Anyone else bothered by the fact that Kokoro and Mitsuro relationship felt more like she used him as an object to...

Anyone else bothered by the fact that Kokoro and Mitsuro relationship felt more like she used him as an object to impregnate her due to her reproduction obsession rather than actual romance?

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Lose some weight

It's called genuine love, in its purest form. She wanted Mitsuru to impregnate her because she loves him more than anything. If it was an obsession she would've used any other boy.

Yeah. That's why I hated her.

Fatties still seething kek

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>If it was an obsession she would've used any other boy.
She didn't want fat kids.

What do you think womyn do in real life? Do you think most men want children? This isn't the old days where you needed children to slave for you in your retirement. Men just want pussy, and savage females' biological clocks eventually go off and demand babies, and men go along with it because they are too big of pussies to live alone.

best girl Zero two> chad Hiro>Ichigo>Miku>Zorome>Gorou> the bimbo Kukoro>faggot Mitsuru>dyke Ikuno>the fat cuck futoshi

>to impregnate her because she loves him more than anything
She stole a kiss and tried to fuck him right after with the intention of getting pregnant even though they were not even dating yet and were not even close friends before that to the point he couldn't understand why she wanted to pilot with him. To make things worse the show seems to imply that they barelly know each other.

She also said that she planned the whole situation to have sex with him and only wanted to get pregnant to leave a mark in the world before dying.

Their relationship does not feel romantic at all, is more like she manipulated him just to get pregnant.

That's not how it works. Obesity is not something that can be genetically inherited.

In Futoshi's case, it literally is, though. His kids are 1:1 clones of their parents.

Right. It isn't how it works, unless it is anime. Then that is how it works.

Their subplot was shit and irrelevant to the story, literal natalist propaganda. In before seething white knight incels aka mitsuru

t. seething abortionist

If all Kokoro wanted was to get pregnant, she would have been content to stay with Futoshi. No need to pursue another guy. But she's experiencing attraction towards him and didn't know how to act appropriately.

People tend to forget that squad13 grew up in an environment where normal relationships with the opposite sex were suppressed. They have to learn things on their own. If people will base what is considered 'norm' in their current society, Kokoro's actions will certainly come off as awkward or forced.Try to view the actions of these characters on the universe they're in. It's like trying to learn a language you've never used before.

>Women using men to get babies and alimony

Nah. The book told her to get the guy with the best genes.

slut on the left

All the kids are uneducated about sex and romance. They don't even know what dating is user.

>She stole a kiss and tried to fuck him right after with the intention of getting pregnant even though they were not even dating yet and were not even close friends before that
sounds pretty HAWT desu senpai
btw i never seen this b4 is it good?

Nice non-response.

That's more important in a fledgling society. Honestly, the fact that they felt for each other at all is a plus

How? Just didn't fuck fatass cause she didn't want to fuck fatss, cause he's a fatass. If this concept bothers you, lost some weight. Fatass

Who cares, if my wife had a reproduction obsession I too would be happy since it satisfies my impregnation fetish. A 2D woman's swollen belly carrying my child makes my peepee become hard peepee. Doubly so if it's my sister.

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it depends on what you like, the show main theme and focus is sexual tension the story and worldbuilding are clearly supposed to be based on Evangelion so don't expect anything very unique, if you like that then go ahead and give it a try

If you payed attention you'd realize Kokoro really did care about Mitsuru. He would still be that angsty, self loathing loner without her support

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