I want to talk about Durarara.
What made the first season so good? And why are Walker and Erika best boy and best girl?
I found it boring
Will I like this if I liked Baccano?
*is the only character with an actual arc in your path*
All the hype characters are just there for window dressing.
Yeah most likely. The first season anyway.
Is season 2 bad? Never saw it and nobody talks about it.
i still don't know how i didn't see the twist coming
The best girl is Mika actually.
no one cares newfag stop posting and asking stupid fucking questions.
Calm down crossboarder
nice retort newfriend
Not bad but the characters get a bit flanderized and i think learning more about everything takes away from its charm.
I know you're pissed but no need to mean to people watching a good show (that's from the fringe of the 2010s)
It was interesting to see how so many bizarre characters were somehow linked with each other.
The second season failed because they tried to continue doing the same thing. People expected to see how it will all come together, not new stuff thrown in.
ok, newfag, you are so right. Go enjoy your new anime you just discovered
>inb4 not him
Rewatching, the pace in S1 is somehow simultaneously fast and slow. It's fast, because in the first four episodes they throw over a dozen characters at you, all with complicated stories; and yet it's slow, because the first four episodes just recap the same core events from four different angles, Rashomon-style.
Celty is best girl
I liked it.
I hated the science people that acted friendly with celty and the other people.
I thought the reasoning behind the high school trio all vowing to not talk to each other about stuff until they sorted out their secret lives was convoluted. Moreso than it should've been.
just your normal high schooler reasoning
Really meh, could be better
How far do they get in season 2?
Does Izaya get stabbed?
Do they get to the scene where someone tries to torture him by pouring water on his head?
The light novel is better