Anyone else just hate this mutt?
Anyone else just hate this mutt?
Meh he's alright
lmao fatefags BTFOOOOOOO
Chadguk > (You)
I feel good about myself and the fact that I don't know who this is.
how old are you and why do you still watch this nig?
I have no opinion one way or the other because I don't know who he is.
>watching youtubers talk about weebshit
Whatever suffering you received you brought upon yourself.
Literally who?
>discussing anime YouTube in any capacity
The only one worth watching is either dead or has crippling arthritis
Should go back to making abridged series.
Otherwise he's okay.
I can understand not liking him or his stuff, but hating him? Why?
/pol/niggers gtfo my board
Hating is a bit too much but yeah hes pretty unfunny
Eceleb threads belong to
Nope, just you.
>the state of /aeddit/
In the giant ocean of shit that is anime youtubers he manages to swim at the surface. Which doesnt make him good but atleast not as suicicde inducing as others.
>e-celeb shit
fuck off
fucking normalfag cancer
hope he gets run over by a train
I only watch him still because of nostalgia
have you forgotten what site you are on ?
Kill yourself
I like him and sense of humor.
His X in N minutes if fucking hilarious.
Why is this garbage allowed? How Yea Forums has fallen.
How can he be normalfag when he is using memes from Yea Forums?
>literally who ecelebs
is that way.
Go back
Please kill yourself posthaste.
I actually think he's pretty funny and sometimes has some meaningful stuff to say. The one thing that really gets to me is his tendency to make glaring grammatical errors and not catch them during any stage of the video-making process - which is either becoming more of a problem over time or worming its way into my head so that each individual instance pisses me off even more.
>i go to le funny Yea Forums website for memes i’m one of them now haha
go back
I tried watching people apart from DemoD but they're all shitters. It actually makes me angry how bad anime youtube is.
I'm pretty sure he's the one who made this tread
Who actually finds Gigguk funny?