What do you think when a girl cuts her hair?
What do you think when a girl cuts her hair?
she wants to be bred
Time to get a new girl, this one's outlived her usefulness
It's character development I can get behind.
Reminder that
Bun >>> Short Hair >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Long Hair
How to make a cute girl look ugly.
long hair that goes into various styles over the course of the story > short hair
Usually looks good but it looks horrendous on Monogatari girls for some reason
Boner instantly enchanced
delete this
why? he said she's beautiful.
Instantly better
I like long hair but how come a short cut makes a girl look somewhat rejuvenated?
Almost like she has been given a fresh appearance.
It would be cute to switch between long to short every now and then.
It is my fetish.
Thots, all of them. They cut their hair because they're only thinking about the D.
>Cute to switch between short and long hair now and then
This and also changing hairstyles between seasons / episodes is patrician taste
What the fuck. This is a hundred times worse than OP. You never cut off a ponytail. What in the hell is going on here?
An simple, common daily occurrence that gets dramatized by Japanese story tellers. To this day I question whether this has ever worked the way they intended.
Long hair is great but I fucking love short hair.
A loser finally gave up.
>tfw that was sakurasou too
The nightmare just doesn't end. How can best ponytail cut off her own ponytail? Absolute suffering.
It's only okay if said girl goes from being a normal cute girl to a sexy tomboy.
It makes my dick hard.
It's the mouth.
Tell me how this isn't sexy.
I feel incredibly disappointed.
Sad, because i like long hair
She was ruined.
I think it could be cute, but they could also look shit in it aswell. 50/50 chance