What do you think when a girl cuts her hair?

What do you think when a girl cuts her hair?

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she wants to be bred

Time to get a new girl, this one's outlived her usefulness

It's character development I can get behind.

Reminder that
Bun >>> Short Hair >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Long Hair

How to make a cute girl look ugly.

long hair that goes into various styles over the course of the story > short hair

Usually looks good but it looks horrendous on Monogatari girls for some reason

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Boner instantly enchanced

delete this

why? he said she's beautiful.

Instantly better

I like long hair but how come a short cut makes a girl look somewhat rejuvenated?
Almost like she has been given a fresh appearance.
It would be cute to switch between long to short every now and then.

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It is my fetish.

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Thots, all of them. They cut their hair because they're only thinking about the D.

>Cute to switch between short and long hair now and then
This and also changing hairstyles between seasons / episodes is patrician taste

What the fuck. This is a hundred times worse than OP. You never cut off a ponytail. What in the hell is going on here?


An simple, common daily occurrence that gets dramatized by Japanese story tellers. To this day I question whether this has ever worked the way they intended.

Long hair is great but I fucking love short hair.

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A loser finally gave up.

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>tfw that was sakurasou too
The nightmare just doesn't end. How can best ponytail cut off her own ponytail? Absolute suffering.

It's only okay if said girl goes from being a normal cute girl to a sexy tomboy.

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It makes my dick hard.

It's the mouth.


Tell me how this isn't sexy.

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I feel incredibly disappointed.

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Sad, because i like long hair

She was ruined.

I think it could be cute, but they could also look shit in it aswell. 50/50 chance

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