Only kino

Kino moments in anime/manga

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Is this what toriyama's successor doing?
It looks like shit

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>Humans are so interesting
Name a worse anime trope. Jesus fuck I can't stand that bullshit.

>Haha look at me I'm so edgy cause I don't consider myself human for some retarded reason
Why do they keep doing this shit?

>being this delusional

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Fantastic read honestly.

OPM is pure kinography and we're not even at the ultimate kino fight yet.

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soul vs soulless

How about kino episodes?

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>triggers mangafags

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I'll never understand. Mobfags are blessed to have not only a god-tier manga to read but a god-tier adaptation too. The manga version of the arc simply wouldn't have worked with the restrictions that come with pacing an anime. The anime handled the arc in its own way taking full advantage of the medium and it shows, that was one of the best episodes of an anime I've seen in years.

>souless digital effects

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should've went through with it

>m-muh s-soulllll
Never was and never will be an argument, Murata's work will be remembered for years.
SnK has so many kino moments. The current arc especially is full of them

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Murata is great, but the "cgi" is not.

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My favorite manga

>One Minute intervals
You outed yourself, samefag.

I never denied and I am just contributing retard unlike you.