Do you like his works?

Do you like his works?

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not very

Never heard of them

I feel you

How is this even possible? Did you start watching anime yesterday?

I liked Paranoia Agent, haven't seen the others.

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>Millenium Actress
>Prefect Blue
>Magnetic Rose

>Roujin Z
>Patlabor 2

>Paranoia Agent
>Dream Fossil

Don't care for:
>Jojo OVA
>Tokyo Gaodfathers
>Ani Kuri 15 short

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Started watching in about 2011, only watched stuff I liked which is sol and paranormal sci fi stuff, also you don't have to watch old classics to understand modern shows, it's possible to watch an anime and enjoy it without researching the history of animation

Couple typos here, I'm a bit drunk.

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Perfect Blue is the only other good work he made

Maybe I should read Opus. Is it better than Paprika? More thriller like Perfect Blue and Paranoia Agent? I didn't like very much the plot of Paprika, but the execution was great

Patlabor2? Wasn't that made just by Oshii? Maybe I should watch it, even if I have never watched anything related to that series. I also have Roujin Z. Maybe it's good

I like all except Paprike and Paranoia Agent, but even those are still watchable.

You might like Kon works, you should give a try. They are pretty paranormal /scifi/sol

>Maybe I should read Opus. Is it better than Paprika?
It's incredible, Paprika is shallow by comparison.
>More thriller like Perfect Blue and Paranoia Agent?
A bit, it's a meta-narrative about a mangaka confronting his creation.
He did some supervisory/directorial work on it as well as working on the storyboards and layouts.

Tokyo Godfathers is a masterpiece.

Perfect Blue is close

adore his work. taken from the world too early, may he rest in peace

We lost a genius too soon.


Do you know his last work?

Yes, it's just too short to be considered a work

Will anyone ever rise to fill his boots? Anime has gotten too soft and masturbatory without his voice out there to reign things in

if only he lived as long as Miyazaki.

Love Tokyo Godfatheers, Paprika and Perfecct Blue. Millenium Actress was OK but boring and too muh feminism for my taste. Paranoia Agent was so bad it made me rage for wasting my life with that.

You either die a Kon or live long enough to become a Miyazaki.

Millennium Actress makes me cry to this day, Hirasawa and Kon was such a godly team.

>too muh feminism
She's literally chasing her ideal bf

paprika was the true waste of time

>Millennium Actress makes me cry to this day
arent you ashemed of this?

Greatest mind to ever touch anime, storytelling or film

Perfect Blue > Paprika > Paranoia Agent > Tokyo Godfathers > Millennium Actress

Why would I be ashamed of telling what I like, user? Its a great film.

Perfect Blue > Paranoia Agent > Tokyo Godfathers > Millennium Actress > Paprika

No I don't like McDonald's """arthouse"""

that's not yuasa

Perfect Blue = Paprika = Paranoia Agent = Tokyo Godfathers = Millennium Actress

I don't agree but fuck that was funny, user.

i wish

I want Yea Forums to leave

Millennium Actress is one of the greatest movies ever made, not just anime but in general.
>muh Center Stage
Millennium Actress blows it the fuck away.

Just wait until some Western director rips it off and wins 17 oscars

A movie that could have been as long as Ohayo
Although, as I already said, the biggest downfall of Satoshi was Paprika

Im surprised no one did it already.
Well, with Inception they did objectively better than Paprika

>Center Stage

>>Well, with Inception they did objectively better than Paprika
Meh, the art style is still times better.

The plot and set up so alike some people like to say that Kon ripped it off hard (and also that Center Stage is the better movie, it's not).


Oh wow, I guess cinema history is all a ripping off

Have seen paranoia agent,tokyo godfather and perfect blue.

I only understood tokyo god father and had interesting themes of family,what the fuck happened in the other 2?

>Millenium Actress was OK but boring and too muh feminism for my taste

Try using your big boy words next time, okay chief? This is an 18+ board, at least act like one

Not many. Tokyo Godfather and Millennium Actress are good but not great, Perfect Blue and Paranoia Agent are ok at best and Paprika is straight up garbage with the only value being that it inspired the masterpiece that is Inception. Kon was good at managing productions but as a director (at least as for film as a whole) he's just mediocre.

I don't remember any feminism...

shared psychosis

His work have always left a mark on me.

>Paprika is straight up garbage with the only value being that it inspired the masterpiece that is Inception.
>Paprika is straight up garbage with the only value being that it inspired the masterpiece that is Inception.

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I honestly only liked Paranoia Agent.


Paprika was bad

That's art in general, you look for things you like than shamelessly rip a lot off and make a unique (but not original) thing.
That's one of basics of drawing.

I only watched Perfect Blue. I will watch Tokyo Godfather and Paranoia Agent someday.

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watch Paprika first

Tokyo Godfather for Christmas

Oh come on, are you still mad at Ballete movie?

>Well, with Inception they did objectively better than Paprika

Maybe writing wise but Paprika is more creative and fun to look at which matters more in a film about dreams.

Not this is shit taste even though i did like Inception.

I think he died on a good spot considering you faggots like to stroke his talented dick every time you mention him.

Rather that than have him live to be some “I’m just here for the paycheck” lazy fuck like the other lightning-in-a-bottle directors

I don't believe this is remotely the first 'fan seeks out aging actress who retells her life story/career' film at al.

I'd rather he be a lazy fuck than dead

>you don't have to watch old classics to understand modern shows
but that's wrong you piece of shit

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People like you are the reason why filmmakers can produce actual complete mediocre garbage and get away with it

angels egg fag detected

Anyone, would you care to explain me Paprika?

Inception is terrible.

did you see Paprika?