
Dubbed when?

Attached: jashin chan legs.webm (700x394, 189K)

Other urls found in this thread:


when americans stop being retarded, i hope.

If I had to pick one I prefer the sub but I just like when there're two versions, which will make re-watching not boring.

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When you die.


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she had legs?


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cursed thread

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>obligatory thread
>obligatory post

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We need a GabDrop dub first.

Big talk for not even getting S2

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big talk for not even having best snake

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That's the worst snake.

How do you tell if a snake is okay to eat?

Who licensed this again? Crunchyroll?

phoneposters out

Do you think we'll get a New Game/Million Arthur style dub?

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And just what is that style?

>that subtle jiggle

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Narrated by Jeff Bezos

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You can only marry and impregnate one.

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What do you mean?

Just watch the sub retard.

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There is not enough fire heated pokers I can gather to shove into every opening of your body including eyes. You deserve far worse, everyone else will most likely be enjoying shaved ice while watching it happen.

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I don't think Amazon do dubs, so never.

Malnourished women are much more likely to die in childbirth. You should fatten her up before impregnation

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>hfw entering her cloaca

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Why the fuck would you want a dub? This shows voice acting was already perfect

The Egypt-chan

You're not gonna stretch that thing any wider than she's already done herself.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dropkick - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.26_[2018.10.07_19.06.49].jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Faggots who never learned how to read.

If you're reading this that means you can read, congratulations you can just go watch the subbed version of the series!

Fuck off brainlet

>its another underage faggot poster

Kill yourself.

someone post the cloaca chocolate manga page please

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There's nothing wrong with the original cast, stay the hell off Yea Forums

is a board more fitting your taste

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>that gif
>implying the snek doesn't love Yurine because Stockholm syndrome
>implying the snek didn't want to float away to the stars with Yurine

Explain further

When you stop touching yourself

>>>/dub/ is that way, user

Bezos sama

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Is Pechora a girl?

Pekola as a small dick.

I wanna see.

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Nice, just bought 100k Amazon shares.

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Minos's is three times as large and much more fun.

I wouldn't mind impregnating her anus instead

Who is this bitch again?

Jashin's vampire sister Persephone II. Their mother is possibly the queen of hell and why Jashin shits on low class demons.

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Back to work.

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>Jashin is a princess
>her sister is a vampire
But how?

never asshole

Got pekora for brains.

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That bitch cut off and hollowed Jashin's Tail.

Nice try to ruin this show, faggot

Wait, it's just a costume?

Did you miss the part where she floated to the stars only to attempt a world obliterating drop kick, trying to kill every person on earth including Yurine and her devil pals. Jashin only loves herself.

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>Jashit chan Droppings


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Medusa would eat Jashin-chan's droppings.

>finally has enough money to rent an apartment
>instead donates all of her money to charity
How can someone be so divine? She is literally the second coming of Jesus Christ
She's so perfect. A living Saint

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Should I read the manga or just wait for the next season? How much behind the anime is compared to the manga?

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She loves Medusa, no matter how much she refuses to admit it.

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How come the hobos are allowed to live on the playground? Aren't the parents concerned about their children's well being?

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They're probably pretty obsessed with their own lives, immoral, and unworthy of redemption as pekola pointed out.

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What does that mean?

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Just don't eat the poison, bro.

Season 1 and 2 getting dubbed around the same time. It happened with New Game in 2017, now It's happening with Million Arthur.

They're slowly, but surely leaving the anime scene.

Why does it bother (you) so much?

A hobo start doing drug? Shocking.

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At least she can't overdose since she's immortal

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Yeah, but immortality on rabies sucks.

But I think it would be fun to anally rape a rabid Perkele.

I doubt all that foam and drool is a good lubricant.

Why rape?
She would probably let you fuck her for 1000 yen

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I don't actually remember. I've just been posting about anally raping her since last summer without knowing why.

Can't blame you
She's hot as fuck

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That webm makes me really uncomfortable

Aina Suzuki is fucking top tier. The show would be souless dubbed. I never will understand you normalfags

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It's just a bait topic. Helps slower treads stay alive.

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At least the show would be more popular and more people would discuss it
We are almost on page 10 again...

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>this show
Oh really? It's the same for literally any media, no matter of its a game or animation and no matter if it's Japanese or Burger. Dubs are nothing but cancer every fucking time.


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Try doing a suicide.

>getting anime more popular meme
No one fucking needs newfag normalfags. They are ruining everthing.
Anime doesn't need to be more popular in the west. If someone can't consume foreign media with its original voices, then brainlets like this should stick with shit from thier own country.
Also, watching the dub = watching completely different series, SL still invalid argument.

>watching the dub = watching completely different series
It's just a translation... Don't get so mad about nonsense

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>it's just completely different culturized dialogue
>it's just completely different personalities
>it's just completely different emotions and voices
Yeah who cares about it. Fuck this.
Oh God, normalfags are really retarded.


So basically everything that I love about anime (culture, jokes, voices, tropes and persolities) is ripped off and replaced with some burger shit. What's the point of watching the anime then?

This is a bait, right?

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Blessed image

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>1.8 billion dollars

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I know that but it's especially offensive when there is a really good Seiyuu

How come she never dresses up anyway?
It's a wonder she was only raped once

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she has a cloak thing but its unironically because she is a lazy snek
she could wear skirts and tops all the time

>when your seiyuu is cuter than yourself

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pekotube is the best

guys I need a few dollars cash do you know where I can find an ATM at this hour?

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Cute, but why does she dress like a grandma?

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>a pure angel voiced by a slut
Does not compute.

That's what we call street wear these days. It's very trendy to dress like grandma.

Jashin? more like jabitchin.

Medusa? More like Medusuck.

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I will guard the path to page 10

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What a whorish slut.

Dub ruins everything

don't even think about making one for my wife Minosu

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>page 10

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So realistically, s2 when?

could be as early as Autumn, but most likely it will be Winter or Spring

it should be in this year at the very latest

Minosu? more like Minosuckmydick

That's good to know. I hope the quality stays consistent.
Now here's the real question: s3 when?

get in line, faggot

Why is this image so sacred?

probably will have to wait for more manga storyline so a couple years, but the Jashin-channel has been great with just the Seiyuu loosely following scripts while wearing VR rigs


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Not all of them.

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>genius Jashin-chan wears fighter pilot goggles for some reason

Have you seen those peko pekolas she have? Imagine her wearing something else, it would be an outrage.

she's a genius. you wouldn't understand

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I'm just saying wouldn't welding goggles make more sense

maybe in your tiny mind

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A genius snek is probably still sub-average IQ.

is Jashin-chan even a real scientiscian

Okay, that does it. The interview is over.

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What the hell is wrong with you?

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This is now my tread you low class devil.

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I cant believe snek can be pretty

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the prettiest snek is when she is making chocolates with ATM

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I go to bed now. Good night. Tell perkola to buy some more comfy pillows, or I don't know. It's not comfy enough.

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Do they ever have demon sex?

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That's a big egg.

The sad part is Medusa thinks it's her baby but it's actually copgirl's.

what if we put Jashin in a trash can, where she belongs

But the issue isn't really about Jashin's behavior since we've been seeing her on a regular basis, since she got there but we've mostly just seen her going along and it isn't that weird either. It's more about what a good representation of her can be.

The way she's written is not that extreme even after she gets her powers, we've seen her do just about anything with her powers for a while but she doesn't get as excited at her fights with other fighters as she does about being able to kill people. We've seen her in the past go as far as to kick the shit out of a human fighter, I wouldn't say the same of Kaze or Kakuuchi because they've gone in a really different direction, but she's definitely gotten excited about things like a fight with a demon. She's seen fights with demons and demons haven't been easy for any girl my age.

what if we put you in an orphanage, where you belong

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I'm sorry, it's actually mine. It was an honest mistake, alright.

That's an unfaithful cosplay of Jashin-chan, she doesn't wear clothes

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Is that a one-time-use throwaway onahole with single use cloaclocola?

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>a one-time-use throwaway onahole
more like, your halo is

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No, it's a figure of a one-time-use throwaway onahole with a single use cloaclocola.

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Goddamn, Jashin is so fucken pretty

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I can't believe Jashin is dead.

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This Pekora isn't ugly enough, delete.

This is NOT that hobo.

it must be cosplay

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Delivering this ramen to page 10

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Why is this dumb angel so sexy. Holy shit.

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Charge your phone and go to bed faggot

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dropkick - 03 [720p]-0004.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

how tight

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dropkick - 07 [720p]-0003.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

This is so hot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dropkick - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.08.23_[2018.09.18].png (1920x1080, 1.78M)

I'm no expert but if I remember correctly snakes' venom glands are located in the head so I'd imagine if you decapitated it just about any snake would be edible as long as you thoroughly clean and cook it

> snakes
> poison

Attached: Nah.png (500x281, 96K)

Some snakes are actually poisonous rather than venomous.

This is your brain on Jashin-chan.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Jashin-chan Dropkick - 09 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_15.57_[2019.05.05_22.31 (1280x720, 144K)

Perkele is pure sex

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I wish I had some Jashin-chan.

More like 100% onions.

>camera change between frames
Shit direction.

So how are they going to adapt this parts? Fork and mosaics?

More direction with two seasons, unlike dumb itoddler.

What is the difference

Venom is injected. Poison is eaten.

I wouldn't even poke my pecker into pekola

Gabu should have enough manga to make a second season sometime next year.

I'd pound her smelly butthole if you know what I mean

It was two drop kicks in opposite directions. Just to make double sure the bitch was dead.

Go on.

After she gets done her shift moving boxes, I'll be waiting in her box home already stroking my cock. She knows the deal, I bring her dinner and she spreads her cheeks, still doesn't make it any less painful for her though even though I've been doing this for months now. As she enters her little shack I smile sinisterly then grab her petite little waste. As I whisper into her ear "it's time" I pick up that strong body odor I've been getting used to. That strong BO wafting around me only makes my dick harder. I start to undress her as she looks around uncomfortable knowing what's coming. I tell her she can have her McChicken afterwards because she's gotta work for it. I throw her face down and pounce on her back, dick throbbing above her musky buttocks, I don't think she's been washed in weeks. My dick starts to feel around for her anus, no lube here, her ass is sweaty from working all day so that will have to do. Ah, there it is, all puckered up not wanting to let me in. I grab the back of her hair and pull, she yelps quietly. I look at her for a moment then thrust my dick so hard in that her eyes jolt wide open as she moans. This is going to be a fun night.

I'm calling the cops

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>grab her petite little waste
Starting with scat play? That's like killing the fun.


How nice of you feeding our useless hobo angel, orally and anally

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Exalibolg is thirsty for your blood you disgusting ningenigger!!

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I thought she hated perkulator

It's a love hate relationship

Source: your opinionated ass.
Overreact much? No one is forcing you to watch dubs. The existence of a dub wouldn't take the sub away from (you).
Elitists ruin everything.

Kill yourself already.

I just found out Yukiwo also did some nice doujinshi in the past.

Fuck off faggot. Back to Yea Forumsmblr

Attached: Chocolate.png (760x1078, 894K)

hardcore weebs ITT

Shame Jashit-chan doesn't get any

Attached: jashin doujin.jpg (775x359, 218K)

Fuck off.

hurr durrr enjoying anime how the medium is created means you are a weeb. Go beg for approval on reddit or mal.

I was thinking when I get my nendo I would give Jashins hair to my Reinharto to get the 80s hair look and give Jashin Diana’s cabbage hair to show off her DFC but then I remembered Jashin has freakin hair bows.

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How can a girl who's a name is piss and is a gurofag can this be cute?

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Any kind of "weeb" is better than literal stereotypical burger.

No. You shouldn't consume foreign media if you are over 10 years old and you still needs butchering called dub. Watch some burger movies or TV series instead.

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Her legs look delicious

is she still working as a waitress?
I thought she was prostituting herself, I mean working as an idol.

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Yeah, yeah. Enjoy it while pekora ugly hours last. Boobie monster angel is soon to drop, and then nobody will care about you cheapskate any longer. Holy shit. Season two is going to be boobastic.

>Boobie monster angel

>being this triggered over other people having the option to watch an anime dubbed
You don't get to decide how other people should watch their anime, weebcuck.

someone is stuck in the past.

It makes no sense, where did she get so much nutrient for that butt?

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This thread in a nutshell.

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I fed her.

Jashin makes the best faces when she is angry.

>It’s anyones guess
She prayed to Jesus really hard

I don't know. Maybe? Pic related.

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This is the ideal female body.

Anal hobo princess

why everyone always relate this poor angel with anal?

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because she needs the extra monies. she probably does worse.

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she should be related to sex in general then, what´s with this obsession for anally fuck Pekora?

it's what the people want and pay good monie for? What do I know? Seems to be good business.

maybe because she is an angel

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She's an angel so she has to retain her virginity

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you realy want feminist jashin chan?

angels dont have sexes

This show have too many cows.

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she lost her fucking halo, what exactly makes you think she's still in possession of her virginity? stupid snek. I wanna talk to genius snek, please?

Latin american dub would be unironically based,

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>Latin american dub
>unironically based
I knew from the very beginning that you are in fact the worst angel of them all.

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At least >our dub is free of SJW shit.

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I take the food. But not because I like you. Stupid angel.

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The truth is we are sick fucks and it feels good

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>spend years watching got as it degrades in quality
>spend night shitposting in Yea Forums
It’s all so tiresome.

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stay there

Are you by chance the dubnigger? Please stay on Yea Forums

no choclates for you. Give them to me.

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just get some chocolate out of your cloaca

no. that's for emergencies.

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Do they ever go back into the null room again?

As you demand a dub to be made so your retard ass can watch it how YOU want too to cater to you when anime is made not for you. KSG yourself.

What past has to do with dub being the worst kind of butchering that you can do you to literally any media?
If you're watching the dub, you're watching completely different series. Always. No matter if there are jelly donuts or not. You need to be completely retarded if you don't understand why.

You're not watching the anime if you are using the dub in the first place, so well. Fuck off brainlet-kun.

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cute dumb snek

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Is that flan

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Keep telling yourself that, weeb-kun.

I wanna pay Jashin-chan

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hardcore sub elitists should be gassed

snake hoes

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Nah it's called watching anime. You might want to try it sometime.


uh, this jashin-channel episode didn't show up in my feed


Once you grow up you will understand where milk comes from.

I already know milk doesn't come from snakes.

>Muh nip language
>Muh intended way
Why are you still typing in English? Why are you even here? Go to 2ch or something.

>Why are you still typing in English?
Because the language on this board is English. Not Spanish, not German, not Japanese.
>Why are you even here? Go to 2ch or something.
I do lurk there sometimes. Go back to Yea Forums

She's back.

The brave minority speaks out

>>Muh nip language
It's the same for all media, regardless of the language. The original is the true version so you should consume that in the most original form. For audiovisual media this means subtitles with the original sound. Just so you know, I watch russian movies with russian voices, japanese with japanese, korean with korean, chinese with chinese, and I don't speak any of these languages.

I missed her autism

Obviously you have never heard of a Milk Snake. Where else would milk come from.

Well, I know a snake that can produce milky white fluid. It's in my trousers.

Cows retard

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You're not fooling me again.

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Can Pekola produce milk?

The only white stuff coming out of her is from her anus

Peko Pekora

I don't see her there

The succ on the right, then.

She's in the hoodie.


Almost like people are using the language of the host country like how anime default language is Japanese, nigger.

Do you mean the reaper robe? And how do we know that's her.

>page 10

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I want to drug Jashin-chan and make her eat herself like that guy in Hannibal

I want to lick Yurine's legs.

I want to drink Yurine's urine.

My snek so cute.

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To cover the bruise from her professor.

She downloads anime illegally.

You can do that!?

Yurine can do what she wants because a pirate is free!


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That's a very puffy vulva...

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She only let's her lover see it. And she only shows it to them right after she know she's with child because it also kills whoever sees it.

>it evolved
holy shit

A long time ago.

Her name is pekopekolpekalalalara

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When will Yurine get a boyfriend?

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She already summoned a girlfriend for herself

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I didn't know she summoned someone other than Jashin.

She didn't

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I'd rather get to know the delicate folds of her rectum than her name.

>leans on her knee to stand up

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This August.

Depending on posture, it can take pressure off her back, but in this case entire snek is spine.

What a cute mosquito.

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Why was she so nice to Poporin if she knows she’s the one who spilled her jelly desert? Did she fall for the Noelle alias? Is urine a brainlet?

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She's just a good girl. She'd make a much better angel than Poop.

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>wanting some 40-year-old hambeast with dyed hair to voice snek and frens, injecting her ideologies into the show

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Is she the ugliest angel in existence?

Spear Jashin when?


>ywn be Yurine's teacher

she was just plain looking
but being a hobo has bumped her down to ugly

>brown braid snakegirls
I didnt know I wanted this
curse you

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What is she looking at?

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Her udders. She's feeling thirsty.

She took some kids to her house to play.

Mino loves playing with her big nipples.

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Who is the most delicious dropkick?

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Why does this webm always make people freak out? It's a visual gag.

Pekola is cute but Minosu has the best body

I want to eat Yurine with Yea Forums!

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In the pooper!

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Getting covered in poop in Pooper's pooper.

Behead those who insult Noelle!

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she is learning fast about the business. isn't it?

poor pekola is so pure and so ugly

I guess you lowborn mortals deserve a little reward.

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They would probably consider getting to eat her poop a great reward.

Take that back scumbag
She's absolutely gorgeous

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How 'bout you check these dubs.
If it's divisible by 4, you'll get what you want.
If it's divisible by 3, I'll get what I want (秘密です).


back reddit or facebook pleb

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I want to eat Yurine's Yurines

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Tell me more about Pino!

Is this how she gets money to buy shit in Amazon?


urine u slut

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she has a cute seiyuu

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Oh Devil please let me suck on those feet.

Where's my second season already? WHY THE SHIT DOES THIS TAKE SO LONG? SEASON TWO NOW! OR ELSE!

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>enter Jashin thread (3 days old)
>notice that nobody has posted police girl
It's hard being the only one with good taste.

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Has anyone gotten the Nendo yet?

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winter 2020 at its earliest
most likely spring tho

>winter 2020
>maybe later

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Don’t be rude

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Shut up, Medusa. Go whoring yourself for our movie budget.

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You are a man of taste and worth, user.


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What the shit. You owe me one super lewd Pino, you fucking faggot.

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>100+ posters

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hopefully never

>I do lurk there sometimes. Go back to Yea Forums
we dont want him, localizations are for casualfags, same with dubs.

School swimsuit Pekola barking like a dog with a heart-tongue was PG mindbreak hentai.

Holy shit mods are fucking retarded

but user, dubs don't exist on Yea Forums, moot disabled them

I can't believe it's written unironically.
Like what the actual fuck. Yeh MUH JAPANESE LANGUAGE in fuckin JAPANESE SERIES. You fucking braindead burger. I can't describe how I despise ignorant retards like you.
No wonder that you're defending the dubs. With ant brain like this dub is the only way to watch anything.

>offending people that are open minded enough to watch something with original voices
Yup. That's why I called you a retard.

Could you theoretically use this as a buttplug?

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you could theoretically use anything as a buttplug

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that's what Pekola needs

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I want to be Pekora's buttplug.

>localizations are for casualfags, same with dubs.
Exactly. If someone wants a dub then they are just casual fans with a specific preference, but purists here always feel the need to shit on dubs whenever someone wants something dubbed. It's almost like they do this shit just so they can feel superior about watching chinese cartoon in moon language. Their superiority complex is beyond pathetic.

Do you think every single dub is 4kids-tier?

Been there, done that. Now I want to watch it dubbed.

>then they are just casual fans with a specific preference
then they should be prepared for being called retarded

Isn't against the rules using a seiyu that isn't "pure".

It doesn't matter if there are jelly donuts or not. Replacing tropes, culture personalities and voices (which are integral part of characters and literally any visual medium, especially in Japan, where every voice actor is cherry picked for specific character, his voice and even for being in harmony with other character voices for songs and various TV specials, fan meetings etc) is retarded and as I said above - it's like watching completely different thing. It's not anime anymore.
So generally, no matter how is dub done, it's always a poor-man's choice.

Fuck this snek. She's way too evil to that hobo angel.

Don't worry
Angels will eventually regrow their halo and they live in paradise
So these few years of suffering aren't a big deal for them

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Pekola's rear halo.

Snek is doing Gods work. She is testing angels for worth.

Can you feel the love tonight?

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>t. brain-damaged weeb

It appears you know jack about mordern dubs. Take a hike, weeb.

Do elitists like (you) seriously believe this garbage? LOL

Welcome to Yea Forums, where weebs gloat about their "correct" taste.

Jeez, some trolls are trying to ruin this sanctuary, aren't they?

I want angry Pekola working at a soapland going full workaholic on me.

>what's a soapland?
Pekola would most likely ask that.

Pekola are you sure you should be working at the Fukishima nuclear power plant's cleanup crew?
I've been watching Chernobyl is all

Perkolator would never do that
She's a pure angel!

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>111 posters
>somehow still hasn't reached bump limit after 4 and a half days

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She has the best body type for soapland work. It's a crime against humanity if she doesn't serve at least twenty men in a nice facility.

Pekola is so cute
Honestly the entire show should be about her

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>pekere this
>pokola that

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You can't stop the Percolator, dumb snake.

>3 and a half days
Yurine has to work at a maid cafe because she sucks at math

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She should be retconned in the second season.

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Careful now. I know where Perkele lives.

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She doesn't live anywhere
She's homeless

Oh, no.

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I want to cuddle this mole.

I know where she's got her cardboard box parked. And I know where she hides her bread crumbs too.

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Yea perkele should live with Yurine and Jashin should be homeless.

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Perko should sleep with Yurine.

>Yurine kicks out the snake, let's Pekola stay with her and they eventually fall in love with each other
I can totally see that happening

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>17 to 21 can still be counted as 3 days

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Yurine yurinating on Pekora.

Its not elitism. It's just fucking logic.
If you're consuming foreign media, it's only natural to consume it as it is, without butchering, re recording and altering anything.
If you have a little more IQ than ant, you'll be able to understand it without asking any questions.

You've got multiple arguments against dubs. Many anons properly explained why dubs shouldn't even be a thing.
Your only argument it
That's why dubfags are always retards. Even bigger retards than cartelfags.
Please do a favor to society and kys.

Kill yourself, redditor. You don't get to pretend like you're any better than the dubshitters.

Lmao, have fun listening the butchered version of Jinbocho elegy.

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I was banned twice for using full phrase, so fuck off.

No, you fuck off. Even if it is true, a mod being retarded does not mean you have to be retarded too.

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>all these weebs getting triggered over someone wanting to watch some Asian cartoons in different language

>these two retards getting triggered over people telling them to go read

Must be an ADD faggot who can't pay attention.

Where are the Pino lewds I was promised?

>Some autistic jackass getting triggered over people not reading something that's meant to be watched

Sure thing, weeb. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
>Dubs are bad muh original is good
Every time!

all elitists should be exterminated from the face of earth

It's funny how those incels always make a big fuss over someone prefering dubs even though it's not a deal big.

unlike r*ddit Yea Forums if infamous for upholding some quality to the discussions, and since 90% of all dubs are trash you shoudnt be suprised people dislike dubs
just take your ADHD pills and you can keep up with the show and subs

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Hi elitist, the cliff is that way. Now jump off!

She thing insin. Emotional based shaming is mainly used by women.

I have a feeling that you're the only one retard shilling the literal plague called dubbing. Fuck off brainlet.

>Yea Forums
>quality discussions
Hahahhahahaha nice one user

I'm sorry you're an overreacting retard user, please take your pills and sleep

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>Yea Forums
>quality discussion
Stop lying.

Human gab>vampire gab>angel gab. Would gabs seiyuu be too expensive for the show?

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Vampire Gabu > Smelly Gabu

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Based what, samefagging?

Where is the proof that vampire gabu is not smelly?

She smells faintly of dust and formaldehyde.

Otaku gab>vampire gab>angel gab

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Otako > Vampire Otako > Angel Otako

What if it was a lie like FAG?

>lie like FAG
You dumb.

How strong is YURINE (2 eyes mode)?

How did pink angel lose her halo?

Her bed has a cleaning function.


By me

Jashin-chan Dropkiss!

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I bet it tastes bad. Like old roadkill.

You wouldn't know if you didn't try

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Is this cannibalism?

Not really. More like a human eating a monkey.

Jashin should be beaten up.


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Try me, I will kill you like the neighbor in first chapter.

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I like Jashin's jacket. Somehow makes her more cute than being topless.

Because it’s the constrast of the shirt/sweater making her look like she’s not wearing pants or pantsu ready for sex and in this case she’s definitely not wearing anything

Pekola best girl, everything else was trash

Pekora? more like Pekockandanal

That’s where you’re wrong kiddo.

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How long will this thread last?

Forever +/- 5 days.

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Not long enough.

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ponytail Jashin-chan, best Jashin-chan

Bald Jashin-chan.

How the fuck is this thread still alive?
Yea Forums is fucking dead, the corpse just haven't figured it out yet.

120 ips breh, people drop in then leave

Poporon>the rest

What’s her power?

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To never be able to find Jashin

Is it possible to learn this power?

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Flat chest titjob

riding on MY DICK

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>120+ posters

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The snek shall fear the strong!

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Another Jashin thread hits bump limit! Thanks to the dedicated watchers who keep the threads from page 10, and to OP for his controversial subject.

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>mfw still no Pino lewds

inb4 thread archives

No steppu

fuck the op man

cool edit

Sounds like Medusa's power
