ITT: Plot points that went nowhere
ITT: Plot points that went nowhere
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Asuma summed it up perfectly
Ino didn't have the chakra so Sakura broke out through willpower
It didn't go anywhere because it wasn't super important
Ino wasn't actually a master of that jutsu
Guess Sakura went ot therapy during the timeskip and people were polite to not talk about her now cured dissociative identity disorder.
>Zeppeli making Jojo learn to use the ripple in other ways than just punch enhancing, like with the wine glass
>Kars saving a dog
>Dio being able to use Hermit Purple
>past Josuke saving himself
>Giorno having a personality
>by the end of part 6: technically everything not Emporio related
>needing the spin to walk again
>too early to say about part 8, shakedown road I guess
going nowhere is not the same as being scrapped
>Kars saving a dog
he didn't like people
>past Josuke saving himself
>>too early to say about part 8, shakedown road I guess
why go over there if you know you're going to get scammed or scam other people?
>>Giorno having a personality
nevet happened
Back when I still wanted to fuck Sakura
What if Inner Sakura was revealed to be a tailed beast?
Didn''t that inner sakura also show up in the games aswell? That shit always confused me. The games I'm talking about are the naruto ultimate ninja heroes series on psp, and I think it's been shown in the ultimate ninja storm series too.
>Sakura has the zero tailed beast
>the strongest demon is man
That would've been way too interesting and philosophical for Kishimoto
So much lost potential.
Could've written her to have a legitimate mental illness that she used to her advantage to break genjutsus and shit.
Gave that to Naruto instead though.
Sakura being skilled in genjustsu.
Kakashi’s main fighting style is copying other people’s moves.
Might Guy summoning a tortoise
The entirety of Team Taka
Raven Tail in Fairy tail
Nicest girl you'll ever meet... and twisted fucking psychopath.
>Nicest girl you'll ever meet
Pick one
And yeah, I understood the reference
>Kars saving a dog
He also saved a flower, before the squirrel thing it felt like Kars loved nature and animals
I miss inner Sakura. That was one of the only interesting things about the character.
it only was around for 10 chapters or so user. The fact that filler kept darring it back up might've warped your perception.
I think the fact that Kishi used it as an excuse to have Ino lose to her despite Ino clearly having a specalized Jutsu when Sakura had none makes it weird, then again the entire part of that arc was solved with lazy bullshit and jokes, Naruto defeated his opponent with a fart, Sasuke aped the move Lee used on him, Neji went edgy and hurt Hinata way more than he should have, Ten-ten didn't even get a fight in the manga, it was over in a panel, Shino's fight was over just as quickly and Choji's was completely played for laughs.
it's hard to believe these characters are just as old as I me if not a little bit younger and have houses, kids and jobs now, through lee remains a forever virgin, he adopted Metal Lee tkhe same way Gai adopted him
Kishi really is the Toriyama of our time because you can tell he stopped caring about the franchise once they became teens just like that guy stopped caring once Goku had Gohan
It was an actual mental illness rather than being the reincarnation of some god
I remember back when this was actually a frequent prospect in
Oh god, Sakura was the true crusader king this whole time
She should have lost. Them having a tie is fucking lame and doesn’t flesh out the characters in any way.
I get that she already promised that she’d get stronger in the Forest of Death, but her losing would atleast drive the point home that she needs to improve.
Neji was very edgy originally.
I remember when having Naruto just die was popular there too.
>Kakashi’s main fighting style is copying other people’s moves.
This was his Sharingan that he got from Obito
Tokyo Ghoul was so full of that.
The series thrived on fans coming up with theories to the million loose ends that didn't get tied up or were tied up half-assedly
>Neji having the thickest Hyuuga blood
That’s because he’s Hizashi’s kid.
Stop samefagging your shit thread, you iPhone using Narutard
Take your meds.
>Yukinoshita and Hayama family issues
>Hachiman never telling Iroha that he made her SCP because he wants to remain close to Yukino
>never really going into detail what happened between Haruno, Yukino and Hayama's childhood
>Hachiman's desire for something genuine and the service club trying to fulfill that request being dropped so he could just continue to be a generic harem protagonist who never makes a choice
>Haruno's motivation and her reason for being a bitch
>the car accident and the purpose of the service club
Watari decided hanging plot threads is less important than Hachiman going out on dates with Yui, Saki, Haruno, Totsuka and Iroha. What a fucking hack.
>Being intimidated by Naruto's storytelling
Fucking brainlet.
Fuck off you cancerous Narutard mobile poster
Imagine being such a loser. Get laid autist
>ITT People who don't know what a plot point is.
Someone saying or doing something once isn't a plot point. If this was brought up multiple times or mentioned again literally once more then you could call it a plot point.
Fuck off mobile cnacer
This was actually set up for him not being able to use the One later.
>goes The One Form
>Zeldris holds him back anyways
>instantly gets wrecked by sunshine when not wielded by Escanor
The writing is quite crazy though.
Spoiler that shit man.
i would rather have Escanor dying from sunshine tuberculosis or some shit than having him being reduced to just a joke character.
the sin of pride guys, the sin of pride.
>Plot points that went nowhere.
Who said the Tailed Beasts went from 1 to 9?