What does Yea Forums think about older women?

what does Yea Forums think about older women?

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That I'm older than most "older" women in anime and manga now

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Cakes are delicious.

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Best option.

Easygoing mellow is the best option so long as they aren't quiet building their stress and threatening you under your breath for things you didn't even realize you were doing.

being in your 30s sucks and made even worse when cakes ignore you.
time to gain 40 pounds and fuck high schoolers for money as a fat faceless old man.

>tfw 26
>cakes are just normal aged women to me now
Someone help

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I wish I had one

there are 30 year old seiyuu i'd literally marry right now if they wanted to

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You've become a mancake yourself.

14-15 peak seems right.

Is this the one where everyone is a teacher and everyone is a shameless scumbag I don't want to read about? I had picked up Pathos and I was comparing the two in my head. The characters in Pathos aren't inherently good people either, but I want to read more about them, whereas with this I'm just disgusted.

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I was into that manga for a while but dropped it. I just could never understand what the two saw in each other. There was just nothing but awkwardness from the very beginning between MC and her love interest.

Why won't anyone marry Hara-sensei?

>There was just nothing but awkwardness from the very beginning between MC and her love interest
That's what made it great. They're both acutely aware of another and know it's not right but they're slowly falling for each other. They kissed on the beach for an entire chapter

Literally download tinder and shag in a hour
>But theyre not innocent or cute
No shir, cakes arent realistic

No it fucking doesn't.

>Literally download tinder
>requires a facebook account

Make them possessive yandere types and that way you've won me over.

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who are you quoting?

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Every (cake) thread ever where people start complaining about how lonesome they are. Ie shit why we get so much excess romcoms

Hara-sensei is fat

Gross who the fuck made this
It should look like a U gaining traction once it hits MILF territories and it only goes up from there

Wasn't that the teacher that fucked another married teacher and immediately fell in love with the new guy who started working at her school? If they behave like that they can go fuck themself, if it's a pure cake or a cute onee-chan I'm all for it.

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>Wasn't that the teacher that fucked another married teacher and immediately fell in love with the new guy who started working at her school?
Just like real life!

Normally I'd say this is bullshit but people here actually want to fuck kids now

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How cringe was the live action adaptation of that manga?

Are senpais with an ambiguous age gap okay?

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OLs are the ultimate form of older women.

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I fucking love pantylines.

is this manga going to follow the live action drama? If so I think I will skip it