New episode out
New episode out
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Reo is for Mabu's cold, unfeeling and unlovable corpse only.
We're past the turning point now, aren't we?
No more monster of the week, now is when things are going to start getting fucked up.
Re: people complaining aitsu/that guy/my guy was no homo: why would it matter if it's romantic or not? that isn't Mabu anyways just a carcass. I don't think you can call Reo and current Mabu boyfriends and probably never were. He doesn't even have emotions.
>we didn't get Haruka butt action
What the fuck does that mean? Otters-humans-kappa alliance?
how do you no homo a couple that had a spin-off in a BL magazine
Reo's story is pretty tragic if I'm guessing right about what it is.
>Reo was destitute before Mabu picked him up off the street
>Together they join up with the empire to fight the kappa
>Mabu dies and tells him to never give up on his desire
>Reo brings him back, most likely involving some shirikodama fuckery
>Mabu comes back, seemingly alright at first
>Reo is able to live happily with him for some time, until he's "called on a mission" and that happy life ends
>Mabu loses all of his emotions and love
>Reo now hates the Mabu that exists now, but has no other purpose than to endlessly create zombies to keep him alive
>This has driven him to a form of insanity where he's lost grip on connections and love besides what he can exploit to keep the cycle going
Are we sure that they were aligned with the kappas?
>no, don't believe the gay frog and his shiny anus ball
>why aren't you looking at me
Keppi is the Akio to the Prince Kappa's Dios
Will we get RAIN in the next episode?
I'm mad they didn't go for the obvious symbolism and have Mabu get skewered through the heart. "whoops falling debris crushed him" is the lamest death possible.
Why are their epaulettes made out of Enta's hair?
Sealed with a gay threesome.
God, I hope so.
Reo is clearly hung up on the Reo that he knew, who was his “boyfriend” or whatever word you want to use
We better get it at some point, sounds too important to be novel-only. I want to know what Reo looked like.
Fuck, can't unsee now.
I fucking lost it user. God damn you.
>trying to no-homo an ikuhara show
They scalped poor Enta...
Fuck, I meant the Mabu that he knew
Keppi's background antics were the best part.
Would you trust him with your shirikodama?
Why not?
The episode preview for the next one says that we'll find out about Reo and Mabu's past, so yes.
plates cost money to make, gotta make that money somehow
>Reo showing his tits and wrist ZR
Filthy slut.
when will yoifags fuck off once and for all
What did Reo mean by betraying? Are we really supposed to deduce Mabu's ass is getting ravaged by spiky otter penises every time he goes for "maintenance"? Isn't this a children's cartoon?
Some stitches.
It’s just a VA joke user.
>wrist ZR
Mabu is so pale that I didn't even realize he was wearing his gloves.
Just get out of threads for the gay show of the season if it triggers you so much, genius.
>This is your cop father for tonight.
>Isn't this a children's cartoon?
No. It's symbolism but I'm pretty sure it's supposed to evoke the feeling that Mabu is literally cheating on Reo.
Love this artist.
Pretty good
Either he's mad Mabu died for him, he's mad Mabu is doing sketchy shit for the otters, or user's guess Service Boy as usual.
This is creeping me out.
Reo looks so much better with the ponytail
>Are we really supposed to deduce Mabu's ass is getting ravaged by spiky otter penises every time he goes for "maintenance"?
Seems like it.
>Isn't this a children's cartoon?
first ikuni show huh
Yeah it looks like Mabu has wrist ZR from the gloves too, they're basically his skin tone.
And pure rage
>ponytail Reo
Stop turning me on.
So he does sleep with other otters.
Kick that lying kappa
that brown on blue is delicious
if im not mistaken we are caught up with the VN now?
was there anything left out
Kappa Tooi shooting the crane is the most glorious thing I've witnesses.
The spin-off wasn’t gay
Just the scene that goes into Reo and Mabu's backstory, but that's been moved to next episode since it's a flashback.
>if im not mistaken we are caught up with the VN now?
So Reo is Homura? Rebellion when?
are those kappa balls
Last one.
There's the epilogue part that will probably be in the next episode.
Only the Rain segment, which we might get next episode.
Hantei: Ai
Many thanks stitchanon
hold up
if Mabu's being crushed by that giant block of wood, then how is Reo's leg under it?
That line wasn't homo. No one complained in the last thread that it wasn't homo. Reo didn't use homo words in that instance. But it wasn't "no homo" either, it was neutral wording.
When Reo loses the last of his shit and goes sicko mode in episode 10.
Why was the corresponding word "libido"?
How long until the Asenshi subs come out so I can join in the discussion?
Anyone got screenshots of the kappa prince?
pretty sure he’s not being crushed by that particular wood plank. it’s just in the screen frame, like to invoke a sense of confinement.
Stupid translators
>mc's conflict solved and risk of being erased from society prevented in the middle of the show
>focus switching to keppi and the cops now
Are we finally going to get an ikuni show with a different ending?
There's way more to their past than just their meeting.
I'm gonna need a webm of his poledance.
Mabu supposedly feels pleasure out of maintenancing, which I assume might be literal maintenance to his mechanical heart. The only moment in which Mabu seems to feel any kind of emotion is when Reo tears his heart out, so I guess Reo feels jealous that Mabu is willing to feel this pleasure with otter people that not himself.
>39 ep + movie
>24 ep
>Yuri Kuma
>12 ep
>11 ep
Make it stop.
They have a "release status" column on the site.
Thanks. What about prince Keppi in that scene?
what a whore
>next anime
>2 OVAs
Yeah but we've only got spoilers for 1-6 so anons can only bring up what they know.
Will someone please break down the symbolism and artistry of the homoerotic frog sumo for me? It must have been important.
I'm happy that Enta had his dick touched by Kazuki even though they in their kappa form.
>Will someone please break down the symbolism and artistry of the homoerotic frog sumo for me?
ur a faget
You should just stay on-topic, faggot.
I assume Reo means betrayal on an emotional level, but who fucking knows with Ikuhara.
>it's graphic yaoi
People need to start buying Ikuni’s BDs, damn.
It was DEEP.
also, a delusion.
I think he'd go back to ladies.
The sumo wrestling wasn't a delusion.
Cheating is betrayal on an emotional level
reminder that Ikuhara lied to get his pitch approved
Keppi with long legs is creepy as fuck too.
no homo
I was, you're just autistic.
I agree. It unsettles me everytime he does it.
He reminds me of Dali's elephants.
Don't you mean
Yeah, it does look like the maintenance is pleasurable. So I think there is sexual subtext there. Which is pretty much betting that you'll shoot those fish in the barrel given it's a Ikuhara show.
it was. read the novel.
This. I knew I had the same feeling of unsettlement before.
keppi is all levels of unsettling but i found this kind of cute
The anime didn't convey this at fucking all though.
I found it creepier how monotone and emotionless he was while convincing Kazuki to erase himself out of existence.
Oh god it hurts
I was so prepared for sadness, I'm glad cute little bro is safe
What bothers me the most about Keppi are those bloodshot eyes. They're unsettling.
I can't help but feel sad about this homo.
Keppi is a businessman. He's very professional about butt-related matters.
>There are various cultural depictions of elephants, where they are often viewed as symbols of strength, dominance and power due to their bulk and weight. Dalí contrasts these typical associations by giving the elephants long, spindly, almost arachnid-like legs, once described as "multijointed, almost invisible legs of desire"
>legs of desire
you've got to be fucking joking
Please for the love of god someone make a stitch of the Prince in the after scene credits
Enta for fuck's sake
Next anime is 24 epsiodes again but its 5 minute shorts
if you don't like the novel, at least watch the episode again. enta definitely makes comments which makes it obvious he's fantasizing.
ctrl f no homo in the previous thread
*spit take*
Keppi in general is creepy. Also, is Toi really the only one who noticed that they're actively erasing people out of existence?
So keppi is either the desire that escaped from the prince or the prince without his desire? I wonder if kappa are supposed to have two parts and Sara is what's considered normal.
Total breakdown, when? Why is Reo smiling in the caps for the next episode?
So that have just been killing everyone that had love instead of desire? And turning everyone else into kappa zombies?
I thought they'd let them go.
He's CRAZY crazy. The kind of crazy that smiles and laughs all the time.
I did read the novel and I think I did get the feeling that that scene was supposed to be an illusion, but there was nothing on the anime to imply that it was. Whenever Enta realizes he was fantasizing, we get a shot of him usually standing alone in reality, like we did when he "passed" the ball to Kazuki, and that didn't happen.
Great job dad
Toi is the one who mentions it but after Keppi's revelation I'm sure they all realize.
Getting tired of Enta delusions.
I'd like to find out about his crazy plans for Keppi. He lost it when he saw him.
And they were fine with killing another kappa zombie.
It’s hilarious how horny this little dork is.
He gets Keppi to use the mousetrap(?) on him to see if it was reality. I didn't get the impression it was a delusion either.
He is in middle school, after all.
Keppi is going to be knife'd.
You have a point. But the dude was already dead, was there anything else the boys could do for him?
Even Ikuhara isn't as degenerate as to show two men holding hands with no protection.
I'm leaning towards Keppi as the counterpart of the prince that couldn't contain his desire and exploded. Just like Sara has a human and a kappa counterpart.
Reo is also so crazy because Mabu told him not to let go of desire. This is how he interpreted it.
Maybe it's
>Round up a bunch of degenerate perverts
>Zombify them all
>Force Keppi to turn him into a kappa
>Kill the zombies
>Use their shirikodamas to make Keppi make plates
>Bring loving husband Mabu back through a wish
>Happy end
This is weak hand holding. Where are the interlocked fingers?
Wow it's almost like he's the cute yet creepy ambiguous bishi villain thing.
I love when art becomes reality.
Only 5 episodes left. I have a feeling this show will wind up a disappointment.
Episode 10.
There hasn't been enough stabbing in this anime. Someone needs to get stabbed. I hope it happens in an Aniki ruler vs Reo knife duel.
Can't wait to see him in the last episode
Include Mikage too.
Why is this show so bad?
It's not canon and not gay
>implying it hasn’t been a disappointment since episode one
Reo prefers to grip Mabu's hand firmly.
I got that feeling Reo tried to sacrifice himself for Mabu but since all he was feeling was love it just didn't work and he had no choice but to sacrifice others instead. Kinda sounds like something Ikuhara would write.
It's canon though, that's been stablished already.
I mean, it's on a BL magazine and features two guys living together.
Leaving aside episode 11 that will be the conclusion to everything, we have 4 episodes to give us an exhaustive background of the cops, then Toi, Enta and Kazuki's resolutions and I expect a few plot twist considering the show will get darker.
Interlocked fingers are optimised for parallel hands, not hands holding at a square angle.
Not this argument again, don't reply.
Even if it does it'll barely register on your disapointment radar next to GoT.
The bears were narrators more than villains. Yurikuma broke the Akio/Sanetoshi trend so there's guarantee on what Keppi's role will be like.
If this isn’t how the show ends, I’m definitely going to steal Ikuni’s shirikodama.
Sara has to fit somwhere too.
>Isn't this a children's cartoon?
In Utena you watch her lose her virginity to Akio. This is nothing compared to that.
Oh yeah, forgot about this gay jobber. It's a shame Keppi is breaking the chain of Ikuni pink hair creeps, seems he has green hair.
There isn't much to discuss on wether the manga is canon or not when the author already confirmed that it is. But yeah, otherwise don't fall on his "is it gay" trap.
There was no bestiality in Utena.
This is stupid, but I'm laughing.
But then all his anime will be undone.
I wonder if those creeps are how Ikuni sees himself. I just have that feeling.
This scene and that one millisecond when those students in the picture turn around are the freakiest parts of Utena. Well, the Black Rose Saga is generally spooky, but those two moments always make me jump a little.
He proceeded to make up for that in Yuri Kuma.
Sanatoshi did nothing wrong. He just wanted to be like his underage waifu
reo and mabu are illustration for torn by natalie imbruglia
imagine this in early 2000 when amvs used to be the shit
can someone translate this post for me
It didn’t have to be drawn at that angle
Saratto scrolling text of this week we learn that Sara is obsessed with smell. She takes a bath twice a day: one before going to sleep, another in the morning after waking up.
Does the western tower mean anything?
>all he was feeling was love it just didn't work and he had no choice but to sacrifice others instead
I can buy this. This is good suffering for Reo.
"Fuck! I wanna make a Mabu and Reo AMV with Torn by Natalie Imbruglia, but it's cringy since it's not the year 2000 anymore."
So, threesome ending confirmed?
Sara was nice to Haruka. She must have to deal with weirdos cosplaying her all the time.
The Ryounkaku? It was destroyed in the earthquake in 1923 so it's a reference to that.
With cucumber-scented shampoo and shower gel, I guess.
Enta gets a kiss and it ends up not being a fantasy when?
This makes me laugh so fucking much. One of the most famous anime directors alive and he fucking lies to get his assball yaoi anime made.
I thought she was going to react in a cold and indifferent manner to the whole thing, but she was actually really kind.
How can she be so pretty? She's just a kappa.
Imagine the smell.
Only if Kazuki becomes a corpse like Mabu and Enta is the one "maintenancing" him.
It's making links between a real life disaster(Great Kanto Earthquake) to a kappa kingdom one
Thank you for the translation
Enta will get a kiss from someone but it won’t be Kazuki. That seems too straightforward for Ikuhara.
about that...
Can we even say that the kappa kingdom just has "different aesthetics" when they used a reference as straightforward as this one?
He already got one from Keppi.
Between how she reacted to the whole situation and how funny her escaping Toi was I hope she gets to be relevant in the kappa plot soon.
Why do Kappa's and Otter's fight each other? I don't remember seeing anything in the folklore of them being enemies.
Mega twist: Mabu is Sara's prince.
Some random girl in the epilogue.
I couldn't even watch 5 seconds of the english dub for the cop's song.
He's the real kappa prince who was undercover for his own protection while the "keppi" prince was a stand-in that got fucked by the evil black Keppi.
Mabu will be later revived by a deep kiss from Sara, right in front of Reo.
And he'll transform to have pink hair.
what do you mean?
I've been assuming it's because they're both water creatures that can go on land. Japan used to have river otters but they became extinct several years ago. When does Sarazanmai take place again? I know it's sometime in the recent past so maybe this story is a fanfic of kappa killing off the Japanese otters.
Here, but you will regret
God damnit, why couldn't this (and yka) have been a 2 cour show? This really does have the potential to be great, it's just so rushed.
>longer = better
he didn't lie tho, just never mentioned it
Holy fuck, same. I thought the "otterly sexy" part of the video title was a joke. I don't automatically hate dubs but jesus fucking shit
Yeah, 5 seconds is about right.
Jesus fucking CHRIST I thought you were joking when you said "5 seconds"
Yeah, most of my criticism really comes from the fact that it's so rushed out of necessity. The boys goofing off as Kappas, Haruka's kidnapping, rescuing Haruka, bringing up the otter/kappa war backstory and the flashback to Reo/Mabu's involvement happened so fast it was hard to really meaningfully take in each element.
Oof. They should have just kept the original audio.
Sarazanmai is set in 2019, the Twitter and manga are 2007-8 and Mabu's death seems to be on 1923 although that's debatable.
>mabu's va trying very hard to imitate hosoyan singing
5 seconds is not a meme. Holy shit.
My ears are on fire from the secondhand embarrassment of watching this for two seconds.
Eh. They got a decent match on the way the original seiyuu's voices are, but the song was written for Japanese syllables so it just sounds awkward with English words. They also don't seem to really be singers, but they're not horrible.
Here's to hoping aniki is in the next episode I don't want to lose him bros
Thanks! I hate it.
It’s not like Miyano is much of a singer either
aniki will appear in ep 11 on his death bed after toi realises he can make genuine connections with people that aren't his family
>THIS MAN looks like THIS at 119 YEARS OLD and YOU look like a sack of SHIT
Hosoyan sounds like an angel though, I want to hear more of his singing.
It doesn't bother me that he can't sing because his weird fucking voice is fun to listen to. I cannot say the same at all for his cursed dub actor.
Miyano's one of the seiyuu that know how to sing properly.
Not sure why his voice is so weak with Reo's singing, I guess it's because he's forcing himself to retain a certain character voice, it's kinda deeper than normal.
Nope. The entire sequence in novel also end with Enta realized he is not fantasizing.
Ether a translation miss or someone sucks at reading moon
I want to know too
If that's true then I totally missed the point of the monster of the week thing in the first place. Just why? What did it add?
He doesn't need to be able to sing, his voice is pure velvet.
It's ruby text shenanigan, you know like the sort Type Moon loves with their Noble Phantasm names. The otters/imperialist do not need love, only desire, thus they judge on libido.
>>longer = better
You're missing the point. Shorter =/= better either.
Utena and Penguindrum were so strong because they had so much time to develop the side characters. With Utena maybe being more on the too long side.
It doesn't help that Ikuni loves to do the slow style of focusing on one character per episode.
Character building to have their secrets released to help them become more connected.
Final Season of Teekyuu by Ikuhara, you heard it here.
They weren't able to kill it last week.
It was a vehicle for revealing everyone's secrets and it showed us something important that the otters/kappa are doing. Why the do you think it was pointless?
keppi is spoopy
I don't want to see his final form
I honestly have no idea why those anons were so hellbent on the Taisho era references being simply aesthetic choices. There's a good chance that it could be relevant information.
penguindrum has pacing problems near its stretch and should have been shorter. utena's length is fine tho
I physically cringed. Mabu's actor's voice is actually pretty good too, this song was just not made for English.
Set up what the otters are capable of, that people can be erased from society. forced the main trio to get closer, probably some point incoming about people who live for desire over love, etc.
It's pretty simple: selfish love vs. selfless love. The guy who wants to drink that girl's bath water has selfish love. Haruka has selfless love.
*near its last stretch
Fucking oof.
So Mabu is saying that only people who can hold on to selfish love have a future? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?
Pretty sure the last scene implies that mabu is planning to use keppi's powers because the otters can't help him get what he wants, precisely because the otters only engage in selfish desires and not true love.
Depends on what "connecting desires" means. I think more emphasis should be put on the connection he mentions.
Which is ironic, because if Reo is to be believed, he's going to maintenance so often because it feels pleasurable.
I want to connect, but I want to lie
I want to connect, so I'm not giving up
I want to connect, but you're so far away
I want to connect, but I can't be forgiven
I want to connect, but I want to take
I want to connect, but it's not meant to be
otters don't gao
It's just that being actually set on Taisho doesn't make much sense considering the manga and the Twitter. The timeline is pretty fucky right now.
Why does this look like vagina imagery
They need to make up for how gay this show is somehow.
why does mabu have a faux-british accent? why do they always opt for that when it comes to cold megane characters?
It looks like he's literally attached to that thing. His feet aren't touching the ground.
What even is this thing, actually? Looks important.
it's where he stores all the shirikodama he stole
>Haruka watches Sara's show silently and sadly the morning after the incident
Damn, he's so precious.
how do I install gay cop app
How is Kazuki's smile so cute and precious...
The anime literally says that its not a fantasy.
Someone brave enough to watch the dub: what did they call the weed? Was it weed, or "herb."
I'd switch 5 and 6 around, but yeah, pretty much.
why does a kappa needs a gun
enta is so fucking shit
>not bringing your gun to a secret hideout invasion
Rough neighborhood
The only time Enta bothered me was when he went full autist and tried beating up those two soccer guys just for using his spot.
I felt the same way from reading the novel, but it's still painfully suspicious how Keppi goes full QB on Kazuki so quick, before it's even clear that Haruka is lost.
What does Toi want to wish for anyway
That was really peak cringe.
What is Keppi's endgame?
>keppi human form don't have pink hair
I love the visuals of villains standing infront of some kind of glowing plot device.
This show bores me to death. Introducing literally who's only to reveal super important big emotional scene by means of a flashback is the worst, the fucking worst writing ever. But you faggots also ate up 02's backstory, so hey, if this crap satisfies you fucking faggots. so be it. Don't forget to install the water filters. Or your frogs will turn out gay as well.
Was this supposed to be a parody? Every story ever that had some kind of secret supernatural war going on has featured this exact shot of egyptian drawings.
Killing every homo. He started with Mabu, next Enta and that crossdressing fag are going to get it
Because of the whole ALIENS HELPED BUILT PYRAMIDS conspiracy theories.
>whining about poor writing
>posts bnha pic
shut up frogposter
I don't regret that I read the novel and I don't think spoilers ever ruin a story, but damn that post-epilogue scene is so rushed that I would have been an exciting slap in the face if I hadn't known it was coming.
The guy's a ritual poster. He's been saying the same thing every week. Stop giving him attention.
Comparing this to absolute shit like Franxx is something only a troll or a brainless dolt would do. Either way he doesn't deserve the (You)s.
>implying franxx wasn't way better than this homo show
>Mabu tells Reo to not let go of his desires
>Reo holds Mabu's hand tighter
Haruka made me a shotacon...
....up until then I was a lolicon.
30 seconds and I feel like doing some murder rape suicide
>But you faggots also ate up 02's backstory
Who is "you"? I dropped that shitshow on the second episode.
no more (you)s for u
This, in some ways I'm disappointed the novel came out right at the first episode. Had I not seen it coming the post epilogue scene would've been far more effective.
It still surprised me a bit because I didn't expect that old setting. Now the timeline is confusing as hell.
I wonder what he'd have to gain from losing one of his lackeys so fast.
I know. But it just bugs me how it's always egyptian drawings. Like, it's not even that old of a civilization compared to others we know about .
This is actually pretty based.
Ep 7 preview:
Before the summer holiday, Kazuki and Enta invite Toi to the football club. The three boys try to start their summer [as usual]. Someone's laid waste to Enta's practice ground full of precious memories.
ReoMabu are planning something. Their past will be revealed.
What did you expect instead? The novel has a timestamp on that chapter like "Kappa Year 333" or something that made it clear to me that it took place way in the past.
endgame right here brothers
im begging you shipfags... please go to /cm/ it's the perfect board for you
We have no idea what "Kappa Year 333" means, it could be literally set today. Since I was stuck thinking Mabu probably died between the Twitter and the show, I thought the setting would be modern.
He could gain a very valuable shirikodama, perhaps. Coming right after Keppi's explanation about what happens to people who lose their shirikodama, it kinda sounds like dying Mabu is warning Reo about losing his shirikodama when he tells Reo to not let go of his desires. Like, maybe be wary of any spooky little kappa who tries to get you to sell your shirikodama away for someone else.
why do they have the same olden hair style?
more importantly one of the kappa's had a pet cat
Remove kappa
when your daughter steals your husband
crossdressing isn't gay, and it's familial love, which is extremely pure
keppi understands this
Maybe the kappa world appearing to be a different time and place is a purposeful misdirection. Maybe it's just an offbeat parallel world or something and it wasn't all that long ago that the darkness broke free and killed Mabu. Kappa and otters in the kappa world are perhaps linked to humans in the real world.
He’s literally indistinguishable from a loli, I think you’re just a pedo, user
Hasn't Reo suffered enough?
At this rate, the first baby Mabu's going to give birth to won't be Reo's.
I'm sure he just has someone's paws on his heart in that scene.
>it will make anime history-
Fuck off Murase
me on the right
post feet
That's hot. I wonder if Reo is watching.
Why did Toi react to the micanga?
>Reo has to watch old otters give his husband the orgasms he can't any more
All cuck fetishists should kill themselves, desu
But I really want to hear Mabu gasp and groan softly from having his heart manhandled
mabu should get resurrected into a female body so he can get knocked up
I was just shitposting, but
>But I really want to hear Mabu gasp and groan softly from having his heart manhandled
Impeccable taste
kys dumb breeder
>Ian fucking Sinclair
its terrible, but kinda funny, baby
Can't say I was expecting an Osomatsu reference but it was nice.
The top looks kinda like a perfume bottle, maybe an old school glass vial of some sort?
Reo gets to listen every night as old otters pleasure Mau's shirikodama!
Which one is he?
because he's in love with kazuki
Mabu. I had to watch it a second time since i stopped it so fast, fuck you for making me hear that again.
I lol'd at the terminator reference
For such a hyped episode, there's not much discussion. It didn't make much of an impact.
Not a cuck fetishist, just like the memes. Mabu is for exclusive use by Reo
>auto-fellatio the animu
of course there's nothing to discuss. what did you expect?
The pacing of the episode paired with the fact that everyone knew what was going to happen resulted in most people being a little underwhelmed. I wanted the post-epilogue scene to be more substantial, but as said here if that scene had come out of nowhere, I'm sure a lot of people here would have gobsmacked responses to it.
Still, I enjoyed the episode. The box chase was well executed and Reo's expressions and voice acting really made his scenes great. I loved pic related and really loved his heart-wrenching delivery on the "why would you protect me?!" line. He sounded so scared and self-loathing.
I want to Mamoru all the Myanos.
Reo must have to be so careful giving oral.
About to watch the episode.
Im sure the pointy parts of his teeth are rounded otherwise he wouldn't even be able to even talk and oral probably feels great imagine how overly stimulating must be someone find a guy who dates someone with this type of body modification and ask
Tell us your favorite part when you're done.
That's why he was abandoned, no one wanted to hang out with Bobby Bleedy-Mouth. Reo got him some dental training.
I didn’t read any spoilers intentionally exept for the ones people didn’t tag on here and I thought the episode was great, the scene in which they rescued Haruka captivated me emotionally, especially. The post-credits scene most certainly caught me off guard as well. It really did feel sort of like a slap in the face as it just went by so abruptly.
>Bobby Bleedy-Mouth
zombies can't get erections
oh no
Kazuki uses the unisex bathroom because he's a proud trans girl
>everyone knew what was going to happen
I've been avoiding spoilers and only come here on airing days. It was the best episode for me so far. The boys coming to work together and Haruka and Kazuki's love for each other had just enough build up to be satisfying despite my issues with the show so far.
The fact that Kazuki's arc has "ended" halfway through the show has me more interested in where it's going from here too since it's not what Ikuhara typically does with his MCs.
To get more cucumbers
That sumo scene gave me a boner
This episode lacked suffering.
The MC literally tried to kill himself.
He didn't try hard enough.
Very perceptive.
>paired with the fact that everyone knew what was going to happen
I'm so glad I'm not a faggot with no self-restraint
You didn't either
Its not his fault that guns, yet again, saved a life
Everyone here is in purgatory, user.
This , and Haruka was suffering over the guilt of thinking that he stole Kazuki's smile, and Reo was shown to be suffering enough that it's driven him mad.
I thought you'd given up.
nah son this is hell
kappa hell
Transphobic scum
Just give him a couple more weeks. Trannies have high suicide rates.
Is that why Kazuki was so eager to kill himself?
Where's our 2 reaction user?
I mean, it's not that bad once you get past the "OTTERLY SEXY." If they'd kept that as "kawausoiya," it'd be perfectly passable. I get that this isn't an easy sort of thing to localize, but in a show that's already as niche and obscenely Japanese as this, you may as well keep the original catchphrase if the closest English equivalent you can think of is fucking "otterly sexy."
i extracted their shirikodama
you know that user isn’t an actual tranner right
is the show still fujo garbage?
I want to see the kep kep kep kep version of this
I want to pet Sara
It never was.
No. Honestly.
kek where is this
Big omanjuu cushion of Sara when?
imagine watching dubs
Sarazanmai anal bead merch when?
what in the fucking fucking fuck fuck fuck what the fuck
Where can I buy a butt ball?
I want me some Kazuki+Enta+Toi dildos AND tenga/Fleshlight AND anal beads THAT CAN COMBINE
So, as for the cop's timeline, I guess there's 3 possibilities
>Mabu's death did not happen in 1923 and the setting was just a stylistic/symbolic choice
>Mabu's death did happen in 1923. Reo was capable of reviving him and they lived normally as a couple until Twitter happened and something took Mabu's emotions away
>Some kind of time fuckery that's probably going to make my brain hurt.
I'm kind of surprised that the kappa boys went and still defeated the kappa zombie as normal, even though they know now that doing so will literally erase that person from existence just for having desires.
Unless it's the case where they're like, literally already dead, but even then, erasing all memory of them to get the dishes is pretty fucked up.
Also I'm not looking forward to the tragic flashback that's coming for Reo/Mabu, don't think I'll be able to take it.
I'd guess its some variation on the second thing, Mabu died, Reo used some shirikodama fuckery to bring him back, and he's either slowly bled out all his emotions due to being a corpse, or someone/something forced them out of him for the sake of this 'mission', potentially to give Reo stronger motivation.
this episode was good. dont understand it all but its a blast watching
>Unless it's the case where they're like, literally already dead
That's what Keppi says at the start. They're dead at the point the otters kill them to turn them into a zombie.
I love Mabu.
>Reo is continuously confused about why Mabu does nice things like cooking for him in the manga
>Desperately wonders why Mabu would protect and sacrifice himself for him
>He probably wonders why Mabu picked him up off the street
I think Reo is self-loathing.
Will there will be any female zombie kappas? Or this shirokadama just prostate allegory?
SB's Mabu is too goddamn beautiful.
Honestly I don't think there's anything that can be done for them once they turn into zombies, but yeah, it's weird that they didn't even ask Keppi.
Only men with the degeneracy known as heterosexuality are targeted.
>shirokadama just prostate allegory
You know what thank you user this is very important
I had no knowledge of any spoilers and the post credits scene was pretty shocking. Kappa Shock
Wondering what happened to the 'prince' to make his desire shatter? I guess it'd have at least SOMETHING to do with Sara.
The otterly sexy was cringey but aside from that their singing was fine and the lyrics weren't awful. I don't know why everyone is shitting their pants over it.
It was just generally poorly put together, the voices themselves weren't horrific but the syllables in english just don't match the pacing of the song since its meant to be in jap. That's the problem with most jap song translations, the new lyrics just don't fit so the whole thing sounds awkward and crappy.
I do too. Originally, Reo saw Mabu as something pure that he wanted to "dirty". That's the desperate desire of someone with no self worth. Even after living with Mabu and loving him, I'm sure Reo could continue to subconsciously feel like he's garbage, and certainly not worth Mabu's life.
I want to see Enta touch Kazuki's shirokadama while he's dressed as Sara
I really liked the way the boys infiltrated the base and how they managed to knock Haruka out of the shredder's path in the end.
It really seems like the core issue of their relationship is neither understands how much the other really cares about them, but in different ways.
It's sweet and sad. I hope they can connect.
i want to cum inside hontoku
Keppi has fine legs. No wonder he works the pole so well.
Hard to say if they can, in the case where Mabu is already dead.
I'd guess that from the kappa zombies, all that someone who dies that way leaves behind is 'hope'
I think the tower was just symbolic and not literally the tower from 1923.
>enta uses the anklet to snap kazuki out of it
>toi uses the gun to save him
>they're both the items that were in their boxes
reomabu is making me very fond of the tiny love-making hearts
Kazuki's box item is spends the whole episode held securely in Haruka's hands too.
I guess I could understand if the clothing was just an aesthetic choice but that tower was way too specific, and it mirroed way too well the accident that made it fall down in real life. I guess for normal humans the whole thing just looked like an earthquake because they couldn't see the kappas and kappa zombies.
Honestly I think it's just so that you understand that this took place in the same area, probably not the same tower, but a tower in the same place.
Smash the world's shell and break the system. I'm sure the ending will be finding a way to be happy and make connections without falling into the kappa zombie scheme.
>Sara with buns
Perhaps, I guess the 'healthy' balance is having love AND desire, and that one or the other isn't inherently bad or worthless.
That being said, I feel like there will be a point where the show deals with the fact that some connections just don't work out/break on their own, and forcing them into existence is unhealthy.
>the fact that some connections just don't work out/break on their own, and forcing them into existence is unhealthy.
I feel like they might go down that route with Enta (given how one-sided his delusions about Kazuki are repeatedly brought up and Toi even calls him on how unbalanced that relationship is), because Reo and Mabu's relationship wasn't really broken on it's own and the main problem seems to be miscommunication.
I guess, but at least from what we see, we can gather that mabu is dead and being kept alive through artificial means, if they just bring him back at some point instead of Reo having to just accept reality then I'd see it as being cheap.
And I get that Enta is kind of in the same boat, due to his feelings obviously not really being reciprocated, but in his case at least Kazuki is still alive, and he has the capability of keeping a connection with him, even if it has to change form, again, to fit reality.
Got a glimpse of Rain in the opening of Migi's manga adaptation
Oh my god, they're small.
Time fuckery would be fun.
Something like 1923 and ~20xx coexisting somehow
or if mabu's death was actually in the future
or a completely different timeline
Either way they seem to be leading you to draw parallels between Ryounkaku and the Skytree with them both being shown with otterzilla, and both being tall skyscraper like towers that are also headquarters/palace(?), etc.
I think Enta is fine. The novel at least gave me the impression that he values Kazuki's friendship and well being above having his feelings reciprocated. He's even "fine" with being rejected, as long as Kazuki at least acknowledges his feelings.
If Reo and Mabu's story ends with Reo accepting Mabu's death I could accept it as thematically fitting, but it'd also make Mabu's character feel like a bit of a waste in the show if his role is simply to be an angst object for Reo to get over. I'll be happier if there's development on both sides.
Shota ReoMabu.
>they were kids when they met
For some reason, I thought they were adults when this happened, but this is cute too.
Hm. They look like humans.
Yeah, he had a death flag since ep 1
I think it'd be worth it if Mabu was able to get his feelings back before passing, and giving Reo/Mabu a bit of time to actually connect and voice their true feelings about each other, since as its been said before, one of the big problems in the show is miscommunication.
I mean so does Sara.
I thought they were going to be kappas/otters and this scene was going to be the big reveal for that.
Poor boy, he deserves better
**additionally, Mabu can explain to Reo why he saved him, which Reo just doesn't seem to understand.
Here's the gaijin 4-koma, I watched a bit late and the threads are moving too fast.
I wouldn't be sure they are. Yuri Kuma swapped the characters between human forms and bear forms all the time, even when the bears weren't trying to disguise themselves.
goddamn, almost felt like watching fucking furry porn
And here's the one I made for episode 4.
Excelent, thanks user.
>the poledancing keppi
10/10, you are a star
>erasing persons from existence just for having desires
what's the moral of the story here? no gay buttsex, only vaginal babymaking for procreation? is Ikuhana still fighting with himself for being a homosex? Is this what this is all about?
also if they didnt kill him they'd be kappas forever, doubt you'd want to be a frog the rest of your life
Good shit. We plot now.
i like it
I'm now alarmingly familiar with keppi's erotic body.
Potentially not have Keppi 'assimilate' the shirikodama? What exactly does he need them for other than creating hope dishes? The kappa zombie is already dead at that point, but as long as the shirikodama is around he'd at least be remembered.
He's very sexy. Shabadadu.
shirikodama is code for anal virginity, right?
>as long as the shirikodama is around he'd at least be remembered.
Yeah, and he would also stay as a zombie who lives only for satisfying his embarassing desires and stealing boxes/cats/kisses/soba/sachets from all over Tokyo. Unless there's something that can be done to unzombify them that doesn't involve taking the shirikodama off.
>he's a spoilerfag
The spirits of the zombies only pass on after he eats the balls so maybe they're stuck in limbo unless something happens to their balls.
All the people that got erased were straight though.
Time fuckery would make me feel extremely dumb and this show already makes me very self conscious about my intelligence.
Hello little chikai
Hello rain scene
But we see him explode and die before Keppi eats the shirikodama, presumably as long as its out of the zombie long enough it just dies on its own, assimilating the butt ball doesn't seem vital to the process of defeating it.
migi’s art is great. it’s perfect for this medium
>happy Chikai and Tooi with their parents
i want to cum inside migi
What you're theorizing is that maybe if the shirikodama dies on its own instead of being assimilated by Keppi then maybe their existance won't be erased? It's possible.
how to rip
i want to cum inside aniki
Can’t wait to see how she portrays Keppi’s gaping anus
shit taste
someone post it
OST Preview #2
>young Chikai
Too good for this world, a smile we couldn't protect. I want to kill myself and also cum in aniki
Something to that degree, in general I just think there's something unsettling/wrong about how Keppi 'assimilates' what is essentially these peoples souls and erases them from existence.
Could be that it has to happen, but at this point I just don't really think so, at the very least its obvious from this ep alone that Keppi is hiding something about how this situation came to be in the first place, or why he needs to create hope dishes from these peoples souls.
>literally thinking the ship is real
>why he needs to create hope dishes from these peoples souls
Does he, though? It seemed to me that he just gave the boys the dishes so they could be around for longer helping him. What does he even get from giving them the dishes?
Cab anyone have webm making knowledge please make one of the kappa wrestling scene?
Including Enta's multiple orgasms, of course.
or maybe because it would be weird a girl coming out of a boy's bathroom or viceversa?
just fuck off
Exactly, he assimilates the souls and the only outcome of that ((that we see)) is the hope dish, but why does this need to happen other than as just a method to keep the kids working for him? Does Keppi get anything out of it? Is one persons wish really worth erasing the memory of people from existence?
When was the last time you failed to connect to an animu this hard?
>applied to mappa
>work on animating cute manic girls on kakegurui
>suddenly mappa anime full of males
>have to animate a gaijin getting gooshed by old man
>now get assigned gay frogs pole dancing
>go buy conbini dinner with the day's wages and cry
it's just a picture of cute boys user
>implying Mappa animated a single episode yet
This is Literally Me.
> Kakegurui
> Cute
bless you
one of the boys is going to use a dish of hope to kill keppi once and for all
> Mfw just getting angrier and angrier with each passing backstory episode because Enta wasted the original gold dish they got on a fucking sushi roll
Lapin Track are some literal whos that do some backup sakuga.
Keppi has lovely eyes
i want aniki to cum inside me
I want aniki to live and also cum in me
I'm still marveled that Toi didn't kill him on the spot.
To be fair, he posed it as a hypothetical and then Keppi jumped the gun by granting it literally.
>dish of bleh
>keppers aka gay frogs
>the others aka the otters
>some smartphone bullshit so its uptodate
>flying amazon
What's the appeal of convoluted (read: forced as fuck) storytelling like this? Or let's approach it from a different direction: if you really have to tell something, would you really choose such a form, and if so, fucking why?
I haven't read the novel. This was pretty accurate.
he still royally fucked up, if you get a bunch of wishes you shut the hell up and think about it, even just posing hypothetical's is a good way to get trashed by people who had real wishes.
because its an interesting way to convey the story? also the kappa/otter thing is just general jap shit, it's not as weird a concept to them.
I really enjoy the detail that Enta still isn't very coordinated as a kappa.
Like any genie-figure would, to be fair.
doesn't this contradicts Yuri Kuma Arashi completely? doubt that's gonna be the message
Reminds me of euphinator
I like too that Kazuki still fell but was so focused he just rolled back into a standing position.
And Toi just lands perfectly as usual.
>because its an interesting way to convey the story?
Is it really?
Daily reminder that it took three gay teenage boys playing with balls (the Golden Threesome) to defeat a straight footfag.
not just straight, but straight adult men with weird fixations on a particular woman or women in general
about to watch the ep
what am i in for?
Teenagers are usually not physically coordinated because their limbs are growing all the time.
Spooky dad.
Referencing one's own mythology is pretty normal.
Good. FUCK footfags.
Watch and don't come back until you're done.
hope, fluff and sadness, dish.
Suffering for everyone, healing for some, madness for others.
i do not like this keppi, his smug aura mocks me
If Ikuhara's storytelling is convoluted it's in how he chooses to hold and reveal information to viewers, but what you're listing is mostly just thematic stuff related to kappa. That's nothing to do with the storytelling.
>With Utena maybe being more on the too long side
Utena wouldn't be as great without that extensive characterization. Imagine if they'd cut out Wakaba Flourishing.
Every time I see this artwork of Reo, I just
I burst out laughing when I saw this in the stream.
>just thematic stuff
>nothing to do with the storytelling
where do you get the individual pages?
When I say theme here I mean the splash of paint on the show. Like how Penguindrum had the penguins and other aquatic animals all over the place.
In last episode the kappa zombie revived as soon as Kazuki lost the shirikodama, even after bursting into the water channel. So assimilation is required to defeat kappa zombie, shady as it is.
This is so sad
Haruka is a good boy.
I don't think they should watch Sarazanmai if they don't want to see them be sexualized
Haruka won the Kazukibowl.
>sexualized Reo/Mabu art
I want to see kazuki aged haruka
The one that made it hasn't step into the nip fanbase.
they're not doing a very good job
Twitter. I think there're some reuploads on pixiv.
bro what the fuck
i feel like i should spoiler this shit
But that was before the fight was even over, they were still doing the memory leak, like I said, if enough time passes or once the battle is actually over then the zombie will die anyway, we explicitly see in this ep that the zombie explodes before Keppi eats the ball.
Six episodes in and I still have no idea what the fuck is going on.
Yeah they ALWAYS explode before Keppi eats the ball? The kappa zombies bursting into water stream is where the water channel for sarazanmai memory leak takes place.
Actually, I've only seen one semi-lewd of Sara. Usually any cute female character will get porn pretty fast, but it makes me kind of happy that Sara mostly gets cute art instead.
You must be incredibly slow then..
Dumb shit like this makes me want to search jptwit for golden trio porn out of spite
I want lewds of kappa Sara
I'm confused here, you say time passing, but if Keppi don't eat the ball where is it supposed to be contained? It just flows back into the kappa zombie if Keppi doesn't assimilate it. The only way to solve this problem is to stop the creation of kappa zombie, once they get created there's no saving, like the love shredder is one way thing.
Wrong reply
There's nothing wrong with rubbing against your bros
what is this from
The sarazanmai website.
Okay. Tell me then. What's really going on? And don't come me with some Otter and Keppi stuff. That's just decoration. Themes.
I just noticed he has red bags under his eyes as if he's in pain
so who's gonna rip the ebook for us
is this the novel? isn't it already translated?
That looks more like pleasure to me.
no, it's the first volume of the manga. came out today
Read the thread, user already ripped it.
not the individual pages, only big strips, in lower quality.
No you linked the novel and it's only the first chapter. Tank isn't out.
Desire is what runs our lives and opening up about those desires helps us to connect with the people we care about. Desire isn't inherently bad, but it can be, so we have to figure shit out and make sure we aren't fucking up too bad or else we won't be able to connect.