>prove that your taste isn't shit
I'll prove my taste isn't shit by not touching this tier list with nothing but normalfag options.
>everything that more than 10 people have seen is reddit tier
Prove it to nameless assholes on Yea Forums?
What a worthless endeavor.
>tier lists
>entry-level choices
>"weeb god"
Go back.
When is this fucking tier list cancer going to stop being spammed? Holy shit. Fuck off already.
FMA and Dragon Ball are entry level you pretentious contrarian faggot
>Nothing but entry level shit
Lurk for two years before posting
Way too many animes, haven't seen quite a bit of these, besides it'd take too much time to make this crap
This one was okay I guess, haven't really seen any of the other ones
>url says south korean
>tab name says north korean
what a twist
Check em
Fucking retard
I either didn't watch the rest, or simply didn't find anything else I recognized.
The icons are so small and i'm not wearing my glasses.
We just gotta try again
Stupid phoneposter
>a shitter no joe god tier
>bobobo shit tier
You are a nigger and a pleb.
I've seen over 1000 anime, so how could I possibly make some shit like this? Fuck off.
Give 3 examples for each tier
I didn't watch the Erased anime, but the Netflix live-action adaption is really good.
>weeb god
You are newf-
>oh look, this thread again
Check these
There's a lot of this is just seasonal stuff forgotten by time. Or stuff that's currently airing. Mononoke could have been top tier if there was more of it. That will always be my biggest complaint about that show. There should have been more. I already see I should have ranked Lain and Psycho Pass but whatever.
Oh right I forgot I'm retarded.
What would you say are the 3 anime you at least need to watch in order to be at a base understanding of anime as a whole?
eromanga sensei
yosuga no sora
i have brain damaage
Can someone tell me what’s so bad about Fairy Tail? My friend tells me it’s great, but I heard some other things.
It's what happens when someone decides to make the most generic Shounen they possibly could.
No mob psycho ? Shit taste
People like these long-running shonens, because they most likely are stuck with them ever since their childhood at which point they were the target audience.
I doubt anyone else can catch up on and enjoy 200 episodes of generic "power of friendship".
If someone can get through Made in Abyss and actually appreciate what the show does without bitching about the lolicon pandering then they can keep going.
Fuck tier lists and fuck FMA
shit for pretentious fags.
You're a disgrace to mankind.
t.pissed Evergarden fanboy
Fact is, I don't mind it that much in other shows, but in MiA, it's almost always inappropriate and never funny. Got through the monogatari series easily, but this shit always makes me cringe. And that comes from someone who likes Made in Abyss a lot.
>he thinks its supposed to be funny
Normalfag spotted.
>Umaru and Keijo in Top tier
This is some niggerlicious taste
I don't think it's supposed to be funny, but I think it should at least be played off as a joke in order to not completely ruin the mood. Or not included at all. Nothing like immersing myself in that creative and ominous abyss environment only to be brought back to the ground by a embarassing remark about probing anuses.
I've watched over 250 shows, so I wouldn't say I fall into the normalfag category.
The mangaka definitely wants to drink bloody piss but again if someone can push past these things and appreciate the show then that means they probably have a modicum of tastes.
Counterpoint: check this 6
Yeah, I believe you are right in that regard.
Op is a faggot once again
utena is two million IQ though
lain super underrated, haruhi slightly underrated (if only for nostalgia/historical reasons)
Here’s mine. Couldn’t find a lot of the ones I’ve seen.
"oh cool you're into anime, what do you like?"
*nuanced curated list of good shit*
"Oh cool, I watched all of [Naruto/One Piece]"
75% of shit I have watched isn't even there.
Why the fuck is the image for Shinsekai Yori edited to have the characters in Madoka outfits?
What? Post the image in question.
How the hell is this still up?
Because people post in this thread often enough?
What the fuck is this shitty tier list?
And for that matter, why does it appear twice? Why does Samurai Champloo appear twice? Did you really need to have multiple entries for Gundam and Monogatari?
finally someone does a good tier list, the only two things i disagree are sakamoto and steins;gate 0
Fuck me, it's actually true. I just thought it was some unknown magical girl show and didn't pay attention to the character design.
have life incel
Did you just pick these anime at random? Also I had to manually scale the image down to under 4MB, what a hassle.
it's painfully generic with no direction.
You can't afford to get invested in anything because nothing is explained or make sense.
You are told to be amazed/frightened/excited for something but you can't because you haven't been given any context for why something is noteworthy.
>ergo proxy
>psycho pass
>shinsekai yori
y tho?
You'll understand when you're older.
I don't think I have genetic predisposition to dementia if that's what you are on about.
>Oh yeah, my father loves anime. He always used to watch Dragon Ball Z haha
granting its good, its fairly acknowledged still
Especially Mushishi and Monster are childish garbage.
here you go
>FranXX is anything else tham nigger tier
You mean jojo in general or just DiU?
fuck off your opinion is irrelevant
Aside from DC, Madoka, Jojo, and Bunny pretty based
>hurr entry level
Not real criticism, it just means people like what you dont. fuck off.
Why there is so many of these veddit threads
>aside from jojo
It's good. If you don't think so there's probably something wrong with your worthless faggot sucking ass. Your opinions are shit, dude. Don't even act like your thoughts should be considered by anyone. You dont get to be the arbiter of quality here.