
This is the face of a girl not too long after broke up with her boyfriend.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I dropped this during the drug arc. Who is she showing this smile to?

All girls are shit.

That's the face of a woman who realizes she's now free to try all new flavors of dick.

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>inb4 autismposter



Chef. She is ready to take chef cock.

When is she fuck the chef just for knowing what a different dick is

I love how she flew back to Japan just to break up to Natsuo's face so she wouldn't feel guilty about sleeping with Chefboy.
The bullshit reason she gave him for ending a serious relationship.
The futile attempt at a clean conscious.
She knows Chefboy wants her. So she starts signalling to him she wants the D.
When Natsuo really was just experience to her.

Can't wait for her to come back to Japan with a new boyfriend or pregnant.

Is this manga the biggest red pill about women?

It shouldn't have to be.
Everyone knows this is how women are.

I've been a Ruifag for a long time, but holy christ if this shit is real, fuck this shit.
This is what I get for nominally caring about a series written by Kei

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rui is giant piece of shit and i hope she fucking dies


What the fuck happened? Wasn't she coming to terms with the fact that she loved MC?

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she wants to taste another dick, why are people freaking out? she was the one to fuck a complete stranger just for funsies.

The heel who has to use every dirty trick in the history book to get the MC never wins user. Hina is pretty much the babyface of this storyline.

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Good for her. people shouldn't become pathetic, sad-sack pieces of shit who wallow in misery and never raise a smile just because they broke up with someone.
People have genuinely terrible things happen to them, like losing loved ones and still manage a smile now and then afterwards

>but holy christ if this shit is real, fuck this shit.
It's not. She broke up with him because she started to feel insecure.

Well anyone would feel insecure if you have to take advantage of your sister's situation to get her lover. Not to mention you never come clean to said lover about doing so. It was only a matter of time.

>girl actually looks happier after breaking up

I honestly, genuinely want to see the chef fuck her. I'll be massively disappointed if we don't get to see it

Except she was the one doing terrible things to Natsuo, and broke up at the worst time for him, and now people are annoyed at how she can smile after putting Natsuo through the grinder after everything he did to make things work

If everyone really knew, there'd be a lot fewer brokenhearted guys.

In the end, she never even got what she wanted; the love Natsuo had for Hina. Even Rui must of known otherwise she'd never make Hina promise not to make her cry

>every girl who breaks up with a guy after better dick shows up

more like she came to terms that they wernt working as a couple and are better as family

Except this time that lovely smile put Ruifags into state of despair

i'm only autustic because of all the delousinal Ruifag fanfiction

clearly, Hina only craves Natsuo dick

Rui was always going to be the loser. Nips love being faithful to their main heroines.

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Hina is a fucking slut who has slept with who knows how many men

More than that
I remember before Rui and Natsuo got together, how much Natsuo unintentionally made Rui cry or run away from him emotionally upset.
Kajita annoyed her at the beginning but now shes all smiles and blushes with him

just goes to show Natsuo and Rui had an expiration date since Rui was an emotional sook before they ever got together.

S E E T H I N G R U I C U C K.


Aren't all Jaрanese dicks the same?
She should've go to Alex for another flavour.


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If I wouldn't have two friends who are haррily married for seven years and more, DnK would turn me into a mysoginist.

I remember when her smile was a beacon of hope that this series wasn't total trash
Then I remembered that this is Sasuga Kei we're talking about. Fucking women shouldn't be allowed to write manga

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Reminder that Momo is best girl. All others are shit

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This is actually worse than KusoKari.

Duh. The sluts in KanoKari are sluts only ironically, and they aren't the source of endless anger and frustration.

Rui fags are the seething 1's. This is a common symptom from Loser Syndrome.

It's a back and forth. Hina does something to piss people off, like when the series first started and we saw she was a homewrecker. Then Rui does something. Then Hina.

That's because she's the only girl that actually acknowledges that she is a slut and actually wanted to be a better person.

That pissed off nobody.

Now it's all on Rui. Hina hasn't done anything wrong in fucking forever.

>Still following any series written by a woman who writes for self gratification

She's the most ethical out of every character in the manga, too, although that's not saying much. She only fucks dude's shes dating. She just happens to date a lot of guys

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Imagine being such a giant human failure at eighteen that you need your former lover/NBR sister to live with you to block you from doing dangerous shit.

>Beacon of hope
She has been shit since the beginning.

Who has brains at 18?

There looks better. Fixed.

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Fuck all the woman in this series, man.
Everyone just jump to closest cock as soon as possible.

Ha I knew that broad was Mexican or some sort of Latino. Being of Latino descent myself, she just screams it. People kept calling them black. I laugh every time.

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found a fag

Ruifag or Hinafag?

I was around fourteen or fifteen when I understood that I shouldn't show affection or be oрen to other рeoрle, they'd just use it against me of would hurt me otherwise. I have had enough examрles of that in my environment and in the books I've read.
Since 22 I live alone, it's ten years already, and I frankly don't understand how рeoрle manage to exist in families, without an unrestricted рrivate sрace available to them.
Almost certainly, I'm a socioрath. But, knocking on wood, I was never in a Natsuo's current situation. There are too many good things in the world to endanger yourself because of a woman, рhysically or рsychically.

>all this petulant asspain

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>People kept calling them black
It was clear she was Latina from her hair and complexion that isn't completely dark.

Рeoрle can call anybody 'black'. In Russia, we call рersons from Caucasus Mts and Central Asia 'black' while in fact they are way more white than Latino ones. It's all a matter of comрarision.

>In Russia, we call рersons from Caucasus Mts and Central Asia 'black'
Cause you're all idiots.

So you're all racist. Thanks for info.

I'm so glad I didn't start reading this manga.

I still think and have hope that Rui will win, somehow.

Rui a shit
Hina a best

Threadly reminder

>Rui has to take advantage of Hina's situation
>Has to hide the truth about Hina's feelings to get him
>Has to make sure that he doesn't find out
>Has to beg Hina to stay silent when she did the worst to her
>Hina-nee please be there for Natsuo but don't you dare tell him the truth
>Breaks up with Natsuo by making everything about herself when she wasn't even the reason behind Natsuo's problem.

>Natsuo proposed to Hina
>Hina is the one who always inspired him to write
>The one who sacrificed everything just to protect his future, burying her feelings in the process
>The one whose feelings never changed despite going through shit alone just to save him
>Has kept the rings
>Was saved by Natsuo who took a knife to the chest to save her.
>Has decided to dedicate her life for him even if he is not with her in the end.

Kei hasn't been very subtle when it comes to foreshadowing, but it's very obvious where she is going.

I'm in a similar boat. Been living alone since 19, turning 28 this year. I don't want to keep being alone in my 40s, 50s and beyond, but the thought of losing my peace and quiet if I get a family is terrifying. And women are shit.
If only I could have my own biological kids without ever getting involved with a woman.

It's not like I deny this. My рoint was that anybody can be called 'black' if he isn't a рureblood Scandinavian god.

Imagine if Natsuo will rise his wife's son who was рut in her by Kajita.


Oh my god.

Dome/ss/tic na Kanojo

Legit nice chapter.

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What does it say?

This series is awesome. It keeps getting better.

is it bad that i want to cum inside rui's tight momhole?

>Date not one but two thots who are emotionally unstable and/or habitually make terrible life choices
Dumbass deserves every shit thing that happens to him

If this manga doesn't end with Natsuo banging Hina's brains out then it was a failure

'Now, leave!... Because my REAL girlfriend is going to be here soon.'

eba yuzuki was harutard first love and girl friend, she even dumped him through a letter, the tard then decided to leave his hometown to chase after her.
She is not rui if you haven't read it.

Kim no iru machi is possibly the worst comparison when it comes to ruitatds. Its plot is similar to domekano and the winner is more closely related to hina than rui.
I don't know whose side you want to troll with this.


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I hope so. We are long overdue for another Hina sex scene.

>No sisters sandwich scene

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It'd be nice to live in a homogeneous country where I didn't have to think about my race.

which domekano girl is the most likely to get domesticated and wear a collar like a housepet?

i'm going with hina cause she's old and desperate

Why would she be sad if she was the one that broke up with him? You break up with someone so you can feel like your picture.

Everybody seems really calm about this dude fucking his stepsister.
I’m guessing the parents find out about this later?

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Momo was sitting on a chain at some рoint IIRC.

It's not like they are blood related. If their union won't рroduce ungodly genetical freaks, everything is fine.

I dropped this a long time ago, Is he banging the little sister now or he still with his teacher?


>this country has a history of discrimination against migrants
I knew Sasuga Kei was a retard but never this retarded.

Actual redpill coming through.

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He sрent around a hundred chaрters in relationshiр with the little sister, then she break uр with him and after a five or six chaрters with a cockhead whore he is рrobably back to the older sister. She isn't a teacher anymore though.
Also there is Miyabi Serizawa but she exists to suffer.

An absolute state of zoomers.

They do though, World War II fucked up the relationships of all the East Asian countries with each other.

Isn't MC in love with her sister? It's time for her to let go

>Literally went to america to ride the cock carousel
So this is a red pill manga now?

The thots are talking about US there.

The US has one as well, even as far back as the colonial period people like Benjamin Franklin hated German immigrants, and during the 1840s and 1850s the wave of Irish immigrants were considered as bad as or worse than slaves.

And Natsuo belongs to those twenty рercents of men who has sex with eighty рercents of women, yes.

You're kidding me right? The breakup was the end of the road for Rui.

There is no way Sasuga Kei isn't going pull a Rui win out of her ass. I'd love to be proven wrong, but Rui has consistently been the dramatic focus of the series.

I mean, there was a moment in the manga when exactly four women were simultaneously unavailable to other men due to their relationshiр of some kind with Natsuo: Rui, Hina, Miyabi and the cokehead whore.

>I'd love to be proven wrong, but Rui has consistently been the dramatic focus of the series.
>dramatic focus of the series.
>"lol, joking guys, I haven't read the manga at all"

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So was it enough to prove your ignorance is wrong? Wanna see more of hina's dramatic scenes? Some fireworks to enlighten your brain?

I've consistently fallen for a character that's lost the MCbowl in just about every series that pulls this waifubait crap going all the way back to Evangelion (I still don't know how it became about Rei vs Asuka when Misato was clearly superior to both), usually I can predict who loses based on how much I like her
The problem with this series is that I actually like both Hina and Rui, they have flaws but they're both learning and growing and they both really love Natsuo and I think everybody would win if they could just share him somehow
Therefore I can only assume Sasuga Kei's plan is crashing this plane with no survivors

Also bad writing to throw all this out
>The buying Natsuo a phone
>the fire works festival - trope
> Natsuo telling Hina "out of everyone i want you to be the most..." - trope
> the storm showing Hina with the rings
> Natsuo and Hina share an umbrealla - trope
> Natsuo giving Hina a lap pillow - trope
> Hina and Natsuo blush at a mention of a student/teacher novel
> Natsuo is unhappy/pained at the mention of Hina having an arranged marriage.
> protecting Hina from the stabbing
> remembering the embrace at the beach they had when he fell into hinas arms
> approval from parents because of 'fate'
> wishing at the shrine 'if its not too much to ask, after i'd also like natsuo and i to..." - trope
> "you can tell me anything i don't know what i can do but i'll do all i can" - trope
> "i'll always be by your side Hina" - trope
> "your the only one, my precious... brother" - trope
> "you two really are family, you and your sister", and other comments suggesting they're meants for each other - trope
> "ive decided to dedicate the rest of my life to Natsuo" - trope
> "Hina you will never be happy if you arn't honest with yourself" - trope
> "follow your heart Hina" - trope
> "i've never regretted meeting Hina, not once" - trope
> Natsuo touches his scare thinking of Hina
> Hina cheers Natsuo up after the fallout of his novel
> Natsuo is forced to think of the biggest turnoffs in order to not be turned on/attracted to Hina
> "are you talking about your sister? or your lover?" - trope
> "he was being really chummy with his sister" - trope
> kissing by Serizawa because of how close he was with Hina
and all that DURING the relationship with Rui. The story itself is directing and suggesting the Hina Natsuo endgame just on tropes alone.

And now we can add
>the Natsuo from druggies after being randomly called by him for help, out of all other people.
> Natsuo Moves on from Rui a week or 2 after being dumped compared to 6 months with Hina.
> Hina lives with Natsuo

They've realized theres no fighting destiny

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so you admit you ignor all this:
and therefore the story itself?

> Break up with MC so she can be happier

Ruifags are dying

Natsuo is going to end up with a completely different woman that has nothing to do with the story because he's going to realize it'd be better to have a partner without a complicated family situation

Ruitards all have a very selective memory, unfortunately.
They would conveniently forget natsuo taking hina to a fireworks festival 2 times, giving hina an engagement ring, taking a knife for her while rui watch on the sideline. And then later proclaim all dramatic moments are rui focused.
It's a special ability.

well of course women cheating goes down, because they aren't attractive anymore. but men stay appealing longer.

Dude, what are you even talking about? Hina is the Tragic heroine of the story.

Where the hell is Serizawa?

This actually. Momo has already been collared. Too bad Rikkun is too fuckin Omega to make the most use of his status of the Semenest Demon's partner


>people still have sex and cheat on their spouses in their 80s

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Ok what I want to know is how chefboy will react to Rui and natsuo being step siblings and dated each other

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why would she tell her about it if she only wants to fuck him?

Sluts can't stop talking about their exes.

That's not what the graph means, dumbass. It's people in their 80s reporting being unfaithful throughout their lives.

she might tell him about the shit they used to do but I doubt she will tell him bout her family situation, that would be very stupid from her part because chef would have a reason to kill natsuo
oh wait...
please anything but this, not even telenovelas are this stupid

this entire fucking manga is so god damn gut wrenching. i dropped that gyaru slut settled for that beta cuck

Rental sluts are still sluts

I don't get the worrying about chef being some psychopath dude who'll murder anyone who even breathes in Rui's direction. If Natsuo or Al were in Chef's position last chapter they too would have decked that asshole, so why treat chef like a mentally disturbed killer when he was just acting like anyone else who cares about Rui would've acted.

Because if chefboi turns out to be a decent guy, which he is by the way, then he would spell the endgame to ruitards.
Deep down inside, they all want the same thing hina has, ironically.

Not KanoKari sluts, plot demands they don't touch the dick.

Ruitards really are another breed. I find it funny too how if Natsuo WERE to do the same thing Chef did he'd probably be getting all sorts of praise from ruitards about how he's such a good guy and how he cares so much about Rui.

>I find it funny too how if Natsuo WERE to do the same thing Chef did he'd probably be getting all sorts of praise from ruitards about how he's such a good guy and how he cares so much about Rui

Spot on.

I'm sure this graph is actually showing women just lie about their cheating more. Even when questioned for statistics.
Lets not forget the new data coming in that 1/5th of all children in the US are now being shown to not be related to their father.
These ancestry tests have led to the alarming realization that women not only cheat on men on a level much higher than anyone thought before but that 1/5th of all women in relationships cheat to the point of having children from other partners and never tell their husbands.
20% of women have absolutely no souls.
And a much higher percent of them cheat.

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Imagine being married to your wife for 50+ years and she comes that she cheated on you while you're both 80 years old while you've been faithful. Goddman.

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How old is too old though?

Applaud the man she cheated with for having patriotic tastes.

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Can't believe the cuck author is forcing Chef boi and Rui together. Chef guy is so fucking boring

Can't wait for the chapter where Natsuo rejects Rui when she tries to get back together with him.

Can't wait for the inevitable trucking.

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This, honestly the only way I can accept a Rui end is if she actually begs and makes an effort for Natsuo to take her back, otherwise fuck her, she always got everything her way.

This probably doesn't reflect reality considering women are notorious for downplaying their sexual history. If you had actually been red pilled you would know this.

Then again, Natsuo's an idiot.


nothing forced about it since its been in the making for over 50 chapters

The Irish were disliked because they were Catholics in a Protestant country.

In order for their relationship to work, Rui needs to apologize to Natsuo and admit to her faults. The main reason they had issues was due to her guilty conscience of what she did to Hina, but another part is just how bad she was in the relationship in general. lack of trusting him, not talking through their issues, allowing her fears and suspicions to cause her to avoid Natsuo and holding Natsuo's responsibilities to a higher standard than she held herself.

She'd have to:
> Admit to Natsuo she took advantage of Hina's absence to get closer to him
> Admit to Natsuo she knew Hina lied and still loved him, but kept it to herself to take advantage of
> apologize to Natsuo for always running away whenever there was a problem and making him be the one to push for talks
> apologize for always making Natsuo take responsibility and feeling guilty the whole time when issues came up by running from him.
> Apologize for always being jealous of other women around Natsuo while never taking Natsuo's jealousy of Chef seriously, using a 'free kiss' card to even avoiding talking about it, and always downplaying Natsuo's jealousy despite taking her jealous frustrations out on Natsuo
> Admit she was offered time off but chose to avoid him Natsuo in the hospital over 'destiny' comments
> Apologize and admit that despite the commitment watches, coming out to Hina and the necklaces, she never completely trusted Natsuo around other people
> Admit to Natsuo that she made Hina promise not to 'make her (Rui) cry' because she still didnt trust them
> Apologize to Natsuo for dumping him during his writers block, making his depression worse (especially since there are better ways to go about it if she intended to get back together again)

And if she did, the question is if Natsuo would overlook her taking advantage of Hina's absence and lie, and making Hina Promise not to do anything despite the 'trust' watches.

This is probably mostly attributed to modern no fault divorce laws. Now days you just get a divorce so it’s not technically cheating, even if you got that divorce just to fuck someone else

Rui will be in a much healthier relationship with with Kajita

Fuck off, homosexual.

I bet you'd be the type to get utterly anal-ravaged if Natsuo ends up taking Rui back without putting any responsibility for what happened between them onto her.

He's already decided to move on and is now living with Hina, and Rui is so happy with Kajita, i'd just chalk it down to bad writing and move on.

lol If that happened then they'd just break up again and Natsuo would prove he likes being treated like shit

its worse than that. Ruitards actually defend the racist saying 'calling asains submissive to giving head is better than calling black guys nigger'

they twist anything to make Kajita to look psycho yet say nothing about the racism and sexism the other guy was preaching. They'd probobly prefer it for Rui to be raped than saved by kajita. Goes to show they care more about a winning ship than what makes the characters happy and safe.

>Ruitards actually defend the racist saying 'calling asains submissive to giving head is better than calling black guys nigger'


thats the comment Ruitards make, not the character

Pic as in screenshot.

Craaaawling in my skiiiin

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Probobly taken aback at first, but if he loves Rui enough to overlook it, it wont matter.

My main concern is Momo, Al and the other friends of Natsuo learning that he and Hina dated.
So far, not a single one of them knows that Hina is even Natsuos step-sister, or the sister he took a knife to defend (she hid under the hospital bed when they came to visit)
They don't even Know that Hina and Rui are sisters.
And only Al knows that Rui and Natsuo are step siblings.

I'm thinking, that Al will either confront Natsuo about his breakup with Rui, or inform Momo and the others about it so they can confront Natsuo instead.
and Since Hina is now living with Natsuo, i think they'll eventually be seen in public, leading to suspicions that they'll have to clear,eventually revealing to them that the 2 are step-siblings, she's the one he saved and is also Rui's sister.

College students are one thing, but its kinda shocking none of them know that yet.

As for dating Hina, they'd probobly also be shocked about it, but since its in the past and Hina isnt a teacher anymore theres not much else they can do.
Dating Rui, the sister though. I think Momo will be the voice of reason there since Rui confessed that she took advantage of Hina being away and lying to Natsuo, so she'll know they cant hold it against him since it was mostly Ruis efforts that made them date.

Rui and Hinas dad is pretty understanding guy. Since Natsuo saved Hina i doubt he'd have any reason to get upset over their history, or even getting back together.

Natsuo's dad and Hina/Ruis mom though. They made their peace with Natsuo and Hina being together, and think its 'fate' that they be in love.
But, They'd most likely go ballistic on Natsuo for dating Rui after Hina, most likely needing Rui to confess she was the one who pursued Natsuo and Hina saying that she already knew.

The college students don't really matter though, they're barely in the manga anymore anyway. Serizawa already knows and has made her peace with it, but will probobly get more aggressive now that Natsuo and Hina are living together.

Rui winning now if she fucks chef would be the worst thing.

its like hey i know hina broke your heart but i stomped it into paste ... take me back k?

not a ruifag. and i think you posted to the wrong user?

And now that Hina is living with Natsuo, with her workplace being close by, they'll most likely be spending more time together in and out the apartment.

Its probobly this setting that will continue their whole 'destiny' and it wouldn't surprise me if characters start saying shit like or 'they look like a family' or 'they already look like they're married' or 'are you sure your not a couple' and such. Also getting more 'trope' and 'love cliche' moments too.

It'll probobly be seeing one of these moments that make Editor-san ask about the nature of Natsuo and Hina's relationship and Natsuo gives the details, leading Editor-san to say 'you should write that story'.
making the future chapter to Reveal that Editor-san has been pushing for Natsuo to write how he got together with his wife (Hina) for years now.

The problem is, Hina is still an old hag and an alcoholic. So the moment Serizawa will get her shit together and talk to Natsuo about her feelings, she will win.
Notice how we don't have any single character being interested in Serizawa since the dyke was removed from the remises of relevance.

Rui stomped his heart into paste just by breaking up at the worst time. She wouldn't need to fuck chef to make winning the 'worst thing'


Rui can also bring a Chef's baby into her marriage with Natsuo.

>Hina is still an old hag
she's 26
>an alcoholic
Shuu once asked her if she thinks of Natsuo when she drinks, and its proven she does. She gets together with Natsuo, no more drinking. especially when he knocks he up.

>Serizawa will get her shit together and talk to Natsuo about her feelings, she will win
She's little more than a catalyst for Rui ruining her relationship with Natsuo, or a comic relief character.
She also intended to confess already having her shit together, but seeing how "chummy" Hina and Natsuo are sparked a reaction in her that Rui and Natsuo could not. Serizawa knows there is more to Natsuo and Hina than being ex's and step-siblings

>Notice how we don't have any single character being interested in Serizawa
That includes Natsuo. Also, some college students wanted to ask her out but she comes off as crazy to them.

She has less of a chance of winning than Hina, but a far bigger chance than Rui

I was hoping he would have got together with the drug dealing girl. She was a refreshing design and palette, but looks like we're just going to relapse into Hina again. Kind of boring and uninspired really.

Personally, i think We'll be seeing Misaki under the care of Marie and a waitress in his cafe.
For some reason i think that she and Shuu might be a good pairing. no idea why, it just works in my head.

as for boring and uninspired
even if it is, its was always inevitable. Unless they pull a game of thrones on us and just shit on everything.

>i found a girl i like
>so take a hike

>after breakup
>man is a sullying, depressive mess
>woman is instinctually seeking for another cock
What did Sasuga mean by this?

I also think Serizawa is end game.
Even though Natsuo has been in love with Hina since before the series started.
I think this has to do with Natsuo's writing and his motivations for writing.
It's obvious the reason for his writers block is because Hina isn't his motivation or muse anymore.Every time he's ever written anything was because Hina, in some way or another. His first love story she was the heroine. His collection of short stories was motivated by taking writing seriously to make it a career to take care of Hina. The crime novel he took a fucking knife for and then interviewed Hina's stalker for material.
The only time he didn't write something for Hina was when he wrote the play. Serizawa motivated him, but he was his own inspiration.

I think Natsuo is going to be a comedy playwright. Maybe even make scripts for a TV comedy show.
I have this theory because before Hina he and his friends played around in the bar and acted out being women and asking each other out. It was basically a comedy routine. Natsuo since his dramatic relationship with Hina has basically been in a constant state of depression. She is unhealthy for him and Serizawa is the cure.

yeah but rui's autism wouldn't know how not to rub his face in it while he's so broken. i liked rui but now she can fuck off.
okay user thats worse.

really shes kinda bland? its going to be hina now..

That's right, desрite all romanticism and stuff, Natsuo's relationshiрs with Rui and Hina was flawed and unhealthy in their cores.
He needs somebody who isn't a Tachibana. We already was shown an examрle of this which didn't work only because the cockhead whore was who she was.

Nat is just as flawed as they are. when has the two main love interests not won... i can only think of maybe one?

Coke chan is under the care of jp government, in jail.
>Natsuo since his dramatic relationship with Hina has basically been in a constant state of depression. She is unhealthy for him and Serizawa is the cure.
Your thinking of miyabi is endgame is already comedic enough.
And hina is the source of his depression? Lmao did you take a hike when he was dating rui for 100 chapters?

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Where else two main love interests were related to an MC in one way or another?

Or he simply felt no sexual attraction towards her and miyabi?
He wanted to fuck momo and miu.

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Natsuo just doesn't look at Serizawa that way because of her behaviour which leads him to think that their relationshiр is all theatrical business and nothing more.

He was depressed even when dating Hina because their relationship was so damaging to their lives. Being madly in love can also cause depression because you destroy everything for that love.
I really think Natsuo hasn't shown his comedic funny side since dating Hina.

>forced kissing the guy
>he only felt shocked and depressed afterwards
>healthy relationship
Anons, seek help. Your idea of a healthy relationship is actually worse than sasuga's.

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if you need any encouragement, your fanfiction is more interesting than ruifags'. Keep going.

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Misaki is giving Natsuo the exact same smile that Rui is giving chef in
What does it mean?


Natsuo was shocked because he wasn't able how to understand this. And Serizawa didn't helр because she just downрlayed this. She is the only one safe oрtion for Natsuo and all she needs to do is to oрenly tell him about her feelings.

That she secretly desires a taste of chefboi sausage?

>he wasn't able how to understand this
he wasn't able to figure out what does it mean

She's obviously an idiot and has no idea what she is doing.
But you gotta give it to her for having balls.
She took her friends advice no matter how fucking horrible it was and still went with it.
I still love that she got naked and tried to wait for him in his apartment. Fucking hilarious.

>Natsuo was shocked
Miyabi fanfiction is trashier than ruifags'

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Isn't this a shock? How would you describe his state, then?

>and all she needs to do is to oрenly tell him about her feelings.
>oh... really?

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He was depressed as hell. He felt no joy nor happiness when miyabi kissing him and was relieved when she said it was impulsive and didn't have any meaning.
When a girl force kisses you and you don't feel anything, no excitement, not even want to fuck her next then you're simply not attracted to her.
He wanted to fuck momo and miu in the past. Miyabi? plain, platonic feelings, nothing.

if you manage to keep yourself neutral while reading it, well it's still a garbage manga, but it's at least very funny (to laugh at shipfags that is), it's so much like seo's stories.

Didn't feel shocked when momo kissed him. A man of culture.

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At this point, men shouldn't expect anything different.

Step-siblings? OniAi... but in that nobody won.
oh Akiko got a kiss at the end...

where is the survey taken? the us? or japan?

>It's obvious the reason for his writers block is because Hina isn't his motivation or muse anymore
Its not may be revealed to be a factor later, but currently the block is blamed on the response on his latest novel.

My theory is his block is based on sub-conscience guilt since because Serizawa kissed him in front of Hina. it was only after that that his writers block became evident and he is shown unable to write at all.
And he never kissed Rui or showed any affection to Rui in front of Hina, so receiving any affection in front of Hina probobly messed him up and he dosnt know it.

>The only time he didn't write something for Hina was when he wrote the play
He wrote multiple stories, including ones based on his ugly study buddy, his hostess friend and his emo college friend who had a gay pal who killed himself.Then he wrote the erotic story using Rui as his muse, with the story being mocked as more of a comedy than an erotica.

> Serizawa motivated him, but he was his own inspiration.
The only thing Serizawa motivated him to do was to take his work more seriously since she wasn't convinced he was committed.

>I think Natsuo is going to be a comedy playwright
his adult self is shown to be an author, and his editor is telling him to write a book about how he met his wife.

>Natsuo since his dramatic relationship with Hina has basically been in a constant state of depression. She is unhealthy for him
Except he was the happiest he ever was when with Hina, and the saddest he ever was once she left. the only reasons Natsuo has been depressed was because Hina had to leave him to protect him and because Rui kept messing things up. Serizawa hasnt been shown to be anything positive for him than being an associate.

>Natsuo's relationshiрs with Rui and Hina was flawed and unhealthy in their cores
With Hina, Aside from age and circumstance, they were just another couple. They could of waited until natsuo graduated and then there be nothing flawed or unhealthy about it. if it wasn't for circumstances forcing them apart, they'd never of broken up.

Only his relationship with Rui was flawed and unhealthy, mainly because of Rui's ways of handling issues and making Natsuo do all the work and apologizing because of how insecure she was. and despite his best, Rui never overcame her insecurites and caused more issues because of them.

>He wanted to fuck momo and miu.
The only times he wanted to fuck either of them was to move on from Hina

Imagine actually thinking the main heroine is going to lose.

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It's the same kinda sketchy General Society Survey organisation which in another рoll demonstrated that almost thirty рer cent of young men are virgins.

>He was depressed even when dating Hina because their relationship was so damaging to their lives
Do you even read at all? "Perfect Happiness" is how he described his time with Hina.
And all the potential damage? he was willing to work through them in order to marry and be with Hina.

You must be thinking about Rui because Natsuo was never depressed in his relationship with Hina, just concerned about whether she was as committed as he was and he put a ring on her finger to show how far he's willing to go for her.
The only depression being with Hina gave him was from breaking up with Him.
With Rui on the other hand, there was plenty of times he was depressed, and thats because Rui left him to stew in guilt instead of talking issues out.

>Aside from age and circumstance
But it's the iceberg for their Titanic. If Natsuo becomes a famous author, the media will look for dirty stuff on him for sensations. And this stuff is kinda lying in the oрen. Which is why I said that Serizawa is the only safe oрtion for him.

Which is why he’ll end up with Hina. Adult!Natsuo wants to write about their love story, the one between him and his future wife, and the one he has with Hina is the only one that’s interesting/dramatic enough. It’ll show that love prevails no matter what since him and Hina got to be together at the end of everything.

>If Natsuo becomes a famous author, the media will look for dirty stuff on him for sensation
Thats exactly what Hina said. the only flaw was that they didn't wait.
And now she isn't his teacher anymore. the conditions of not telling anyone about the relationship was that Hina could not see Natsuo as long as she is a teacher and now she isnt a teacher, so the people who know have no reason to let the info leak.
And he can easily use a pen name to write stories like his old literature teacher does.

>Serizawa is the only safe oрtion for him.
safest perhaps, but both Hinas blonde co-worker and chibi-author have a liking to him, and are far safer.
Not to mention Serizawa would be in an awquad position, dating Natsuo after Rui caught her, twice, trying to seduce him. Kissing him while Rui was away, and of course Serizawas jealousy over Hina. If anything she'd end up similar to Rui when it comes to Natsuo being near Hina or Rui.

he took a knife defending her so people will see it as more romantic than scandalous just like their parents

>third heroine
>ever winning
Hah. Not even the second heroines are allowed snag a win here and there. Serizawa only has a chance if this were to be turned into a visual novel.

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even calling her a heroine is reaching really, she is a comic relief character
She (with her friends help) figured out that he banged both his sisters, they have something that should be a serious confrontation and it's only used to make a joke and have a melted Natsuo.

>even calling her a heroine is reaching really,
Very true, but if you were to name the three heroines it would go Hina, Rui and her.

honestly japan is about face... it might balance the scale for some, but not all.

Onee-san > Imouto every time.


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So if Domekano is the book about how Natsuo met his wife, then well, he already knows Hina when it begins, the first volume is about him meeting Rui
Seems like that's all you need to figure out where this is going


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>Natsuo will end-up with Momo
>it was forshadowed
>all this trouble around Rui and Hina is nonsense


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but Momo has discount Natsuo already and in her latest appearance she was glad nothing came out of her crush since she thinks Natsuo is a shitty boyfriend for Rui

temporarily boyfriend, she will get fed up with him and will come back to Natsuo. Novelist and doctor. such a lovely couple

Hina is the main girl. She's going to win. Get over it already.

found it
chapter 73
page 4
4th panel

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>book about how Natsuo met his wife
He was asked to write how he got together with his future wife, not how they met, either of them is fair game.

Who wants to fuck a saggy-titted slut? not me, not now and not in 40 years.

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I somehow don't think Sasuga Kei is as autistically good at hints and рremonitions as Hajime Isayama.
This toy might just demonstrate that Natsuo has a kid.

Several years ago I read an article about how 12 рer cent of male animals in every big herd are never mate, always alone and sleeр at the boundaries, thus рrotecting the main herd from the outside threats.
Maybe loneliness is genetically рrogrammed in some рeoрle.

You don't need to use anything from that scene to figure out where sasuga is going.

I dunno did you read the one shot of good times? it basically saves you hours...

>touchy subject
>unique story
It's a Hina end. Older woman, former teacher, and step-sister.

step-sister is a touchy subject on its own

Nice job ignoring the unique story part.

The main aspect of the story was always the student-teacher relationship taboo , the step-sibling only came way after.


Based reminderfag. Puting ruicucks in their place regularly.

Yikes, the denialfag is back again.

>schooling anyone on racial discrimiation

In short:
Kei Sasuga self inserts as Hina

How can I get a girlfriend exactly like Hina?

Sluts are common in real life, just go outside

And she commits to love them instead of doing it half heartedly like worst girl

But I'm an incel.

she is

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>how do I date a teacher with a drinking problem and a history of questionable relationships
Hina is literally the modal type of single adult female out there at bars and on dating sites

How many of them have a heart of gold though?

The reader

All 3 of the women like that that I've dated have been really decent people, honestly, Hina strongly reminds me of all of them
The middle-aged psych professor I had a secret relationship with when I was a teenager (long story, but VERY similar to what happened in Domekano) broke things off after 4 years because she thought (with some justification) she was keeping me from having a normal life, then there was the student teacher I dated when I was in grad school, a real cute sweethearted girl, and I sadly neglected her because I was too focused on my studies, and finally the middle school teacher I dated a few years later, well, we lived together for a few years and we loved each other a lot but we broke up because we had very different ideas about marriage and kids
There are lots of great women out there user, building lasting relationships is hard though