Yea Forums, I come bearing sad news

Yea Forums, I come bearing sad news.

Due to her weak condition and inability to function with any basic dignity worthy of a living being, the veterinary ethics committee has decided it would be unacceptably cruel to keep Kaos alive any longer. Because of this, Kaos will be put to sleep tomorrow. Since it has come to our knowledge that there are those with fond memories of her, we are announcing this in advance here so that those who wish to do so may say farewell to Kaos. Please be aware that this decision is final and has been reached in agreement with our top ababalogists as well as with Kaos herself.

Kaos's funeral and burial will be held in accordance with her wishes, "in a place where she won't be a nuisance to anyone".

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Who is this supposed to be? Seiyuu? Mangaka? Art director? Literally who?


Oh I would totally go to her funeral if I could but uh, I have things

The chair of the veterinary ethics committee.

Why do you Kaosfags keep making threads about your garbage moeblob?

To make you smile!

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Just to annoy losers like you.


Her pitiful existence makes me feel better about myself.

Ballsack face

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The technical term is scrotumface.

Scrotum face
Fridge body
Coin Slot pussy

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I'd store her body in my fridge if you know what I mean.

Don't kill the Kaos

It would contaminate the other food.

All in all, Peak Performance.

beating kaos with a stick!



Can't I keep her instead? It'll spare you guys the cost of the procedure and burial.

Why would you want to keep an ugly, useless crybaby?

Emotional reasons, you wouldn't understand.

To make a Ukrainian sex doll, why else?

>thinking you have the power to destroy kaos

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>letting kaos consume you

Kaos has finally had enough of Yea Forums's taunting and has turned kaotic.

Run while you can, user-kun!

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She'll just choke at the last minute and scatter them or something

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"kaos" is not a person, "kaos" is an idea

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