The movie was good. So can we get S2 now?
The movie was good. So can we get S2 now?
Other urls found in this thread:
can we just redo the first season without the shitty design? Butchering the characters in the vain hope that people wouldn't make porn has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard
Pray for second season
Remember what important lesson Tanya teaches us from her movie.
Fuck Commies
some autistic fat fuck wouldn't shut up with their "witty" commentary and everyone was shhhhing them but the guy didn't stop
Pretty good experience.
Just curious, what volume in the light novels does she get captured?
Today I learned that american theaters are a nightmare
I liked the movie overall, but did anyone here felt like that the movie should’ve been just the first 4 episodes of the inevitable 2nd season? Because the pacing felt like it was all over the goddamn place and it was like 4 eps stitched up together.
Also, post how full your theater was.
Youjo Senki is boring though working with a small budget, the movie was so much better, I can't go back to animators working on nothing but stale bread and the dreams of waifu's in a better life
he was at the screening of Heaven's Feel, even his "friend" was mad at him by the end, how do these people manage to get this far in life having people go out to do stuff with them?
it was just the first time he's been outside in years
with a friend? I'm outside all the time and i'm still friendless
I really enjoyed the movie, the sound design really amazed me.
Hoping we get s2
The explosions were fucking awesome, felt every explosion rattle my bones and eardrums, fucking tight.
i can't pull up the seatings anymore but it was well over half-filled
This was mine some hours before it started, so it was possibly even fuller by the time it started.
I'm surprised this many came out for an anime movie.
people actually watch this crap?
Consider yourselves lucky, the theater I went to in commiefornia was full of beaners who couldn't shut the fuck up
>me and my roommate go see the movie, get backrow seats in the center
>get there 10 minutes before, there's a few guys in our spots, wondering what's going on, coincidentally the loudest people in the theater by far
>we inquire with them and show our tickets and explain we got those seats
>they move over and we sit down in our spots
>a few minutes later, someone else comes up and says they're in their seats
>finally they look at the tickets and realize they bought tickets for the very front, watch as all of them go up there
>rest of the experience is nice and quiet, no unnecessary applauding, only laughter during jokes, no one wanted to play on their phones, and no clapping
Being X was on our side.
Normalizing violence against commies is exactly what this generation needs.
What was the movie about?
If you're one of the kids who brought their grandpa to the showing in Hazlet, New Jersey what did he think of the movie?
Fuck commies
wish "Being X" was more present in the movie
Had some fat fucks sitting in the premium seats and they got btfo'd by a couple who's spot they were in.
Season 2 the movie.
I like how the city was just called Moscow, like they didn't even try to hide it this time
Which are the best seats? What's wrong with the first rows that no one takes them? Wouldn't having the screen closer be more immersive?
>during jokes
It's a pretty dry film.
The few military jokes didn't win any laughs at my theater, but it seemed like everyone chuckled whenever Tanya talked shit about Commies.
I'm in California as well, but my area prices out the beaners
enjoy looking straight up with neck pains tomorrow
commiefornia here
my theater was mostly 30-40 year old males, and a couple high school aged guys. all white/asian. Few autistic laughs whenever communism was mentioned in any form and someone talking to themselves every now and then
Perspective. Front row seats are so close to the screen that it's difficult to take a full view (especially important in a subtitled film), and it warps the way you see images at the top of the screen.
For Tanya's movie, it sorta works because the forced perspective makes the talking heads more ominous during the scenes where she's talking with her superiors. But it's not ideal.
>hour and a half of Tanya shitting on commies
Tanya versus Mary was disorienting to watch but overall really solid movie.
Also it's been awhile since I've been to the movies. I forgot I can get beer at movies
Was honestly worried about the smell of the crowd but didn't notice anything.
Imagine you're sitting really close to your screen.
And your screen stretches thirty feet up, and fifty feet to your left and right.
The seating page expired for me, it was only like 10 dudes
Really depends on the theater itself. The one that's right next to my house has a bunch of reclining seats with foot rests, so anyone in the front can position themselves laying down and looking up without straining the neck as badly. A typical one that has a regular seat though basically forces you to stare upwards the entire time, which hurts the neck something fierce and really takes away from the movie going experience.
only time someone laughed was when Tanya got chills thinking about the commie lolicon
>Beer at the movies
I bet it was expensive as sin tho, I live in mormon country so none of that
The only complaint is that Tanya didn't utilize Mary's zeal to deal collateral damage to the oncoming enemy forces. It's clear that Mary was consumed with emotion and could have been baited into killing several of her allies in her mad pursuit for revenge.
Fuck that one guy who giggled loudly like a schoolgirl through the anthem raid scene.
it's super common in Mexico
Middle of the far back row.
Tanya's only concern was not dying.
Mary is scary.
Tanya is pretty reasonable now, she doesn't really own up to her name of evil anymore
The commie should have arrive somehow and groped tanya and atleast finger her butthole through the clothes.
What a waste.
Tanya only fulfilled the evil moniker before she got reincarnated.
Everything done as Tanya in service to the Empire was wholly justified.
Notgorby has posted.
And for “My Little Nazi Loli Of The SS Can’t Possibly Be This Cute” of all fucking things.
What's up with the left side having the seats positioned like that?
My theatre would not shut the fuck up during that scene. Legit pissed me off they were missing the point of that whole scene.
Where do you guys live to have such shitty audiences? I had a lot of fun at my theater, everyone was quiet during quiet scenes, only laughed during scenes that were meant to be funny, etc. Bretty good movie by the way
Calm down comrade Beria
We're onto you, commie
Asserting dominance over communist scum.
I wouldn't know user, those seats on the left past M20 don't even exist
Thats probably where the entrance ramp is
I was surprised that joke never came back but for that one scene where Tanya got chills thinking about him. Felt like a "haha, we acknowledge the lolicon audience for Tanya" in retrospect.
What else would you expect from Drumpf's Amerikkka?
It's only a matter of time until Orange Hitler revives the axis with the nationalist populist governments of Brazil and Hungary and declares war on Britain.
It can be hit or miss by the film. The same theater that was really good for Mob Psycho can be "Let's all take our spaz-chans and their crash helmets to Fate Stay".
For sure, eight bucks plus tip for one bottle
Bartender conversation was awkward as fuck
>you here to see John Wick?
>Detective Pickachu?
>so what are you here to see?
>movie called saga of tanya the evil
>what's that about?
>...its a war movie
I'm sneaking in booze next time
Fuck that shit
>binge watched the English dub of Tanya before watching the movie
>can’t wait for the dub for this movie since Monica Rial was a great Tanya
>look up information on what she’s doing now
>mfw This movie is’never gonna be dubbed for a long ass time
>he didn't say yes to being there for John Wick
The oddest thing was my showing was almost completely old people who looked like they were there to see "The Founder". What the fuck?
"Mabel look, look at this shit here, we have to see this movie after bingo, I mean LOOK AT IT"
Goddamn, I could buy 2 things of vodka for that much.
>...Its a war movie
My condolences
Have you praised this pocket sized VA today?
Was this ever confirmed? Sounds like a meme. Designs of her extreme faces arnt much different from the LN anyway.
Movie was great, saw it at citywalk. Was odd that it was almost sold out online but the theater was mostly empty. Very quiet crowd and respectful chuckles but no autism meme spouting. Fuck commies.
Sad they skipped so much of book three and they didn’t translate the anthem.
I was in Manteca, some blob of lard stole my seat and was gurgling and coughing for the 10 or so minutes before the movie started. I mean, this guy was massive, maybe 3 times my weight and he was spilling into the seats to either side of him.
Other than that there were a bunch of people giggling every time Tanya said "commie"
What made you want to live like a subhuman?
Old people hate commies.
oh cool john wick is out to guess i can go watch that this weekend cause no theater has tanya which i'll have to wait till cam goes up
At least it wasn't as bad as the Re: Zero screening having an 11 minute intro before the movie.
>hey, here's the English voice actors of the story, even if you went to watch the sub, and they're going to explain to you the plot of the movie you're going to see, including saying things like "It was really sad what happened to my character" before the film starts so that you're properly spoiled
>mostly voices imagine-tier characters
>is imagine-tier herself
Absolutely perfect
this guy comes in and saves the second to last anime you watched with communism and pedophilia, what happens?
That shit sucks. I had a fucking fattie next to me at Howl's that felt like the fucking seats were literally going to suffer a catastrophic failure. Only thing worse than that is a Coast to Coast flight.
He goes nuclear on season 2
Can you take your celebrity bullshit somewhere else?
Starts tomorrow in my area.
I do wanna see it, but my work week starts tomorrow.
>don’t even rename Moscow
>make its main leader a literal pedophile who wants to rape a little girl MC
>show the commies as retards who throw ten+ divisions into a met grinder to help supreme police comrade some cunny
The entire movie was FUCK commies and it was amazing
Tanya was the exception to the rule
Check in if your audio was fucked up. I want to see how systemic it was.
Hmmm... Entire under kingdom of gobbos vs. population of glorious Motherland... If it were Warhammer gobbos, all my life savings plus my right testicle on the gobbos. But it would be the Commies somehow converting them.
>Detective Pikachu
>iphone image
unironically killyourself phlebbit faggot nigger
everyone going on about commies but the beggining of the movie was good too before I even knew it was going to be in Russia, that face the officer tries to give Tanya before she fucks herself over again is fucking priceless, I was like "aw shit Tanya get the hint", well of course the events that transpired because of it were great
>Isekai Quartet
>he's probably on staff
Tanyas gonna need Ainz's help
Historically accurate given what we know about shitheels like Beria. And that's just the shit we KNOW about.
Is there ever a reason given why he killed off all his county's mages? It seems like a convenient thing for Tanya and co but makes no sense in universe. Did the real Beria do something similar?
Pretty packed in my theater and even saw an old co worker. People laughed at the jokes an dloved the fuck commies ones. Fucking excellent movie,
glad I've been at least watching Isekai Quartet so I wasn't that removed from the anime, it aired a while ago so I might have forgot a lot, at least watched up to episode 5 before the movie
Communists threw anybody with talent into gulags, so yes, this way accurate. Mages obviously have talent more than your standard citizen/soldier.
What the fuck is wrong with your brain?
their reasoning was something like "mages are to individualistic and we're trying to be a regime here" who knows wether it's something that real Russia would have done, kind of one of the weaker arguments for convininece I guess
It makes perfect sense.
Reminder communists had “work” camps that killed more than their faked holocaust reports ever did.
T. Finnish
Audio wasn't fucked, but it felt like at times the movie was being streamed at 360p before jumping back up.
The Soviets purged military officers and intellectuals.
Furthermore, the idea of mages, people with inherent ability that makes them superior to others, runs contrary to commie propaganda.
Sorta like when I went to the No game no life: zero screening and there was a fucking interview with the dub VA's (I was at a subbed showing) and they spent the whole time talking about their character and spoiling the whole fucking movie, best part was having the VA for a character I didnt know was gonna make an appearance talk about the character.
when I think of Japanese salaryman, this is what I imagine, the very first thing
Some humans having magic is against socialistic principles comrade. Bourgeois elements like mages can't be allowed to sabotage our glorious notSoviet state.
In real life, Russia's military in WWII was incredibly hampered by Stalin's habit of killing most of its competent officers.
commies are godless heathens and magic is a blessing from god, so to the gulag you go. the gods are very gomcern with gommunism in the LN.
>camps inspected by the US were concentration camps
>camps inspected by the Soviets were death camps
>this isn't suspicious
Communists always seem to target intellectuals or those that might not be easily become part of the regime.
Mages of course are the prime targets as they can be perceived as such. Being different is something that is not tolerated.
As stated, fuck commies and fuck (((russians)))
Seems like commie haters are hypocrites.
Just got back from the long drive home. I had a pretty shitty week and several bad theater experiences, but this left me with a smile almost as wide as Tanya's.
My only complaint is a serious lack of Being X, besides a very quick cameo during one scene.
Wisconsin here, from my cursory glance the theater appeared to be half older ladies, and fairly empty, maybe 20% full. Similar to what it was during the two fate movies, maybe a bit less full.
Movie went well, people laughed at the jokes, no real cheering or anything, so that was nice. They did forget to hit the lights for the fist 20m or so though.
>My only complaint is a serious lack of Being X, besides a very quick cameo during one scene.
I was fine with this. He sort of has his agent in the form of Mary Sioux. There really is no need for him to gloat over Tanya.
they still made porn using the female anime characters. i'd say the redesign failed in that regard.
Based Beria is probably their phys ed teacher or something.
There were only like 10 people in my theatre and while they were quiet most of them must have ordered food cause their were waiters walking around bringing shit for long enough to be annoying
Shut up tranny discord commie kike. Go count trees or something.
>you're a useless shit in the company draining resources
>a righteous manager fires you on order
>push him into a train due to you further proving you're a dredge of society
Tanya (salaryman) did nothing wrong
>when the yakuza is doing a better job of producing pro-West propaganda than the CIA and SIS
How long till the DC and London bureaucrats realize that there's no compromising with communists?
It would have been nice if there was some interaction between Being X and Mary, though. At least one time stop scene, or something.
yeah, it's uncommon in america to actually abide by seating arrangement so a movie like this where a bunch of movie got the tickets online throws people for a loop
Communists were literally that retarded. They "won" their wars not because of any form of superiority beyond their willingness to send an entire generation of men straight into a meat grinder.
My experience watching was good, and I was pretty lucky to even find out it was airing as I pay no attention to these things. I only found out it was happening the day before when I was checking showings to watch Endgame with my mother and happened to also see it listed. So I sat down and watched endgame for three hours, dropped her off at home and then went back out to see it alone with only 1:30 break 1:00 of which was driving).
Managed to reserve the last non-front-row seat in the showing, got sat all the way in the back next to one quiet black dude, and another black dude that laughed loudly whenever anything remotely funny happened, but not for long enough to annoy people around him. Comfy leather recliners, same as the Endgame showing.
The video quality seemed a bit fuzzy, almost like it was just straight up streaming and was it just me, or did they censor the trenchfights, seemed to have blacked out section censors like jojo TV did. but the audio/video didn't have any problems like other anons did aside from a single .5s audio hiccup partway in (which was thankfully during talking and not combat, so it wasn't very noticeable)
There were 2 people wearing cosplay at the showing, one dressed as generic non-mage Infantry, another wearing an mage officer uniform, I don't think they came together and seemed pretty chill, were taking pictures with people that asked, I would've but my phones camera is busted.
The officer cosplayer left during the ED and missed the scene where s2 got teased
they're the communists so never
>He would point out young women to be detained and escorted to his mansion, where wine and a feast awaited them. After dining, Beria would take the women into his soundproofed office and rape them. Beria's bodyguards reported that their duties included handing each victim a flower bouquet as she left Beria's house. Accepting it implied that the sex had been consensual; refusal would mean arrest.
>In one case, Beria picked up Tatiana Okunevskaya, a well-known Soviet actress, under the pretense of bringing her to perform for the Politburo. Instead he took her to his dacha, where he offered to free her father and grandmother from NKVD prison if she submitted. He then raped her, telling her: "Scream or not, it doesn't matter." Beria, however, already knew that her relatives had been executed months earlier. Okunevskaya was arrested shortly afterwards and sentenced to solitary confinement in the Gulag, which she survived.
>Evidence suggests that not only did Beria abduct and rape women, but that some were also murdered. His villa in Moscow is now the Tunisian Embassy. In the mid 1990s, routine work in the grounds turned up the bone remains of several young women buried in the gardens.
>When the death sentence was carried out, Beria pleaded on his knees for mercy before collapsing to the floor and wailing and crying, but to no avail. He was shot through the forehead by General Pavel Batitsky who had to stuff a rag into Beria's mouth to silence him.
>actually arguing about communism in this thread
How does it feel to know that based Salaryman despises you?
You might want to read the manga, and I guess the books. The scene when Mary Sioux becomes vengeful, and thus is granted power is done more grandiose and weighty.
I think for the movie's sake they just toned done the Being X stuff since it was not really necessary and wanted to focus more between Tanya and Mary.
I think there was a comedy movie that went over this, I saw a youtube video about it, actually seemed pretty interesting, follow the real history just with a funny spin, saw the scene where they basically take the guy out after he had been calling all the shots and just shoot him in the street, everyone hated him so much he just rotted there for like 3 days
This will probably be the only night we can discuss how fun or fucked our night at the pictures were as it is already devolving (as expected) into political warfare. Thank you all. I cherish the fact that after all these years I still have channers to run to and type at.
i just returned from a deployment to the middle east (US military) and while i was over there, someone gave me 3 volumes of youjo senki and i ended up reading all of them and enjoying the fuck out of it. i thought it was a neat coincidence that on the day i got back they had this movie showing, so I thought "what the hell must be fate" and went and bought a ticket.
holy shit was it an eye-opener for me
i'd never watched an anime movie in theaters before. the first time tanya said something funny the theater filled with the sound of 6-7 extreme autists HA-HA-HAing at the top of their lungs. i let it go because i figured they were autistic and i just didnt know any better.
then, they started outright heckling the movie and making "witty" comments as if the entire audience wanted a commentary track. almost every single scene with tension had it deflated by pure autism. it wasn't until the part where tanya gets the fuck beat out of her by mary was met with uproarious laughter that I felt my blood start to boil a little bit. then somehow mary dragging her across the church by her hair elicited even more laughter, followed by a "FUCKING REKT!" from one movie-goer. when tanya shot mary with her sidearm someone hollered "OOH BABY A HEADSHOT!" which got a few more obnoxious laughs, and that set of a chain reaction. then came "PLAY OF THE GAME: TANYA" followed by the same person going "THAT'S GOING IN THE REPLAY!"
i actually turned around and yelled "for the love of god, SHUT THE FUCK UP." never before have i felt the need to do that at a movie before, and i've probably watched over a 100 movies at theater in my life time. i used to believe that black people during scary movies was the absolute trash-est tier of audience imaginable, but now i realize that anime fans at an anime movie are actually strong arguments for eugenics programs.
Were you in Maryland?
FUCK I meant to NGNL: Zero. I mixed the two of them up, that was exactly what I was talking about.
Lying isn't nice, user-chan.
Is this the new meme?
thank you for your service
Why? He was not one of the 3 Gods who blessed Mary, so why would he interact with her?
You should remember that the LN's, manga, and anime all have different canon. And that's half of why Being X needed to be in the movie more, because this isn't a 100% adaptation but instead an interpretation of the already existing material.
>devolving into political warfare
I dunno, it seems like we're united behind Tanya in her "fuck commies" sentiment.
Fanart of Tanya hatefucking Mary when
She is a non character jobber in the LN. Manga is it’s own thing sort of.
Anime she is just there to give more fights and a flip side of tanyas god blessing.
No, Virginia.
Ah, because I know of someone from Maryland who went there and cosplayed in something similar.
Hopefully soon. Especially if it involves Tanya becoming pregnant and then screaming 'CURSE YOU BEING X' at the top of her lungs while Mary knits baby clothes.
this is a conspiracy but i've heard alex jones say that the CIA is full of leninist marxists that are pursuing constant global revolution to bring in a new world order.
it makes sense if you think about what those spooks are pulling in latin america, east europe, middle east, and asia.
Oh I agree 1000% on that sentiment. This coming from someone who still has my WACL credentials.
We already know being X by the actions shown. We don’t need another full on convo. The little glimpse and Mary was enough.
Justice is a bitch, ain't it? Good riddance.
A-are the Empire the bad guys?
>Especially if it involves Tanya becoming pregnant and then screaming 'CURSE YOU BEING X' at the top of her lungs while Mary knits baby clothes.
>Tanya rapes Mary into submission
>Tanya is the one who winds up pregnant
This is the doujinshi I never knew I needed.
There was just under 20 seats booked at my AMC when I bought my ticket a few weeks ago. There were maybe six people there besides me. What gives?
No, because they're the ones constantly being attacked and defending themselves.
I'll have to read the LNs
I need a edit of this but with Tanya.
I dunno, maybe your area has shit taste. My theater was sold out.
You do, because in them only Being X appears and there is no real mention of any other Gods at all.
It certainly falls in line with the commie plan for a "long march" through the institutions.
I live in the middle of nowhere and had to drive over an hour to go see it so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
Manga has a whole pantheon of gods.
LN has a variety of celestial beings that do God's work.
>literal grandpa aged person next to me who was breathing like darth vader when he wasn't snoring
>guy on my right was 20 minutes late and immediately started reading text messages on his phone
>theater worker forgot to close lights until halfway through the movie
>everyone laughs when commie is said
>everyone laughs when tanya does her dance
>everyone laughs when tanya realizes her comfy rear echelon post isn't a comfy rear echelon post
I wish these fucking weebs would take a page from the Japanese and learn how to behave in a fucking theater
I think cosplayers are pretty common at anime movie events. I've only been to 3 showings in theaters now Kizu part 1 & 3, had college exams during 2 so I couldn't make it, but I'm pretty sure at each showing there was at least 2 cosplayers.
Can't bring it up anymore, but I bought my ticket like an hour before the movie & there were only 3-4 seats empty after I picked mine and it was in a 60 person theater, and I think most-if-not-all people showed up but I didn't take a headcount.
>invaded by their neighbors multiple times because their neighbors are jealous assholes
>sue for peace, get denied, return the favor and annihilate the enemy
>don't even pursue to eliminate the stragglers (big mistake)
>sue for peace again
>world works against you and preps to invade during temporary peace
>not!USA supplies and fights against you
Just like Germany in WW1/WW2, they get fucked for the dumbest things. WW1, bound to respond to their allies being dragged into the war, Austria/co. Lose WW1 due to shit, France/Britain ignore 14 steps plan to "punish Germany" (for what? nothing). This causes Hitler's rise to power/the conditions for WW2.
No surprise that in both the Weimar Republic and Bolsheviks, who are the primary degenerates pushing for the corruption of society and degradation of morals? Jews.
Sometimes I sneak beer and extra crispy potato chips with a very loud crinkly bad into my theater so I can piss people off.
If you pay attention all the laughs are individually weird as fuck. Lots of redditors and turbo autists there for sure. Person next to me was breathing like darth vader too, what the fuck is wrong with people.
>literal grandpa
That's funny, because I had a similar guy in my theater and after the movie was over he was explaining some things to a younger woman he brought along who apparently hadn't watched the anime at all and was confused by the isekai and Being X stuff.
The LN archon/angels doing the creators work like autistic doting grandpas who don’t know why the system isn’t quite working is great. Anime vs is fun too. Pantheon furry shit is low tier.
My theater was full of laughter and we all had a great time. Best anime movie experience I've ever had.
>brings female to anime movie
that guy's relationship isn't going to last for long
I could tell that the person to my right was only laughing when he heard other people laugh, but I agree that lots of the laughs were definitely from turbo autists.
The grandpa dude legit has a medical condition or something. He was only there to accompany his middle aged daughter. Why? I have no clue.
I think it must have been a friend, daughter, or granddaughter.
Movie was rated PG 12 user
There were like three people with their grandfathers in our theater, which is strange because there was only about 25 or so people in the whole theater. I really want to know waht they thought of the film.
It was rated R in my theater. Probably one too many F bombs.
I literally rewatched the series with my gf of four years before the movie. It works if your both anime fans when you met.
t. normalfag
You could have asked them.
Old people like sharing their opinions on things.
thanks patriot. fuck commie and fuck Jews. Sieg Tanya.
I just want to say that I really liked how they included Los! Los! Los!.
Yup, so glad that's the official theme song for the franchise because I personally cannot stand Jingo Jungle. Personal opinions.
I am too lazy but when the BD drops I want to do the final scene from Conspiracy:
and cut to a scene of the anthem raid right after he turns the record on.
I like both but Los! Los! Los! is just so great. Aoi Yuuki is such a talented voice actress
And then edit in the "Does it not tear your heart out" and "beautiful sir"
Credits song is also good, bless Myth & Roid
>no rank and wrong date
at least try faggot
found it, long ass video you could just see the movie, but a lot of what I knew about Soviet Russia before coming into the movie came from this
So what's next for Mary Sioux? I thought she was gonna die at the end of the movie, but apparently they are really betting on a season 2.
What happened to crunchyroll streaming the movie? I thought this was confirmed to have 2 days ago or so
It was great, I need to get the new artwork they ran during it
Did anyone else notice her name is literally Mary Sue?
1) It makes more sense for the date to be well after the events of the film.
2) you have paint on your PC too; maybe you should try
They send her into orbit on a satellite in order to make a not! Death Star, all they have to do is tell her that Tanya is at the locations they want deleted.
how long until history buffs realizes his country fought on the wrong side and he's probably in serious danger being put in a prison full of muslims that butt rape him to death?
unless he's rich and ignorant, then no amount of history expertise is goin to save ya
>40 year later time skip
Tanya is hopefully in jail, writing the loli mein pomf for her rise to power as not!hitler
They couldn't figure out how to stream.
Bad translation. I prefer Mary Sioux, because that actually makes her seem more not!American.
I guess I was wrong about him rotting in the street for 3 days, my heart embellished the story unknowingly
Wrong. Tanya gets Paperclipped and eventually goes full Big Boss.
That's the joke.
about who is the other saga?
More I think about it I could probably tie some Look Who's Back scenes in as well.
She is literally a Mary Sue. Her name and her character's archetype.
she killed decent european democratic citizens though, not just communists
So how long do I have to wait to see this cause my area doesn't get anime movies.
Are you really complaining that Americans laugh in a theater? Just wait for the BDs then.
is the author hispanic or something?
>implying that democracy isn't just communism-lite
Cam NYAA or after BD NYAA
Seeing as the crunchyroll stream didn't happen and my country isn't getting it in cinemas sadly(We are getting Code Geass) when will the next possible time to watch this be. Another stream or when is the bluray coming out otherwise
i'm not in fact I was implying the opposite but because the opinion is so unpopular I assumed it was unlikely anyone would realize, unless of course I found myself in a thread of like minded people
Wrong, a Mary Sue isn't necessarily overpowered (although they often are) but rather that everyone around them unnaturally likes them and the ones that don't are considered evil or strange. The term is from old Star Trek fanfiction circles.
August, when dub DVD/blueray comes out.
There is a difference between a brief guffaw when appropriate and a lolololologigllelooololgielelelelelelelleelleleleleleleleleleeelelelelelelelegigggllelelellelele from what should be a male during not appropriate. scenes.
Are you saying that the Ancient Greeks and Romans practiced communism?
>literal headcanon
Anyway, her mother is from the US. Sue is her fathers name.
Erich is tsundere as fuck for Tanya in this movie
cam it is
That's not the modern connotation and you know it user. Now it refers to women who have skill they have done fuck-all to deserve
I don't know my Muslim neighbor is convinced that Hector was a Muslim. And Alexander for that matter. Shit I think he even claimed George Washington once.
Majority of those shitty audiences are probably in diverse metropolitan hellholes. Modern urbanites are mostly either pretentious attention-seeking cunts or loud subhumans with no common decency. Too bad showings like this are mostly limited to those areas. I wonder how much it would cost a rural theater to show this movie.
It is the modern connotation, because the overpowerness is used to wow and amaze other characters and justify their liking someone who should be unlikeable.
Did anyone else laugh internally during the Cessna comment?
Or was that strictly for muh ancientfags
there was a crunchyroll stream going to happen?
I bet you didn't realize Norden is Norway Sweden either.
>implying that Rome was a democracy
>Space Program/Missile Development Tanya
I'd pay to see this. It's the rear position she always wanted.
A representative republic, yes, but a republic just means 'without a king' in that ancient context; and I'm assuming you're a monarchist.
Sounds like some autists then. My theater "laughed" at those scenes but basically a polite chuckle.
I did not
I don't know much about vehicles and stuff but I guessed she was talking about stuff from her world
I kinda thought she might hint more about her original world more in this movie, especially at the end when she's trying to convince her superiors about how the war will end if nothing changes, i guess it'll probably never happen though if it's still not being hinted at all
That got a few chuckles from the crowd in my theater.
There are all sorts of history fans watching this.
You wouldn't have had to been around when that happened to know about it.
I work with planes, so that's what got me first.
The tale makes rounds occasionally.
>those info cards before the movie
>"Did you know Mary Sue is a 'Mary Sue?'"
Yeah feel blessed. Especially at close proximity. Imagine a animu girl going FUFUFUFUFUFUFUFUUFUFU YOU FELL INTO MY TRAP FUFUFUFUFUFUFUFUFUFUFU
and looking over and seeing a fucking dude laughing at A REGULAR FUCKING SCENE WITH NO HUMOR INVOLVED
>I'm assuming you're a monarchist.
You're right on that front, but there's a strong distinction between an oligarchy of military aristocrats (like Rome and most of Greece) and democracy/communism. Even Athens, with as much as contemporary propagandists try to emphasize their democracy, was de facto fascist.
Is he Turkish?
Not like you had a choice anyway.
mine was really quiet. felt like I was watching at home
No just a slave of Allah.
Was there an actual joke there regarding Cessnas and Anti Air? I only thought it was funny because from Tanya's time those existed and in this world it doesn't.
Yes. That was the joke.
My theater did not have info cards. We were given an introduction from someone with Crunchyroll and that's it.
the scene where they sing the anthem and raise their flag over moscow was a legitimately enjoyable and funny scene, but was completely ruined by the entire thing being drowned out by turbo-autist laughter.
if i ever want to watch another anime movie, i wont be doing it at the theater.
Mathias Rust. Learn it. And learn it well.
>but makes no sense in universe.
Bruh. Read The Gulag Archipelago. Communists are fucking retarded at managing human resources, it's enough to make you weep and be reborn in notGermany to help glorious free market capitalism take root in socialist god worshipping notEurope.
You're an idiot if you think Republic-era Rome was a military oligarchy. It was dominated by landowners who cared more about crop prices than anything else. And it was the generals who became politicians through conquest that caused the real rot that brought down the empire as a whole, since the whole process of 'bribe legions into making you emperor' was unsustainable.
You're applying modern -isms to ancient cultures, and are about as blind to the facts as a Marxist with their historical determinism bullshit. Fascism didn't exist before the 19th century. And modern notions of representative government didn't exist prior to the enlightenment either.
>18 year-old guy lands a plane in Moscow's Red Square
Between this and Chernobyl, 80's USSR must have been a real shitshow.
I feel like I probably missed out on so many things because I don't know any history
There were a lot of nods in the movie. But people were too busy lololololololololoing at dance moves and nani's to catch them.
it says there the guy was spotted many times but never got permission to shoot. not that the guy was never noticed.
I think Lelouch was the same way in nods. Only a few people caught the non stop Allahuackbars.
> in 1989, Rust stabbed a female co-worker who had rejected him
It is as it was.
You want some more Moscow comedy?
My theater didn't laugh at any nanis but they laughed every time Tanya said commie
It's worse than you think man.
>No Erwin Rommel.
Jesus this info is just out in the open and no one is acting? What the fuck,
Generational thing. Commie used to be a household word. I am guessing a lot of people are hearing and seeing it live for the first time on screen. In the days you're mom would call you a commie for not picking up your room sparkling clean or not being to bed by 9PM on the dot.
Since we are doing history has anyone here read Anatoliy Golitsyn?
>For Tanya's movie, it sorta works because the forced perspective makes the talking heads more ominous
This made me laugh for some reason.
>mein pomf
I'm seriously tempted to rewrite Mein Kampf to be from the perspective of a loli now. Thanks a lot.
So let it be written. So let it be done. I would gladly edit for you.
>the BGM could have been a bit louder in comparison to the sound effects
Felt the same, maybe it was just me always pumping the speakers to max at the end of each episode, but hearing Los! Los! Los! in the theater was super underwhelming, just didn't capture it at all, although the actual credit song was nice, being a bit calmer and less energetic meant the weaker audio mix didn't matter as much
I'm still hoping for an Afrika OVA.
>the jews are evil also I think they're after my sweet loli ass
do it.
I'm sure /his/ could help you out with that.
My theater didn't have info cards, and our introduction was after the movie ( ^ : couple of people wondered aloud if they flipped it intentionally
Mariemaia and Tanya need a film.
Wait a second...
Does Tanya have a reverse harem?
which officer of hers died in the film? Couldn't really make it out.
Do you really think normies want to confront the reality of the situation? Or would they rather believe pleasant lies that require them to do nothing but continue on with their ignorant, hedonistic lives? Damn near all of "the information" is out in the open, but nobody wants to even hear it lest they become obligated to sacrifice even a moment's convenience.
I'm not going to post about this again on this board.[/spoiler
I was disappointed, too. He's such a bro in the LN, and I loved how (actual LN spoiler) Tanya hooks him up with tank fuel in exchange for actual tanks for her Salamander Kampfgruppe.
Did the first series have them go to the beach? They mention it but I feel like I would have remembered Tanya in a swimsuit
Bullcrap to that, I know my way around libreoffice. I don't need commie and anti-loli (((help))).
Wasn't one of hers, it was the guy she was sent to reinforce, the one that offered to buy her a drink.
Ah. I was thinking he looked familiar but I couldn't exactly make him out. Figured since it had been so long since I watched the anime, maybe I was just missing him. Thanks!
I mean it doesn't mean much who you voted for forever ago, I have an Uncle who did the same in Mexico and now acts deeply ashamed of the stuff he was interested in back then, he's like the relative who most closely resembles me to I just had a really right wing grandfather growing up or I might have made similar mistakes
Then deliver you fucking faggot. After rejecting help you pretty much need to now.
Please no. I've got so many projects I never completed already, at best I'll get through half of chapter one, use up all my best loli jokes and puns, and then quit.
only her male officers did
Shut the fuck up. If you voted for Nader or fucking LaRouche that would be one thing. He voted for a card carrying communist when his country was in a cold war with them. It shows what was in his heart.
And complete the other ones as well.
Only a COMMIE wouldn't.
Plus the only time Yea Forums collaboration actually produced anything decent was Katawa Shoujo, and look how cancerous that turned out to be. Can you imagine spawning a generation of weaboo lolicon nazis? I don't want that on my conscience (weaboos are abhorrent).
Is that what you think I am?
You sound like a retard.
Killing commies
I want you to do it because it would be funny as fuck.
>he doesn't remember the nigger book
Yea Forums is probably fine. I've never been there but I can only assume it's no worse than most boards that aren't political or heavily related to politics.
Ahhh fuck..brb drink.
Sure, I'm just saying my Uncle made a similar mistake for different reasons and I'd forgive him for that, I even argued with my leftist sister in high school saying communism had good parts, I was basically talking about socialist stuff though and that would eventual end with like liking fascism, at least conceptially, but still I feel like I can relate
>Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)03:07:13 No.188311880
>Is that what you think I am?
No dude, we're on Yea Forums. I already friended you to be my editor-kun. /sarcasm
You don't know the timeframe. He chose a communist when he had a multitude of candidates who wanted nigra rights and labor rights and illegal immigrant rights to chose from who were NOT COMMUNISTS. You don't do that shit. He chose to vote for the enemy of his nation because he was and is and enemy of his nation.
commie detected
also nice b8
Good to see Yea Forums is coming to our side.
Well fuck you then. Enjoy your life of never completed projects. What was your favorite scene btw?
and enemy out-fucking-standing
maybe i will and-hero
>Enjoy your life of never completed projects.
My favorite scene was probably Tanya's fight and ultimate victory over Mary Sue, although the entire movie was just fantastic. I'll definitely buy the BD when it comes out.
I also kind really understand how my decision making would have worked in an age without the internet, would I be more totalitarian or less? Know more or less about /pol/ shit, who can say, I find it hard to imagine I would just casually come across this stuff talking to family or reading in a library, you have to at least give old timers that.
I'm still pissed that we lost to the other side in the first place, if current overlords weren't ban crazy I'd say we'd at least be 50/50 still
Keep the faith brother. We will be victorious in the end. We just have to hold on.
basically I trust people based on their character, less their affiliation, because affiliation confuses a lot of people to begin with and you'll find good people on the wrong side, if I wanted a reason to hate Comey or Brennan them being general scum and untrust worthy at a glance tells me way more than who they voted for, which is just a outcome of their evil, not the proof.
You are a traitor
I think Mary's fight pissed me off because I get it and felt it. Tunnel vision hatred.
That makes sense. I am glad you have that introspection.
fuck, I missed this. I guess there's no 2nd showings
I want doujins of mary
"Just do headshots idioottt"
Never forget Maritza "Daysi" Zeledon. Who fought to the bitter end on April 6 1985 against the communists. Her name carried on as Task Force Maritza Zeledon. She was hit by an incoming round of 105 mike mike after shouldering her rifle to aid wounded. These are the people you should remember. Not trash like either Comey or Brennan. These were the people who loved South and Central America.
You missed gay Mexican wrestlers, no audio and snoring grandfathers.
Also a good movie.
I've been to some anime premieres in Albuquerque and they've been pretty chill so far.
That is good actually. What were the crowds like?
Any cam rips yet?
The commie bit was fun. Three birds with one stone. The anthem bit was epic. HQ were idiots. She did ask if there were political shit before she attacked.
That end credit scene was pure funny. You commie.
I could barely hear the anthem over the subhuman IQ attendees. Really thought Vegas wouldn’t be so fucking stupid when it came to theatrical shit, but apparently not.
Germany had it coming in WWII for falling for National Socialism like retards. WWI is half-and-half because they let a retard be a monarch and then let two dictators usurp him.
She was op. She was spamming beams. Like Nanaho level bs. And she was still alive at the end after getting fucked up by Tanya.
>for falling for National Socialism like retards
Wanted to see more more of bedhair Tanya
This is the guy who wanted ED pix.
No, that's me.
Who /AMC 12/ here? Come on, there were maybe seven of us. One of you has to be here.
I was AMC 20
You can sniff their traffic in theater if you know what you are doing without them being on wifi.
so when do we get the bluray
You mean the piracy rifk
yes but i'm trying to pretend like i'm not poor
Where at?
I was sitting near the front It kinda sucked that they turned on the lights too early
I felt bad for Sue, I wanted to give her a hug and say ‘next time for sure.’
Love for Tanya
>tfw my shitposting May have inspired a user to do something cool
This is Being X’s will.
Wait the movie came out in NA?
I don't even remember the movie except for anthem and mary gunfights and faggots in theater
>tfw I was high as a kite and I remember it fairly well
Get your shit together.
Nah I have this memory b1 thing. My brain does not deal well with making new memories.
Can't wait till communism wins and no loli isekai shit is gonna change that white scum
>faggots in theater
Quite. Why can’t people realize they’re not filming a reaction video and keep their over exaggerated reactions and commentary to themselves?
are you peole really retarded? Have you no idea the history of us involvement in Latin America the second a reforsmist succd em gets to power let alone a commie?
and info wars?
retards all of you
with pride
Loving Latin America means fighting agaisnt the white creole elites, capitalism, imperialism. You are a disgrace to your kind
Shut up commie.
make me lmao
I try to be polite when I'm in public, but this experience has convinced me that next time I'm in a theater with a bunch of people trying to respectfully watch a movie together and some sperg keeps making loud stupid commentary through the whole thing, I'm going to tell them to shut the fuck up.
What was the deal with Tanya looking into a puddle and suddenly having some realization?
>People giggling at nut.
I don't know but I laugh.
I dunno, but given how she decided to not just launch a diversionary attack against the capital but also fucking sing the national anthem, plant their flag, and film some nice footage for those back home, my guess it was about how she let her hatred of Communism get in the way of rational thinking.
Was it not because she felt a little bad about having to fight such a young girl? That's how I had seen it anyway. Maybe I'm just retarded. Yours makes more sense.
I mean she did resolve to kill her afterwards.
I am a devout anti communist. I am a life long member of the anti Communist league of the Caribbean. I am a founder member of the WACL.
I have actually shed blood against Sandinistas.
In short, I am forever.
Nigga you gay
Far from it.
I didn't even know they are making a movie, and it looks like I won't see it - for a while.
Not only this movie would never be in the theaters in my country, but also I am not sure if they sell one ticket for a perston to watch the movie alone.
Lol, what a fag.
Have you never been in a movie theater user?
>Yea Forums hates commies now
what happened
It is a real war
And it is here every day rip proto1
Fucking tourists, when will they learn.
Tanya's design made her more than a generic loli. I really like her look in the anime.
I feel that scene was a personal attack against me.
If she were she would win.
this is a place for wehraboos, not commiecucks
Her anime design looks very close to the initial sketches in the back of volume five anyway.
I hate that the only person anons can contact to make this is fucking Shadman. What did we do to deserve this monkey's paw curse?
>Mary becomes notReagan's Star Wars
My theater had only a few laugh moments
More of chuckles compared to some of the other anons stories
>few of the anti-commie comments
>Tanya's dance
From other peoples stories sounds like a semi shit experience.
>yfw Crunchyroll told you to “Stay Ceunchy” at your local theater before Tanya
BDs when?
The giveaway book for the second week in Japan has a story about the 203rd at the beach.
there will be future showings, but probably not in the same theaters as yesterday
She doesn't want to use the Type-95 because it makes her pray (and lose her self/memories).
So she avoids using it to spite Sonsai X.
She criticizes Mary for making things personal, but then realized that letting her own personal issues hold her back was going to get her killed.
She only uses the Type-95 in the beginning to [try] to take out de Lugo and then at the end with Mary.
Remind me why Tanya is still using Mary's father's gun?
Mary and Tanya have their initial encounter in a similar way, but over notBritain during a search and rescue operation instead of notRussia during some psuedo exchange program.
Uncle Drake is flying with her at that time.
That part I've read.
What I've heard is that Tanya kills Mary in a later fight.
She took it when she killed him.
It better suits her small frame and she can make effective use of its rapid fire rate.
I hate when two righteous cuties have to kill each other.
Event showing. You missed it. Never to be screened again, unless some arthouse theater owner wants to let the public know how they really feel about commies.
Mary stopped being cute the second she cut her hair, she deserves whatever Tanya ends up doing to her.
>Mary stopped being cute the second she cut her hair
But that's wrong.
No one else was upset that they just broadcast a 1080p video file onto a movie screen?
I was pissed, the video looked like total dogshit because it wasn't actually the theatrical broadcast, it was just a shitty downscaled copy on a disc someone sent crunchyroll.
The Kizumonogatari films looked great. I suppose this is exactly what i get for giving crunchyshit money.
I hope, so they can animate the period gag from the manga.
This is all I expected desu. The days of film are over.
>these aren't adorable little monsters
One is literally Hitler
The other is a crazy religious zealot
sounds like two great lays.
The Evangelion NA theatrical showings and Kizumonogatari weren't 1080p files on a disc, they were the actual theatrical versions in theater quality resolution.
They showed the movie in the US at more than twice the number of theaters in one night than they did in all of Japan over four months.
Is this supposed to be some kind of excuse?
dead center. F row
Evangelion and Monogatari are extremely more established franchises than Tanya.
It just doesn't seem hard to get a not shit copy of a film for broadcasts in theaters. It feels like crunchyroll copped out hard.
If they think they can get away with it to save thousands of dollars they will do it.
Believe you me, NEVER Again will i give crunchy money.
I didn't notice anything wrong with the quality. Am I blind or was it only some theaters that got a shitty version?
If they're using film, they don't have enough copies in existence.
And they're certainly not going to bother going out of their way for some gaijin faggots.
Ticket prices were cheap and there weren't many theaters that sold out, so shipping that shit back and forth would be a waste.
I've seen the movie three times now. The best part of the theater is the sound. CGI use stood out more in the first screenings.
Even in Japan, Youjo Senki is relatively overlooked.
They did a bunch of cafe collaborations, but that's all marketing, not fandom.
Tanya is probably best known for Quartet at this point.
Some theaters were having some bandwidth issues, others didn't have settings right, and I saw one that was having some of automatic software update in the middle of screening.
First few minutes of mine had the ratio wrong and half the subtitles were cut off.
>Tanya is probably best known for Quartet at this point.
How to Nips handle their backlogs? Will ReZero/Overlord/Konosuba kiddies wonder "who that little blonde girl is" and check YS out?
I'm And my theatre (Emagine Cinemas, Canton MI) Definitely fucked up. The video as i said was obviously a 1080p hardsubbed video. It was also very dark, I wonder if this was because of the way the screen was tilted, or if it was the video file itself or the settings that were terrible, but i definitely enjoyed the film less because of how shitty it looked. If i had been watching on my laptop at home i'm sure it would have looked amazing and been tons of fun, instead of mediocre fun with amazing sound.
i'm also
Isekai Quartet got me to watch Konosuba and made me interested in ReZero, so that's probably what they're going for.
Its shorter than the Mondragon so she finds more comfortable
>nice quality showing
>no choppy or darkness looked great
>subs and sounds perfect
>reclining super comfy seats
>quiet respectful crowd who waited till after the film to talk, no one left till after the interview segment
>Stubbs member so drink popcorn and ticket cost less than $20
Based commiefornian AMC.
All the authors are friends too, so they're probably having fun with their own little crossover fanfiction.
>tfw you will never have your own friendly group of fellow isekai authors
Mary Sue looks very creepy.
Is there a rip of the movie already out there? i dont feel like paying money to theaters.
You can tell that she's a psycho. I like the contrasting madness between Tanya and Mary; both always ready to use violence to further their obsessive goals, but one stays much more levelheaded than the other.
>i dont feel like paying money to theaters
No longer a choice.
>didn't air in my country because we only get Dragon Ball here
Its not fairl
>Fascism didn't exist before the 19th century.
Bullshit. Fascism was invented by the ancients. Fascism is the political philosophy of the fasces.
We've spent several years watching Japanese propaganda.
I wonder if they make fun of Carlo for being a westaboo or Maruyama for being a fa/tg/uy.
>Probably because Tanya was already a adult in a childs body... and has a goal.. and knew past knowledge about ww2... and from a country that lost... and knows how to win it...
While Mary just wants revenge, a young child lost and filled with revenge while Tanya wants to live thats all.
Aren't 90% of Japanese fa/tg/uys westaboos as well?
Do it again commie Slayer.
They're all a little bit westaboo.
Post-war kind of forced it onto them.
There was a video about asking people on the street to make conversation without using loan words and nobody could do it.
There's a lot of MtG over there, but I haven't seen anyone playing DnD or Pathfinder.
Many western games I don't recognize.
I started owning things.
That's the smuggest picture of Churchill I've ever seen.
Kids living in their parents house.
Let's wait for day they will have to pay their bills and buy their own food.
she escaped to america though
I really enjoyed the movie but hated the audience
Do they have to giggle every time someone says "Fuck commies"?
Do they have to make background commentary on the events happening?
I sat next to a guy who brought his parents to watch with him for fuck's sake
Shit like this is why I don't associate myself with anime, even though it's my favorite hobby. I dread being grouped up with these creatures.
long hair was better
Plus 40 years would make her far older than Hitler and put the whole situation into the 60s.
>a canonically stupid character is a commie
wow desu
Is it me or did Tanya recreate the flag raising over the Reichstag, except the roles are reversed?
Naw, too much poof.
Ruined her anime silhouette.
She was basically hair and a dress.
thats happening in the manga though with the chapters that are set after the war is over. with them looking for info on tanya (without realising it was a little girl)
the crazy inventor turned into an old as fuck priest, and there is a massive cover up to keep tanya's location hidden
I appreciate that she looks less like a random anime girl who happens to have a flat chest and more like a random, awkward ten year old girl who grew up in a poor orphanage, which is more in line w her character (someone born into an almost worst-case scenario)
Something historical parodied in a history wank and you're the only one who caught it.
they pretty much gave her the duckface in the anime in the vain hope that people would not make hentai of her
When you're in a theatre full of faggots that openly comments on the Mary scenes out loud like an autist, it's hard to tell if they also happen to know their history.
Follow the comment chain.
Mien Kampf was written in 1925.
The few doujins in existence are mostly guro, if they had maintained the manga style we could have more doujins.
Ok, so you're confusing the people you encountered in the theater with the people here with a generous amount of history already mentioned in the thread?
>only anime adaptations get doujins
tanya is pure
>in the vain hope that people would not make hentai of her
I never believe this theory because it never works.
manga tanya tends to get her clothes destroyed
>ITT: stalism=every commie
brainlets the lot of you
people left of center actually hate pro-stalin shitters so we call them tankies
And that's why the manga is better than the anime.
>commie apologetics
kys scum
>admitting to being a commie
I hope you get your arm broken at your next "protest."
Do you think the reason Tanya hates commies is because it rhymes with kami?
Cool duck
She is a hardcore ancap that is the main reason
The initial comment was made by me. Sorry, my idea was that I would like to see Tanya at 51 (11+40) still similar looking due to magic and meth writing or having written the Mein Pomf and become Hitler but using her knowledge to actually win. We all know the WN future Tanya, but the LN can change that.
Wish there was a way to live stream it with anons who we'rent able to watch it.
I'm so glad I didn't see this
Why hasn't Tanya accepted her role as a girl after living as one for over a decade?
Tanya wouldn't be one to push for revanchism; she's neither a patriot nor a megalomaniac. She wants a quiet life with as little worries as possible. I would rather see her being openly against the rise of not!Hitler, trying her best to stop him and managing the shatters of the post-war Empire.
They're an incredibly bitter and stubborn person.
I haven't read the books so I may as well ask here
Has Tanya given any opinion to the fact that even if she survives the war and makes it into adulthood, one day she'll still have to take dick and produce lots of offspring for the Fatherland?
She humored the thought and decided not to think about it because being gay in either body or spirit was something she didn't want to consider.
I would rather see her as a grandmother taking care of her grandchildren by taking over the newGermany state.
in the WN she goes full big boss and opens a private military company
That's also a possibility. I do think a good role for her would be that of a good governess not out of love for her country or a sense of duty, but rather because she's paranoid about the government fucking up and leaving her in an unfavorable position, thus resulting in her taking the lead in order to secure her own future.
Is this the power of the american education system?
>neonazis still jerking off a LN written by a communist
>mein pomf
I'm a monarchist; nazis are idiots and there's literally nothing reminiscent of Nazism in YS.
lmao who cares
That communist writes a compelling libertarian protag and shit on Soviets pretty well.
Carlo says comrade ironically.
The books are very critical of communism.
If anything he fellates America more than Germany.
>that isn't a shadow
Thats fucking wrong
>Mein Pomf
Is where that joke should end.
The book was written when he was 36.
Tanya wouldn't violently resist the fatherland and would likely be tried and executed by any other nation if captured.
>that isn't a shadow
To be fair, females have a harder time controlling their bladders than males.
What did Tanya see in the water reflection during her fight with Mary Sioux?
that she was also consumed by emotion.
She's libertarian. The idea of Tanya being anarchist is hilarious tho.
"Kya! A weapon to surpass metal gear-chan!?!? O-O"
the anime design for tanya's romance interest (?) and mary sue's dad is better than the manga at least
but black people in scary movie audiences is kino as fuck
i was not even aware Tanya would get any sort of western presense at all. here i am just waiting for blu rays to come out so I can download it but apparently I could have watched it sooner