Is King a criticism of white people?

Is King a criticism of white people?

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Is OP a deconstruction of faggots?

Wouldn't he be Asian?

Hurr wypipo

King is actually from JoJo and Saitama is his stand.

I like it

At first I thought they were going to do something cool like that with him and the King Engine

I think it's best to keep king powerless, he's just a guy with very good/bad luck

He's ´retty much Mr Satan from Dragonball

White fragility in action

Nigger low IQ in action

Not OP but whiteboi keks are seething and can't even give a legitimate response.

>My Hobo Academia
>White supremacists are reduced to LARPers in the 21st century
Motherfucker looks like Redneck Deku!! LMFAO!!

Unironically go back to r*ddit.

yeah im sure everyone is as obsessed about racist BS as you, kys twitter scum.

I can't wait for /pol/ to take over this board so people like op get btfo and leave

The other boards /pol/ has taken over have just turned into landfills. If anything they attract leftist trolls it seems, that or they're arguing with their own false flags.

Not gonna lie, I just hang out on t_d now and the boards we take over greatly improve in content, I assumed it would be the same here.

No, he's a symbol of the patriarchy. He seems scary, and it's hard to hear yourself think over the sound of your biological clock going into overdrive, but if you have courage you can defeat him easily. And then some other patriarchy will swoop in and oppress you with irresistible power, and all you can do is take it like a woman.

That's the ironic thing, /pol/ hates immigrants but they've had the same effect on Yea Forums, /tg/, etc. than north African niggers have had on Calais, France.

Eh I like the chaos more desu
Better that than having leftists think they belong

more like a parody

But leftists thrive on the idea that you're mentally ill retards. That's probably why leftist trolls are so attracted to the /pol/-infected boards, but you don't hear much leftist thought in any other board.

>acting like apes to own the libs

>These people shitpost with nigger all day and night but couldn’t stand being insulted about their own skin color

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>you don't hear much leftist thought in any other board.
if you think this you're probably a leftist. I see leftists garbage everywhere on this site

Yes, on the /pol/-infected boards.

Define /pol/ infected board
Yea Forums has libshits all over it, /k/ doesn't. Any that show up get btfo immediately.

Every board is infected with /pol/


>Is a white otaku living in not-Japan

He's pretty how the Japanese view western males, they sometimes look tough and manly but they can also be useless otakus who just want to play pervy dating sims.

this is kind of my point.
It feels like the joke with King is that he looks tall, masculine and intimidating but he's actually not discliplined.
Seems like a critique of white people.

cgl co lit mu ck his news have dedicated threads to leftist ideology

Not for long. We are making a dedicated effort to change that.

> Critique
His prominence and reputation are a product of the Japanese tendency to jump to conclusions and judge by appearances. The fact that he's a normal otaku gaijin merely underlines how much social consensus blinds Japanese people.
So maybe he's satirical. But far more likely, he's a gag character in a comedy series.

>lies about being superior
>lies his entire life
>relies on other people to protect him
>takes credit for other people's actions
>acts tough
>is a cringelord when alone
>never admits it


>white otaku
Looks japanese to me.

What is it about OPM that attracts crossboarders? Also fuck niggers, kikes, gooks, chinks, spics, libtards, and women.

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Implying white people won’t wreck your ass when not being moral-fags.

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Fuck jannies

but king is the most powerful character in the opm universe

eat shit fatemonkey


You forgot "fuck white ass crackers"

Do subhumans ever stop comparing themselves to whites? It’s sad when you realise whites don’t think about them at all, but they just can’t seem to help themselves.

We could give a response if you figure out how to make a proper question.
I don't see any analogy of King and white people.
Unless you believe the delusion that shitskins made everything and whites (King) take credit every time.
Which is why everyone makes fun of you with the WE WUZ KANGS.

If is by King being a weeaboo who likes moe shit, then that would be accurate to a tiny portion of whites and won't exclude weabos from japan or any country or race.

Ultimately I see no possible point of why a Japanese mangaka would make an analogy to a group of people he has probably never interacted with in his life.
And I assume it's white Americans, since literally no other group of imbeciles in the planet is known for complaining at wypipo all the time over every dumb shit.


what made you come to that conclusion?

A new Jo Jo arc is The man Verses his Stand. The Stand becomes its own master, the master becomes its own stand.

>this thread
I don't care about your views, but go back to the shitholes you crawled out of, be it /pol/,/leftypol/,/int/ or reddit.
Nearly all boards are infected with the same cancerous political shitflinging. Everything you faggots touch gets derailed and turned to shit.

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Posting in this thread so this button kills me

white people are the worst
most of my country is white
that's how I know

>blowing anyone out ever
Screeching /pol/tard detected.

When it comes to anime, not a single character is non-japanese unless specifically stated to be.
Even characters you'd expect to be non-japanese, like for example Superalloy Darkshine, are just Japanese with a tan.

pic related darkshine's flashback

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