So Was gon the worst shounen mc?
So Was gon the worst shounen mc?
? He's like the best one, if not one of the best. It's not like the competition is hard.
yes, only whisperchads think he is good but he is actually retarded and gay
That title probably belongs to Goku.
Goku is actually likeable and I don't remember him being a drama queen, is impossible to like drama queens like Gon.
they're all pretty much the same
yes, because he is made for seinen
He's not the best by default because he exists strictly to "deconstruct" the Shonen MC while still missing the point of the Shonen MC entirely.
>I have to train to get stronger!
Wow, yeah, really likable character. Adult Goku is a shit character in a shit show.
>Gon is a drama queen
You don't know what "drama queen" means, do you?
How miserable does your life have to be to post the same thread again and again because you have an inferiority complex about cartoons? Not to mention it will go as the last one, you'll get assblasted and ridiculed like the brainlet you are. You're a pathetic human being, do something else with your stupid life
>spoiled child throwing a tantrum
Nobody likes the kid with the perfect life, if you want more characters like Gon just watch the Disney Channel, though those characters are mostly spoiled 13 years old girls.
No he doesn't, and you don't know what deconsturct means. HxH is nothing but another shounen show; the difference being that unlike many, it's written really well. That's all.
Hahahaha. That's some funny bait, m8.
>hurr durr le buzzword
How could anyone argue against that.
At least watch the thing before talking shit, he's not spoiled, his life is normal and he throws a tantrum because his mentor gets dismembered before his eyes and then killed, not just because. While you are here throwing one and making a fool out of yourself because of a manga character, who is the spoiled idiot? Do the world a favor and kys
Gon is probably the least interesting HxH protagonist since he's just kid Goku, although he's still more interesting than your average shonen self insert. His character arc is better than kid Goku since DB rarely put Goku under stress or in any extreme situations to actually utilize the strengths of his character.
I have read the manga 12 times, watched the original anime 4 times and 2011 once.
>he's not spoiled, his life is normal
His life is perfect and he throws it away for le eric adventures, and the only thing that makes him an interesting character is the people around him, he's fucking shit.
>he throws a tantrum because his mentor gets dismembered before his eyes and then killed
No you moron, he goes full drama queen because he blames himself for it and take a bunch of retarded decisions that hurts everyone around him including Killua, fuck that piece of shit and anyone that likes him.
You're a dumb ape and the most retarded person ever for not understanding shit after going over the story all those times. He threw away what, living in a stupid island doing nothing for all his life? Only a waste of a human being like you would settle for that. And he didn't do it for "adventures", mongoloid, read it another hundred times, and try to not just look at pictures this time, maybe ask your mom to help you understand the words as it appears they're too difficult for your brain capacity. I've already given you the attention you were so desperately seeking and that your parents couldn't give you, not gonna lose any more brain cells trying to make sense of your mumbling, hope someone else has enough pity to gift you some more (You)s
>That title probably belongs to Goku.
Hunterfags and BCfags brought this console war shit on themselves.
of course not, idiot, he's just perfectly written
>op is a faggot
>not even arguing against Gon being a spoiled brat or anything
>ad hominem all the way down
This is a new level of retardation, stop sucking cocks so much and come up with an argument the next time you reply to me.
He's definitely up among the best as far as writing goes. It was actually refreshing to see a shonen MC who didn't stagnate as the same archtype forever
I blame Yea Forums for being retarded enough to think Hunterchad posts were anything other than bait.
Certainly the worst visual design.
Given the layers that people operate on these days it's hard to find who to point the finger at. People enjoy being inflammatory and plastering their emotions everywhere without backing them up. While I'd never give them the time of day, it's tough to say how ironic some things are meant to be seen.
Pic related is even on multiple layers these days. Stupid people think they're smart by acting stupid. Even the people responding to the bait might be playing a role on some level.
He's one of the best actually
Gon is great because he's not a moralfag like 99% of shounen MCs
That's just a sketch, user, post the real page.
It has soul
Gon didn’t do anything different than what Goku did to Tamborine and Piccolo, or Luffy acts like when he sees Blackbeard. Shonen revenge arcs are the most basic bitch tropes ever.
>but muh blind girl
Never actually laid a hand on her, was probably just bluffing too.
Wrong! Gon going through all grief stages to reach his transformation was so amazingly built since It didn’t occur because plot convenience, it happened because everything builds to that point:
>Stage: Denial
Gon completely denies Kite dead and in this case, his usual positive attitude plays a significant role in clouding his reasonable judgment
>Stage: Depression
Gon becomes frustrated to the point of a momentary depression because he couldn’t beat Knuckle and felt overwhelmed with his weakness, which prevented him from saving Kite the second time they went to NGL.
>Stage: Denial
After witnessing Kite puppet-like condition Gon holds firm to his denial of Kite being dead, but this time though he shifted his denial from having to rescue Kite to finding a way to get him back to normal.
>Stage: Anger
Gon focused all his anger towards Pitou blaming her for getting Kite the way he was (like a marionette). His previous weakness is compensated with hate so deep that grants him catastrophic power.
>Stage: Bargaining
Gon feels incredibly helpless with an overwhelming amount of guilt. He finally accepted (after two denials) that Kite indeed is dead. Even still (true to the bargaining stage) he tries to negotiate a way out of his loss by assuming several “What if…”
>Stage: Anger
All the conditions were met to awaken this power, and the amount of hate and anger was so absurd that Gon didn’t care if that was his end. As long as he could completely obliterate Pitou from the face of the Earth, he will come to terms with his suicidal decision.
>Stage: Acceptance
Thanks to Killua and Alluka, Gon came back from certain death and was able to reach the final stage, acceptance. So Gon and Kite cheated death, they just needed to accept that they should move on, now as true friends that will help each other in the future.
This kind of development never happens in other shounen
This. Revenge arcs are pretty basic and cliche concepts in anime, but only few show revenge in such nuance way. Also it parallels with Netero and Meruem conflict and fundamental themes of CA arc perfectly.
Precisely, there are multi-layers and parallels to classic literature regarding his character arc. Gon's suffering, can be understood as Faust to whom all his wishes are fulfilled by the devil, in the guise of Pitou. Just like Faust, he strives for the superhuman, but instead of knowledge he wants Kite to be healed. The pact can be rediscovered in Gon's desire to seek revenge on Pitou. He even gave his soul for it. Killua is the good friend, like Serenus Zeitblom in Doctor Faustus or the figure of Wagner in Goethe's Faust, who wants to stop him, but fails. The Gretchenmotiv can be found in the form of Komugi, which also carries the figure of Helena as an actress, but still can not redeem Gon. Gon-san's "suicide" recalls the death of Faust at Lenau. As in the saga of Johann Georg Faust, Gon-san is found as a hideous grimace.
>gon goes through denial about Kite being dead
>also Kite cheated death and Gon learns nothing from it
Jesus at least read your pasta before you spam it
why did he hate and lecture the spiders for killing though?
>Thanks to Killua and Alluka, Gon came back from certain death and was able to reach the final stage, acceptance. So Gon and Kite cheated death, they just needed to accept that they should move on, now as true friends that will help each other in the future.
He's a complex character.
which episode is this user
Episode 53 of DBS
>gon thread
>pitou thread
>hxh vs. X thread
why do we have these every fucking day
>being hypocritical is complex
be honest, is this your first anime?
This, and in the boat scene he goes out of his way to help drowning people, risking his own life. Suddenly later on, he doesn't care what happens to other people as long as he gets his way.
Wait until next 10 chapters get announced.
>gets angry one time
I know it’s bait but I’d prefer the long winded ones with the clown and high school level philosophy.
No, Kirito and Naruto deserve it more.
>main character
>doesnt have a character
wow nice subversion togashi
Same obsessed shitposter with literal autism, and the rest of us bored enough to take the bait
Don't know bout the worst but i do know who was the greatest
Nardo doesn't have shit on Yusuke, zabuza/haku arc just ripped off rurouni kenshin
characters grow and develop, and their morals change over the course of the series
Why not? He didn't kill that bitch, are you retarded to the point of equating a threat to actually killing her? How many million people threaten to kill someone every day because they're mad? Why are weebs so fucking stupid and they can't into society common sense?
Gon sense of morals are some of the most bipolar I’ve ever seen from a shonen character this dude lacks common sense.
You lack brain cells
Here’s you’re reply
We'll stop when all the humans of the world open up their hearts and asses and accept HxH's love.
He is psychopath
Question: why do you think good writing means having parallels and references to other works?
Also, how is Komugi in any way close to the Gretchenmotiv?
>So Was gon the worst shounen mc?
Well, Gon is a legitimately well-written character. If that makes him a failure as a shounen protagonist (a role which is usually badly-written), so be it.
Dumb zoomers.
Goku was fine until Freeza saga(just like Dragon Ball in general)
After that he was shit, but far from the worst shonen MC.
Reminder that pic related is objectively the GOAT Shonen MC.
When does HxH get good?
There's always Tsuna.
Chapter 1.
You mean the generic shonen protagonist sets out on his generic adventure? I mean when does it start subverting expectations.
>tfw just want to talk about the manga because it's my favorite arc so far
>chapters are so sparse and hxhposters are so retarded that threads are unbearable
>when does it start subverting expectations.
If you expect it to subvert your expectations, how is it supposed to do that?
It can either subvert your expectations, in which case it wouldn't, as you expected subversion.
Or it can not subvert your expectations, in which case it would subvert your expectation of subversion.
It's the calssical Lier's Paradox.
Just go in and enjoy it, mate. It's genuinely good if you give it some room to breath.
What chapter/episode are you at and what are your complains?
I must have forgotten the part in Faust where he uses his new powers to beat the shit out of Mephistopheles. Truly Gon vs Pitou is a faustian masterpiece for the ages.
I actually think Hunterchads have unironically improved the state of the board. They post such long-winded and involved bullshit pseudointelligent posts, and are so invested to keeping up that facade when met with the standard response to shitposters, that the only way to combat them has been to respond to them with genuinely intelligent posts which just maturely knock apart their flimsy arguments/claims.
Hunterchads make the board smarter by being so invested in their own fart-sniffing bullshit that actually intelligent people have to emerge from the woodwork to educate them.
>actually intelligent people have to emerge from the woodwork
What are you smoking? The only ones who ever respond to "Hunterchads" are fanatic One Piece shitters who throw around sales numbers and hiatus as if that would lend them credibility. If anything, "Hunterchads" made the board better by attracting most trolls to their threads and away from proper threads. Or at least they would if they didn't continue their shit in some unrelated threads.
What those falseflaggers actually did was making any serious discussion about HxH impossible.
Really boils down to this in the end. Hunterchads are just funnier than the people who are leading the "counter-raids". I remember when the Tsubone argument got brought up. The counter-raiders were shilling the "HAHA TRANSFORMERS HAHAH" all weekend to the point where it became sad and all it took was one guy typing up a dumb Kafka shitpost to completely nullify it. Hunterchads literally took the counter-raiders' "best" meme and turned it against them and all they say in response is, "N-NUH UH, HE ISNT REFERENCING KAFKA UR DUMB!" as if anyone literally believed it. It is actually fucking sad.
No to Deku first and luffy second.
Based user.
For killing innocent people and not giving any single thought about their victims yet the Spiders know what it feels to lose someone close? What are you, a brainless speedreading retard or some other stupid creature?
Because those other people knew the risk and they were competitors, how is this so hard to understand? Tell me user.
Pretty much this
gon is literal garbage and im glad he is gone
Again with this retard.
Gon isn't a pussy who cries all the time like Deku, so NO.
Because gon is a good characters, HxH is good, pitou is interesting and eue pleasing. People like to talk about nice things. If you want disgrace and bad news then just turn the tv on and watch they talking about murders and so on for hours.
because hxh is like a religion to some people and they won't move on to other anime/manga. Everytime they talk about HxH and they will continue to do so for months or years to come.
> pitou is interesting
Spotted the pitouscum from pajeetland
Pouf > Youpi > Pitou
Gon is boring and lame even his power is lame.
>Gon is boring and lame even his power is lame.
Well what else are we going to do whilst we wait for Togashi to die from back pain
Deku, Goku, Natsu, Meliodas and other retarded protags are far far worse.
Gon however is far from the best. He's a character written around one climactic moment in a long-running series. It doesn't work. Togashi himself had already written a far far better protagonist with Yusuke, who's incidentally the best shounen MC imo.
Can hunterfags explain what is so good about this series in hiatus to a dragonballfag? I fell for the My hero meme and regretted it
Gon stopped being the MC around the end of the Greed Island arc.
The Chimera Ant arc would have ended the same way without him. Meruem gets nuked, the other royal guards end up dying from poison.
The election arc would have ended with the rabbit girl winning either way. Leorio winning amounted to nothing once Gon woke up.
The Dark Continent arc doesn't contain Gon at all.
It's even kind of debatable whether Gon had any meaningful impact on the Yorkshin City arc lmao.
The writing. It doesn't care for your usual "shounen tropes" and default plot arcs. It's also less formulaic than what you find in most other "battle shounen", including Dragon Ball.
Most of all, it does have interesting characters, character interactions and characters arcs.
Of course, I can't tell you whether you'll like it or not. That's for you to find out yourself.
None of that means that Gon isn't the main character anymore. It just means that Togashi doesn't give a shit about your preconceived notions of what a main character is supposed to be or how a narrative must play out.
It's one of those things that Togashi can afford to do that other writers can't because of his standing. It's something other writers wouldn't have the guts to do. And it's something that sets HxH apart from other manga.
Nah ... it's standard
>he doesn't know what protagonist means
I think JoJo is unique in that its story is different genre but still it hasn't grabbed me fully, and there is no way ill ever read One Piece, read a few chapters and that shit bored me, I liked Boku no hero at first but it started to get more and more formulaic. Is Hunter's world building good? im a sucker for good world building.
>Is Hunter's world building good?
That depends on your definition of both "world building" and "good". It does establish its setting well, but it doesn't do Tolkien levels of exploration of random shit.
>there is no way ill ever read One Piece
Doesn't matter. One Piece is pretty much the polar opposite of what HxH does.
>well-written character
how can you write something nonexistant "well"?
Go back to reading One Piece, retard.
>so was gon the best shounen mc*
Fixed that for you.
god i love hxh copypastas
He's easily not the worst (above average) but not the best. He has some decent development and an interesting consistent personality but I think his appeal mostly stems from the work of the plot. Its hard to give a shit about Gon outside of the context of HxH specifically, whereas some other shonen characters are interesting standalone, outside of the context of the story around them.
Ok, so gon sacrifices his potential, but he got ress'd.
Does he still have the potential or is he a average nen user?
>Does he still have the potential or is he a average nen user?
He doesn't have any potential and he's not a nen user anymore.
Concession accepted.
I tought he had got his nen back?
How the fuck is he even a MC anymore?
Gon is the most homosexual shounen mc.
He's not.
Kurapika is main character now.
No i mean, will he ever come back to having any relevance?
How does Pitou have nothing to do with Gon
Togashi said in interview that Gon's story ended when he met his father.
I don't think Gon will come back
As a Dragonball fan you won't enjoy this series, but you might like the "hype" moments that happen in the show. Specially Yorknew and the fights in CA arc. As a Dragonball fan you won't enjoy the first 40 episodes, and the Nen system will be pretty difficult for you to grasp, so it will be really hard to watch. Its not a show I'd suggest to a DB fan.
seems so pointless after he pulled the wishing well nonsense
Uh, i tought he was going to the dark continent, sad.
Well i hope kurapika is as good a MC as gon was.
>Uh, i tought he was going to the dark continent, sad.
Well, maybe. Only Togashi knows
He was threatening Komugi.
There's nothing to concede. We're not arguing anything. You just stated that you don't consider characters that aren't over-the-top as characters. That's pretty much all anyone needs to know where you're coming from.
>the Nen system will be pretty difficult for you to grasp
Come on, not every fan of Dragonball is necessarily retarded.
HxH isn't even shounen
>people thinking gon wasnt really going to kill homugi
LMAO, even if the butterfly faggot had taken a step in his direction homugi was going to die.
You can see when a people is making false threats and when its warning you, gon was unstable as fuck
A quick look at the DBS thread will prove you wrong.
It is shounen, on surface level at least
The real proof is that Gon actually charged his JaJanken and he was going to attack. There was no reason to bluff at that moment. He really was going to kill both Pitou and the girl. It was only thanks to Killua reminding him that they needed Pitou alive to heal Kite, that he stopped. He didn't stop because he might hurt Komugi.
Most likely thing is that after this arc we'll have Ging as the main character.
You're right. It's kodomo.
Shut up weeb
Even if the anime was utter shit(which isnt) the gon vs pitou scene would save it all for me.
I am dead tired of the
Yeah lets just forget that this fag is very probably continue to murder innocent people.
>Let's have the same thread day after day!
Boku no
Nah, there's that insufferable faggot from samurai 8
Realistically speaking, how many more chapters does Togashi have in him? His back isnt going to get better with age...
Im thinking that 60-90 is a good range at this point. If only he would hand off the art
>The election arc would have ended with the rabbit girl winning either way.
>rabbit girl
Speedreading, ignorant or just retard?
I fear the day things come to a permanent hiatus
And that's what great about Hunter x Hunter. You don't feel like main character some kind of god changing the world in every arc. He's just another nen user
I think just overloaded. Happens to the best of us
>this trigger the shounenbaby batman fan
gon vs pitou is kino but the follow up is shit
why doesnt he even feel guilty about the fact that he was willing to kill a innocent girl?
>t. moralfag
Nah, not a moralfag, i dont even want him to feel guilty(i know i said it but disregard), i just wanted him to at least mention it
Alright then, my apologies.