What do you want Ky*** Animation to animate?
What do you want Ky*** Animation to animate?
New Kino no Tabi anime.
OMP Season 2. What we got is not a sequel.
just some more comfy moeshit anime and not this serious drama bs
>Kyoani have the best audiovisuls and production values in the industry and he wants them adapting that crap
I want more stuff like TSR. It legitemately has some of the best character action in anime history.
Less shit like VEG and Homo-show-of-the-year. I'd honestly enjoy something like Amagi from them again.
A drama, heavy drama, but drawn in moestyle with cgdct cast
Murder an all the like
Sukasuka, and JoJo parts 6 and 7
Gravity's Rainbow
Cute werewolves doing cute werewolf things.
>Less shit like VEG
I'd love to beat you to death, amagiturd.
The Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer.
Cry harder Amagi is by far their best work.
It's a pipe dream but they made a movie of her previous work.
I bet you couldn't reach my face you limp wristed, cry of the week fag.
Oh god no.
Kyoani can't do anything outside of SOL.
Me too. Shame it's being ruined with cgi shit.
Yes they can newfag. TSR was amazing.
Nu-kyoani can't though.
Yes they can, nigger. You don't even watch their anime.
Their bankruptcy.
Modern Kyoani are better in the sakuga department you dingus. Their action scenes make the rest of the industry look like amateurs.
>literally weightless hits
>no impact at all behind them
years behind bones
you must be joking if you think that looks good
You don't know what "weight" means.
>years behind bones
You mean like these totally weightless punches here? Kill yourself troll.
>literally weightless hits
But this is a blatant and obvious lie. You clearly see Violet draw back her weapon before striking. After which it break and piece naturally go flying off. The solder reacts to the impact too, moving upwards slightly when getting kicked in the head. Stop using terms you don't know the meaning of you absolute mongoloid.
b...b...but it's a..animated on 1s so it doesn't matter!! s.. shut up! Im not stupid ur stupid!
Fuck off KHK.
This is chuuni as fuck, but kino
Trips of truth. KHK is mentally ill.
Indeed. Fuck KHK for irrationally hating on it like the deranged autist is.
>everyone you don't like is khk
imagine being this brain-damaged
Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru
I want them to animate the rest of the VEG chapters, especially Edward's chapter. You know what just give me the fucking Edward chapter, I mean for fucks sake Isabella the turbo lesbian is getting animated so why can't I have Edward animated?
How many times do you need to be banned KHK?
Kill yourself KHK. Fuck you and you unjust hate for a beautiful studio like Kyoani.
You're not fooling anyone schizo.
Haruhi S3
Ain't happening. That's Kado's property.
Succession War arc of Hunter x Hunter once it's finished
Doesn't Kyoani always destroy the source material and do whatever their vaginas feel like doing that day? Why would anyone want that for their favourite series.
They have a strict no-shonen policy. Yea Forums told me so.
This is so stupid. The robot doesn't move at all whilst taking that barrage of punches in mid air. WTF Bones, this is dogshit.
current HxH arc is seinen disguised as shonen, I just don't want Madhouse to get their hands on HxH again
No, that's just something spammed by KHK. They say if you repeat a lie of Yea Forums for long enough it eventually becomes truth. Let me be clear. Kyoani maintain being one of the most faithful studios and in the event that they do change the source material, it's usually for the better. For example the last arc of Phantom World was anime original and the only good part of the series. Also studios modifying source material is common practice, studios like JC Staff do it all the time. People only hear about it when Kyoani do it because trolls blow it out of proportion.
Cute SOL with little drama or a more action heavy series. They do drama fine but I'm just not a fan of their heavy drama shows, and they do action sequences so well but they really haven't had a good action heavy show. Also please, for the love of god, no more fujoshi gay shit. And I say this as a literal fag
This looks spectacular.
Fuck off Bazztek.
Their new anime has an interesting setting and a female mc. We're in luck.
>They say if you repeat a lie of Yea Forums for long enough it eventually becomes truth
KHK will never become true though, at least you make it easy to spot you.
>This magic catalog will stop me from getting arrange-married against my will!
Annnnnnd into the incinerator it goes.
>KHK will never become true though
You're right, something that doesn't exist can never "become true".
I really wanna see Sasaki animated
>People only hear about it when Kyoani do it
Could you be more of a cock sucker? People complain about unfaithful adaptations when ANYONE does it. I can't believe you'd bring up JC Staff with OPM airing. People shit themselves just because a few seconds of a fight were changed from the source.
Stop replying to yourself spammer.
>damage controlling
>replying to himself
Die KHK.
You're not fooling anyone schizo.
Kill yourself KHK
Kill yourself, Bazztek.
Kyokai no Kanata is in my kyoani top 5
Could you, you obsessed cunt?
>People complain about unfaithful adaptations when ANYONE does it.
Not really. It's also certainly true that people overact when Kyoani do it and this is fuelled by known spammers. Most people don't realise that it was Kyoani's fucking original content that make anime like K-On such a massive success.
Unironically good taste, that show is underrated.
There is only one obsessed cunt here.
>all those deleted posts
So...Enigma Godlike or Bazztek?
That's you schizo.
Trips of truth.
>khk still spamming
You're a lot like ACK, KHK. Constantly trying to damage control and deflect even after it's obvious to everyone who you are. ACK still does 7 years later. We know you're mentally ill and that you've dedicated you life to irrationally hating on Kyoani and spamming related threads but just stop posting like that because it's comically depressing.
The fuck?
>weightless garbage
Madoka Remake.
Haruhi, not because I want their animation but just to stick it to all the Kyoani stuff that thought they were above that shit
it's Homo-show-of-the-fortnight at best
A Hyouka movie.
they are animating that chapter so they can animate Violet in the nude.
Right now I want more Hibike. I love it so much. I saw the movie and I want even more.
Alternatively, if they could stop making fujoshit that would be nice.
Beatless. I would've loved to have seen that with high production values.
More Lucky Star
I want a Sailor Moon Reboot.
>But Toei already did...
So I need to fill in the blanks right?
Kyoto Animation, also known as KyoAni
First post best post. Recent adaptation was subpar visually.
That is correct.
Kajiura left her agency and Kalafina has split up. It wouldn't be the same.
I liked it more or less. It had some poor looking CGI at times though. It looked better than Shaft's movie they made though and I liked the art style more than the 2003 version even if the 2003 version did almost everything else better.
Some high quality hentai for each Kirara show.
I second this
Detroit Metal City S2