Kino's Journey (2003)

What are your thoughts on it?
Did you enjoy it? Did you find it boring? Are you indifferent to it?
How about the light novels? What do you think about them?


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It was kino


Kinda indifferent to it but had its moments.

It was well-done.

One of the few episodic comfy-core shows where things actually happen.

The only thing that was kinda shit was the arena arc.

Some episodes like the Gladiator Arena were awful, but it was overall worth it because things like Kino's past were great.

did we watch the same show

real good
there's nothing that feels quite like it

The filter is distracting, but it was great despite that.

The LNs are way better than the show. I'm almost finished with volume 5 right now and it's legitimately better than any other anime related thing I've ever read or watched. And that's saying something since I fucking loved the 2003 series and even liked the 2017 series a lot too. Kino's Journey is the perfect series (in every medium) for me.

I wish it got more anime series or even movies occasionally. I think the Heroes' Country would make for a really good movie.
>“Tell me,” Kino said, “Why did you attack me?”
>The man breathed a long, heavy sigh. “We were just trying to protect our country…”
>“Your country?” Kino repeated.
>The man reached into his shirt, and with his thumb, pulled out the pendants inside by the chains. The small, round pendants were marked with stars. Holding the pendants before his eyes, the man stared at them. “This is our country… And that is why we are fighting…” he mumbled. “But…we failed. We came home failures, failing to become heroes. When we returned, everyone was gone… We couldn’t be heroes out there, so we at least wanted to become heroes who protected our home… But now it’s over. We die failures…”
>Kino did not interrupt.
>“Now kill me,” said the man. “Pull the trigger…and let me join the others.”
>“No need. You’re going to die soon anyway,” Kino replied.
>The man missing his left hand and the flesh over his stomach replied from a pool of his own blood,
>“Oh. I see.”
>The man grinned. The bald man died with a smile.

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Also why is Kino such a bigot?

>“I have a question to ask you.”
>“Yes? What is it?”
>“I’m looking for a ———. Do you know where I can find one nearby?”
>“…Pardon me? What did you just say?”
>“I’m looking for a ———.”
>“Excuse me, you are demeaning the people who work in that field. How narrow-minded!”
>“Huh? No, I’m just looking for a ———.”
>“My goodness! How could you use such a disgusting word? Look, Traveler. Please stop using that term. It’s offensive to those people.”

I think people give the 2017 anime too much of a hard time simply because it's a direct adaption of various chapters of the LN with the sole intent of showing the stories of KnT off rather than putting its own unique spin on them like what Ryutaro Nakamura did with the 2003 anime. There's obvious flaws sure, but it's not gratuitously bad.

Also, I wish that one chapter where Master and her steering wheel promote endangered monkey genocide. Shit, Shishou has some of the most fun/fucked up stories. I do think Kino's stories are at their beat when they aren't about Kino, as much as I love her to death. The story where she meets that doctor in a land where they have travelers euthanize them if they get too sick or hurt and the one where Kino's trying to kill a loli idol and the poor boy who loves her is really good too.

I have no strong feelings about Shizu's stories and I haven't read any of Photo's yet, so I can't say much about her other than she's cute.

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It was ok. Don't remember much of it.

too sexy

I like the 2017 series art style better. And I just rewatched the Kino vs Shizu fight from the 2003 version and have to say I like the 2017 version better. The 2017 version skips through the other fights too quickly though. But on the other hand the fights in the 2003 version I think are at least for some of them completely different from in the LN.

The only thing I think was massively overlooked for the 2017 version is that I think Kino's past should always be before Kind Country. Hopefully if there's another anime adaptation at some point they don't bother going back to the stories that were already animated. But like I said I'd prefer a movie so we can get some good animation. Both the 2003 and 2017 anime managed to combine some stories into a single thing pretty well so if they could do that for a 1.5 or 2 hour long movie that would be great. But there's some stories that could fill out an entire movie by themselves, like the Heroes' Country that I mentioned.

>Yuuki Aoi's first role was a minor but important character in Kino no Tabi
>14 years later she actually becomes Kino.

Absolute KINO
The new version even got a newbie to voice Sakura again. Can't wait 14 years again to complete another cycle.

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I'd prefer they not wait another 14 years to release another anime.

>14 years later Yuuki Aoi voices Shishou and whatever little girl voiced Sakura voices Kino
>they still fucking animate A Kind Land for the 3rd time around

That potato is my waifu

If you can't say you love all versions of Kino, how can you really call her you're waifu?

those screens look like shit the average naurto one looks a millions times better

that is one doodoo ass cinegrid. You can't be serious posting that? but then again your tmblr show didnt really offer much

It's my favorite anime

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Kino is a show that leaves an impression on you and you can't help but want to watch it for the first time again. The story of moving to one town to the next is really fascinating once you think about it. You are only there for a brief moment and it's up to you to make the best of it and nobody cares about who you are.

It's one of the best in my opinion.

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it was pretty good

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Honestly other than this I felt like the 2003 anime portrayed Kino as more stoic than she is in the LN. Probably partially because the LNs can describe her thoughts at certain situations but the 2003 anime struck me as a lot bleaker and monotonous (probably not a good word but I mean that it sticks to one mood throughout most of it) and Kino in the LN is often funny and joking around more, at least when not in dire situations. She smiles and stuff occasionally in the 2003 anime but even then it feels different. For example the episode with the country that slaughters primitive people instead of engaging in actual war. Kino was fucking pissed and could barely contain her thoughts in the LN but I don't remember any hint of that in the anime. Maybe it's just because I'm forgetting since I watched it months ago.

I imagine the choice of stories in the anime had something to do with it too.