Why is modern Yea Forums such a soulless shithole board? Will thing ever be good again...

Why is modern Yea Forums such a soulless shithole board? Will thing ever be good again? Will normalfags and ironic weebs leave anime alone one day?

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I really like hxh and I'm enjoying the current status where theres always a hxh thread.

Ew. Shota > Loli. At least have some tact.

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inb4 404


No user. Is over.
We lost.


Damn that's a cute cunn

Three things.
- moot saying Naruto was fine
- phoneposters
- the influx from /pol/ attention
These three things combined have led to today's Yea Forums.
It's worth noting that it's not as bad as Yea Forums, Yea Forums or Yea Forums, and hell, it could even be fixed with a few changes. But I'm not holding my breath.

God damn OP. Now I gotta look for this to see if there's more

Am I still going to heaven if I opened the thumbnail? Help



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thanks i just got promoted

I think DBS airing didn't help matters

You get called a newfag now for bringing up when faggots say animu or mango
Newfags are trying to redefine the term to avoid being one so that they don't have to adapt

>Why is modern Yea Forums such a soulless shithole board?
Because in order to descend to the level of shit ofnother boards, we became elitist

desu after all these years here and ive never seen the appeal of lolis.

You're still a dumb newfaggot for that. Never forget it.

Those threads are a blight and I don't understand how even they think it's okay


true, the moment mods stop doing their job (草) will be the time this board is truly dead

Now post the brown version

I've never been in a dragon ball thread but hear so much shit about them
how bad could they possibly be?

Yea Forums is so damn slow these days. People are leaving like crazy.

What would an ad for cunny be like?

OP's image would be a good start

Um Yikers did you just post loli? Can we keep that shit off here, anime is already borderline too much, I can't believe that people keep promoting this pedophilia


Seething faggot

Yea Forums was never good
you're just getting old

No, just calling out a shitposter.

honestly there's a decline in quality, obviously, but its not awful.
it hurts me when people post frogs and shit though. maybe im growing out of Yea Forums but its the only site i browse and have browsed since, like, 2005 really. i still have fun here. i enjoy it here. even if ive never always had the same opinions on most things that Yea Forums does, it's fun here.

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What is it about little girls’ buttholes?

Something I'd like to get into!

Shit board full of contrarians that appeals to almost no one now

Want to talk about seasonal stuff?
>fuck you that show is shit watch this instead stop trying to talk about the show you made a thread for reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Want to talk about old stuff?
>muh a e s t h e t i c lets jerk off to the only 2-3 series modern Yea Forums knows!
Want to talk about a shounen?
>this show/manga sucks and has gone on for too long and I'm not enjoying it anymore.... wait did the thread just fall off for two seconds? Better make 10 new threads for it just so I can continue to complain
Want to talk about an upcoming season?
>lol this looks shit anime should just die already I can't believe every season is worse than the last
Want to talk about any show featuring relationships

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