The only other dubbed anime I feel that even holds a candle would be Cowboy Bebop but Yuyu Hakusho takes the cake. Am I wrong?
Name a better dubbed anime. Don't think you can
>watching dubs
you bet your ass i can
believe it
>watching anime
Trigun, FMA and Gurren Lagann had good dubs
I have that phrase seared into my head
FMA is pretty good, I never really got into the dubbed trigun though
I wonder how many of those you've seen both subbed and dubbed. D-Frag had a passable one though. Honestly I don't know why you would ever even bother with a dub unless it's like ghost stories or some shit that stretches both the definition and intent of a dub
Just made it halfway through season 3. This shit is great. Genkai's dub is fucking 10/10, her level of smug yet serious is perfect. And she was a babe
Black Lagoon
Space Dandy
S3 is the sensui arc or is it still the dark tourny?
Gurren Lagann had a fucking atrocious dub. They RUINED Kamina's voice, and Viral's wasn't much better.
I don't watch dubs. Why would I watch dubs?
I tried the dub of YYH because people kept raving about it but I couldn't deal with it. I get the feeling that the people who talk about the dub being superior to the sub (not just in YYH) are so desperate for a decent dub that they jump onto any good ones and say that's better. It's as if they would never watch anime in japanese if all dubs were good.
I don't want localization, and I don't want to hear english pronounciations of japanese names. I want the original. And I want the subtitles to be translated as accurately as possible (preferably with translators notes when this becomes difficult). Unless it's a case of the dub being excellent and the original is absolute trash I don't see why anyone would bother unless, as I said, they have a deep-rooted preference for english voice acting. And if that's the case, they shouldn't think of themselves as qualified to make the judgement of whether a dub is superior or not because they're biased.
And it doesn't help that in almost all discussions of dub vs sub the dub advocates have nostalgia for it. English isn't even my native language so I'm not nostalgic for any of them, I just want the best possible experience. If I want something western I'd watch a western cartoon.
And by the way, YYH's original voice acting was great! I don't know why people are saying that the dub is so great and the original is awful. They did a good job the first time around.
Last post, I promise.
In addition, it's always fun to hear voice actors you recognize from other anime. I love Norio Wakamoto and he pops up fucking everywhere, including as two different characters in YYH. Ryo Horikawa is another great one who also appears, and who plays Vegeta in DBZ. There's no way I'm watching the DB dub if I'm gonna miss out on that.
YYH in Japanese is pretty dry imo. I didn't really hate it but didn't prefer it either.
Hellsing Ultimate also has a very nice dub
the Samurai Champloo dub is pretty good
I think its nostalgia, the dub really isn't that good. Maybe for the time.
I always heard this dub was good but when I went to try and rewatch it in dub I couldn't stand Kuwabara's voice
his jap voice is too high pitched and squeaky
his english voice is too deep and sounds 30
There's only one acceptable dub in existence, that isn't outright parody.
>that god awful Kuwabara voice
>dub with shitty fired faggot who's causing an online drama right now
wow SO good!!
This is why I hate that shit and forever will. FMA fanbase consists 99% of dubfags.
I remember Ouran High being pretty good, but nowhere near YYH.
The only dub that I would place near Yu Yu Hakusho would unironically be Panty and Stocking, due to how it captures the manga's style even better than the japanese voice cast of the anime.
You got any books written by black people?
SJW spotted
Cromartie High School has a fantastic dub
No, not even close.
The dub sucks ass just like any with that faggot involved.
Real voice actors aren't shitty human beings. He is.
This, but unironically. Especially the people praising Kuwabara's voice of all things. He literally sounds like a demented Vegeta.
Chu and Jin's dub voices are awful.
You seem mad, user. Do you get mad at random people on the internet often? Or is it just chads like Vic?
Its a close second to Death Note's
Kuwabara having any voice other than that demon white Ja Rule voice is absolute blasphemy
Violet Evergarden is by far the best english dub and one of the rare cases of english>japanese dub in anime
I don't even like the show but facts are facts
>rare cases
non-existent cases*
Isn't Kuwabara a fodder character anyway? Why do people unironically care about him of all the cool characters YYH has?
Oh wait, its' only dubfags ever caring about him.
Yu Yu Hakusho is an OK dub, but Outlaw Star had a better dub and was as good as Cowboy Bebop.
VEG has a better english dub
I bet that Kaguya will(if) get a better english dub since the japanese is garbage
The old days of shitty west dub are over
> t. 31y old boomer that grew up with Greek meme level dub Kabamaru, Area 88, Dragon Ball and Nausicaa
Phoneposter, dubfag and le oldfag. Epik.
>I don't even have an iphone
>I never watch dubs
Just happened the dl Violet with jap/eng dub and since it was boring af i tried it with english dub, still couldn't finish it though
Trying this hard to look cool in an anonymous board is a mental disorder
You're the one trying too hard to shill your shitty dubs.
If you don't like the series in the first place, why vouch for a crappy dub? Is this a new marketing strategy?
It's a thread called name a better dubbed anime
It's an amazing dub so that's all
I think it's time for your dilation and you are getting moody
It's a shitty thread made by a normalfag*
Where can I subscribe to your blog?
Based Satan
>I never watch dubs
Clearly you do.
Welcome to the NHK, Monster, Berserk, Baccano, Spice&Wolf, School Rumble, Full Metal Panic, Haruhi, Hellsing Ultimate, Death Note and Black Lagoon.
>chnage the script to add retarded jokes
>give characters out of place accents for the lulz
>ruin the next episodes by adding in next time segments that spoil everything
>Full Metal Panic
Fucking what? The dub was atrocious. Especially Kurtz's. Anywhere that faggot Vic is involved is pure shit.
Fuck off to /pol/
>telling anyone to fuck off, ever
Enjoy your C-tier voice ""actors""
Is strawmaning the only thing you can do?
straw what? Not everyone here is American, I'm not obligated to know these crappy slangs.
Now I get why you don't like English dubs.
a strawman is a fallacy used in debates and it's a term you should learn if you graduated middle school.
Not even bilinguals have the excuse to be this stupid.
everything in english is shite
Hard to say what's "better" since I usually only classify dubs as either "great", "bad" or "awful". Berserk, YYH, Bebop all have "great" dubs. There are a few I haven't heard myself that are apparently good like Trigun & as well. Anything else is probably not worth it.
t. not a nostalgiafag
Is the FMA dub preferred or just considered as good? Been meaning to watch it and finally going to get around to it soon, I prefer subbed usually but make an exception for great dubs
I had to turn subs on whenever Jin spoke because I couldn't understand him. Enjoyed the rest dubbed though.
dubs are trash, user
It's your own fault for not being able to spell strawmanning.
>Welcome to the NHK
I loathe the English dub. Satou is terrible enough but Misaki is unforgivable.
based pecobro
I really liked the dubbed version of Berserk (the triology movies)
Griffith sounded exactly how I imagined he would sound
fucking based.
Fuck fat fucks ameriburgers, you want your fucking language everywhere because you're too lazy to read or too retarded to appreciate original voice acting
Saint Seiya in spanish.
I do appreciate justin cook's protrayal of Yusuke's anguish in the fucking TEASER after genkai dies. that was unexpected. I remember thinking. "damn, shit's gotten real."
it set them apart, becasue no other dubbing company pulled something like that.