Should they have censored the blood eagle scene?

Should they have censored the blood eagle scene?

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Nah, but I think the penis inversion scene is a little much. Surprised that one got past the censors

Can suoufags sleep at night knowing how retarded they are?

>implying Dublo won't die from the chemical burns
Mercury was never meant for use in an enema.

I can't believe they actually showed 'that' in the latest episode. I heard Crunchyroll is not going to show that episode because it's too extreme.

>Taidara is finally gonna kill the the Yamataro
>He actually does it
Man I thought since this was a Shounen he'd pull the 'if I killed you I'd be no better' card but the madlad actually went and killed the head of the Black Eagles just like that.

I miss her

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bad taste, best girl coming through.

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>mitsuki jobs again
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA how can mitsukifags cope with such a jobber?

Hyousuke redemption arc when?

Fuck Hyousuke, that faggot got what he deserved.

She JUST turned Hokugo's face into a puddle of mush. Give it some time.

I get that his death was an extremely crucial scene but did they really need to dedicate 18 minutes of the episode to the Aku Toransujendā clan warriors feasting on his genitals? It's something they'd do, sure, but did we really need to see it in such vivid detail?

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Lmao hokugo looks better than before
thank you based hyousuke

Komoe Tami will save Hokugo chan's face

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A boy falls in love with a girl
On a bridge outside of town, on a moonlit night, unable to confess his love for her, she bites him gently on the neck, kickstarting something dormant which awakens the wolf spirit within him. Marking his ascendancy from mere human to an Uratha. Now he must join the Pack, master his Auspice, leave his old life behind, to accept his new life as a child of Father Wolf and Mother Luna and serve on the boundary of Flesh and Spirit.
He will face challenges and fight foes beyond anything his imagination would conjure, and if he were to fail, then he would most certainly fade away into the Shadow. But he is part of a Pack now, and they all look after each other. They hunt together, live together, survive together.
The Wolf Must Hunt.
The People Do Not Murder the People.
The Low honor the High, the High respect the Low.
Respect your Prey.
The Uratha shall cleave to the Human.
Do not eat the flesh of Man or Wolf.
The herd must not know.

With her shitty clouded eyes, I don't think worst girl will be saving anybody anytime soon.

So now that Prey Y Prey is reaching the Airplane Arc, we are only 400 chapters in and he releases 100 chapters a year, how long can he keep this up????? Thats INSANE. I feel this arc is turning out much better than the Withdraw Arc.

It's an improvement

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Chernobyl arc was a mistake.

>he thinks the blood eagle scene wasn't censored
For fuck's sake you casual, learn to read at higher than a fifth grade level and pick up the LN, what happens to Saori there? Fucking brutal.

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It’s insane how often Toga updates. He is such a workaholic that I worry for his health. Poor guy needs to take a break and play some video games. I have to admit, I thought the Hunger Eggs Ham arc wasn’t that great. I really only got into the characters in chapter 253, when Gomenasai finally admitted to Liveua that he didn’t know his father.

i'm still not sure what is up with himura. can LNfags explain?

Himura was never part of the Blood Eagle in the first place you speedwatcher. Hokugo was almost about to get it until he got a facial makeover

Reading about hit writing habits actually scares me. 72 hours of non-stop working, a bowl of instant ramen a day, and 4 hours of sleep is not healthy at all.
It may be harsh, but it's totally working wonders for his work. His delirious state makes for some very interesting scenes.

How strong is Toyotomi's fuoco incrociato?

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>"By the time they had sliced Saori's vertebrae open, she was paralyzed from the neck down. With no other way to let out her anguish, she screamed even louder than before. Her blood-curdling cries of agony could be heard all the way across the house, intermingled with the cracking of her ribs as they were split from her spine and moved into place. With each rib being dragged through her skin, more blood gushed out and spilled onto the floor. Halfway through forming the "wings" of the blood eagle, the floor around her had become completely slick. They finished forming the wings but paused a second before dealing with her lungs. With so much blood filling her lungs, her breathing had become a labored gurgling. Hyousuke, unable to bear this sound, ripped out her lungs completely, letting them fall to the floor with a wet, sickening slapping noise. He and the rest of the group quickly escaped the house, leaving Saori to bleed out completely. It was only a matter of time before her family returned home and saw her lifeless, scarlet corpse in the kitchen."

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Kaoru getting blitzed by the Weasel Akuma was a lunch in the gut, I thought she’d at least be able to dodge it with clairvoyance until Dublo got there, but her head was detached within five seconds.

Retarded edgy crap but the girls are cute at least.

The never healing burns are it’s strongest point, but he’d get stomped by any characters with Akuma Drive because of the power null, he’ll be more relevant if he figures out Akuma Drive while training with the Inugami

>It's another "Saichi bullshits another win no matter how strong the opponent is" fight.

Why waste 12 chapters on him when we know how it's going to end.

really? i'm just not sure what the hell his motivation are. i thought he's doing it all for his sister but then just kills her out of nowhere.

Why would you even watch this if not for Saichi's antics? He's the best character by far and doesn't rely on bullshit powers.

>Muh friendship
>Muh brutal revenge for my criminal friends
>Muh hidden tattoos to mark each member
Daily reminder that blood eagles are just a shitty clone of the Phantom Troupe from Hunter x Hunter.

Uvogin vs Kurapika was far better than that trash fight between Taidara and the Yamataro. Kurapika had a badass focused plan for killing Uvogin. Taidara just got an asspull after nearly dying and killed the Yamataro

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>he hasn't read ahead in the LN
Total blindside coming up. Setsuko and Saichi finally meet, Saichi pulling out all his normal bullshit antics, then BAM, Setsuko completely nullfiies his Drive Lance, and decides he's given the Terminal Dragons enough time to study the Vortex. Doesn't even kill him, just gives him some pointers on how to be a better fighter and shows him how lucky he's been to even be alive before leaving. Totally crushes Saichi's spirit.

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>Ignoring muh parallels
Suou will go ottermode and destroy Dublowhard.

>hurr durr there's gore so it's edgy crap
Oh grow up


We all know that anime is gonna butcher that scene, can't have MUH MC look bad.

Where the fuck did the blue haired loli get the 11th demon bullet from? I thought there were only 7, one for each sin?

>Build up the Akuma organization as a world threatening force for 5 arcs.
>9 members have already jobbed and died in the first half of the arc they finally appear in.

Reminder that it took us TEN YEARS to get this point.

I think it was just a recreation of Envy, in the novel The Order gave an illusion bullet set to her as compensation for when Iori got killed in the accident

It just scales up afterwards in the webnovel, the main characters become gods and start fighting in something called the War of Worlds

>Literally just cloning the dark continent from Hunter x Hunter
Does Shokutaru have any dignity left "writing" this shit?

*Toga I mean