What's up with the sudden hateboner to Deku? Even bnha fandom is hating on him

What's up with the sudden hateboner to Deku? Even bnha fandom is hating on him.

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Will you ever shut the fuck up?

No proper development. He flopped like every other failed attempt at a Shinji clone.

From an outsider who has a passing interest in the series, I would chalk it up mostly to the reveal of additional Quirks combined with its fandom's tendency to overreact to things.

I will say that there is the real possibility to fuck this development up royally and since this development is focused on Deku, he inevitably will take the lion's share of the heat.

Not only that this gave a excuse to both detractors of the character and the series in general to scream at the top of their lungs.


The series became too popular. Next question, please.

he's had autistically dedicated shitposters for years, how new are you

lol sudden?

Because he's a squishy nerd, which is one of his good points even though it pisses off babbies who want yet another raging tard. Shame everything else about him is generic and uninspired, including his power. Overall he's okay.

>Because he's a squishy nerd
That's not why he's constantly shat on.
>Shame everything else about him is generic and uninspired, including his power.
This is why.

excuse me?
please take that cock out of your mouth and spout sentences that actually make sense.
nobody but NOBODY likes this faggot except for plebbit. I've seen too many screenshots praising his ass.
he's so offending that it hurts physically.
his personality shows who shonen appeals to most of the time.

>my generic shonen MC #4895 isn't really that interesting when compared to the other characters in the setting, what should i do?
>oh i know, i will dump a dozen new superpowers on him, that should do the trick

I've never seen real mha fans hate deku.


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>real mha fan
You mean beta cucks?

was crybaby in episode 1 because he had no powers of confidence
episode 200+ still a crybaby without confidence but with 8 powers

Because he doesn't mature at all. He's always crying and always acting like a wimp in every single situation yet he still pulls something heroic out his ass during clutch time. You'd think with 1 year of having the ultimate power quirk his personality changes to fit, that he'd become more cocky and confident like All Might, the hero he wants to be like. We could have even advanced from that to an "absolute power corrupts absolutely" storyline. But no. Hori is a fucking hack. Big shocker.

>boring as fuck
>cries and overreacts constantly
>gary stu tier quirk even before the O MY SEVEN bullshit
>didn't do shit and was a weak hopeless faggot before the godquirk given to him
>his ability is boring, % scaling has no hype, generic self-damaging side effect
>is supposed to be super analytical but using his legs took months to figure out
>his analytical side is forced for gags and comes off as autistic
>over half the girls he meets like him for no reason
Every single thing about BHA is generic garbage. It embodies everything awful about shonen and nothing that makes it fun, and seeing it so popular is a tragedy. The only enjoyable thing I can get from it is the female character designs and the occasional animation highlights that Bones delivers.

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The hilarious thing is, even if somehow every flaw listed in this thread were fixed, he'd still be mindnumbingly boring.

I doubt Deku was ever meant to be a Deku clone

He got boring, especially when his character arc is still doing the whole "I gotta make OFA my own" bullshit with the new Quirks.

>he's so offending that it hurts physically
Serious question: Is it because he reminds you of yourself?

He hasn't cried in ages, speedreader.
And I'd rather he cry than be an emotionally constipated sperg like Bakugou.

Try reading the manga, retards.

People have been calling him terrible for years, we used to get daily threads about how he put in no effort to achieve his dream.

Deku has no problem connecting with others at all. Da fuq you on about

Does crying=shinji clone?

>Try reading the manga
They have, and that's why they think he's shit.
Even you MHAfags think he's shit.

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Why is this always the response from Boku No Pico Academia fans? They can never defend the series or characters and have to resort to logical fallacies.

So you're using the fact he's not as bad as another awful main character as your argument? Stop torturing yourself over such a garbage series.

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o my seven quirks

>He got boring
yeah, his main problem is he's morally perfect, and even when he fucks up like when he throws away the promise he made to all might it's ignored so his only development is about his power(s) and it's just uninteresting

he's a static, one dimensional character much like everyone else in this shit manga

The introduction of mirio ruined him. Yet another reason as to why mirio and that whole arc was utterly pointless


The turnover rate of fans on Yea Forums is so high that the old BnHAfags can act like that never happened and the MHAfags are none the wiser.

It's some triggered spic, easy to tell

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I've seen more threads about Deku since o my 7 quirks happened. Before that it wasn't that frequent. Now everyone hate him more than before.

Fuck off with that read the manga bullshit, if an anime is trash I'm going to criticize it even if the source material is good (in this case it's not) manga or anime, your little kids capeshit is shit

>shonentard is a esl spic
jeez im so surprised

I only read the manga to begin with and it sucks too, it's a shitty argument lmao