta should feel like he's completely being stepped on in favor of someone else.

I need to you fuck off or kill yf

Yeah. It makes perfect sense to me that he'd act out in a very stupid way (hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he wanted Kazuki to find out in the leak just to get SOME kind of reaction out of him)

I agree with team, but I wouldn't say episode 6 solidified Enta and Toi as friends. Enta apologizes to Toi, but I imagine that's mostly because he helped save Kazuki not because he had a sudden epiphany that he treated Toi wrong.

Whose ship is gonna sink faster, reomabu or kazuenta?

Neither. ToiEnta is going to be dead as fuck after this.

I'm sure a lot of people here have even experienced for themselves what it's like when a new person steps into the middle of a pre-existing friendship, especially during adolescence.

It's too soon to say for either of them. Even if Enta sets fire to his ships in the upcoming episode, the show has made it clear that he's not a bad person at heart. Making up for whatever bad he does could be a powerful relationship-building scene later.
Of course, Enta's ships will sink if he gets death-flagged.

Not sure about the genre as a whole, but I’ve noticed a rising trend of pure domestic bl being popular with nip homos. “What did you eat yesterday?” is seinen and reached mainstream popularity. You wouldn’t even know they were a couple most of the time if not for the text saying that repeatedly.

Being Mabu is suffering. Just mercy-kill him already. Maybe Reo stabs him and then kills himself so they can finally reunite and be together in death.

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I fucking hope so. I was fine with it until the shippers started spamming.

Yes, Reo has to take responsibility.

I want to stab Mabu's womb with my dick and take responsibility.

he unleashes otterzilla to destroy this rotten world before killing mabu and then himself

Neither but I agree that ToiEnta might sink because Enta keeps rejecting Toi. I wonder what reaction it will get as it has some popularity with the nips too. They were hoping for OT3 friendship like most anons I guess. Not saying that won't happen in the end.

But how can Mabu feed the baby inside him if he can't eat anymore?

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>tfw sobbing hysterically over homosexual frog cartoons
fuck you ikuhara give me more suffering i love it

Silly, dolls can't have babies

Anyway it was a good start to me.

Please don't crush Mabu's hopes and dreams like that.

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>Nip couples don’t do PDA in private
You know you can defend your fujoship without blatantly lying right?

Pretty sure it's not a meme user, physical intimacy in Japan is very scarce and this is testified by the low birth rates.
But yeah, bringing this argument was retarded.

Good lord.

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even among young people?

>PDA in private
>Public Displays of Affection in private
Sounds normal to me.

Young people in Moonland lose their virginity considerably late compared to the rest of the world.
They need a libido injection by Kuro Keppi System.

Reo already took care of that

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Reo is only doing his best.

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Was the rain scene in this ep?

I rarely ever see people kissing in public. Is that a normal thing in America?

Don't think so.

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Don't know about America. Here in Yurop I once saw a couple shamelessly kissing and the girl grabbing the guy's buttocks. On a busy train station. It was around midday and no, they weren't drunk.


I’d call it rare here too.

PDA is fairly common in my part of the US.

Speaking of which:
>Couple caught having sex in pub toilet pepper sprayed by police and dragged out naked
>Bar staff reported the 23-year-old woman and a 30-year-old man refused to stop even when officers arrived on the scene and the whole pub was listening


goddammit, they're saving it for more suffering

Why is Reo such a failure

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I mean, you'd go crazy too if the lover that you just saw die in front of you is suddenly back but clearly an artificial robot, and you're trapped with it for a decade.

How are we going to defend Enta after this bros?

I miss Mabu so much.

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Trying my hardest not to click on the black bars but goddammit, it's going to hurt isn't it?

He doesn't need to be defended. Kids are prone to fuck up as they learn to nagivaye their feelings and social connections. Enta is a good boy even if he fucks up, and I'm entertained by his fuck ups. He'll either make up for them or die, which will be fun either way.

Teenage boy being a teenager haha

They were so cute and sweet.... Fuck the otters.

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You'll have fun if you like Sara and Keppi.

Yes, it is going to hurt. For real this time.

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Dance with your husband, Reo

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Reo and Mabu will never dance again.

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Guilty feet have got no rhythm

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I like Sara and Keppi but I also like geisatsu. I also like Enta and apparently he's being a shit again, Lord please save me.

There is nothing even remotely cool about smoking.

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You're gay.

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He's slowly killing himself because he can't do it all at once.

How sad. Somebody give him a hug.

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Enjoy everything for different reasons.

>episode 8 focusing on best boy
Based, my dick cannot wait

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God, I want Mabu to crush my balls with his heels because that's preferable to watching him and Reo suffer.

Oh so it was like this all along

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It's not official yet

Here you go

Just wait until he gets healed like Kazuki. He's not going to get shat on forever.

Is it gay to want to fug Haruka?

I'm sure it's called pedophilia

Depends where you are and how you were raised. Compared to Europe it's pretty prudish regardless.

If Mabu needs to have eating/digestion functions "installed", then isn't that a pretty clear indication he's entirely artificial? If the otters just reanimated his corpse, nothing like that would need to be installed because he'd already have all the organs necessary.

He could just be a shell without proper organs or desire.

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Maybe they had to transfer his soul into a new body because the old one was too busted? What makes a person, their body, their shirikodama, or their soul

They are not shota.

If he was entirely artificial he wouldn't need to eat at all, they probably replaced some parts.

I assume the otter's story is that they put Mabu's soul or something into an artificial body, or maybe they had to scrap some organs to replace with machinery when they taxidermied him

He didn't need to eat at all. It seems like he got the upgrade to try to convince Reo he's real.

It depends on what they're going for. Like his soul in a new body or a totally new "person".

Mabu does so much for him. Even as an emotionless shell, he still buys Reo's favorite cigarettes as thanks. Reo a shit.

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Oh you mean on Twitter, that one was accepted by Reo. It's after Mabu was reset" at the end of twitter that might have caused the rejection.

Reo is still best boy even if he's gone insane

entafags who spent the past month tearing kazuki to pieces are double standard fucks

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But Reo rejected Mabu V2 as soon as he saw him in the anime. It doesn't make sense that he'd be totally fine with him if that came before the twitter.

Fucking otters messing with our domestic fluff, glad they went extinct

Is Ikuhara powered by his fans' despair?

You mean toifags. It's not like enta didn't get shat on for the same thing all the time.

It's not clear from spoilers when that scene happened.

toifags just post about cumming inside aniki and that's it

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I get you want to post the leaks and all, but this thread is basically already commenting the next episode.

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S-stop it. It looks bad but they can recover. They have genuine care on their side even if the situation is fucked up, Ikuhara had worse relationships end on a hopeful note.

Fucking SHIORI and JURI ended on a possible redemption.

No, those are anikifags self-inserting in toi. I'm surprised I haven't seen them post much anymore.

It seemed pretty damn clear to me. The dialogue probably wouldn't flow like that if the scene was taking place way after the resurrection.

That was to be expected, honestly. I guess I'll come back once the PV is out.

I'm fine with the spoilers, but I can't stand a whole thread of speculah in black bars and fujos endlessly weeping over the cops.

You're triggered easily. Yea Forums is not your safe space.

What if they're wearing their modern cop outfit?

You're the one who sounds triggered

That's not triggered. Just because someone posts something you don't like doesn't mean that they're triggered. Sounds like you need a safespace or better reading comprehension.

Then seriously fuck off, you're like the fifth guy who's bitching about spoilers. You don't like it? Then leave the fucking thread and go to Twitter or some shit. God you're annoying

Ikuhara is the otter who does maintenance on Mabu.

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Just ignore the baby.

How exactly does he do maintenance? I need more details. This is super important.

I don't want filthy otters to fist Mabu anymore.

>this post
Look no further if you want to see someone triggered.

You're such an attention whore.

Thank you for the (You)'s, newfags. Next time ignore my posts and keep on circlejerking, please. As you can see I'm harmless, one post you don't agree with won't ruin the thread.

>not shota
What ARE shota then, literal toddlers?


we really are endgame brothers, no need to spoiler the pics anymore

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And you just gave me attention, outsider-kun.

He shoves his spiky dick into Mabu's heart, making him cum and cry because that's the only action Mabu can ever get now that Reo doesn't want to fuck him anymore.

Have another one.

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Threesome or bust.

The otter must touch his shirikodam

But why would toifags shit on Toi's love interest?

Enta ruined it for himself.

Sorry user but Toi is for his nii-san

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Fuck off already.

>Toi's love interest
He's not though. Enta's jealousy is based off a crapload of nothing.

>m-muh safespace
You don't even understand what it's written, do you

aniki is dying next episode user, enjoy your memes while you can

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Mabu doesn't even feel anything. It's a two-way issue.

Nah, he's dying in the one after that.

I wonder if the manga will be longer or will add some original contents that aren't in the anime.

The only place he feels is in the heart

Enta will cry as he listens to Toi and Kazuki having awkward first sex behind the door.

That's the point he can only feel during maintenance or the heart pulling.

It looks like it'll take a different direction than the anime

>He shoves his spiky dick into Mabu's heart making him cry
Hot, ngl

Reo is too jealous over what a doll he hate does. Calling it betrayal etc. He probably does fuck the doll but goes into self-loathing after.

Kazuki and Toi are straight. It's going to be a friendship end.

It's going to diverge from the anime, apparently. The story will be different.

>Keppi doesn't save Haruka
>Kazuki kills himself
>Toi dies after following aniki
>Enta forever alone
Can't wait.

Who is suffering more when they fuck: Reo or Mabu?

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I sure hope it'll be even more tragic

Wait really? Is it stated officially?

Mabu doesn't feel anything unless it's his heart so it probably boring for him. Reo feels like shit after.

This thread deserves at least one cute Sara.

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but I don't want to lose him bros ;_;

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It's an ouroboros of self loathing and grief.


Real Mabu is stuck somewhere inside and has to watch his husband hatefuck him while crying and turning psychotic. Suffering for everyone.

Do the spoilers/leaks say anything about Kazuki crossdressing? Did he decide to stop?

>thinking anyone in this show is a heterosexual

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No matter what, at least Sara is cute!

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I want porn where Reo ragefucks dollMabu while squeezing his heart inside his chest, trying to force a reaction from him. Reo shouts at dollMabu to call his name like he used to, but Mabu groans and whines from the sensation, saying nothing. Reo plummets into misery and he pulls out and dollMabu bonelessly drops to the floor and just lies there with a blank, dead expression.

Sara will save her dads, r-right?

No and probably yes.

Attached: sarazanmai-sara.gif (540x304, 2.97M)

my favorite type of porn

All she cares about is her prince's cucumber.

She is save everyone or end up the big bad.

Yeah, no. Girls like her are not meant to be sacrificing heroines.

She's busy fucking a frog

this is just miserable. people get off to this kind of stuff?

There's was nip who draw a scene like that. God, it was delicious

Hi there Harada. I kind of want it but only in hindsight of a happy ending.

Yes. People get off to everything.

Post it.

So this means when one of them dies it’ll be spoiled on here? Cool



Don’t bother, kazutoifags are twitter spammers and nothing you say will convince them otherwise.

I like my fluffy domestic shit as the depressing suffering ones

>ywn experience loving post-coital cuddling with the real Mabu

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I wonder if the nips still think Mabu is a kappa.

This hurts.

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It's widely reported that even in pricate it's uncommon. It dates back to centuries so it doesn't have a lot to do with birth rates. Have you ever seen how most anime parents behave?

I still see new art being posted of both kappa Mabu and otter Reo. Maybe it'll stop after the next episode officially airs.

He still might be, the spoilers didn't confirm he's human either. Might be that both them are bc working for kappa kingdom

I don't feel the new episode proves that he is either otter or kappa.

I do only if there's a happy ending after the suffering. Come on Iku

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This pic makes me chuckle every time.

He's never done a truly downer ending but the leads are the kids. Reomabu is in real danger of falling off the tragedy cliff.

what if it turns out this dance wasn't completely discarded, but they used to dance like this when they were happier? And they stopped doing it because it's too intimate and made Reo sad? I love how they switch leads

Neither will Reo.

Please Ikuhara, please

This would also be wonderful. Interesting how they went from a Western style dance to a Japanese one. Maybe they wanted to make the show more tradition-based.

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That concept art was done before Ikuhara decided to go with the Japanese style setting, so no, I don't think we'll ever see it.

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Almost 50K followers.

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What are they looking at?

but they revealed there were kappas accross many cultures so they can pull many excuses to show it, like saying they traveled to different places and required different dances for each

But they set the show in Asakusa so it's mostly nip style.

If it was true it would spoil the surprise. And they showed a bunch of concept art by the time episode 1, 2 and 3 aired iirc.

Migi: "Like when a kid accidentally calls their teacher mom, I've imagined Toi accidentally calling one of them Nii-san after they become friends."

that looks good, what’s the flavor?


Did Ikuni make that manga just to troll people? I'm starting to think it's the only possible reason.

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The manga and twitter serve to fill the gaps most likely.

I wouldn't be sad if they get bittersweet ending, like a "we're dead but let's meet at gay heaven"