*draws out conversations for a ridiculously long time*

>*draws out conversations for a ridiculously long time*
>*uses the same gags over and over*
>*shows the same animation over and over*
>*doesn't animate anything but the mouth*
>*doesn't draw the background or animate background characters*
>*draws noodle characters for comedic effect*
>*becomes one of the most beloved anime of the genre*
nothin personnel, kid

Attached: 51PMW5ZWDPL_large.jpg (390x475, 41K)

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For me it's Yomi.

What do you think is better?

Tomo is not a shit!

>talking shit about azumanga kinoh

kill you'reself

k-on comes to mind, but I think most CGDCT shows are at least on the same level.
>pointing out flaws is talking shit

K-on is a better sol but not a better comedy

Sakaki-san is the cutest Azumanga

Attached: sakaki sing.jpg (1600x1200, 328K)

>draws out conversations for a ridiculously long time
If anything, it did a great job of actually translating the 4koma format in animation. Azumanga Daioh already set a new standard for those, but that also meant that a way of conveying a conversation that happens through multiple short ones with punchlines in a meaningful way. Music, background gags, excessive expressions and overly long reactions all helped create an actual comedic effect and a classic for the ages.

Attached: Tomo-chan ahem.png (714x574, 592K)

Japanese "humour"

tsukurimashou, tsukurimashou!

God I miss that little nigga chiyo-chan like you wouldn't believe.

Yeah but the porn is good.

Its the seinfeld of anime.
I think there are other anime thst are also the seinfeld of anime, so Azudaioh is the seinfeld of seinfeld of anime

Shut up, nigger.

Attached: 1549178917059.gif (160x160, 65K)


Sate sate nanne ga, deki nu ga na! Hai, Ikkimasta!
At least I think that's how it goes.

manga is a fucking masterpiece

>that one doujin where Yomi gets a boyfriend that's super obviously just a self-indulgent fantasy by the doujin writer
He's got good taste

Attached: DKoNDMnVwAEIGDH.jpg large.jpg (716x1011, 98K)

That's where I acquired my Zettai Ryouiki fetish

For me, it's Nyamo.

oh shit Osaka is coming to wake you up with a knife. what do?

Let her kill me.

You can only do so much when your story boards are 4 panel comic strips with setup and punchlines.

Attached: 1549317951750.jpg (369x1384, 398K)

this is the first meme I saw on Yea Forums back when I went to Yea Forums in 2005

Yomi is only good for a quick pump n dump, Osaka is my choice.

Attached: [Tomo] Azumanga Daioh - 13 Exams (00_06_22.257) 0001.png (1440x1080, 1.1M)

Those are often the best doujinshi.

Attached: 1447602437865.gif (281x281, 427K)

...yet a timeless classic, really makes you think

I kind of wish they'd make a anime series of the more popular series from that author.

Attached: 234235346546.png (370x498, 268K)

I wish we had more of the ONA.
It was fuckin' kino.

You can get away with anything if your art has soul.

Attached: Sakaki_turn.gif (348x464, 1.22M)

That's why the manga is better.

And yet, Azumanga is more entertaining than 90% of other Slice of Life shows

Osaka is best girl

Attached: 001.png (221x325, 30K)

Osaka is proof that you can make your boke dumb as bricks and and still give them an entertaining personality.

Tomo ruined the entire episode!

Why is it a 5koma?

Because the new Chiyo can't count and Osaka never could to begin with.

reminder that the author thinks its a poor adaptation, and because of it never wants Yotsuba adapted

you say that, but then K-on.

Stoner Humor.

yet unlike Sora Yori it managed to not be a time flop

Yotsuba would be a shit anime. It'd be too fucking slow. It's better suited to be a manga, where you can turn the pages at your own pace.

he's right, too.
newfags here think they get some sort of "grizzled Yea Forums veteran" cred for acting like this show is somehow above the 5000 better directed, funnier sol comedies that came after it.

If this adaption came out today it would be fucking crucified.

nichijou is better, even if you don't factor in animation quality

>reminder that the author thinks its a poor adaptation
do you have a single fact to back that up?

don't fight. they're both rare examples of CGDCT series with soul.