I don't know what's more amazing...

I don't know what's more amazing. The fact that Akagi could hide a 40inch flat-screen tv in his coat or the fact they had those in the early 90s

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Is Ten worth reading? I've read Akagi, but I'm afraid of Ten being too rough/amateurish and betraying the demonic image I have of Akagi.

Dude it's the greatest part, and the most important one. The one that gets Japanese fans to celebrate every year on September. The part that concludes Akagi's story and gives it so much more meaning. So many things in Washizu mahjong are a callback to Ten it's fucking awesome. Ten is the reason why the Akagi opening is so melancholic in a bittersweet but hopeful way.

The beginning is pretty fucking rough, but it gets good when the West/East contest was, and the last 4 volumes are the best thing FKMT ever made.

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I guess I will read it then.
I already know how Akagi's own life story concludes, so I am not hopeful in finding anything meaningful in Ten.
The fact that it's yet another manga based entirely on Majohng is also a bit intimidating, specially considering it's about scrubs that cheat instead of people with supernatural instincts.

The "cheating scrubs" part only really exists at the very beginning. It's kind of a weird slump where FKMT didn't really know what he wanted to do with Ten, both as a manga and as a character.
There's a somewhat lesser focus on the psychology behind the players but a greater focus on the quality of play themselves. I think it's probably Fukumoto's best manga when it comes to actual mahjong while still providing plenty of meaningful characterization for almost every character.

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They do cheat a few times after the beginning, but it's actually pretty compelling.

The best part (the ending) is basically people talking with no gambles for a whole 3 volumes though.

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I must admit that I am not particularly in love with mahjong itself, and that the reason I really liked Akagi was because of the psychology behind the actions and how Akagi was really like an alien lifeform whose unnatural existence forced him into being an outcast destined to never bond with anyone (except the ONE person he finds that shares his status as a complete alien among society, but for different reasons).

>faking a Kan
Lel, I remember this play in Akagi as well.

So, is that "last part" basically a huge epilogue?

Not how I thought of it. Can't explain without major spoilers, but it has a lot of deep and meaningful dialogue.

Alright, I'll start on it tomorrow while I'm procrastinating.

It's the main appeal of Ten for most people. It's basically an arc that wraps up the character arcs of the entire cast just by having them discuss some really deep shit.

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You won't regret it.
Thanks for explaining it better than I could.

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Sort of, yes. It's a closure between the major characters of the manga. Saying more is probably spoiler territory, but overall I'd think you'll be very satisfied with Akagi in Ten.

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Has anybody here ever watched the live action adaptations of Akagi?

I saw the second vcine movie and the first tv series.
Series wasn't bad, movie was hilariously bad.

I watched imdb.com/title/tt4760622/. It's decent. Especially since it covers content after anime end. Also it spoils Akagi's death in Ten

They're fun, but none are good adaptations.

I hear there's suppose to be a new female Akagi manga out soon. Is that true?

it's real, still waiting for the chapter though

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That's Osamu? He's old as fuck now. Wonder if Ten and Hiroyuki will show up

Hiro has his own spinoff now.

I still want to know why Osamu and Nangou and others weren't at the vigil.

You crazy ignorant motherfucker

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