Important Announcement for Nanoha Tomorrow

Dare I say, is it an announcement for a StrikerS remake? Or will it be Vivid S2, or Strike S2, or a TV adaptation of Reflection and Detonation? I just want my lesbian cyborg to return is that too much to ask?

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Probably movie announcement of some sort.

Attached: __signum_mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_a_s_and_etc_drawn_by_diesel_turbo__f079ed8af828fb6db644655a3c93 (755x1056, 526K)

StrikerS movie remake incoming

Attached: 1536487222852.gif (300x300, 154K)

>thread made by shitposter.
>I just want my lesbian cyborg to return is that too much to ask?
Yes. Now fuck off to kill some other franchise.

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_00. (1920x1080, 150K)

Nice outsider picture.
You have to go back, and take your ShitterSshit with you.

Attached: 0f0be2a4509aad74d1efb7e5fa6b48f4.jpg (700x997, 465K)

I'm now praying the announcement is nothing Reflection or Detonation related just so I can drink your salty tears, bitch-kun.

That's cute. I don't have to pray for anything and I'm already drinking yours.

It's going to be a post Detonation manga by the Innocent mangaka.

Why do you believe that?

No matter what its gonna be disappointing

They went through the trouble of rebooting the continuity and destroying the black pest known as "all that horrible post A's shit". It's a good guess to make.

More Reflection/Detonation material literally could not be disappointing no matter what they tried.


Attached: [アニメ BD] 魔法少女リリカルなのはStrikerS(第3期) 第17話「その日、機動六� (1912x1068, 175K)

Sadly a manga is probably what is going to happen

God, ShitterS was such a godawful fanfic. Thank god it won't matter now, nor ever again.

A Reflection/Detonation manga!

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_00. (1920x1080, 123K)

>it only took him 5 fucking minutes to show up

I should've used Vivio as the OP image. I wonder why /u/ Nanoha threads aren't plagued by him?

>I wonder why /u/ Nanoha threads aren't plagued by him?
He did try in the beginning, but the mods shut him down pretty quickly.

I see

Are you going to continue your metaposting samefagging every time the thread reaches page 10 all the way to bump limit?
If you don't have anything to add nor are going to express your happiness at the new Reflection/Detonation material that'll be announced on Saturday then let the thread go.

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_00. (1920x1080, 126K)

>new Reflection/Detonation material
Pun not intended.

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Man I hope it's a StrikerS movie. It would benefit the most from one unlike the first 2 which were super compressed.
Probably gonna be something lazy like a Detonation manga though. Or Nanoha Super.

Doing another recap would be lazy, not to mention massively counter-productive. I'm sure they don't want to throw away all the good will they built up these last two years quite this soon.

Nanoha Super would be ideal, though I quite like the idea of continuing the Reflection side-story manga with a Detonation continuation manga. That'd be swell too.

I should've posted this on /m/ instead

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Nips seem to think the announcement will be FORCE resuming due to the artist recently drawing Tohma, Lily and Petanko

That's just too bad for them. There's no reason for that to happen and nobody wants it to happen.

Would they actually continue it or has it been so long that they should just reboot it?

Neither because it has literally 0 chance of ever happening.

You just know they'd try to continue it from where it left off.

Which would be retarded given it's been so long that nobody remembers where that is. Then again, they'd have to be THAT retarded to bring back EDGE i mean FORCE now, of all times. That ship sailed long ago. Better to focus on what people are actually talking about and what's given them positive press for the first time among the core Nanoha fanbase in forever.

I guess it's possible.
A manga I used to read came back last year after a seven year hiatus so maybe people have really good memory.

So then judging from the other Nip comments. either an INNOCENT anime, StrikerS movie, or Vivid S2. Not many comments about Reflection or Detonation or Strike.

Likely a manga that people have wanted to see come back.
Nobody wants Forceshit ever again except for a tiny group of actual shitposters that aren't even nips.

The Innocent anime is the only thing in there besides R&D-related media which has any realistic chance of happening. They wouldn't have taken the time to retcon ShitterS if anyone still liked it, they deconfirmed a Shitid anime sequel long ago and there'd no money reason to continue it now since the piece of shit is cancelled, and Shitid Shite was such an unbelievable mess that it actually managed to pull Reflection out of development hell.

I know people here really fucking hate it when Nanoha is a good franchise but R&D stuffs or an Innocent adaptation are the most likely things to happen so pick your poison.

We'll get a new season featuring adopted daughter of Einhart and Vivio


I'd kill for Strike S2.

Are those your OCs? Cute.

You do need to be locked up. I say you go and try, see what happens.

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_00. (1920x1080, 117K)

It's probably just a collab announcement for that Madoka mobile game.

>InnocentS adaptation
>It's a prelude to a gacha mobage

Still much better than the alternatives.

I'm really hoping for a S2 of Strike or Vivid, having to wait 1-2 years for the movies is lame as hell.

Inb4 its Force animated but with the story completely redone

having to wait 1-2 years for the movies >>> seeing nanoha get slowly destroyed because of ADHD kids that can't just go watch symphogear

>Inb4 its Force
You can't inb4 something that will never happen, retard. Nevermind the rest of your post.