The towers symbolize the phallus, the butts symbolizes the butt.
Other urls found in this thread:
Reo and Mabu's old uniforms seem to be based on actual ones.
The OST track list seems to spoil the endings for each character.
01 放課後カッパー
02 KAZUKI_つながり
03 予兆のカッパー
04 欲望の尻子玉搾取
05 カパゾンビ降臨
06 戦いの祭り
07 さらざんまいのブリッジ
08 KAZUKI_漏洩
09 ENTA_漏洩
10 TOI_漏洩
12 穏やかな日々
13 REO&MABU_欲望か愛か
14 雅なるお皿
15 雅なるお皿~戦いの歴史
16 イリーガルライフ
17 TOI_アウトロー
18 カッパ・サラ・ラ
19 ENTA_憧憬
20 ENTA_情熱と妄想のベゼ
21 ENTA_想人
22 暴力の夜
23 衝撃のカッパー
24 喪失
25 誘惑と混乱
26 カワウソの侵攻
27 REO&MABU_運命
28 KAZUKI_約束
29 TOI_別離
30 ENTA_恋
31 カッパになってラッキー
Reo must have customised his to show off his chest.
He looks as if he's been crying, he isn't actually blushing becaue the red part is on his eyes
they are going to die ;___;
Please let them get happiness. This is my kokoro wish.
It's been so long I forgot what penguindrum was about. What was his deal again?
if it was 命運 then 100% sure they die but either way life has taught me that the word fate attached to CLAMP or Ikuhara means bad shit
Momoka don't love him.
There has to be something significant that will happen with her eventually?
She's the deus ex machina.
why are fujos so desperate to look for homo shit in straight shows?
so he decided to destroy the world because he couldn't get that loli cunny?
It's not that weird, Nazi officers in particular customized their uniform a lot.
He wants her to join him.
Uhhh, I'm gonna need a refresher. I'm not watching the show again. I can probably pick up more of it now that I'm older, but I remember there being way too much mindfuckery and incest.
Who wouldn't?
>otters and kappas rivalry dated back to ancient Egypt
Hot damn that's like millennium old.
Will they ever find peace?
Never. Got to say it looks like the otter and kappa are fighting over that Egyptian king. Maybe a homo love triangle started the conflict.
stop forcing homo shit, retarded tranny
Hot. I'd read it.
Please do not kinkshame in a faggot thread. You're a faggot too.
you have your own boards, go be gay somewhere else
>You're a faggot too.
keep projecting
Haven't any of you learn not to respond to obvious shitposters by now?
>posting an unrelated little girl just because
Weak. Why so insecure? Why do you care what I think? Posting a little girl in a gay show thread isn't gonna make you any straighter, pussy.
The thread is dead, all bumps are welcome.
Stop helping him derail the thread.
Talk about the show or fuck off.
Then let it die.
>gay show thread
>Genres: Action, Fantasy, Supernatural
>no yaoi or BL
The equipment belongs to Keppi.
delete this
Fujos are just that dumb.
>31 カッパになってラッキー
Considering Egyptian mythology this is more likely than you'd think
>the sexual encounter begins when Set asks to have sex with Horus, who agrees on the condition that Set will give Horus some of his strength. The encounter puts Horus in danger, because in Egyptian tradition semen is a potent and dangerous substance, akin to poison.
>According to some texts, Set's semen enters Horus's body and makes him ill, but in "Contendings", Horus thwarts Set by catching Set's semen in his hands.
>Isis retaliates by putting Horus's semen on lettuce-leaves that Set eats. Set's defeat becomes apparent when this semen appears on his forehead as a golden disk. He has been impregnated with his rival's seed and as a result "gives birth" to the disk.
The disk is a wish plate calling it now.
Reo and Mabu together in death!
Holy shit did anyone else lose it at phone-Keppi
>Set's defeat becomes apparent when this semen appears on his forehead as a golden disk. He has been impregnated with his rival's seed and as a result "gives birth" to the disk.
>The disk is a wish plate calling it now.
Everything is a little clearer now, I think.
That's the next episode preview theme. Why are you confused?
Reuploaded the new soundtrack preview video (second half of the OST) since it's location restricted to Japan.
First part here:
Based user
The disk also shows up in the other Egypt reference, but I don't have the screenshot now.
1. 放課後カッパー – After School Kappa
2. KAZUKI_つながり- KAZUKI_Connection
3. 予兆のカッパー – Ominous Kappa
4. 欲望の尻子玉搾取 – Extracting the Shirikodama of Desire
5. カパゾンビ降臨 – Kappa Zombies Arrive
6. 戦いの祭り- Fighting Festival
7. さらざんまいのブリッジ – Sarazanmai Bridge
8. KAZUKI_漏洩 – KAZUKI_Leak
9. ENTA_漏洩 – ENTA_Leak
10. TOI_漏洩 – TOI_Leak
11. KAZUKI_絆 – KAZUKI_Bonds
12. 穏やかな日々- Quiet Days
13. REO&MABU_欲望か愛か – REO&MABU_Desire or Love?
14. 雅なるお皿 – The Elegant Dish
15. 雅なるお皿〜戦いの歴史 - The Elegant Dish~History of Battles
16. イリーガルライフ – Illegal Life
17. TOI_アウトロー – TOI_Outro
18. カッパ・サラ・ラ – Kappa Sara Ra
19. ENTA_憧憬 – ENTA_Yearning
20. ENTA_情熱と妄想のベゼ – ENTA_Baiser of Desire and Delusions
21. ENTA_想人 – ENTA_The Beloved
22. 暴力の夜 – Night of Violence
23. 衝撃のカッパー – Shocking Kappa
24. 喪失 - Loss
25. 誘惑と混乱 – Temptation and Chaos
26. カワウソの侵攻 – Otter Invasion
27. REO&MABU_運命 – REO&MABU_Destiny
28. KAZUKI_約束 – KAZUKI_Promise
29. TOI_別離 – TOI_Separation
30. ENTA_恋 – ENTA_Love
31. カッパになってラッキー – I’m Lucky to Have Become A Kappa
Get ready for EGYPT ARC
>I’m Lucky to Have Become A Kappa
this is a bad translation (incorrect connotation). definitely not conveying past tense.
And this is Alexander the Great
I couldn't stop laughing here.
I can't root for the Kappa anymore. This statue is way too cute.
time to watch the episode
raw because CR subs a shit
Good, love the otter. the otter is good.
So it's "I'm Lucky to Be a Kappa?"
Is that Otterzilla?
sort of. it's not really necessarily a personal statement. more toward "being a kappa is lucky!" which in the song is then followed by "being a kappa is the best!" (カッパになって最高)
or i guess, like, i'm lucky to be *able* to be a kappa, the act of "becoming a kappa" is lucky
Naruhodo. Thanks.
no prob
Yes master. Please guide me.
Just watched episode 6.
I will now read these last few days' worth of threads, since I stopped posting when it became clear that in order to stay unspoiled, I would've had to learn Japanese, read a novel, read a BL manga and consistently update a fucking tw*tter handle of all things.
I'm more than okay with multimedia projects and Ikuhara's crazy plots but I'm definitely getting too old for this shit.
What? The only way you would get spoiled is if you WOULD have done those things. Reading the manga/novel is what would have spoiled you.
why did i spend half an hour stitching this together
No, only the novel was full of spoilers until episode 6.
The manga is a recommended reading if you want to understand what's going on. Twitter as well, which I agree with user is wearying as fuck.
the manga and twitter don’t provide much insight into what’s going on
It's worth it.
I haven't read either (purposeful decision) and I'm fine.
>the butts symbolizes the butt.
yeah i fucking love all those faces
also this guy in the next shot
Not yet, but they will be useful later. I don't expect the anime alone to give me all the answers in 11 episodes. Side materials are important too because they cover all the stuff the anime can't possibly give you.
Also marketing.
>ENTA love
>ENTA desire
Enta confirmed for winning. Why is Toi separating though?
enta is best boy
maybe realizing being separated from his brother is OK?
>Episodes 1-3 are prescreened
Ah, guess I'll skip the threads to avoid spoilers
>Episodes 4 to 6 are spoiled by some sidenovel
Ah fuck, guess I'll dodge the threads for another three weeks
>OST spoils fucking everything
Goodbye forever
The OST doesn't spoil anything except based on your probably incorrect guesswork, and the tracklist has been public for over a month.
What do you think they predict? They’re just keywords that have been associated with the characters as is but you never know what they’ll actually refer to.
Don't forget the episodes are pre screened every week end at noitamina cafe. Avoid the threads tomorrow if you don't want to read spoilers of episode 7.
Nobody posts spoilers from the prescreenings anywhere but on Privatter anyway. Sometimes linked here but that's it, no real discussion.
Why was the word of the week 'headdress'?
I fucking wish, but I can’t read moon rune privatter spoilers
They do on 5ch, and they go wild. They did so with the first 3 episodes.
Oh god it's so cute
Yeah. Not here; not in English.
Thank you, mythology user, it all makes sense now!
Some user will translate and post them here.
So, has someone updated the chart yet? Or is someone working on it already? If not, I could do it I guess.
Oh, that's what that was thanks.
It gets linked here, but not copy-pasted here or discussed much. Fuck off.
I have all the original sized images saved except for this episode's.
Keppi is kuro
>kappa gay sex
>cop's moment
>keppi's transformation
>haruka rescue
How can one episode be so perfect?
Calm down.
You probably missed the thread where all the first 3 eps spoilers form 5ch got translated and reposted on here so I don't get why are you so in denial. It happens. Be prepared.
Oh, beautiful user! Thank you!
Not very representative of the episode though
Keppi is so sexy. I don't how to feel about him being shady.
but why is he the one doing the judging!!!
yes it is, it's fucking great
Need more gun
Not really without the fucking shredder
my fucking...
next you're gonna tell me Sarazanmai will reference Kek too
That sounds pretty fucking gay.
I tried.
MAPPA showcase
Eps 2-5 of Kawausoiya played side by side
twitter source?
This show is such a stinker, I'm not even sure if Ikuni totally lost it, or finally found himself. Either way, I don't like it one bit.
Non-niconicoshit version:
*pterodactyl noises*
thanks user
Cute Keppi.
That happens with every Noitamina anime. I don't know why these threads panic about spoilers when it's something normal for people to post spoilers for everything.
Nice unseen art of cops.
It's obvious that nothing will peak Penguindrum let alone Utena. This is an improvement from 2015 with Yuri kuma, and I'm glad it's not complete unwatchable trash.
sarazamai > penguindrum so far
i'll write an essay about it sometime when i'm not on mobile and it's not 4am
I'm glad people like you are the minority. Imagine having your taste.
Because it kills speculation.
Grow up
Because Ikuhara's anime are supesharu
>I'm glad people like you are the minority.
[citation needed]
Europoors having shit opinions again.
But there was still speculation even with spoilers. Anyway if prescreening spoilers get posted, they will only come in the weekend so live watch and the regular post airing threads will be safe from them.
Enta's birthday is on the 28th of May.
>all the homogay images
Oh, right, exciting! I forgot - they mentioned that in the SMS text convos (translated by somebody here). I really like the image lapintrack posted for Kazuki's birthday.
If Enta doesn't get to 69 Kazuki and Toi I'm going to drop Sarazanmai so hard
>special birthday menu
Utena > Pingdoramu > Gay Frogs > Yuri Bears
Is that sauce made from a reduction of Kazuki sweat?
This is my first Ikuni show but I think I'll watch Penguindrum next.
Great episode, kappa nigga is a cool guy.
Have fun user. Yuri Bears isn't that bad if you ask me, it's still worth watching even if it's the worst Ikuni so far. I also very much recommend Utena but watch it as unspoiled as possible.
Yeah, I don't know anything about Utena really. Like, is it more than just 90s shoujo stuff? I guess so, huh.
His gags in this episode were so goddamn good
# of keppi gags is directly proportional to how emotionally intense and how much real shit the episode gets into
Also, do I watch the movie too, or?
>save husband but die in the process
>use your lastbreath to tell him to be happy and don't give up on life
>autism makes this come out weird and cryptic
>husband proceeds to go off the rails and murder hundreds to keep your decaying flesh alive
Retardmoe isn't always good.
An user from the previous threads pointed about that skytree looking tower in the flashback.
On the left background.
It's great but requires dedication. You may not believe me for the first 13 or so eps and no one can force you to keep watching but it's worth it.
After the series. It's more of a simplified retelling but you need to watch all the series first to get the most out of it.
It's the Kappa's palace.
I was looking into this after I saw some people mention it on JP twitter and there are a ton of conspiracy theories about that print "predicting" the Skytree.
>There have been talk about Kuniyoshi foreseeing The Skytree which opened in 2012
The plot seems intriguing and if it's split up into different arcs, I feel like I should at least give more than one a chance.
So is it like the first two Madoka movies then where they just retell the series, so it's not really required?
That said this whole skyline is a bit weird (another reason I'm strongly against interpreting it overly literally). Like, it places Rouunkaku right on the shore (or even in the river) when it's really quite a ways back and if the mystery tower is meant to be alluding to the skytree here it should be on the opposite side from Rouunkaku. And we also see kappa civilians fleeing over Azumabashi toward the flames at one point which feels especially odd.
Ok that "original" tower was used by the kappa and after the otters invaded and took over they build their own tower which is the current skytree.
kek oh wow
I'm thinking of it more like an Eyptian drawing where perspective and foreground/background are more just ideas or abstract representations rather than being literal/exact depictions of things.
where's the comparison image from? link to tweet?
Why did Reo decide to take Haruka anyway?
To try and turn him into a kappazombie.
He mistook AI for YOKUBOU
I can kind of see that, but even that feels a bit weird with respect to the river. Personally I think it's more of a mishmash of references (since the kappa kingdom isn't exactly real/literal). Like if we assume the mystery tower (not Ryouunkaku) is meant to allude to the Skytree and follow the location theory that places it on the Sumida-ku side (there are a few different possible locations/buildings that people think the tower in the painting could be), it shouldn't be anywhere near Ryouunkaku. Like compare Skytree's location to where Ryouunkaku used to be (the red marker).
Also of note is like a lot of people speculate that Taito-ku is kappa territory and Sumida-ku (where the Skytree is) is otter territory. The two towers (Ryouunkaku and the Skytree) sort of mirror each other over the Sumida River too.
It's not from a tweet, I just found it in google image search when I was looking into that painting. It's not a Sarazanmai-specific theory, it's a common conspiracy theory.
B-but what does it all mean? What does Keppi or the darkness want? Answer me, Ikuhara!
Utena is one of those shows where once you get to the end, a lot of things are seen in a new light.
As for the movie, it's not required, no. But it's beautifully animated and an Experience so I recommend it. Don't do drugs while watching. Or do, it's your life. Here have a pretty unspoilery scene.
The full versions I'm waiting on the most are Toi_Leak and Kappa ni natte lucky
Cute Mabu and Reo from the upcoming manga.
Shota cute
There are theories that the movie is a sequel. In any case watching the series in full a must before the movie.
ReoMabu's first meeting is a huge BL cliche haha.
wtf now I really hope we get to see RAIN (shota) next week
More like it's just a cliché, not specifically a BL one. I feel like I've seen scenes like that countless of times.
Ikuhara is particularly fond of it too.
What do you guys think Reo's looking at in this shot? I keep getting the feeling it might be baby Sara.
But Sara is a grown up idol.
Big romance cliche?
Well the episode's allegedly going to reveal Reo and Mabu's past so
I just finished Penguindrum. I love it but I was disappointed by the amount of Shouma screentime.
Which mythological creature would the Indians be?
War to expand each other's territory?
Not him but the first 3/4ths of Penguindrum is kinda boring even though the premise is generally more interesting then Sarazanmai but it makes up for it by having a crazy good ending. Sarazanmai for me has been pretty good for each episode with this last one being the best, it also doesn't seem to drag on with filler and each moment develops the characters better while some parts of Penguindrum honestly seem unneeded to where the show could've been reduced to 16 episodes instead of being dragged on to 24.
Maybe he's eating broccoli, the one happy thing in his life.
It's still kappa and otter, they just reference the artwork.
Where did that shitty template even from come?
Miscommunications are rough.
>17. TOI_アウトロー – TOI_Outro
This should be outlaw
Why is there so much Enta? I have a bad feeling and I don't know why.
Enta is Utena.
I don't know what that Kuniyoshi tower is and I'm too lazy to research it right now, but there are some specific shout outs when it comes to Skytree, like its height.
>The height of 634 m (2,080 ft) was selected to be easily remembered. The figures 6 (mu), 3 (sa), 4 (shi) stand for "Musashi", an old name of the region where the Tokyo Skytree stands.
Maybe he's picking out a weapon to kill Keppi with.
Honestly I'm more curious about Sara's character now. The fuck she is, what her real deal is, if she is neutral/good/bad etc.
Yeah, same. She feels like the main missing link in everything (at least on the like Keppi/Reo/Mabu/OttersvsKappa side of things)
God fucking bless Yukari.
all faggots deserve to die
enta is next
What the fuck
>in Egyptian tradition semen is a potent and dangerous substance, akin to poison.
>Set's defeat becomes apparent when this semen appears on his forehead as a golden disk
>He has been impregnated with his rival's seed and as a result "gives birth" to the disk
What the fuck? How did people come up with this shit?
bruh why the egyptians were so gay?
>there were furfags in ancient egypt wanting to have threesome with gods
Aren't most of these just the songs that play on his fag fantasies?
I want the next episode to show more than just Mabu picking Reo up from the streets but that's not going to happen is it?
Whenever I read that my mind immediately supplies oo-oo-ooh. Fucking AJ Seazer.
I hope you're ready for the episode to be 80% Kappazuma Eleven with the boys, 12% OP/ED, and 8% cops. Rain will amount to six seconds of screentime.
Pengiundrum had the best first episode from any anime ever.
your life will significantly improve if you watch Utena
gay evangelion before evangelion became gay evangelion
He will.
what is Rain
The Interlude chapter in the first novel. It's set from Reo's perspective where he's alone and miserable, but he meets Mabu who takes him in and gives his life worth.
Here's a link to the translation.
Interlude in the novel yet to be animated but it's shown on a single panel of the manga that just came out.
I very strongly disagree.
Nothing to look at but sand. It makes you hallucinate.
My heart hurts.
I can't believe I have to waiting a whole damn week for the next episode.
At least there's a PV on monday.
Will tiny Mabu have a super deep voice for his age like Toi?
Maybe they will be unvoiced, the part was in the novel was just Reo's thoughts.
There are super eccentric and obscene myths in a lot of ancient populations from different cultures.
He triggered him asking if he's a waruiko
I think MPD > Sara, but Sarazanmai’s first episode is stronger than MPD’s.
Thoughts about this sequence of Keppi from the opening? The very last shot is the rainbow over Asakusa.
>inb4 gay!1!!1
I don't know, is any jap myth regrading rainbows?
Maybe bringing home a child would turn Mabu back into his retardmoe wife.
His smartphone was being monitored, he was just another casual victim.
thank you, now that I remember I didn't read all of the novel
they are a death and bad luck omen because people used to think they were snakes in the sky
other ideas of rainbows like happyness and gay were introduced long ago and people are very familiar with but friend who until recently lived in Japan told me she met a lot of people who were superstitious and scared of rainbows
Keppi confirmed evil.
Then why did Mabu tell Reo he was careless by acting on his own?
to bait keppi out
Fuck. All these info put Keppi in a bad light more and more.
i don't think reo is this smart
I don’t remember what happened, but Mushishi taught me that rainbows are spooky. 虹 even has the 虫 radical.
He had no way of knowing Haruka had any connection to Keppi though.
He admitted as much at the end of the episode though?
He should be doing his job instead of randomly picking victims on his own.
>episode 11
Yeah, but he only found out about Keppi by the end of the episode by sheer luck. He grabbed Haruka for whatever reason his crazy mind fabricated.
Maybe if he still has some connection to Sara, he was watching the handshake event and saw a little boy embroiled in drama that surely would involve some prime yokubou.
Maybe everyone who has some connection to Sara is also pre-targeted by the otter app and checked for desire levels. Sara's show does have a connection to the kappa zombies, as she always reveals the zombie item of the day.
I deeply enjoy seeing people go crazy because of love
I dunno. I think it's plausible that he might have surmised that Keppi was involved with the kappas who keep interfering with the zombies and we don't really know how much they know in advance about their victims, but they presumably have some information (possibly related to the contents of their phones from the way the otter mark appears), so I don't think it's a wild stretch to think that he might have had some idea that there could have been a connection between Haruka and the kappa faction getting in their way. Maybe not a very strong case, but like enough to have some kind of a hunch to try out of desperation.
Yeah, I feel the same.
Of course the most famous warrior was a kappa and a homo
What if it's Sara who suggested it?
Reminder that aniki sucks dick to support his otouto
Same. No matter how "deep" you make it, garbage is garbage.
I wanted to include something else from the facility besides the hoist switch but I really didn't want to do what episode 4 did and just paste the gaijin over a scene, so I don't mind the shredder in the corner but that gun is a fucking travesty.
>bottom left Toi
Keppi is evil and I hope Sara never marries him.
Sara is evil too
It's all a big misunderstanding that led to unfortunate events. Keppi is good.
Sara is a good girl! She doesn't eat the asses of young boys.
She lets others eat her own ass.
If Sarazanmai doesn’t end like this, I’ll be off to steal the director’s shirikodama.
Why does the boys transformation into Kappas involve having their shirikodama sucked out? Losing your shirikodama permanently makes you leave the chain of connections and disappear. Having your shirikodama temporarily possessed (?) by Keppi makes you a kappa?
If the boys become kappa when they have their shirikodama removed, is that because kappa are the beings that lack shirikodama?
Drop it now
If Kappa don't have shirikodama of their own, but require shirikodama in order to make connections and exist, it would make sense that they turn people into "kappa zombies" in order to take their shirikodama.
Post pics of your successful operation later.
A lady would never show her ass to others!
Since the stakes are higher and there's no novel spoilers anymore I wonder if it's worth watching the live stream, my nip is not nearly good enough to fully understand what's going on. But I also lack self control on every level and Crunchy subs take too long. What are you anons going to do now?
Only to her beloved.
>What are you anons going to do now?
Do the same thing I've been doing the last few weeks. Live>Raw>CR>Asenshi
Live streaming is for funposting with Yea Forums and watching it as it airs in moonland. If you're not up for that then you should just continue with what you've been doing.
Watch the live stream when I can, and wait for Asenshi. I'm not invested enough to panic if I don't rewatch it with subs in the next few hours.
Even if I can't understand the raw completely, I enjoy watching it with everyone then going back and watching it again with subs.
I've been watching the livestream, but since I had already read the novel translations it was pretty easy to keep up with what was going on. Now that I don't have a guide or decent enough moon I wonder if I should keep doing this. I think I might wait for Crunchy from now on, but the funposting was so fun.
For me, I want to know what happens ASAP even if I might not fully understand. It's your call.
How many times do you watch each Sarazanmai episode? For me it's at least 5 times:
1. Japanese stream, to enjoy the action
2. Horrible Subs, to enjoy the actual plot
3. Chinese fansubs, to enjoy the wordplay
4. Asenshi fansubs, to enjoy the typography
5. The Funi dub, to enjoy the trainwreck English voice acting
Sometimes I repeat some of these to better catch the symbols and details.
I will never touch the dub but I've watch the english versions of the song posted here.
I watch the stream and re-watch with subs at least twice. Some episodes more or I just replay the parts I like best until I'm satisfied.
Why do I have the feeling that Kazuki's recovery is going to be temporary and he'll crash and burn at the end?
There's something about this pose at the end of Ep 6 that reminds me of NGE Shinji faking a recovery from depression and loneliness.
Oh yeah something will happen and reset everything.
This is the gayest show I've ever seen. I don't think it's physically possible to swallow enough semen to enjoy this.
I hope not. I want to protect his smile.
kazuki must learn the hard way that healing is an illusion
At least three times. Live, Horriblesubs, Asenshi. I often go back and watch specific scenes multiple times too. I don't know how many times I rewatched the post-epilogue scene yesterday. Mabu and Reo's voices in that short scene were too good.
Imagine how wet Enta was in that exact moment.
Enta wanted Kazuki's dick, Toi wanted his boy pussy. Mantrain end confirmed.
>nobody will ever be wet for enta
gay conversion camp episode when?
>tfw you can perfectly hear Enta's "Kazuki...!" just from looking at him now
>gay conversion camp episode when?
Next week
Enta is only experiencing filthy desire and not love
Aren't they inviting Toi to join the soccer club?
Watch me.
That's what they're calling it.
>it's a het conversion camp
ikuhara masterfully subverting tropes yet again, bravo
Enta is so fucking gay
He has a track called Love on the OST so you're WRONG, Enta confirmed for ideal balance between love and desire.
>the actual football practice is only 30 minutes
>what follows is a group shower for the whole team and a locker room session where the characters compare their jockstraps
That kappa tail turns me on.
wanting to be a part of a golden conbi sounds more like him wanting mutual happiness to me
But he didn't want the plates to fuck Kazuki
Nobody will be wet but I’m pretty sure he could get some fat old men pretty hard.
What’s with people saying that Mabu looks at Reo the way Reo’s been looking at him the whole time during the epilogue scene? His expression looks completely neutral for someone who’s ostensibly dying.
Where can I find the uncropped one, user?
How do you not recognize this artist by now. HagureOekaki2
Who are the "people"? He has an expression at least.
Exaggeration as usual
Sorry, all my blood gets drawn away from my brain when I see things like this...
Thanks, user.
He's just too stupid to think of that.
>He has an expression
I hope there's human-form fanservice in the next episode.
Mabu and Reo are too old and the gayest stuff with the boys has been with crossdressing involved or when they were kappas.
Ikuni is barely avoiding jail time as it is.
It's very subtle, but he looks sad and pained, and in the scene before he was expresiive while in this one life is draining away. Not sure if I would call it "how Reo looks at Mabu" tho.
04 reminds me of kikuo’s music. thanks user.
And he's actually looking at Reo period. He rarely makes eyecontact with him now (if ever? I'd have to check but he definitely doesn't during the dance and that's the majority of their screentime)
I've seen literally one person say that. I don't really agree with it but I'm not going to whine here about some rando on Twitter's interpretation of a couple vague facial expressions.
I don't want to lose him bros ;_;
Sometimes I catch it on stream and then I watch CR. I switched to CR Spanish years ago when I started to notice the subs were consistently good and do not make any of the mistakes or oddities I see English speakers point out all the time so I don't have to rewatch with fixed subs.
They take longer to come out but I guess that's why. CR should stop rushing their English release.
I can't bring myself to care about Chikai yet. I get that he's a good person trying to help Toi, and I care for Toi, but I wouldn't care if Chikai died and Toi had to move on. There's just not enough substance to Chikai; Haruka is also a flat plot device of a character and an unrealistic one at that, but there's enough of him for me to appreciate. Why do you care about Chikai?
let's be real, all he has going is being hot dark guy with a tragic past and I doubt he will get developed further than Haruka
He's the hottest character of the show although Aniki user pretty much ruined him for me
epilogue of the 3 of them being becoming delinquent weed dealers and kicking the shit out of the 2 innocent shotas that beat up enta WHEN?
Wait until Ikuhara reveals him as a otter or a kappa.
Nah, he's going to get zombie'd for his desires and Toi is going to freak out and not allow the others to Sarazanmai him because he doesnt want his brother erased. It will cause conflict between the boys and Keppi.
Looks like Saionji uniform.
I like otterly sexy.
Thank you for your service
Yeah, I believe there was an Ikuhara comment that Reo always looks at Mabu during their dances, but Mabu is always looking at the audience. I don't think they've actually had a conversation in the show proper where they're both looking at each other.
is this Ikuni's way of saying they don't see eye to eye right now
>Enta would be able to sympathize with Reo falling in love with the person who "saved" him
>Toi would be able to sympathize with Reo's willingness to kill for the person that he loves
>Kazuki would be able to sympathize with Reo's suspected self-loathing and feeling of not belonging
I really hope the boys get to interact with him meaningfully.
All the old paintings on the tomb, they do WHAT THE FUCK DO THE DO?
Pure fantasy and lack of objective knowledge.
Reminds me of a story about antropologists and some Indonesian tribe's view on women.
If Keppi's evil then why did he save Haruka? Clearly he's a good man. I won't stand for any slander.
Yeah, I was disappointed that Reo didn't even really seem to care about the boys infiltrating the base so much as that Keppi was with them. I hope they interact soon Reo final boss when
His character design and personality hit a lot of soft spots for me
>bags around eyes
>messy/curly hair
>yakuza life but but not by choice
>ears pierced
>tough guy but loves sweets
>does bad things for good reasons
Not to mention the delicious bro con
He is a bunch of tropes, not a character
I like the way his environment shaped him. Is he a wonderful person? No, but he can't necessarily afford to be one. I think he even says that well-off people have the option of having a different set of morals, and he's got a point. The fact that he doesn't agonize over it and carries on doing what he has to do is appealing to me.
She stands up like Kazu in the black screen episode.
All characters are a bunch of tropes.
Keppi will be a hero, the real villains are the otters.
>mfw when I noticed it
Sometimes you can't help what you're attracted to user. The characters don't have to be well written, sometimes there's just something about them, their design, or their tropes, you're instinctively attracted to.
Just look at Slaine. Kaworu clones. Sauce like edgelords. Many are weak to them.
Ikuni definitely has a frog fetish. It's the only explanation.
He's a good nii-san and that's all that matters
Well, they are both fags
In general yes, at the beginning, and if you are a good writer you will be able to give your characters depth and substance over the time. Chikai can't for obvious reasons get a thorough development, so they rely on standard characters types for a first strong impression. Not saying it's a bad thing to do because it's all they can do.
I think ignoring the boys and fixating on Keppi coupled with his expression effectively showed how fucked Reo is in the head right now. Normal Reo from the manga wouldn't have been so dismissive of a child almost getting shredded either. Reo just seems desperately focused on fixing Mabu.
Then his issue isn't being "a bunch of tropes", it's being underutilized. And even then, why would he be the subject of thorough development? That's not his role in the story. He's not a main character and he has virtually nothing to do with the main conflict.
I think he also wants revenge towards Keppi specifically.
Don't forget the evil and unstable laugh either! It's been at least 10 years since whatever happened to Mabu at the end of the twitter happened, so that's more than enough time for him to go nuts in the cycle he's trapped in.
But yeah, Reo's totally fucked in the head and it's sad seeing him compared to the man he used to be.
do we actually know that “fixing mabu” is the thing he’s focused on though?
What else could he possibly want?
We don't know for sure, but it seems extremely likely. Unless Reo has gone completely nuts and his priorities changed, the way he acts frustrated and heartbroken about robo-Mabu and the way he reacted to Mabu's death sure makes him seem like he would be interested in getting the old Mabu back. We still don't know exactly where Mabu is on the dead/alive scale right now though, or how he came to be what he is. We don't know if Mabu is undead because of Reo making a deal to save him (a common fan theory) or what. Next episode will probably shed light on that.
>sexy sax version of Sarazanmai no uta gets cut off
It sounds like Livin La Vida Loca when there's no vocals
Sorta spinning off this, I have a strong suspicion that Mabu's after something himself, but Reo doesn't realize or understand what he's doing or why (what specifically, I'm not sure, but Ikuhara's comments about Reo being prone to misunderstanding things keep making me think there's something more to the situation than a simple one-sided tragedy about Reo trying to rescue his dead love).
Reo probably also feels guilty of causing Mabu's sacrifice the same way Kazuki feels guilty of causing Haruka's accident. Reo's connection experiences really seem to be an amalgamation of all the boys'.
Mabu does seem to be keeping some sort of secret from Reo toward the end of the Twitter. I also think that's a key "misunderstanding" for them.
Wait... is he fighting against Spurdo?
A lot of things honestly, Ikuni will probably pull something unimaginable that's going to make us feel like idiots. But so far all I can think about is helping Mabu somehow or getting revenge on Keppi.
why was haruka bounced back and later sent to be shredded? what's with iku and shredding people? anyone have that pic of the sumo otter?
I assume he wants a dish of hope so he can wish Mabu back to life.
this is why kazuki should take the gaypill and have a happy life with enta, no more suffering
Because he had love for Kazuki, not desire
Otters have no use for love so he got sent to the shredder
Desire = extracted
Love = shredded
what a cute family of otters
odderly sexiii :DDDD
>otters are horny bastards
that explains the current state of the furry fandom
The pile of shredded love dust looked shiny and valuable so I wonder why it's not useful to them
Otters need desire, not love, so Haruka having love means he was sent to be disposed of via shredder.
Maybe love is beautiful but useless like a bouquet of flowers.
Yeah. There are a number of implications that Mabu might actually be Reo's superior for one (he's the one who gets and takes the call from the "higher ups" on their Twitter, there's that opening line in the manga where Reo is unsure if the word "colleagues" is an appropriate description for their relationship, he's always the one chastising Reo to stay in line in the show and seems to be answering their boss as if he's more directly responsible in that one scene with the call from the empire too), so it's not hard to imagine that he might know more than Reo does (or even realizes).
As far as what he might be up to though, my only guess is maybe it has something to do with Sara. There is that one tweet from Mabu during Hinamatsuri that you could read as him (maybe only unconsciously admittedly) remembering her or having participated in festivities for the holiday in the past. And maybe that's partly where the "keep only one love" thing is hinting at. They were a three person family unit before, so maybe someone was forced to choose (like I dunno, what if Reo picked Mabu over Sara).
>Because he had love for Kazuki, not desire
i thought that if both desired were met then the target becomes useless because kazuki respond haruka's feelings back and defined what they felt is not desire but love, so otters look for one sided sentiments unless it gets responded back?
>love vs libido
For a show that pits these two together there really isn't much sexuality in it.
>so maybe someone was forced to choose (like I dunno, what if Reo picked Mabu over Sara)
I don't think that's the case, if the manga's ending means anything. I think the more likely situation is that Sara was taken away in some regard.
can't wait for frog doujins
"Libido" is an awkward word representing what seems to be "selfish" or "carnal" "desire". The feeling of "wanting for self-satiafcation", as opposed to the feeling of love which seems to be "wanting for someone else's satisfaction". Haruka's "love" was the longing for Kazuki's happiness to exist.
I think the show is going to have to address the gray area between love and libido though, where what is selfish and what is selfless strictly comes down to perception. Someone could accuse Haruka of being selfish for wanting Kazuki to be happy, because he himself benefits from that happiness.
Actually they're both mostly looking at the camera during the dance. It's only at the end where Reo looks at Mabu.
Eat some lettuce, bro.
Also regarding Alexander the Great
>Alexander's sexuality has been the subject of speculation and controversy in modern times. The Roman era writer Athenaeus says, based on the scholar Dicaearchus, who was Alexander's contemporary, that the king "was also very much in the habit of giving in to this fashion" (i.e., homosexuality), and that Alexander sexually embraced his eunuch Bagoas in public.
Noticed what?
What about Hephaestion?
Surrender to Hephaestion's thighs!
>sexually embraced his eunuch Bagoas in public
Alexander was into some shit.
is there any hope for a peaceful outcome for all parties involved? or does keppi have to die for a happy ending?
Do you think kappa Alexander duped some kids to help him resurrect Hephaestion too?
Neutered dogs, bare your teeth
I don't want Keppi to die, he's a bro.
the boys will live and get a happy ending, cops will die
he's funny, but its pretty blatant that he's fucking manipulating the kids for his own goals, which are likely more fucked up than the otters. not sure what they are yet, but he's pretty clearly evil - the keppi we have seen is just the solidified desires of the original prince given form and sentience, nothing good can come from him, deskero.
Haruka's dad is already asleep. Reo had knocked him out just before approaching Haruka, indicating he always planned to kidnap him.
Oh. Thanks.
Reo is a mean guy.
I wonder if this is his first child abduction or he's practised at it
Keppi probably deserves to die. Cops will probably die whether they deserve it or not.
Less mean, more just plain crazy.
He's doing it for love!
Surely he just put the dad to sleep peacefully like he did to Haruka. It's not like Reo clubbed him.
Slowpoke coming through. I think that's my tl from weeks ago, so thanks for correcting my shit translation. I always screw up stuff with -te for some reason.
My currency fucked up so bad that I'm poorest of the poorfags now. I 'm saying goodbye to te idea of buying the BDs, but I'll at least get the OST. The cover is cute too.
Will Sara and Keppi fight?
No one knows where Sara's allegiances lie.
I think she's with the cops, or at least wants to help them.
It's otter cocaine.
But why Haruka? He has no similarities whatsoever with the other perverts that got turned into zombies. Mabu even scolded him from acting on his own, meaning he wasn't ordered by the Empire to kidnap him.
I thought it was just something Reo did in the moment because he saw some potential after their conversation.
Thank you too, kappabro.
The otter app appeared on his phone before Reo approached him. Somehow, I think the otter app signals to Reo that there's a potential victim, but it's not necessarily an order to go after them.
Like the other user said, the app appeared on Haruka's phone first. I assume that the app targets people with an intense desire[or]love and the cops use the app to indentify potential victims. I think the app is tool that Reo and Mabu's higher ups provide, not something that Reo and Mabu control.
Why does Haruka dress like a girl
There's no problem with boys wearing pink clothes
He doesn't
what is he supposed where? truck shirts?
Well, fair enough those are good points. He looks cute like that anyway.
legs hurt
>I assume that the app targets people with an intense desire[or]love and the cops use the app to indentify potential victims
Yeah makes sense considering he already approached Haruka asking him if he's been a bad boy.
That wording sounded creepy
I think that was the point. Also he uses the same phrase that Haruka uses for himself after he thinks he did something wrong by getting mad at Kazuki's mom.
If Reo didnt know before kidnapping Haruka that it would draw out Keppi, but was just going out for a new target, why do you suppose he was hunting for a new target without orders to do so in the first place? Maybe it was just a spur of the moment choice while he was out getting ningyoyaki and noticed Haruka?
He's desperate. The otter empire told them that they're disappointed with Reo/Mabu's performance in terms of "desire energy" gathered with the threat to kill them both if they don't make good. It seems like rather than waiting for orders to go after specific people, he's going to anyone who has the app on their phone and making zombies out of them to make up for their failings.
I think it's probably his job to at least keep track of potential victims identified by the app, talk to them and then report back to the Empire. Reo ended up jumping the gun on Haruka, I guess because he triggered him asking about Mabu or something.
he was angry about mabu betraying him
You muh-creepy-normalfags make me incoherently angry for ironically creeping up pure 2D, and society in general.
Why would a little boy feel desire anyway. Everyone knows little boys are full of love.
And fuck off for every one of your posts I have and will have to read.
Pre-teen little boys have a lot of desire in them. Reo has murdered many for baby's first fap to a classmate.
Children are inherently selfish, just like adults.
Chill out edgelord
There seems to be a pretty blurry line between love and desire and the app might not be very good in differentiating it. And is not all that wrong.
Please don't be retarded.
Update it yourself then
>Reo will never kidnap you as a shota and try to extract your desire
>ywn become Reo's new daughter and give him his smile back
>ywn be Reo's sex doll that he tapes a picture of Mabu's face over and cry-fucks every night
Ikuhara shows are the best because of these wild rides
I would never be a homewrecker!
It's not homewrecking if he's pretending you're his dead husband!
i discovered masturbation at 8 while lusting for naked men, sure i had no idea of the concept of sex back then and what to do if a naked man was in front of me, but it was something i wanted to see
god i hate the fact that psychobabble like yours really works when people like you beat up your underlings and shift the blame onto them
Here's a theory. A ruler of Kappa Kingdom used to be two persons united in one body. Somewhat like Akio and Dios. The energy splash that killed Mabu, was caused by the Kappa King's disintegration in two persons: Keppi and Sara. Keppi got most of the powers, while Sara got her human looks.
But how does that explain Sara being able to turn into a kappa?
She got part of the powers.
kappa ni natte lucky~
I want to know why Sara can seemingly transform into that kappa thing, and that kappa thing seems to be a separate entity at the same time.
I don't know why you people think Keppi's the only possible identity for the D-D-DAAKUNESU blob. The episode itself refers to the thing that identifies whether a person has desire or love as "Black Keppi System". As in "Not-White Keppi"
The fact that everyone's sleeping on this show, yet Isekai fucking Quartet is top 5 or so makes me want to die.
Kappa ni natte saikou~
Who even voiced the Kappa Prince in the flashback and the DAAKUNESU blob? Was it Suwabe again? I can't see VAs for them in the credits.
It's way too fucking bizzare and gay to get much attention.
Honestly, if I wasn't already an Ikuhara fan and willing to watch gay stuff, I wouldn't like this show. You probably have to have both factors to fully enjoy it, which not many people do.
i actually never thought that that was suwabe (it didn’t sound like him to me) so i was confused as to why people think keppi and that thing are one and the same.
how did it go so wrong
Remove kappas
Misunderstandings, kero
remove the cops
I don’t understand how the misunderstanding can be on Reo when Mabu is the one that’s too stupid to know that men can’t get pregnant
I read every single line ending in kero in Suwabe's voice and it's hilarious kero
Does a boy that treats enta like shit really deserve an omedetou?
Mabu's hiding some shit from Reo and Reo seems to be pissed off about whatever he thinks that shit is. That's the misunderstanding.
Why don’t they just speak to each other
They're men.
Have you ever been in a human relationship, ever? Communication is hard.
This is Ikuhara anime. Characters don't just talk things out, they transform into magical animals and engage in metaphorical combat.
is easy said than done user. sometimes you just don't know how to say things without giving the wrong impression
It really isn’t. Making an effort to communicate is the only way to keep relationships healthy.
Reo has his stupid moments too. Having to ask why Mabu wants him to eat the things he cooks is some dense shit.
You have to understand that Mabu isn't the brightest wife
he deserves the biggest omedetou for putting enta in his place
because they only exist for fanservice
Okay this pretty much confirms ancient Egyptians weren't black, because ain't no nigga that gay. Thats some str8 up whypipo degenerate shit.
>hand your baby to a stranger and forget where she is until your husband asks
Not the brightest dad either.
They’re also apparently in a relationship. How do you get by not knowing how to speak to your partner when something is bothering you?
Easier said than done user. Are all your irl relationships perfect? No need to answer me about it, I'm just saying that even if a person has good intention it's not always easy to express your feelings. There are also multiple factors that can fuck up a relationship of whatever nature.
i forgot that that woman was in the manga and saitou’s art is so same-facey that i thought this was a white reo
Some people are not very good at relationships, even if they're not bad and truly love their partners. Honestly some kind of miscomunication is pretty much bound to happen between people who love each other, too bad that in ReoMabu's case the consequences were apparently pretty bad.
Of course the effort to communicate absolutely necessary to keep relationships healthy, but the effort doesn't always pay off with success. Humans are complex and communication can be really hard at times despite one or both parties' best efforts to express what they need/feel and understand what the other needs/feels.
Like, assume that Mabu's moon tweet really was supposed to be a love confession. If that love confession went right over Reo's head and he wasn't just pretending to not notice, that's an example of failed communication. Did Reo even know that the veiled confession was there? Could Reo have been predisposed to assume that what Mabu said wasn't love confession (as in, "surely he wouldn't express such a feeling for /me/") and could he have purposely chosen to read Mabu's words literally? Did it hurt Mabu's feelings that Reo didn't respond to the confession positively? This is the kind of stuff that can fuck communication.
I can't hear Suwabe either. I'm not too sure about Darkness-kun though.
Their relationship was entirely stable before outside forces started encroaching on it. Sure, they have miscommunication problems now, but those problems weren't fucking up their relationship before all the otter/kappa nonsense happened.
>Could Reo have been predisposed to assume that what Mabu said wasn't love confession
I don’t buy this when he jokes about Mabu leaving a love letter for him. Plus, I mean, they live together and sleep in the same bed. Why would he reject the idea of a love confession?
They don't sleep in the same bed. Anyhow, the part you quoted was a hypothetical example.
It's probably both things.
They don’t? I thought I saw that in the manga. Maybe I’m misremembering.
They don't because Sara has to sleep between them.
I hope to dream Sara tonight. Goodnight.
Good night Haruka.
Kazuki is voiced by a girl right?
They sleep in futons right next to each other, probably because one futon really isn't enough space for two grown men.
Murase Ayumu.
no. ayumu murase.
They have individual futons. It's not abnormal in Japan for couples to have individual beds though.
Reo must be cold like that
Why is his voice so cute?
Futons are traditional beds that only come in one size. Couples tend to sleep with them laid next to each other. You may see a group of several people sleeping with their futons lined next to each other but only two people doing it and in private has certain connotations, they are definitely intimate.
Honestly individual beds is patrician
So many couples think they have to sleep together for some reason and then if one or both of them has sleep issues it builds retarded unnecessary resentment
>Why is his voice so cute?
he is a god.
The opposite, this takes place during the summer and he's too hot.
This, especially if you run hot naturally and two people in one bed just makes a sweat soup.
But it’s nice to cuddle at night
That doesn't count as "sharing a bed". I did not claim that they're not a couple or anything to that effect because they don't share a bed, just that they don't share a bed.
A man who sounds just like a woman. It happens sometimes.
It is, but feeling like you have to sleep in the same bed every single night can really lead to problems. That's why I respect the fuck out of people who realize this doesn't actually matter and you can sleep apart without it being an indicator that something is wrong.
I believe Reo and Mabu are a romantic couple, but could it be possible that they're only sleeping in the same room because their work demands that they share the small apartment attached to the police box? The manga never shows their futons lined up side-by-side without Sara's between them.
So “muh MC” fag is going to get cucked and gay cops are going to die right? Fuck faggots.
True, that making an effort to communicate is required for a healthy relationship, but that doesn't make communication any less complicating. Like you said, there needs to be an effort made after all.
Big parts of communication is body language and interpretation too, so a simple 5 line conversation between two people could potentially mean completely different things to each persons involved. And human emotions are complicating too. One bad line (or even just badly interpreted line) and the relationship could be over.
ReoMabu not trying to clear things up can seem stupid, but it's understandable, especially considering that Reo really doesn't want to lose Mabu again
what role has he ever used his deep voice for?
I've read this post three times and I still don't understand it.
they will die anyway who cares
He’s probably not going to have his love reciprocated, is he? I feel a little sad, he’s starting to grow on me.
I hear it so clearly.
Now that is an unexpected reference.
I think he's asking if Enta and the cops are going to die
I don't care if his feelings aren't reciprocated if he can accept that they aren't. His crush doesn't need to consume him, and it's not great that he's constantly fantasizing about Kazuki being a different person for him. If he can be happy to just be good friends with the real Kazuki, that would be enough. In the end, as long as Enta is happy, his fans should be happy.
thank you
endgame right here brothers
RIP, user of superior taste
True endgame right here, brothers
no bully
they got what they deserve for being a degenerate
reo, very soft and squishy
>doesn't want sexualized art of literally every character in the show
Mabu made Reo eat too much ningyouyaki.
Fuck off
I only shared it because I thought you guys would find it extremely important
Imagine if Mabu stuffed Reo with delicious homemade pancakes until he was round and squishy like Keppi
Wouldn’t that be weird hahahaha
Westerners embarrass themselves some more.
Canon endgame.
Is this cropped?
why is he upside down
What did Keppi's pole dance symbolize?
Because we love you.
Everyone’s inner desire to become as sluts.
since the thread is about to die what's the best release of Utena, I want to rewatch it and I haven't done it in almost a decade so I'm not up to date
It's free on youtube.
Not BD quality, but easy to watch.
it says "video not available" but doesn't say the reason why so I'm not sure if it's because of my region
Did anyone else watch the ep 2 dub? Did you also see random subtitles at the top of the screen? I know they're rushing to get these out, but Jesus.
It's probably region locked.
I haven’t watched the actual episode but yeah I noticed that on the reposted video lmao
reminder that cucumbers are a fruit, not a veg
well damn, I will download kuchikirukia v2, seems nice