Will this ever be surpassed? I don't think so

Will this ever be surpassed? I don't think so.

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I definitely won't forget it. Shit was wild. Authors got me hooked on Chainsaw Man too.

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All she wanted was to know Star Wars's ending.

poor girl, another dream ruined by disney

Fujimoto is truly based. Then again I haven't seen a mangaka that has given free reign to write whatever he wants like him.

He already surpassed his own previous work.

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Nah, Chainsaw Man is still tame compared to Fire Punch.

>Then again I haven't seen a mangaka that has given free reign to write whatever he wants like him.
Muh edgy/gore = quality

Fuck off, preteen

>Dishonest Paneling
>Post-Isekai inversions
>Grating indefinite amateurish line-work
>Gatcha Game Iconography
>Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as NEET/ entertainment/Herbivore Powerplay
>Neo netouyo hangups: scene schizophrenia and meme dialogue
>Meta-Structure syndrome (refusing to build narrative structure is just as problematic as indulging in See: Firepunch/U19)
>Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic ToC fetish

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did this post take you 5 minutes to write?

It reminds me of Elfin Lied but worse.

At least put some effort into your shitposting.

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These markov chain posts are getting more and more elaborate.

>Implying I like Fire Punch because of sex and violence
Are you even trying?

It's certainly one of the few manga that's filled with multiple kino pages every chapter. Fujimoto is God tier when it comes to panelling as well.

Where this meme came from? I saw a post like this a couple of days ago.

>implying Fire Punch is about the edge and gore
I bet you were pleb filtered by the prologue.

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Check the current chainsaw thread

>Writes the best ever pseudo incest love story as his debut work.

Its not about the gore, its how he delivers it when nobody is expecting it.

This is actually garbage and nobody can defend it other than "Muh ride".


You don't call people above you plebian, dog.

It kind of dragged for me in the middle and that "lets make a movie" nonsense in the early parts was a waste of time. But it got better 2/3s into the game and the ending was kino af.
Probably one of my fav manga.

I have high hopes for Chainsaw Man.

Literal retard.

Obviously better than Hiatus X Hiatus.

Tigata's death hit me hard.

Can you sacrifice the whole world to save your sister's look alike?

true, the plot was utter rubbish but the setting was good in how absolutely shitty it was

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Pure kino plot.

True love triumphs over everything user.

Based Agni choosing his love over humanity.

I still don't get it.

unironically i don't think so
fire punch is legitimately the best written manga out there

nothing happened in cm yet
nothing even close to fire punch kino

>english major making use of his liberal arts degree for the first and last time in his life
>as seen in his natural habitat

>debut work
he's made like 10 other manga before this though

No, but I would save humanity just so that I could watch some Star Wars.

the movie part was the most kino thing in the manga tho
so eat shit millennial zoom zoom

i legit cried when togata was talking about her gender dysphoria and how she's trans, and i'm anti-sjw, so in my eyes if this manga can do that it's already godlike

This. It was a commentary on storytelling itself.

>Someone already used it again
Fucking kek

Crazy how much I hate trannies but was still able to appreciate the realness of that whole scene.

Was Togata actually trans? I thought he/she was intersex since they had breasts but also mentioned having a benis that couldn't be chopped off due to regen.

u wot
she wanted to have a benis but couldn't have it because of her regen
she was born a girl

dead thread
shit manga


I think the ice witch subplot was handled a bit poorly.

what ice witch subplot?
ice witch was made up by judah and behemdorg

Dude she is a literal character in the story and gets killed like nothing by Sun in one page.

Did he ever kill the ice witch who caused the winter?

there's no ice witch, the one who claimed to be her was just an evolved blessed who wanted to make a big tree to warm shit up and remake the world to see star wars

her blessing wore off after agni punched judah so hard she became retarded
so Sun killed her since she was no longer immortal and just kinda chilling with him being a cunt
he was insane anyway at that point

way to go speedreaders

>cries when it happens in a manga
>doesn't care when it happens to real people
okay edgelord

exactly my point

>when a manga character is more understandable than real people
Kino is on the table.

Sjwpilled and based.

>this manga is bad if you take away what makes it good
Wow, who woulda thunk it

agni did everything wrong

I remember when the first chapter got dropped on Yea Forums and people were just shitting on it because they thought it's just some edgy xmen flick

well to be fair it was shit until togata showed up and was like "lol that all before was just a joke, haha gotcha" and it turned out it was shit on purpose

but his appearance doesn't retcon the first few chapters, it's not like all of it was a movie

it basically was, a shitty backstory and shitty one dimensional "RAPE RAPE MURDER" villains for C grade movie schlock
it was all a set-up for the subversion that it wasn't actually to be taken serious
anons assumed it was for real thus everyone thought it was shit, thinking the author is just a nutso
but yall got played real hard when he was like "jokes on you this is actually self aware"

>jokes on you this is actually self aware, San&Agni's upbringing and human trafficking don't matter looooool
never thought I'd see someone misunderstand Fire Punch of all things

learn to read, it's not that they don't matter it's that the author understand how fucking retarded it is

>the author understand how fucking retarded it is
[citation needed]
just because one side suffers and the other only thinks about masturbation and shooting movies doesn't mean it's suddenly a comedy manga
it's called juxtaposition you moron

it definitely jumped the shark multiple times and the main girl’s death was meh and the ending was meh. but otherwise it was very fun to read and i like the art.

it's not a comedy manga
it is called juxtaposition, it literally makes fun of itself for being so edgy, togata spells it out for mongoloids like you in vol. 2

>ad hominem
don't bust a vein trying to cover your fuckup, hombre
it's not my fault you are too dumb for babby's first shock value manga

>hurrdurr i was only pretending to be retarded sorry

>60 posts in
>No invasion from hunter"chads"
Guess the underage kids are asleep.

despite your poor usage of meme arrows I accept your concession

>meme arrows
oh now it all makes
you're a little babbu zoomy
that explains everything, don't be too hard on yourself boyo, it'll come in time when you learn to manage your butthurt

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Most of them haven't read Fire punch.

Thanks, I'm starting to like this pasta

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Fire Punch? more like Kino Punch

You're mom is garbage and you can't defend her other than "muh ride".

>all these meaningless word thrown together
I don't know if insult or commend you

It doesn't surpass it but pic related does the whole Wild Ride thing just as good in my opinion. It's starts as an edgy revenge story before SUBVERTING YOUR EXPECTATIONS with 4th wall leaning humor and ending with the destruction of the universe

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I love this.

thanks for the spoilers i guess?

Kino bump.

kino death


I miss it so much. Don't care for Chainsaw though

In want to fuck my brainlet and amnesia (Not)sister agnidamit

Should I start reading Chainsaw Man yet lads? I always hear axe memers so is it far along enough for it to be safe and has it proven itself as good? Fire Punch was kino btw.

I honestly don't know how it can be surpassed. This author is a fucking genius and even Chainsaw Man is so far really great.

this guy gets it

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give it a couple more chapters

It's so far really good. It couldn't match Fire Punch, but that's not so much for the quality but the fact that it just started.

Ehhh, it had a really good premise and start. But near the end when they just hop to spoiler dimension to fight the big bad boss it just gets really fucking lame. So much so that I think I stopped reading near the last 5 chapters or so, couldn't even bother to finish it, honestly.

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nigga what
please tell me ur joking cuz if not, ur really new huh

it's great plebfilter for zoomers like you

read slower nigga, shit, it's only eight volumes.