Dishonest and pretentious animation

>dishonest and pretentious animation
Why do people say that to this particular scene? I find it fine...

Attached: Dance.webm (656x540, 2.9M)

Other urls found in this thread:

some people just hate rotoscoping

>I find it fine
because you're dishonest and pretentious yourself

its a bit cringe

I was just incredibly impressed they made focused on moving her legs and not just autistically moving only her arms, J-Pop style.

Japanese "move only our arms to dance" is almost as bad as potato nigger river dancing.

it's the >forced animation meme
people are so used to stilted jap animation that they can't handle when they actually put effort into it

A bit? Only real autists would find this kind of thing fine.

only autists like you and him find dancing cringey


the rotoscoping creeps me out and i get an uncanny valley feeling watching this. i like the series and i love chika but this dance creeps me out

Attached: 042.gif (600x338, 2.97M)

Animation is a tool to tell stories and communicate ideas and feelings to the viewer
When you decide to rotoscope a dance, thats 1 idea you're telling the viewer and it takes 90 seconds to tell.

How's that dancing? Literally pre schooler choreography. The only reason autists like you forgive this shit is because she's cute. Still pretty fucking cringy regardless of her physical aspect.

>potato nigger river dancing

>How's that dancing?
How's it not?

[citation needed]

Attached: potato nig.gif (936x596, 1.98M)

It wasn’t rotoscoped, That is the reason why we were impressed by it.

Dances in anime are just meant to be cute and in some cases, memey. There's no hidden message in the autistic Haruhi dance a decade ago, the cute Prillya ED or other dances.
But if you're looking for meaning, the whole ending is a big gag to someone who has read the manga. It's their way to apologize for not being able to animate the cockroach chapter.

>Move body and extremities with rythm following a compass of musical pieces
you're just either an old man or an edgy teenager,in any case,you still haven't grown up.

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Somebody explain to me why it's a "dishonest and pretentious animation" and what they mean with it? That technique is very damn old, and it's hard to make a good use of it
They did an excelent job animating that tho

It's shitposting, user. If you see those two words you have my permission to disregard the post.

>Can't defend it due to how shitty it is
>Resorts to nitpick on an irrelevant detail when knowing clearly that it was meant to criticize it
Next time you're going to say that shit smeared on a piece of paper is art. You're either really fucking dumb or a real autist.

>It wasn’t rotoscoped,

Nigga, just look at the frame rate. They had a model do the dance and they did the rest.

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>don't animate her fat tits jiggling
fucking reeeeeeeeeee

Give me the usual 5 frames a second and fuck off with this shit


>16 years old
>does retarded kid dance

>How is that dancing?
It's doing what the concept is intended,moving your body at the rythm of a song,how is this a hard concept?
If you didn't have a closed pov you would've know that every stupid thing that has ever been drawn is art if it had the purpose of showing the artist thoughts of something or someone,if you are going to put the word "art" on a pedestal like you are doing,then this discussion will not move further.
Have a last (you),hopefully you'll resolve your mental ostracization

Attached: Gakek.png (800x500, 219K)

Its called chuuninbyo for a reason duh

Because (i thought it was rotoscoped) it's made with CGI, really well done, so "muh hand drawn" fags got BTFO.
i hope Beastars gets this kind of animation, Japan is getting there finally.

>takes memeshow seriously

I'm more impressed with this guy for cropping the whole dance frame by frame. claims it required months of effort.

>guys it's rotoscoping
>watch video
>I-I swear g-guys i-its rotoscoping. G-guys
You are more pathetic than Prez, user

she head too big for she gotdamn body

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It's so well made that these fags can't wrap the concept, give them time.
CGI is here to stay, and if it looks like this i am happy.

I thought it was terrible CGI from the start.

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I think people just have a problem with how much time and effort was spent on animating something so mundane and trivial

>Stop liking what I don’t like


Agreed. This talent should have been put to work animating Eren Titan's tight hot rippling asshole.

I actually like it. It's cute.

fair opinion

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Animation is nice but wasted on such a shitty "dance"

Gee, I wonder why did they spent so much time and effort in making a meme dance. It's not like there's a precedent of an autistic dance being immensely popular for no fucking reason.

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I thought it was well-choreographed and kawaii.

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That picture is the best thing to come from that garbage show kek


That dance is a piece of art

I bet you also floss irl

animation is fine, that "dance" is awful though

So they showed the end result of the frames that were rotoscoped? So what?

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02 fags shouldn't be talking about terrible...

>it's hard to make a good use of it


It's fucking tracing. It's literally tracing. It's not an animation technique, because it isn't animation.

>It wasn't rotoscoped
The fucking animators even confirmed it was rotoscoped

It's overdone to the point it looks awkward and uncanny. It was clearly just to bait weeb/otaku's and it worked. That they actually spent 1000 frames on it instead of something else is reprehensible.

Does her sucky sucky cost two dollars?

Haruhi was actually charming and a good dance.

>dishonest animation
This kills me.

I don't know if I'll ever watch the show but I still really enjoy this ED.
The dance is really cute, and even though it's m'rotoscope people don't understand that considering chika's design and stylization it would still be a crazy amount of work, especially to make it look this good.

This is still really impressive and is also really entertaining to watch, it's a cute dance.

Imagine if people knew that half of all animation is pretty much rotoscoped

>It was clearly just to bait weeb/otaku
Studios indulge the fans, the ones who give them money and you consider this a bad thing?

I really recommend this show, this is from someone that really hates most seasonal shows, and double for romance shit.

This show was pretty fun, binged it all last weekend, gonna get into the manga soon.

>It probably took more time to make the Chika dance ED compared to the Kaguya ED
>Only show it once during the whole season
What did they mean by this?

Is it your money? Was you the one who drew the frames? No? Then why the fuck should you care? The ending was well animated and people liked it, plus the rest of the anime didn't suffer from having part of the budget spent there.

Noted. Gonna give it a shot.

>Is it your money? Was you the one who drew the frames?
It doesn't matter. It's wasteful effort from a media studio on something sub-par and exploitative.

>retard doesn't know what rotoscoping is

forced animation is a thing, make no mistake

kaguya isn't it, tho

Attached: 1528179999954.webm (856x480, 1.04M)

Does she want to pee?

What's wrong with this waifu?

I don't know, did this girl actually want to give oral sex?

Attached: scoobysnax.webm (800x450, 1.78M)

I'm gonna guess this is kyoani.

>Source: My Ass

Reddit, newfags and ironic weebs. That's your answer.

Oh, wait. I meant, whoever likes that shit and find that spectacular in some way are these articulate items.

I believe it mainly has to do with framerate consistency. The craft at work is impressive and every movement has weight behind it, so it's very realistic looking; people like me though love anime because it defies realism. Animations are usually stylized, exaggerated and chaotic. People go all the way to spout "dishonest" and "pretentius" but what they really want to say here is "monotonous".

If this animation had pauses for when it didn't need more frames (artistically speaking), and then it sped up the framerate to do certain motions, you could perceive that the animation isn't "real", that it's more chaotic (arbitrarily speeds and slows down framerate) and that there is planning behind it. There obviously is planning behind every animation, but some just can't convey that feeling because when animation becomes uncanny, it also becomes predictable and your brain has difficulty contextualizing something drawn by your mind from something filmed in real life and then drawn on.

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>dishonest and pretentious animation
It is rather ironic how pretentious this comment in and of itself is. As I understand it the nips love these kinds of dances, they showed it once as a marketing gimmick and it worked wonders in that regard. If anything, its divisiveness was probably calculated for all we know.
The way she moves is legitimately jarring though sometimes. Its supposed to be cute but it looks almost infantile the way she moves sometimes, which coming from someone her age I can't deal with but thats about it.
To be fair thats a problem with a lot of those kinds of dances.

I particularly have never seen someone call it dishonest or pretentious. I have seen anons calling leddit newfags out for making such a fuzz for such generic shit like we anons do to several anime in the almost-last decade. You have a point, it was made for marketing and obviously pandering to impress this meme-heavy mainstream new audience of anime.

It's here and you didn't even know you wanted it.

Mocaped or rotoscoped by a guy dancing this shit

You faggots really will find a chance to shit on everything. It was a suitably well made and cute scene, and they only used on one episode.
Fuck off

Why can't they just always make it this good then

Because it takes an insane amount of time and money. They already overwork their animators and pay them peanuts, any more than that and they are gonna mass suicide.

Cutesey anime dancing that attract otaku is always dishonest and pretentious

what does this prove?

>forced animation
Watch any of those cheap 90s Disney shows or any series made by Doga Kobo and you'll see forced animation.

That's what happens to children.

Somehow, I get the feeling you don’t actually care about any of them.

>this shit is already forgotten

Basically what said. It doesn't help that the face makes the dance feel unnatural due to the stock anime eyes and mouth. Lack of realistic expressiveness kills any other type of realism.

Seems like another case of animators looking at anime characters and j-pop idols dancing instead of studying how regular people dance.

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I don't even care about the animation, it's the dance itself that pisses me off. It's just awful. What the fuck is that thing at 0:17 even meant to be? And 0:49? Is she mentally deranged or something?

>What the fuck is that thing at 0:17 even meant to be?
A mental disorder.

Attached: autism.gif (656x540, 2.75M)

Because they're contrarian children who think loudly hating things makes them seem more sophisticated.

This doesn't mean what you think it memes

A better adjective would be "exaggerated"

user, do- do you not know how rotoscoping actually works?

Wow, that's tragic.

>"Just make her do random poses! I don't care if she looks like a retarded toddler rehearsing a bad school play! These nerds have never danced in their lives, so they won't be able to tell the difference!"

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>It's fucking tracing. It's literally tracing. It's not an animation technique, because it isn't animation.
>Snow White, the first Disney motion picture, the grandmother of all animated cinematic releases, was not animation

If rotoscoping is so much easier than the Powerpoint-tier Chinese animation you prefer, why don't all shows use it?

This is what I meant with infantile and evidently one way in which japans obsession with cuteness went too far. The idol industry is probably a big contributing factor to this kind of shit I would imagine.

any scene becoming 'popular' or a meme is labeled like that.

>It's wasteful effort from a media studio on something sub-par and exploitative
Please stop trying to take the moral high ground over a Japanese cartoon about tsundere idiot children. The second-hand embarassment is too strong.

Now do the duck dance at :42

Attached: dead inside.gif (656x540, 434K)

Uhh yeah I've done it myself, those are literally the frames that they made via rotoscoping, I'm sure the in-betweens are down purely by drawing, but the keys do most of the work.

It's not exaggerated, it is not anything. Just avagare shit. I don't understand. It's the same thing with all that pleasing over the Fate/Zero Kiritsugu/Kirei fight, newfags gonna be newfags. In this anime's case, it just newfags and reddit.

They're all references to specific scenes in the manga.

Attached: fujiwaradance.jpg (400x2048, 213K)

What the fuck is wrong with her face.

Me too, rotoscope is creepy as hell, but the worst rotoscope was idolmaster movie

Where does the idea of rotoscoping being bad period come from? Its just a technique that can be utilized well or not. The end result is what matters and this clip looks good.

They literally leave the rotoscoped frames in there, and notice the skirt being singled out, thats the major focus of the rotoscoping.

Really only original art is the details, but this character design is very simplistic, not that big of a deal.

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Aka cliche. I have seen it all. That's appealing to newfags, or more accurately, all that repercussion is made by newfags for newfags. The fanbase for anime and all the culture is also now conducted by ironic weebs. Evidence of this is/was that anime with trap with the sweet surprise opening (a formula done before many times, a cliche), there's also that opening from that other anime with each of the girl being represented in individual squares, also another cliche done before and so on. They just think everything is new or innovative due to ignorance and their own intrinsic ironic weeb culture.

Here's a 30 sec rotoscope I just did in paint, done very shitty cause I suck on the mouse. Proportion/Perspective is the hardest part of drawing, if rotoscope thats just automatically given to you. Not very skillful.

Also comes off as very stiff/wooden. Cartoons are meant to be unrealistic, to be more expressive.

Attached: rotoscoped.png (871x1274, 651K)

>people don't remember Aku no Hana

That was more full on tracescoping than rotoscoping.

You sound more like you're clinically depressed rather than just a mere cynic. Seek help.

how many layers of ironic contrarianism do you have to be on to argue about forced animation and whatnot, jesus christ.

Think about the translation for a second. So they reference chikas poses from the manga, which are at best heavily stylized, implied motions, in an actual live action dance choreography with actual natural movement which is than translated back onto the stylized version of chikas character design in the show which is way different than akas design from the manga.

How they managed to still produce something watchable is beyond me. I mean how does it not look way worse, the process is a complete mess. Instead it looks fine, except for the people who can't into rotoscoping or infantilism.

I name things exactly as they are. I should've said that the dance is a mix of things, of cliches or rather well-known aspects of anime. Is it that hard to get?

The problem is that they are serious. 90% of Yea Forums posters don't know jack shit about anime

I don’t understand. Why would a dance that appeared in a single episode piss off so many people?

No, you projecting your shitty life is not something that's hard to get.

outrage culture has infiltrated the anime community, these types of things correlate with the increase of twitter posts here

Spam from reddit. Very vocal casual people spreading it everywhere. Then they get upset when few people lecture them about their bullshit and nonsense hype, as usual. They don't lurk, they meme as fast as their can about anything.

I don't get it either. And they should've saved it for the final, not the 3rd ep for some random reason.

Read the manga.

>dishonest and pretentious animation
i think you should consider suicde simply for perpetuating those meme words

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>literal footage of the key frames exists
>autists still go on with their dumb shit
i fucking hate this board


jeez no wonder you people have no friends

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>consider suicde
>meme words
you fucking retard

Are retards pretending to not know what rotoscoping is and equating it with CG animation here just a meme or am I just a newfaq

>le grow up insult

You're such an adult, maaaan! That's why you're defending cringey dancing middle schooler cartoon girls in Yea Forums. Functional adults do that all the time!

>that fucking chicken dance she does

Why would this surprise you?
Everytime there's bad or janky animation in any anime, it gets reposted over and over, even though it's usually a few seconds of a single episode. People are just pointing out the obviously ugly stuff whenever it appears.
This isn't even specific to bad animation but bad things in general.

a video of keyframes really doesn't prove anything considering the keyframes ARE WHAT WOULD BE ROTOSCOPED IN THE FIRST PLACE.

I'm not saying it was, I don't fucking know I wasn't at a-1 pictures when they made it,but that keyframe video isn't evidence either way.

There's normal, cartoonish exaggeration which makes sense to accentuate certain behaviors to make it clear to the audience.

That vid was an example of forced exaggeration, it simply wasn't needed.

So the animation was forced.

forced animation is putting extremely detailed animation for mundane scenes where simpler animation would be enough to express the intent, especially when the rest of the anime has mediocre animation direction

rotoscoping a dance routine is not a forced animation, it's expected from the dances to look good

So that user isn't wrong? Basically you're used to even the most mundane scene having no effort put forth, and as soon as they put in effort it throws you off.

>How's that dancing?
Are you just pretending to be retarded?

>It's fucking tracing. It's literally tracing. It's not an animation technique, because it isn't animation.
How are people this stupid, yet manage to continue breathing?

doesn't even look like kyoani. studio A1, sauce is kokoro ga salebitagatterunda

It looks like they had drawn only one face and then moved it a bit on each frame.

It's like they made this with a 3d program

I knew I saw that character before.

Attached: 20190419_235534.jpg (1080x1360, 319K)

source, my ass

fucking kill yourself

Niggas be talking like they have 20 years of animation experience when your average anime is filled with lazy half-assed frames with just niggas lips movin and a lot of other garbage. There is a reason why a lot of western animation vets hate anime. Like wtf, Disney used rotoscoping all the time back in the day. Smh.

Attached: image0-5.jpg (532x576, 51K)

We're just calling the dancing retarded, you assblasted nerd.

yeah, I'm sorry

Good thing that they also hate the virtual non-existence of hand-drawn animation in the wast. Oh wait, those faggots are too busy criticizing limited animation that still often manages to be way more interesting and creative than any of the children cartoons Disney has ever shat out .


The head looks a little too big at times, like at the 18s mark.

anime fucking sucks and is problematic now excuse me I must submit my storyboards to korea so they will tween it in adobe animate

Don't even bother you are talking to people who think zooming in on something tiny in the background counts as "quality".

Because Yea Forums grew fucking bitter and now hates fun things

I mean I'm not gonna defend western animation either, they have there own problems with the calarts style taking over and, filling kids with sjw propaganda. I have many gripes with them too but that's more of a Yea Forums discussion.

You're a fucking moron lol


sakugafags say it isnt rotoscope stop spouting nonsense and take an L

Because they want to criticize good animation, but don't know how, so they use words they don't know the meaning of because they sound like buzzwords.

This is so fucking bad.
Like that shit should have fallen off the fork after the first bite and then she does it AGAIN

I'll bet 10 bucks you didn't watch the anime in question and is just talking out of your ass.

You're on a thread about not only a popular anime but on that reddit specifically loves, what did you expect?

t. triggered redditor

The cartoony anime girl combined with the realistic animation style looks kinda weird. That combined with the spasticated dance(?) moves

Future generations will know about the chika dance and how great it was

Chika's dance is cute. Why is there a need to argue over it.

>Because Yea Forums grew fucking bitter and now hates fun things
Yea Forums is filled with outsider trash that watch anime "ironically" and are generally allergic to sincerity. Nothing is fun or cheesy or just stupid, it's "cringe" because it threatens their self-image.

I bet Yea Forums gets mad when a model is used and doesn't consider it real animation.

Attached: alice-wonderland-classical-animation-kathryn-beaumont-1.jpg (800x303, 38K)

The movements were more fluid in the manga though


The only true animation style is a flipbook drawn in the corners of textbook, everything else is a tryhard lie.

It’s just some autist getting mad because he’s been proven wrong.

It felt jarring because it's included in a show with mediocre animation.

That's not 5toubun though.

weebs hate the idea of their 2d waifus becoming 'closer' to 3d via smooth, realistic animation

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The animation was good. It didn't need anything better.

I never used weeb as an insult?

>dishonest and pretentious animation
>dishonest and pretentious
I'm not sure what that entails but something about this sequence did look a little off

Not him but only Yea Forumsermin use weeb in the first place
QED you need to leave


look at how well that worked for Game of Thrones

It looks like CGI when you actually look at it

Why is the anime industry so autistically obsessed with idoltrash?

Why is that shit not nearly as prevalent in manga?

The term is a joke user, that's what they mean. It's like forced drama or whatever.

I'm not going to waste my time explaining to someone who doesn't know how to use capital letters and punctuation.
My expert analysis would go completely over your head.

I don't mind it, but the whole sofa part looks stupid as fuck.

Because otaku more than gladly eat that shit.
Haven't you seen how much the idol anime sales make up of an entire seasons's BD/DVD sales?

>Why is that shit not nearly as prevalent in manga?
because dancing and singing requires animation and music, which manga can't do in any capacity.

This encourages me to post more screenshots from social media.

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