Thats him! Thats the user who forced himself on me!

>Thats him! Thats the user who forced himself on me!

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>implying I would force myself on some old hag
Sorry but I only forced myself on the loli coon

>forcing yourself on a slave

Your doing it wrong user

I don’t think I’ve ever hated a character as much as this bitch

>throw birds on the birdophile

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Is Pig-king and Final arc still the same in LN or was it nerfed?

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y-yeah it was me! I mean im totally not a virgin! yeah, sex!

Skills and spells that completely disregard physics -> low level guy with cannon does less damage than high lvl guy with a stone.
No convenient truth-telling magic.

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I’ve never even TOUCHED a girl you loon!

I dont rape females.

If the Cardinal Weapons were min-maxed with competent users, which one would be the strongest in a round robin fight against the other Cardinal Weapons?

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I don't even know what hole to put it in


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I love Malty for being one of the few rancid britches to actually get punished properly.

I want to put a baby in Malty and Melty

and I'll do it again, right here and right now

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give me the gist here?

>girl assigned to summoned hero tells everyone he raped her basically making him a pariah

What the fuck you bitch, you told me you were down!

>what incels think women are like: the character

the mc?

aparently the ones who metooed

does the other heroes' weapons can transform like naofumi's shield?

Wouldnt a princess being raped seriously devalue her as marriage material? Like wouldnt accusing SH of rape just make her undesirable by any suitors?

Your children will all be delinquent, bitches and whores.


what about that psyco bitch from code geass?

>What Jim Cummings knows some women are like: the character

Probably not as much in a matriarchy compared to real life.

She wasn't a virgin anyway. Not even like this is her first scheme. She was already enough of a problem child, she was removed from the top of the line of succession.

was there a reason? like some plan to do diabolical shit and make a dude take the fall?

and they would be right

> Jim Cummings
did you just come from a darkwing duck thread?

Yes. You even see them do so. Spearchad swaps around in every duel at least.

Watch it man. Its good.

i thought it was another Isekia I am sick of those.

they do, they show it in the opening with bowfag

1.She's really a backstabbing horrible bitch by nature
2. She wanted to leverage it to get in good with the Spear hero dumbass white knight and have someone who can get as powerful as a god kissing her ass
3. She wanted Daddy to like her better than Melty for making Shieldguy suffer and score some points to becoming first in line again
4. She wanted backing from the church for her ascension to the throne

t. incel

ebin response my broken record reddit friend

faking a rape would get her back in line for the throne huh? I mean they already know about her nature they took her right away already. why wouldnt they be suspicious of her already?

I legitimately bawled like a lil bitch during this episode

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The heroes don't know her or anything about the world so she gets full trust points from them.
The country literally considers Shieldbro the devil. It's like if you summoned the four greatest angels to save the world and you got Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Lucifer. What are the locals gonna think of the last dude?
The church didn't trust her, were just using her and the anime is in the throws of the pope going full retard right now

They all hate the shield hero as well. Her accusation just gave the king a good excuse to shit on him.

she did nothing wrong

What really floors me, is with Raphtalia growing up so fast, you tend to forget all that dungeon stuff before she was sold was only a few months before her kneeling there by the skeleton. She really was so close to saving her.

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This is the most reddit anime this season and you’re a retard if you think otherwise.

>this season
the most reddit anime this season is isekai quartet

still less reddit than using "incel" on Yea Forums

>She really was so close to saving her.
Rifana dies in front of Raphtalia in the LN/Manga.
The anime fucked up things and let the impresion that Raphtalia casually forgot about her friends in that dungeon.

wait the shield hero is considered lucifer? I mean they summoned them, why the fuck would people NOT trust him or even hate him? Was it because he did MC stuff that the king didnt like or some prophocy the 4th hero would destroy the world or something.

>This is the most reddit anime
That's Kaguya for winter and Isekai Quartet for spring.

according to the polls that are spammed here sometimes the most popular on reddit last season was Kaguya-sama, and now is Shingeki no Kyojin

It was all in story, shield hero was hero of opposing demi-human side in last hero summoning couple hundreds years back.

They summoned all 4 heroes because summoning a hero is a random roll. They wanted to guarantee they got the Big 3. Plus they could deny the Shield God to the demihuman nations.

What they were supposed to actually do according to tradition is have each country with a Dragon Hourglass summon one hero. Then they level up in each place and work together when the waves come. Summoning them all at ones pissed off all the surrounding nations which is why the Queen is dealing with the diplomatic fallout. Plus it's crippled their growth since even with split up parties, they're not far enough away from each other for maximum normal gains.

oh, i see, so its like the fate series with their servants any side can summon sabre and shit. but this series is different

We’re discussing a show that literally panders to the seething misogynistic basement-dweller demographic. I don’t care how much it triggers Yea Forums-tards to be called incels. It’s the truth.

So go to another kingdom where nobody will give a fuck?

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because a woman lied about rape?
but there are women who lie about that shit. Not a lot but the very few. And those who do lie are what makes big news.

t. roastie.

Don't really remember WN that well and I have no idea what stayed in LN and latter works but nearby kingdoms are fucking far away.

Try to go to another country while being poorfag with cheat item that don't work.

go back to twitter

have sex.

>So go to another kingdom where nobody will give a fuck?
You see what happened when he tried that? Plus the Spearchad time loops where he actually succeds at that comes with its own group of problems.

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Oh man I already dropped this shit show ages ago but I can't believe some of you are still butthurt about it

This, you've got faggots who want to be soft on anything with a pussy and you wonder why there aren't more compelling and memorable female villains.

>You see what happened when he tried that?
...he ended up giving a speech to people? What's the issue?

having a female character lie about getting raped is one thing. having that be a major plot point that drives the shitty self-insert protagonist's whole story arc is lazy and retarded writing.

>he ended up giving a speech to people?

He was blocked at the border and then framed for the murder of Melty.

Well you're not supposed to just stroll out if you're a wanted man, you have to keep a low profile. Grease a few palms, lean on a few shady connections. Hell, just hop the fence at a spot that isn't being patrolled as heavily.

From memory, in Spearbro spinoff, Noob Naofumi got assassinated in the first loop on his way to the other country.


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You'd think someone would have put two and two together when she was revealed as a princess and her father didn't punish her alleged rapist. Not to mention how smug she acts towards him.
I'm definitely glad based fatman went full guro doujin on her.

What a funny term for normalfags to latch onto. It implies it's not those guys' fault they are virgins, which goes against what normalfags preach.

Competent users? Seems a bowbro could assassinate someone more easily than the other options.

But in a straight up fight? Probably spear or maybe shield.

Spear is the most ancient and powerful one, and can do the most varied stuff. There was a time before the 4 weapons and the Spear was the first weapon of the first hero.

I think a max level non-sperg Shieldbro would be pretty dangerous. He probably wouldn't have rage shield, but he'd be a fortress unto himself and would just close the distance and kill with bludgeoning damage.

But I have a loving wife who I've been Married to for 5 years and have had two kids with and yet I love this show.

It was such a low tier bait writing that I couldn’t take it seriously. The healing montage that happened afterwards turned me off to the entire show.

Spearfag is canonically the strongest of the 4

Who is the audience of this show?


People who like isekai I guess? I read it because I like bitter heroes who win just to spite everyone else. Also because Raphtalia a cute.

Retards are usually pretty strong to make up for being ultra brainlets.

legendary tard strength

Spearfag is what happens when you dump all your stat points into STR with a DEX weapon.

worry not

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>It implies it's not those guys' fault they are virgins
No it doesn't.

Yes it does. Normalfags are only using it because "incels" use it to describe themselves, and their belief is that they are being denied sex by women.

Not really? People can and do lie about being raped by celebrities.

Thats her ! Thats the woman who forced herself on me!

No it's going to be different, bitch's demise happens in vol 19. And even then there's a chance she'll come back from the dead

Not all of them are min-maxed like the shield is. There's the hunting tool that has similar restrictions and there yet might be others out there in the worlds beyond.

The plot point is that Malty is an evil conniving bitch due to being part of the goddess responsible for the fucking calamity.

Does based Faubley only mete out justice in the LN or also in the manga?
I don't watch the anime because they needed Raphtalia's chest.

I doubt it will happen in the manga since it mostly adapts the LN

This has happened to me no less than four times in the past year. I'll be at a bar, I'll refuse to buy a girl a drink, or won't let her cut me in line, and then they get the bouncers to kick me out. Fuck this world man. Shield Hero is really shitty, but at least it pulls no punches with an accurate description of fucking bitches.

The pig king thing happens only in the web novel, in the LN, the plan for the coup d'etat was canned since naofumi rescued itsuki eariler, so now instead of getting her ass captured, executed, revived and executed again, she's chilling at fabuley with other random people. After takt loses the war, she hitches a ride to glass's world and fuck shit up there.

Well that's disappointing. I hope she at least gets some comeuppance in the mango.

It baits people who want a revenge story into watching crappy wish fulfillment.

WN are most pure!
Revised works may have more consistent story, better grammar and write style. But they lack authors dreams like graphic rape torture with cutting out and fucking new holes or incestuous lolicon neet beaten to death by family member and tenseied .

>incestuous lolicon neet beaten to death by family member and tenseied
which one is this

You’re a retard.

Why? Also, larp.

I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Melromac.

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>t. seething mongoloid

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t. incel.

Of course you are.

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