Korean scans are out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Thank you OP

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Is this some NTR rip-off?

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Yonagi is a bully

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Oh boy, here we go.

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This is sexual harasment

What a chad

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Holy shit, my fucking sides.

Is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship?

They look mad

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>these faces
R.I.P chad

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New guy looks a bit weird in the color page

Will this dork wear something /fa/ for once? Who the fuck buys her clothes?

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Chad will die.

You may not like it, but this is peak /fa/.

Oh, the friendly guy from Death Island is coming back

Seems we needed even more people getting cucked.

Are you against komodo dragons?

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>when a new member joins your yandere harem

Those glares make me feel hot.

Akirabros nooo

Don't worry bro, I'm sure he will appear soon.

>Chad invites Yonagi to a luxury restaurant.
>Araya invites Chiyoko to fast food.


>Chad invites Yonagi to a luxury restaurant.
The guy is a genius.

Hopefully the two other buddies will also come, or make a cameo

Well, we still need some people from the audience to "react".

What are the chances of this guy falling for Kei?

Don't know but there's lot of chances of this guy "accidentally" falling off a cliff.

>komodo dragon

Did Ryugo get her that Ryugo shirt or did she genuinely owned one

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>all these filler characters
>no akira
It's over bros. Akira confirmed cucked to death by the new Chad.

Akira is having a training arc off-screen. He will return stronger than ever.

>Doubting our boy akira
He will find a way.
He always does.

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Does anyone think it's taking so long for the series to have a popularity poll? When are going to have it? I want to read people being surprised that Akira got the first place!

Akirafags exist? I thought his mom bought them for publicity?

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Oh no! Lancer died!

What do they mean with those gazes?



Any pic of the original version? Looks awesome

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Why does Araya look more like Yonagi than her actual siblings.

this guy is dead

They were adopted.

Because he is a grown ass adult, and they are like six years old.

Do girls really let men grabbing their chests like that?

Wtf is this garbage. I'm considering to drop this if the guy doesn't fuck off.

Araya, Chiyoko. I see you are friends now, even sharing their internet conection.

will yonagi ever star in a godzilla movie?

>Kyoani anime confirmed for 2020

Attached: yonagi.png (1000x800, 879K)

>Chiyoko's yandere eyes

>newfag being all handsy on the autist
Yonagi needs to remember how she handled Kuroyama at the start.


First time meeting Yonagi
>Chiyoko: was pissed off
>Araya: "You're smelly"
>Chad: bridal carry
Why do weirdos keep bullying our dork?

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When is he going to tell Chiyoko she smells?

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Why didn't she listen?

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