Do we have to wait another 10 years for another anime to generate this much hype?
Do we have to wait another 10 years for another anime to generate this much hype?
Other urls found in this thread:
DitF was hot steamy trash actually but damn 02 is one superlative cut of meat. All the other girls are like a "steak" at Denny's while she's a finely marbled kobe beeg
fuck off redditor
Why did it create so much hype, anyway? Was it a combination of factors? Original show, TRIGGER, top tier waifu?
>the zoomer interpretation of Asuka
Lack of novelty in the anime medium causes stuff like Re;Zero/Konosuba and others to explode. Every anime is just borrowing the same concepts from another series and just tries to do it slightly better than the last. But the issue is, they're ultimately the same concepts that have been so overdone that no one really gives a shit anymore what's happening.
Romance anime can't pull people because they're in the same exact school setting with same exact storyline.
Darling in the franxx was a romance story in a dystopian society with big titty mecha and sexual innuendo's everywhere. It was unpredictable for most of the series and this lead to it garnering interest. It was an escape from how stale anime has become.
boring characters
shit plot
shit enemies
shit fights
world exploration = zero
People have been talking about this show’s frequent homages to Eva and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and some have concluded that Darling is a ripoff because of that. I wonder if the purpose of these homages the whole time was to create the kind of distance I experienced with the death of one the Nines. Not to distract from the violence and gore, but to call our attention to the fact that we’re actually watching a play.
This may seem like a strange connection to make, but please stay with me here for a moment: it’s like watching the Royal Shakespeare Company’s 2010 film version of Hamlet, with David Tennant as the lead. You’re not really paying that much attention to the story, because it’s freakin’ Hamlet; if you care enough to watch an RSC production in the first place, you likely know the story backwards and forwards already. What you really pay attention to is what’s been changed; the modern clothes, the way technology is utilized, the way Tennant is playing the most batshit insane Hamlet you’ve ever seen, and it might be over the top, but it might also be closer to Shakespeare’s actual intent with the character.
We know the beats in these mecha stories: Eva and it’s legion of copies taught us, Gurren Lagann further refined the formula. This is the latest iteration of that same kind of story and we’re not supposed to be watching expecting a brand new play. We’re supposed to be paying attention to what’s changed; What’s different now from 20 years ago in Eva? What’s different now from 10 years ago in Gurren Lagann?
part 1/2
I think I’ll still be thinking about this series for a long time. It feels like Studio Trigger and Gainax's remnants finally did what they’ve been trying to do for years; they got close with Space Patrol Luluco, but there was a limit to what that show could do as a comedic short. This is the emotional resonance that mostly eluded Kiznaiver, that only worked intermittently in Kill La Kill. I feel almost proud of Trigger for pulling this off, but it’s not a uniformly positive feeling; part of me wants them to go back to making shows about school uniforms from space shredding each other, because this was exhausting. And not to say that because it was exhausting means it is bad, no, not even close. But its a show that shouldn't come every season, or hell every year. Like Eva and Gurren Lagaan before it, Darling in the FranXX is a type of series that we only need every ten years, because its the type of anime that will define the next evolution in anime, like its predecessors Darling in the FranXX will become the defining series of the late 2010s to early 2020s and will have a lasting impact for years to come.
Part 2 of 2
Reminder that everyone hated Eva when it was first released, and that only after a couple years once EoE was released did opinions on Eva flip from calling it complete horseshit to being a masterpiece happen.
Darling in the FranXX is a transcendental masterpiece and there is nothing Yea Forums can do to change that.
and here comes the facts!
>Filled the catalog whenever an episode just released
> at least 10% of the catalog was made of DitF threads when the show was airing
>world exploration
Irrelevant for a character drama.
>shit plot
You should reorient your view of the plot to focus on the characters not on the world.
>shit characters
>shit fights
A really bad opinion.
Plots are generic and cookie cutter, focus on themes and the message the work is trying to tell you.
Yeah, hype
>It was unpredictable for most of the series
>I also have watched 20 anime
Don't forget about all of the naysayers from before the series even aired.
>everyone hated Eva when it was first released
Quit spreading lies, falseflagger
I bet you weren't even on BBS or Email lists in 1997. You probably weren't even born.
>Robots powered by sex
>Monster girls
>Protagonist is a fucking madman who'd strangle orphans and throw pregnant women down flights of stairs to reach his dinosaur wife
There is nothing good about being someone who spent their entire lifespan on chinese imageboards. It's like you guys are bragging about who is a bigger incel than the other.
hopefully not
it was fun
Today, I will remind them.
This, too bad Yea Forums is full of low IQ posters.
>Newfag trying to argue that being a newfag is good by using normalfag shaming tactics
Get out of here, you un-virgin.
You can always rewatch, like i'm doing right now.
Is this the only way to cope after the disapointing second half?
Same reason every series in that time slot has generated hype for about a decade now. Considerable social media push marketing on the part of the production committee that nets it several times the exposure of virtually any other show airing in a given season. The draw back for this sort of show is that unless it's actually good in the end run then 95% of the hype and buzz gets focused into the period where it's airing and anything else after that tends to be kind of picking up the pieces "what went wrong" discussion for about the next 3 years. Nothing went wrong, it's just people buy into hype for thing that don't necessarily warrant it and that the production never had any real intention of living up to. It's also a strategy that tends to backfire in the long run leading to a series being the be all end all for a few months and then slowly garnering exponentially more criticism then it probably ever would have otherwise as it becomes evident that all the hype is kind of just that and that the show is kind of nothing special or groundbreaking as it was billed to be.
Honestly the fans themselves are the problem though. They apparently can't decide enough what they like for themselves and need hype and to be told what to watch and get themselves all worked up about either by some e-celeb or the production committee itself which will gladly fill that role. It's become almost comically easy for production committees that organize shows for that time slot to exploit to push an otherwise bog standard show as the absolute biggest fucking deal. They also know the exact types of memes, characters and content they need to push to keep people talking about these shows. Basically see 02 (aka clearly the most focus grouped character of the entire show for max waifu appeal) and the entirety of the first half of the show with it's juvenile sex romp atmosphere.
Also this show was always fucked once it couldn't rely on the above anymore in it's second half
This show is trash, fucking Evangelion bootleg with a terrible romance and shallow characters.
Your tinfoil theory is weird. Why do you struggle with coping that people actually like it? Why do you have to do mental gymnastics to understand
That poor user can't understand why people have such shit taste in shows, maybe that's why he does it.
When you have to go out of your way to call peoples taste shit on an anonymous board. Chances are you're projecting.
Also before anybody goes all "OH MA GURD ANIPLEX GUY" if you don't like the answer after like the 5th time it's happened in this decade alone with one of the big budget shows they've headed up a production committee for in that TV slot then that's kind of just your problem and proves you're not really looking to get to the bottom of what's driving these kinds of shows to such heights and then depths year after year. Like it's kind of blindingly obvious and has already been touched on by other posters in the thread as well that have been clearly paying attention if not to specifics. These shows, especially that time slot which is now occupied by Kimetsu no Yaiba have been artificially inflated in popularity for years now by a series of well managed plays to waifu appeal, soundtrack style appeal, expert use of well timed animation cuts to inspire social media memes to market the show via and appealing to shitposter types with waifu war subplots that go nowhere and only serve to drive up traffic and discussion about them in terms of sheer volume. I don't see how that can be argued and you can see in how quickly the show fell apart in it's second half that it needed that kind of content to drive it and had little else to work with.
Of course if you just want to do memes and reactionary shitposts and be all butthurt disregard all of this by all fucking means and happily fall into the same trap with the next show of it's kind and be doing this all again in about a year over that one. Something tells me that despite it all Yea Forums cannot live without shows like Darling in The Frankxx to provide it with shitposting fuel.
>When you have to go out of your way to call peoples taste shit on an anonymous board.
Sounds like the average day on an anonymous image board, don't see the issue there
No I'm pretty sure I get it. People like prime shitposting fuel even if they're kind of being manipulated by producers into watching mediocre shows they kind of regret in the end run in order to do it. No show that had a big enough promotion behind it really offered itself up to being able to do this like DiTF last year and I'm pretty sure it was deliberate.
I don't see what's supposed to be complex here or what's not to understand. As I said it's all kind of blindingly obvious the answers to the OP's questions to the point where I don't see how there's any room for confusion about literally anything that has been posted in this thread so far. It's also pretty obvious that one of the big reasons that people soured on the show in it's second half is that it stopped giving people waifu war and cheesy fanservice stuff to shitpost and make meme's about. Like people were actually left with having to discuss the plot and such of the show and whoops turned out it was generic sci-fi fare with absolutely nothing fresh to offer. The general reception of the show cratered as a result. They should have just abandoned all pretense of having a show and gone all waifu war the whole way through and just pushed the meme aspects of the show full throttle and they would have at least salvaged some of the artificial buzz and hype into the finale.
>he thinks the show fell apart in the second half
t. Big brain brainlet tier plotfag
Like did you want an answer to the question proposed by the thread or not?
Or maybe, just maybe, people actually genuinely like the fucking show.
Did anyone else fucking love this shot and the way it matched up to the music in episode 6? It was fucking pure kino, and it still blows my mind with how good of a directorial job the director did for this segment, with matching up with the music and the way we go down from the core to see strelitzia, and then look at them starting to fly towards the core in an almost backwards shot from how they came down from the core. It was absolute perfection, and one of my favorite moments from the show.
You're right, but why do you seem to be acting like Dahling is the only anime of 2018 to be marketed thusly? This is pretty much the way all anime is marketed nowadays, especially in the late-night timeslot pioneered by NGE. And that most certainly goes for the productions of a certain '''''independent''''', '''''artisan''''' studio located about 400 miles west of Tokyo.
This is probably a tough concept for the Yea Forums shitpost lords but I'll try my best here. You see the show itself and the hype surrounding it go hand in hand but are kind of their own distinct things. The hype around the show fell apart in it's second half in the absence of the shitpost fuel that was propping it up. It was always an empty vessel with no proper sense of direction or unique identity that just cribbed from successful Gainax mecha series of the past.
Anyway I'm just waiting for Gunbuster 3 at this point which will probably be the first decent sci-fi related thing not named Gundam, Yamato or Mazinger Z in a while. It's not gonna have any of the production committee chuck fucks involved that Darling in the Frankxx had most likely and provided its a proper reunion of the Gunbuster or at least Diebuster staff and remains an OVA series they'll probably just get to do their thing the right way without being rushed and forced to add all kinds of pointless shitpost fuel for the social media crowd because it won't have Aniplex or TV Tokyo etc. anywhere near the decision making process.
Like imagine the possibilities of a sci-fi show that's just actually good and well realized and doesn't need to pander to waifu tropes and shitposters to prop itself up.
You are just blatantly ignoring how it is different from the rest.
Its unique identity is there. You just haven't even really experience the series if you don't even understand its themes and message.
And again see : Also,
>he doesn't watch hour long literary analysis on the show
That's probably why you can only get the surface level details of the show.
>Extended literary reference to Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go
>Message about oppressive authority figures
>Loving and accurate portrayal of human sexuality including demisexuality
>Garden of Eden metaphor
>Harrowing portrayal of the horrors of childhood innocence in a tightly controlled environment
>Golden Bough mistletoe and baldur extended reference.
>APE/VIRM and their role in keeping Humanity stuck in Plato's cave, by show them a light which is just a mirage.
>Literally and figuratively horny waifu
You literally missed everything.
It's the most noticeable example of it and most successful model for this type of marketing and appeal. Don't ask me why but these producers just seem to have had the most success with that type of model by a long shot in the 2010's.
I think the studio involved was specifically picked with this in mind and that Kyoto Animation falls into a similar situation where they can just easily market shows with that model if they want to because just by their name being on something a certain group of people will go absolutely fucking bonkers and practically promote awareness of the show for them. Very noticeably people just go fucking apeshit with memes, spamming and "hype" when Triggers name is on something as well and for what they contributed to this show it's almost like Trigger was added to the mix just for it's brand name alone and to get people making the usual shitposts on social media about it. I mean A-1 sort of has that meme quality to it's brand as well (and not in a good way), but not quite like Trigger, Shaft, Kyoani etc.
Anyway as I said it's really not all that complex a concept to wrap ones head around or so you would think.
gets me every time
Why does 02 have such a manface
>People actually liked this garbage
I mean if you didn't want an answer to the question and just wanted to argue and green text then please explain the purpose of the thread? Like usual Yea Forums seems to have gotten away from the initial purpose of a thread into the same old antics and I've kind of said my piece already so it's up to you guys now. Figure it the fuck out maybe I dunno.....
When Platinum end ends it's adaption will be hype as shit.
This pretty much sums it all up, a lot of hype for nothing. It’s barely ever talked about anymore
>user responds to "[DiTF] was always an empty vessel with no proper sense of direction or unique identity that just cribbed from successful Gainax mecha series of the past."
>Original poster refuses to rebutt argument that claims that he is wrong for saying that.
Your claim is shit. user literally proved that it wasn't an empty vessel with no unique identity.
>Absolutely nothing
You missed everything.
Drama isn't hype, plus it was mostly just Baby's First Pretentious Trainwreck.
If you think it's big or w/e, just remember, you haven't been on Yea Forums for long.
stealing crap from all over the place that, together, or every shit on its own, doesn't lead fucking anywhere is barely a unique identity
>he thought it was a trainwreck
t. Plotfag
There is only one truth:
02 during the first half > 02 during the second half
I'm pretty sure 02 was created to be a combination of Rei and Asuka personalities and designs.
True, trainwreck would imply that it was good at one point. Franxx was always uninspired garbage.
>extended literary messages are copying and generic
You are a faggot, who can't understand a show beyond the surface level.
You have to go back.
>He thinks it isn't a masterpiece.
>He can't enjoy an anime for its theme and message
>or if it made him feel any emotions during the entire run time
>he literally cannot make an argument so he keeps posting strawman greentexts
Boredom is an emotion, does that make every boring anime good, by your metrics? If I can be annoyed, does that then make it somehow superior to something with a competent plot?
user, its not my fault that you are a brainlet who can't understand what they are watching.
Herein is the problem with Yea Forums and really the greater anime fanbase in general. It literally only even considers massively overhyped shows from the same old producers every season. Not by Aniplex and it's affiliates, Kyoto Animation or based on some Isekai concept, not even considered for a second as a possibly worthwhile venture in a season in the 2010's. You guys yourselves are the problem, you actively seek out and promote above everything else the same generic shit by the same producers prone to over-hyping things and then turn around and are like "what gives guys? Why does shit suck?" every time they turn out to be lackluster and devolve into manufactured fan wars.
Anime is fucked cause of it's fanbases increasingly narrow tastes, petty bullshit, and what they're willing to even consider watching and posting about which is increasingly the sum total of what I mentioned in the above paragraph. Mainly shitposting and waifu wars as opposed to actual discussion. Thus shows are basically designed around enabling that sort of thing more and more. Darling is little different.
user, if you didn't like romantic character dramas then why did you watch Darling in the FranXX?
> a fucking Gundam wing edit
user, I
Darling wasn’t a well written romantic character drama though. It was a dime a dozen soap opera with forced drama and mediocre at best romance
Stop forcing this trash daily.
No matter the amount of individual commitment you put into it, nothing will save this garbage from sinking into its deserved irrelevance.
Not him but it’s pretty easy to understand you’re watching garbage when you look at it
Our last thread was two days ago. kek
You may not be a neet but I'm one
Again, that's your opinion. Objectively, the characters were well written and had defined Character motivations and goals.
Says the person making baseless assertions with "ought" statements about their shitty seasonal anime.
Can you make a single "is" statement that is objective about your My First Romance Anime™?
>complete horseshit
but it IS
Darling is more about cute characters and self insert than a realistic romance drama
Realistic romantic drama is slow paced and makes you hate the characters instead of wafuing them.Also reminder that 02 is not a human so romance with her would be different than with a human girl
It's not even his. All the text, edit and drawfags left these shit threads already. Only talentless, jobless trash remain who just repost old stuff and beat a dead horse with their shitposts. From time to time they also beg for scans and shit. That's the current situation. I'm amazed how they wont get bored of this, when they make the same threads and posts 4 times in a row
Again, that’s your opinion
>Self insert
Fucking KEK
>Realistic romantic drama is slow paced and makes you hate the characters
Post proofs or you’re a liar
Objectively the drama is terrible. 02 and Hiro’s relationship is just terrible memory loss drama, and once he gets his memory back they have nothing else to remotely engage people in their relationship. The fact that they become the most uninteresting couple on earth after he gets his memory back just goes to show. Hiro and Ichigo’s relationship is just a shitty love triangle to create drama for the sake of drama and serves the plot in no real way. Mitsuru and Kokoro’s plot was another shitty rehashed lost memory plot.
Mayoiga threads surpassed 1000 posts weekly. The last threads reached 1500+.
Your point being?
The NTR arc was fun.
Go be an edgy contrarian fag somewhere else.
Do you feel like being part of a club or something?
I didn't catch any of the hype when the show aired, but I watched it a few weeks ago and.. it was better than expected, despite the asinine Trigger ending.
That said, its plot and message aren't exactly original at this point, but the fact that A1 and Trigger tag teamed on this is a strong meta message to the industry to not get absorbed into the government's soft power strategy. And for that I am grateful. Also, 02 is the waifu I wished for in EVA.
Look, retards need support groups too.
>NTR arc
You man cour
Yea Forums IS a club user. The incel club.
This entire site culture is around being part of some kind of club
Point being what?
I just realized something. Franxx faggots didn't actually like the show. They liked to shitpost about it. With this dry spring season with no shitpost worthy shows, they went back to lasy years biggest shitstorm.
This means, that they just miss the threads and shitposting about the show. Not the show itself. The quality of the board has gone down a lot and threads rarely get more than 600 replies at most. There is no trainwreck/hype/shitpost show that could take Yea Forums by storm.
What do you take away the themes to be? I want to see what you mean by unoriginal message and theme.
I genuinely like the show. Stop projecting.
>Franxx thread
>More than half of it is shitposting and people shitting on Trigger
>Wow guize look how popular our aotd is, so many posts
>I just realized something. Franxx faggots didn't actually like the show. They liked to shitpost about it.
That's literally every single fandom here
Sad that you're holding on to a corpse of a show
Look at all of these people here to hate on the Timeless masterpiece that is Darling in the FranXX. Glad to see that Yea Forums is still being its usual tsundere self.
Back to- what is it nowadays? Twitter?
Actually the NTR (of Fatty) and Mitsukoko was the best part of the show. Shame their designs were wasted for grbage plot and rushed development with serious lack of screentime together (only when show allowed it, otherwise they barely talked, even manga and fancomics do better job at that). After episode 7 I was only watching it for them and the false hype and shit posting.
I did have fun with this trainwreck, but modern anime can't become classics, because they lack soul and relevancy after long time. People nowdays have the attention span of a gold fish after all. Only autists get hooked to some series for longer than year.
2 character name waifu ranking:
I haven't seen this show talked about outside of Yea Forums at all since it ended aside from the odd moronic youtuber trying to deep analyze a production committee show that was more or less slapped together for mass otaku appeal. It only seems to be Yea Forums that just has the hangup about certain kinds of shows by certain producers long after just about everyone else has stopped giving a fuck and moved on with their lives. Japan moved on to SSSS Gridman later in 2018 which Yea Forums doesn't really talk about at all cause it wasn't made by the right producers but was incredibly well received over there to the point where it has just as much or more fanart in half the air time and despite finishing airing only about 5 months ago. I also think it actually managed to sell better despite having a fraction fo the Limited Edition benefits that DiTF had in it's Blu-Ray sets which should have put it at a huge handicap in market potential in comparison. So that's basically all the buzz with Trigger of late, but during the season that aired of course people were too busy jerking it over the latest Monogatari wannabe light novel adaptation by Aniplex that took over the DiTF time slot and that Japan infamously could not figure out why Westerner's apparently enjoyed more than SSSS Gridman.
Of course all of this mecha stuff is overwhelmingly still overshadowed by Gundam which remains the big daddy of mecha franchises and at the rate things are going will never be challenged at large for that distinction.
Also again none of that stuff was produced alongside A-1 so Yea Forums is still stuck on last year with DiTF until probably the next time Trigger collaborates with A-1 on a shitty over-hyped trainwreck. The only other way to get Yea Forums to kind of pretend to give a fuck about a mecha show would probably be for Kyoto Animation to make another Full Metal Panic season.
All of this continues to say more about Yea Forums and the apparent unique psychological problems of it's user base of course.
Saying it's a masterpiece over and over won't make it true.
Oh the last fake shitpost thread was only two days ago. Everything is fine then.
Go forth and procreate (ok, that may have been somewhat original), old generations prevent the young from unlocking their potential, sending the young to get slaughtered in the wars the older generation started, government oppression, a secret cabal controling the state and human instrumentality (APE is literally a copy of SEELE), main girl suffering from borderline personality disorder, the celebration of the "state of nature", hard manual work and living in harmony with nature (basically every Ghibli movie) and a few others. Don't get me wrong, I really like those themes, it was just all very predictable. Oh, and of course, the POWER OF LOVE. Fuck that.
Saying it's a masterpiece just tells you that's bait.
Yeah, no.
>getting triggered by a term
I'm here for over 9 fucking years, nice projection tho
Do girls like 02 exist irl? If so, where can you find them?
Shitposters usually use 'timeless masterpiece' in a sentence to let you know they're being sarcastic. I feel bad to explain this to you.
Post 2008 fags will always be newfags.
I really want to see someone trying to defend this moment
worked for EVA lol
This show is the best example of forced hype I can think of
Can't wait to see somebody desperately and painfully try to argue against this by twisting themselves into a greentext pretzel. It's not gonna be me though.
Incidentally has there even been any lazier and low effort form of shitposting, argumentation and trolling then just taking whatever somebody posts, putting it in green text format and leaving it at that. Even calling it an argument is a bit of a stretch because all it really boils down to is basically you said this and therefore your an idiot because I said so.
Anyway it just goes further towards my point, that these producers cannot survive or market their shows adequately in the absence of a shitposting histrionic nonsense like this. I'd almost suspect that people are literally getting paid to promote shows by disguising topics about them as generic shitposting threads because any publicity is better than no publicity and they're probably gearing up for a Western release of it or something this summer. Like just absolutely force the brand into the consciousness of the fandom even if you have to disguise it as a thread like this and pretend and false flag a bit about it. Hard to prove and just a theory but like it's one of the only way this behavior makes any sense to me at all. I know that Yaraon matome blog does it by making fake fan war articles as pretense to what looks like hitting a quota of mentioning certain things they're obviously being paid to push. Like there's some series and producers they mention just about every day regardless of there's an actual story beyond the headline or not. That blog is probably the closest equivalent Japan has to what Yea Forums looks like these days.
I wonder if Franxxfags are jealous that they can’t compete with a true wild ride like Danganronpa 3. Those threads were fucking fantastic
Dude A-1 and it's parent company are literally at the forefront of the whole Cool Japan Fund thing. This literal show was funded in part by it even.
They are usually more trashy/slutty than 02. Her excuse for sticking to Main Character Who Is Totally Not Kirito's dick exclusively was the lame memory loss contrivance.
02 is basically an extraverted version of my ex and I found her portrayal quite adequate (for an anime character). Yeah, these women do exist, it just never ends well for anybody.
Mods are unironic Triggerniggers. They even stickied LWA threads and made Tattun "verified" in here. Mods fall into one of these two categories:
>they hate anime
>they only like Toonami/Trigger/other western-pandering normalfag garbage
That much has been evident for about a year and a half now.
I guess at this point the entire staff had been high on shrooms for six days straight with a deadline to reach the next morning. That's the best I can come up with and I like most of the show.
This thread is now officially everything wrong with the anime fandom these days. You people care literally more about fan wars, shitposting and trolling each other all day long than you do anime. Why do you even need this medium to do this, like why not literally anything if that's gonna be the actual goal and nobody really gives a fuck in reality.
Borderline personality disorder girls. It's not worth it.
>so edgy xD
>bwaa, why do other people like stuff I don't like?!
Based and 2 pilled
>it references highbrow shit so its good!
I unironically won't agree you until you drop fandom. There's a fucking divide and it exists for a reason
I wish the first two paragraphs were easier to swallow and digest so people would realize the cancer they are
I only participate for attention and to make other side mad.
Nobody is really mad
I'm mad
I guess i'll have to keep dreaming then
Interesting, though isn't Cool Japan Fund a private organization? Although they do reference the ministry of education and seem to be receiving funds from the gov. I can't find much on it, except for this article:
It seems more like an attempt at inorganic growth and entering new markets by throwing money at them (which is what a gov sponsored fund might do, granted).
I still hold up my statement about the politics of Franxx, though. Its even more of a statement with government funding in the back.
stop making threads about this overrated by babies series made in a shitty studio that repeat frames every 5 seconds
What the fuck did they even scream
I have a feeling that all this trashtalk comes from just one really lonely incel faggot trying to get a reaction out of people. Guess it worked.
>using incel as an insult
do you know where you are?
Every Aniplex/Tokyo MX sponsored show that's aired in that timeslot for years now fits this description though. Seriously don't be an idiot and just argue and just go look for yourself, its a very noticeable pattern IMO. Here even, just some examples of shows that have aired in that time slot in the last 5 years:
Darling in the Frankxx
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Kaguya-Sama Wants To Be Confessed Too
Eromanga Sensei
Granblue Fantasy The Animation
The Asterisk War
The Irregular At Magical High School
Sword Art Online (All Seasons)
Valvrave The Liberator
Kill La Kill
Some turned out a little better than others, but all of them came in with or garnered a massive amount of hype and buzz seemingly just because and tend to use cheap but accessible for the target audience waifu tropes and cliffhanger twists to keep them watching and talking about them while they're airing. It's enough though to determine that this timeslot and the production committee's (which doesn't change much outside of the studio doing the animation) intention for it is literally designed over airing massively over-hyped bigger budget projects that have no real intention of living up to anything or to be anything beyond disposable the moment they finish airing and lose most of their social media buzz, shitposting and hype factor. Like seriously anybody remember or still give a fuck about Aldnoah.Zero, Re:Creators or Valverave The Liberator? No because the most current iteration of that type of show is still Darling In The Frankxx until the next example comes along probably some time later this year in the fall or winter at which point DITF is done even in this capacity. While those shows were airing it was same sort of thing with constant shitpost threads and the same kind of haranguing over whether they were any good or not. They weren't really otherwise we wouldn't be having these topics.
It works on /his/ and Yea Forums, but I like your woke response.
There is no logical reason to be mad.
At least 50% of the posts here are from me and I been bashing it. Idk who the others are.
Wow, I know you're trash but you just confirmed it
Half of these shows seem like fillers to bridge the gap between the popular ones. And Franxx was one of the more popular ones, despite its short run.
Don't be mean user, I like you.
She is so perfect
AU spin off when?
No it's Abe's LDP government figuring it can use partnerships with certain anime producers to kind of soft promote it's agenda and culture as required to achieve it's ends a litttle better. Abe was one of the first to realize just how fanatical otaku can be and has even tried to court them a little by pretending to be one in public at times.
It might be a niche demographic but it can be manipulated to do just about anything right now given the right recipe and partnerships with brands it worships. This is part and parcel of the business strategy by certain producers as well. Just snatch up all the brands, staff and such that hardcore otaku borderline if not flat out worship and sign them to contracts and just use them every single chance you get. It's basically why just about every soundtrack is done by Hiroyuki Sawano and Yuki Kajiura these days. I have no idea what the soundtrack scene is going to look like for anime once those two retire or their popularity starts to finally wane a little because they haven't done anything to nurture or promote just about anyone else. Like the industry is going to run into a lot of problems once some of the current slowly bursting bubbles eventually do pop because nobody new and no real new concepts are being introduced to the mix anymore. Like there's virtually no variety.
Let me put it this way, the youngest generation of popular anime staff like writers,composers and directors (who are already clearly getting burnt out) are in their mid 40's and early 50's on average and there's just about nobody coming up behind them. Nobody wants to work in an industry that pays it's people like dirt when there's too much on the line in trying to make a living coming out of college and where they can probably get a job at Cygames or something and make several times the salary they would working in the animation industry proper.
Cool Japan (クールジャパン Kūru Japan), along with "Gross National Cool" is a concept as an expression of Japan's emergent status as a cultural superpower. Gaining broad exposure in the media and academia, the brand of "Cool Japan" has been adopted by the government of Japan as well as trade bodies seeking to exploit the commercial capital of the country's culture industry. It has been described as a form of soft power, "the ability to indirectly influence behaviour or interests through cultural or ideological means".[1][2]
This is one of the guiding philosophies behind Japanese animation industries production and what gets made and how it's marketed nowadays. Make of it what you will.
post the cursed webm, you know which one..
darling in the tips fedora was garbage, especially the forced hype around it.
I mean, if the show hadn't shot itself in the foot with the ending and demolished pretty much everything it seemed to have built up, then you'd have something to argue with. Considering what the show actually did, you really don't.
lol bing pretended there was no wikipedia article on Cool Japan. fuck this shit and thanks for enlightening me.
still haven't watched it .
You would think that but then they end up becoming the most talked about shows of their given season on average while everything else that might not be template as fuck and even moderately different in terms of production staff, premise and storytelling style just gets ignored cause anime fandom is all kind of fucked up these days and seemingly cannot figure out for itself what it likes so most of it just kind of settles back on the same old and familiar stuff that's generated buzz and shitposting in the past.
No matter how I look at it it kind of makes it look like the industry is just slowly dying creatively in the 2010's and that without social media, hype, working fans attention spans via memes etc. it'd be turbo-fucked years ago. It's fanbase is also losing it's sense of imagination and willingness to even entertain concepts beyond it's own safe space of established brands and tropes (RPG tropes, waifu wish fulfillment tropes, shows about people like them getting bullied and getting their revenge on society. you know things that do nothing for people outside of that specific core anime otaku world view) as well as it's desire for genuine adventure and the unexpected. It also seems like it's only growing in terms of how many already established life long fans it can exploit financially and to what extreme and even with overseas markets cannot seem to find an audience beyond the core otaku. Enter Gacha games based around popular franchises as an example that all kind of play the same and have kind of started to become the preferred method of monetizing all this stuff.
Like this show could have been something a little different if some actual creative types got to call the shots, but given that it's a production committee produced thing and all the power in the direction, promotion and content of the show rests with them we just kind of got a generic forgettable waifu war show that very realistically might not even make it into an SRW game.
>unnatural hair color
>is actually one of those giant monsters
>weird relationship with the main character
>secretly the main weapon of the goverment
She is Rei
Oh it's also kind of fucking backfired in a lot of ways and because Japan has been so preoccupied for much of this decade producing generic crap to milk the core otaku and letting a whole bunch of money and revenue get laundered by big corporations that the actual creative types and studio grunts that do the hard work never see any of it has basically opened the door for Korea and China to move in on certain sectors of the market that Japan has just kind of been ignoring and emerge for the first time as legitimately threatening competitors to Japan's animation industry.
So despite the anime industry reporting growth year on year that's more just the production committees revenue getting bumped up and paper growth for the animation industry. The strategy is bad because if those people decide to take their money elsewhere and there's no rule set in place to keep it from happening which has kind of started happening with animation companies investing more and more into trying to publish hit gacha games.
This is the sort of stuff that barely gets talked about where it needs to though cause people are too busy shitposting, trolling and pettily feuding with each other to see all the actual problems and cracks in the industry that are the indirect source of a lot of their beefs with it. They'd sooner make up a shitpost about why x is y then actually figure out what's really going on behind the scenes. Japan has a greater awareness of it all, but Western fandoms that center around crunchyroll, MAL, Yea Forums and the like just seem ignorant as all shit.
You could always just literally wait till the next time Aniplex tries to sponsor and promote an original TV series Definitely going to happen within the next year and boy will it be popular to shitpost about while it's airing, but my god will it turn out to be dog shit.
>She sees your dick
Zero Two is nothing like Asuka. Miku and fucking Mitsuru are more like Asuka than Zero Two.
All of those and more
Firstly, a new Trigger mecha is always going to generate some interest among anime fans. Their reputation guarantees that you're going to get something out technically impressive from this kind of show. Also their hardcore fanbase.
Zero Two's design did generate some buzz as well from waifu shits. Her seductive personality only cemented this.
And as much as a hate them, the cast with their generic cardboard designs and personality did help the popularity among ironic weebs. People who look for anime for the sake of watching anime, will try and find something that looks "very anime". They also make Zero Two stand out more.
The last thing that guaranteed Franxx's popularity is the butt controls. So people can post on forums and talk about how goofy it is. I guess the female looking mechs with boobs will help with that as well.
This explains Nintendo’s behavior. They are beginning to give shit about indie stuff because they have seen what happens to their native market when they flat out ignore these unappreciated minds.
I have to say that this animation crises is quite terrifying for Japan. And it’s surprising influential to the general gaming market to some extent.
It’s no wonder why 001 seems so familiar.
anime is made specifically for ironic weebs, writers and animators go on meetings all together and discuss how would they make people who aren't interested in medium to talk how ridiculous or goofy their show is. Thats why they put boobs on mechs and butt controls, gigantic drills and pantyshots. To make ironic weebs talk about it on imageboards and forums.
Its so damn simple
>The last thing that guaranteed Franxx's popularity is the butt controls.
>Citing literally the one thing nobody ever cared about.
He’s explaining why the retarded controls are attached to asses.
Franxx is just a wet dream for NTR pervs.
It resembles a lot what's happening in Sarazanmai threads; the people who picked it up for the story gradually left it when they started to realize that the show was just a homolust fantasy self-projected by the writer. All that remains now in those threads are fujos and gay men writing homo fanfics and posting yaoi pics all day.
Franxx threads were at some point comprised only by permavirgins writing NTR fanfics all day. The people looking for the story abandoned it halfway.
I'd argue that Kaguya doesnt quite fit, being that it was already a popular manga and didnt really have that huge of a push compared to the rest on the list.(quintuplets did however) Sure it had also had a burst of shitposting due to the dance and attempts to start a rivalry but it's threads are slowly returning to their orginal state because it has a dedicated fanbase interested in its progress. The rest of your point i can agree with.
I mean it's weird, every time it seems like Japan is figuring it's shit out finally and is about to break out of this cycle of mediocrity and sameness that it's been stuck in for most of the decade another thing with exactly the right skin on it and the right combination of the same old tropes in the right order happens and seems to start the cycle over again kind of even if it doesn't actually quite work out in it's own right. It again doesn't help that Yea Forums and the greater western anime fandom continues to pay literally no attention to anything that doesn't fit into a specific template or mold anymore, probably partially because of the ironic weeb thing.
I've long suspected they're making TV original shows with no existing source material like this on purpose though. Ones that never have any real attention of going anywhere or developing naturally as TV shows, haven't even been finished in concept, or even necessarily making sense episode to episode but just know how to keep people watching and shitposting about them at least while they're airing via a combination of the odd sakuga sequence, fanservice and waifu tropes. They kind of wait a month to see what people are reacting the most too and then just aggressively emphasize those things from then on even if it means having to abandon any other considered plot lines or character developments that might make the show. In a sense fans are kind of half writing the show via their feedback and reactions on twitter. For all we know there might have been an intention to use the mecha aspects of the show more but the reaction to Zero Two's focus grouped waifu design and personality was so strong the show just kind of became about that to the point where the last form of the title robot is literally just her Diebuster style, though with Diebuster it's clear it was always intended to be that way.
It's also generally a really bad sign for a mecha show and investors like Banpresto coming from that angle of the production committee when nobody seems to give a fuck about the fact that there's mecha. Not that it matters cause they can probably just make another RX-78-2 Gundam iteration and make more off of that one kit lifetime sales than the entirety of the merchandise produced for Frankxx combined.
>10 years
Promare's out this month
Well fuck that's some progress then. After seeing this pattern since like 2013 it's nice to get a response other than low effort "Hurr Durr Aniplex guy" which doesn't exactly make for much of a counterpoint. It's not me that made them and other affiliates for that time slot choose this production model after all, it's just what I've casually observed about it over the years.
Honestly this production model just cannot produce a quality lasting show anyway IMO and never will. Too many types of investors from too many different industries all looking to get something entirely different out of a 12 or 24 episode serial quibbling over what goes where and when. If it was actually just one producer and one vision it might have a chance of working out better but that's not how this time slot works. The big investors on it are Tokyo MX (TV Ratings) Aniplex (Blu-Ray and CD sales), Bandai Namco (Model Kit/tie in video game sales) Good Smile Company (Figurines), Crunchyroll and NicoNico (Streaming traffic) and they only cross over in terms of their business in the sense that they're all pooling money into the same animation project to hopefully make some profit long term out of it. None of these people give a fuck about the animation industry, how the show turns out or anything to do with the production beyond that they get their cut, but they sure as fuck will have more say in how it turns out than the director or studio staff at the end.
That's also what a lot of people don't seem to get about the modern anime industry. There's this fixation on studios, but very rarely do they get input beyond just doing the job within the budget they are given. Usually a lot of them would like to do more or experiment and try new things but it's either just not in the budget, the production committee has forbid it cause it might cut into their end profit tally's or they just don't have the time cause the production process is always so rushed and backed up.
>Still no word on a western release
I better not have to wait for the blurays
It's not really the same thing though. That's a project made mainly by trigger staff with trigger input. Darling in the Frankxx was very much a product of it's production committee. The only input Aniplex (the worst of the meddling production committee companies out there by far) has on this one for example is Sawano for the soundtrack which will probably just be generic as shit again and make them their cut from his fans that just by and praise everything he puts out and that'll be that. Honestly it's probably just a whole bunch of stuff he was working on yet again that needs to get tied up with something and it was decided to do it with the latest Trigger movie for cross promotional purposes and familiarity. That's how I've felt about that guys soundtrack for years. Like no way he's designing like a dozen or soundtracks to fit given shows every year. At least it never really seems like it in practice.
Frankly I'm surprised Darling got off without having to have a Sawano soundtrack slapped into it. Like legitimately fucking surprised to the point where it's one of the few things about the production of Darling to do so.
Why does mecha needs to be redefined every decade?
>a romance story in a dystopian society with big titty mecha and sexual innuendo's everywhere
Funnily enough, that sounds almost exactly like what someone who didn't watch anime would probably expect a typical anime series to be.
>darling in the franxx was very much a product of it's production committee
What actually happened: Imaishi went to Nishigori offering him to direct an anime with his old friends
What retards think:
>product of production committee
>production committee
That would suck
I'd be mad if this doesn't hit theaters.
Gonna watch it pirated as soon as it hits the net though.
I'll buy the stuff later, but I'm not having this thing spoiled for me.
Yes but if a girl act like that irl she is literally mentally ill and you should avoid her.
Prolly not. I didn't like a majority of it but the hype train was hella fun
Why was the milkman so smug?
>made up with MC and got an apology
>had an engaged girl fall for him
>cucked fatty
>came inside his wifu
>rode with 02 and didn't die
He had many reasons to be smug.
Because in every universe, trash writing is attached to him.
>>>/wanpiss/ is over there, pal, wrong thread
I’m not kidding. It’s like he is the personification of someone’s shitty writing.
You just have to wait until Trigger releases another slightly provocative garbage show, which won't be that long. 1000-post+ threads followed by completely forgotten the next year.
That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg
Lots of darling threads lately
People finally realise that it was a one of a kind show
>reee bad writing
Okay retard
If you think 02 was focus group design, you're pretty out of touch with Japanese (not just otaku) culture. If you think some gaijin incels were the focus group, you're even more out of touch.
Franxx is too edgy and dares to take itself serious, so people on Yea Forums come up with "reasons" to shit on it.
It's doing the eva flip
Otakus finally stopped spazing out about the ending and people are talking about how much of a treasure it is.
You speak a lot of words but you have failed to make any concrete statements on why it is worth watching. Even if you draw parallels between previous works (but don't point any out), that still doesn't justify its existence. Merely pointing at something great doesn't mean the show doing the pointing is great also.
Your hamlet comparison falls flat- the contemporary performance is based on an unchanged script. This is by far not the case with EVA and DitF, to the point where you might as well have left the comparison out of your ramblings.
Notice how there's 0 hype ever since it ended. Denialfags are butthurt no one likes their series
I suppose one man's trash is another man's DtF
I knew she wasn’t a focused group design by the very moment they decided to “humanized” her to make her more like the shitty typical waifu. They ensured that bullshit was permanent by reincarnating her into a fucking human despite all of the shit that happens in the show, showing that the human guy was actually fine with it and even preferred it as it was their true form.
It’s like their brains were so fried, they didn’t remember that humanization had caused 02 to become mentally ill and also caused the shitty fates for the lovers in the fairytale.
>hangin around a thread he doesn't like desperately trying to shittalk it
Cry harder ma'nigga
Why is Kokoro so adorable? Even Kokolewds are cute.
Only by character design. Everything else about her is horrendous.
She just wants someone to nut inside her and make a family.
wholesome kokoro
>Those extremely half-assed and pretentious Eva references in the first episode
Tryhard show
So do retards not get this is a get this is a gainax reunion anime or are they just pretending to be this braindead
That art style makes her look disgusting.
Darling in the FranXX is a time flop. It sold well, but its fanbase is dead, and people don't even remember it anymore. It was generic, melodramatic, and boring. It was a corporate project (it was also shilled by its producers A1 and CR) that represented how you can play it safe to make sure your show sells.
There are shows (such as Evangelion, Madoka Magica, etc.) that can be considered timeless successes because not only were they successful, but they still have a sizable fanbase, and people still remember them as one of the masterpieces of anime. FranXX has none of these things.
People reference the number of threads it gets (which only started picking up in number after I called them out on their shilling), but that doesn't mean it's not a time flop. It's a very small number of people coordinating to artificially create an impression that the show still has a fanbase after it finished airing. Just look at the Unique Posters to Posts ratio in every thread. It will be wildly unbalanced, especially in comparison to shows with an actual legacy (Evangelion, Madoka, etc) which have a far more balanced ratio while also having a greater volume of posts.
The bottom line is that FranXX has no cultural legacy whatsoever, even in comparison to other Trigger shows like Kill la Kill and Inou-Battle, and is sustained entirely by dishonest fan support.
For me personally the shinier the bodysuit the better cause I love me some rubber
It's the face that kills it for me. The proportions are weird too, but I would be more forgiving if the face was better.
The artist really gave her an awful face.
To be fair her face is hard to get right but yeah that one ain't good.
I refuse to say ree westshit though cause pic related's west too and is one of the more shared around fan arts of zerotwo.
But did it sell more than VEG?
Wow, some people truly revel in taking the bait and running with it.
As an artist, don’t ever give 02 whore lips. They always make her look ridiculous.
My pasta is ready!
user, can't you recognize the sweet taste of pasta?!
It sold less
>her face is hard to get right
One of the many reasons she's so great.
I'm getting old and slow...
>her face is hard to get right
bullshit. you just start with the eyes and go from there. easy as pie.
Is that your drawing user?
pretty nice stuff, you're definitely doing her justice.
Fell for it too earlier so we on the same boat
would you kindly demonstrate?
I know this is shitpost I just wonna see user attempting zero two
>Is that your drawing user?
No. It's an artist that practices her almost every day. They say the face is the hardest part but I think they have it down.
I think the drawing came from the show.
It’s more of a problem with inexperience with human anatomy. Some people get too use at drawing a certain way without any proper knowledge of anatomy. Without that knowledge, they lack flexibility.
I see.
Trigger characters are surprisingly hard to draw facewise.
I've only recently figured out how to draw ryuko.
I never actually drew zero two in the studio's style before now that I think about it.
Boku no hero is better than this pile of trash, watch some more anime!
Oi muh seven quirks.
I'm just waiting for partner shuffle to happen in the manga, or at least, make Mitsukoko official. If the manga gets axed before that, oh well, there's always the show for me to rewatch. Then there's the fan stuff, at least 2 high school AU doujin will be released soon by my favorite artists. So yeah, plenty to keep me entertained. Never underestimate small joys. ;)
You draw? Can you show us your drawings? I’m just interested.
Can it really get axed?
Franxx is really popular right now there isn't it?
How is it doing on the ratings?
Also based chadsuru
>I think the drawing came from the show.
Nah just some dedicated fan.
These two are the only reason I still care about this franchise. Kokoro a cute! Mitsuru a cute!
Anybody has favorite OST tracks?
A few months back I was looping hitori and vanquish every day for hours on end
Should I watch it after having major spoilers?
Because it was babby's first animu.
This didn't even come close to hype.
Cry harder fag
I don't really know about these things, I just assume that anything can get canceled for whatever reason. Hence my impatience for partner shuffle to happen. ;)
Yeah, I'm still crazy for these two, it's not funny!
Pic related, different artist, same aquarium date.
There are only two good tracks one can listen to just like that, and those are Trente and Distopia. The soundtrack is rather lacking in general, but those two tunes are nice enough I'd say.
I have to give credit to Vanquish for both being a banger and an anime song with actually good lyrics.
I didn't even like FranXX, but this is just blatantly false / bait.
>soundtrack rather lacking
100% disagree
While in the anime the tracks blend into one experience once you actually listen to the OST the memories start flooding in and you hear just how nice it sounds.
I see
It had been a long time since I saw memes as spicy as Darling's
>Yeah, I'm still crazy for these two, it's not funny!
Yeah, I love them so much! The cutest ship
I'm partial to this video:
>manga comes back from hiatus in less than 2 days
It's always scary thinking about the possibility of my favorite characters not even getting a single panel, then having to wait another two weeks
Darling memes are the best
or that they die
Donno the writer well enough but trigger gainax property.
Every and all character is subject to dying at any moment.
I wouldn’t be so opposed to them if the writing behind them wasn’t so awful.
When the show is a shitpost, obviously the shitposting is gonna be godtier
>Hiro took a bit from her to save the mouse and gave her candy instead
>she sucks on candy all the way up till she's sucking on hiro
God this show is so based.
Chadro saved a the world+1 mouse
I never watched any of those videos, fuck if I'll waste a full hour on this retard, but I find them amazing non the less.
>I have an idea to protect alpha
>its hiding them in the building next door in extremely plain sight.
>gets praised for such a simple idea
>only works because special forces team is too stupid and lazy to check the other buildings for their target.
This was as bad as Zerome forgetting everything in ep10.
The pottery was top notch in franxx.
I know right? They're epic.
I thought the manga was going really well until that happened. That was hilariously bad. Hope it recovers with the new chapter
This is why my goddamn Franxx OCs are better written villains. They are actually intelligent and they’ll consider making rational decisions. Therefore, they’re actually threatening to the main cast.
It fucking sank like a rock after like episode 17
She's a turbo slut though. Fucked over a hundred stamens and was planning on killing Hiro too.
Mitsuru Kokoro really were perfect
02 deserved better than DitF and deserved better than Hiro
shit anime
The only people who still cling to these threads are mentally ill trannies.
It pleases me how horribly this shitshow crashed and burned and how it has been completely forgotten in Japan so we will never be bothered by it again.
The Hiro thing was more from a mental breakdown. Her old stamens are just suicidal weirdos that are perfectly fine with this shit and this fact alone may actually be terrifying and depressing to 02, as seen in episode 6 when she thinks Hiro is dead or questions Hiro’s mindset.
Fuck me that's cute
The only way this can make sense is if Papa purposely sabotages his security on the plantation and disencourages proper check ups on them because he loves the Nines but can’t politically allow them to live due to the other APE members. I doubt that because they don’t give a shit about writing characters.
You may not like how the story is written, but to me, they can only do so much.
These kids are literally prisoners, their home is even called 'birdcage' and can only act within the confines of this prison.
They were trained to be mindless soldiers, unquestioning even if ordered to self destruct.
Mitsuru's plan may be underwhelming, but he's shown that he's unafraid to go against protocol, to defy orders. Ikuno and Futoshi who both told Kokoro not to go against Papa's orders haven't even moved on from that mindset.
I don't even know how they'll pull off a rebellion, given their isolation from other squads. On their own, squad 13 can't win against APE.
That scene always gets to me, so subtle but so cute!
I can't disagree.
Why are triggercunts always so desperate to fit in? Fucking bottom feeders.
I miss them.
Could Sorome just fuck off, for real?
It’s not that hard. You just don’t go ape shit with it and go too far as to give them direct actions over APE’s grasp, and instead have them think about their society.
For example I literally designed 16 (basically a Nine version of Hiro) as the living embodiment of APE’s coldness and irrationality so the characters could have their own thoughts on said extreme example, on how he acts, talks, and thinks. His creation was so horrible that even Papa thought it’s too far but because APE was so focused on war, APE didn’t care as long he was a tool of destruction and order.
That shit right there is a decent example of having the characters understand APE’s bullshit without them making rebellious decisions or directly fucking with APE with stupid that can’t possibly work.
>12:39 am
Daily reminder that franxx is a timeless classic
not just a timeless classic but also as a piece of art to boot acclaimed for it's character depth, interactions and level of detail. Not to mention, it's affinities for remarkable animation that really did set a precedent and raised the bar in the animation industry, that proved you could achieve high standards of quality without resorting to cheap cgi shots like most studios tend to do nowadays. There's no doubt in mind that it was revolutionary indeed.
>It's basically why just about every soundtrack is done by Hiroyuki Sawano and Yuki Kajiura these days. I have no idea what the soundtrack scene is going to look like for anime once those two retire
Kajiura retired last year and Kalafina broke up just a few months ago, so we're about to see what it'll look like.
No proper ending for Madoka ever T_T
not just a timeless classic but also as a piece of art to boot acclaimed for it's character depth, interactions and level of detail. Not to mention, it's affinities for remarkable animation that really did set a precedent and raised the bar in the animation industry, that proved you could achieve high standards of quality without resorting to cheap cgi shots like most studios tend to do nowadays. There's no doubt in my mind that it was revolutionary indeed.
>Kajiura retired last year
[citation needed]
My bad; she actually left her agency.
But Kalafina did indeed break up. F
Another thing about the animation that was so impressive is how well they distributed the work and complexity, they would have parts of the show that are slightly simpler so that they could do some absolutely crazy work in the climax of the episode, but they did it n such a way that it's not felt at all and is very clever.
People who are shittalking the management of this project don't understand the effort taken to make something like that even possible.
god shes perfect
is there a lookalike of her irl someone please tell me i need to know.
cosplay thots will never come close user, you cant achieve perfection in 3d
Trigger has relatively humna faces on their characters so it's a possibility that a girl looking like that exists or existed
It would be really hard to find though, and 100% you wouldn't find her online.
The hottest girls are usually more hidden.
based so much of what you said is true. It really is annoying to see all these brainlet 10 iq sheep trashing the show for absolutely petty reasons when so much heart and soul was poured into this project. Regardless they'll see the error of their ways sooner or later.
Nice tat pleya
feelsbadman at least i hope they make a movie or an anime where she's in. I seriously can't believe I'll never see again. It's so grim just thinking about it.
feelsbadman at least I hope they feature her in a movie or a show. I seriously can't believe we could never see her again. It's so grim just thinking about it.
i cant wait until she heals
If they don't they'll just have to stay bitter forever
Numbers don't lie,
>lwa got a game
>kill la kill got a game
Franxx will get a game
They are also pretty good at keeping up with their old characters so you'll constantly see staff drawings popping up untill who knows when.
After all sushio and imaishi both still publish new drawings from their franchises years later.
What am I looking at here?
traffic for Yea Forums mysteriously peaking into all time high around the airing of franxx
never forget Yea Forums
New chapter tomorrow
Can't wait to see her go berserk again
Is it just me or is her neck really long?
Why is this thread still up?
Stop littering the Catalog with this garbage.
>39% of the votes
>beaten the closest competitor by 11 percent
Franxx on top
every other anime btfo
You're part of the problem by replying and adding to it.
He's helping spread the good word of franxx
btw congrats on being the 300th post.
>Violet Evergarden 2nd
that's the best last year had to offer wtf?
you can fuck off user.
Devilman was less known and released all at once and right at the start, as well as gridman still airing or not even airing when this pol was set.
Some treasures did go through the cracks ,but I like how based this chart is anyway.
Seems like it's the Will of Yea Forums to post into same threads the same things everyday. If People would ignore these, they wouldn't exist. So Yea Forums = mentally ill zombies Who cling to dead shows
Here's the door, friend
Bump 4 dino
this is the only show that made me feel like a teenager again.
I misse the shitstorm that is the weekend franxx stream
I'm planning to do a rewatch of the show
I've been thinking since I got it raw maybe this time I'll try going over the weekly threads as I finish episodes
You keep using that word,
I do not think you know what it means.
Hello my name is David Davidson you sageru'ed my cute and funny thread prepare to die
One day it would be nice to have weekly/daily rewatch of franxx with threads but I'm just gonna stick with the archives
Spoonfeeding the fireden setting for anyone who wants.
There's 185 pages with that still so I might try to minimize it more.
One last thing, a reminder to anyone planning to do this too, this is pre blue board so plan to not view these threads where you could get fired or disappoint family members, just a word of caution.
They didn't know what was coming did they?
I miss the viper posting
Well thankfully Viper dropped this shit or stopped drawing it around ep 21, but his Kokoros were cute. Such bully
There's probably no reason to partner swap in the manga, Mitsuru is free from 02's dinoAIDS and is only snarky towards Hiro instead of terminally butthurt. Kokoro seems very happy to finally be progressing her relationship with Mitsuru despite being piloting partnered with Fatoshi.
Nines won't stop them this time, plus they've got Nana and Hachi covering up P13's bullshit too. Probably the only way bad things could happen to them is if fatty becomes a traitor which would be pretty fucking hilarious or if Kokoro gets obviously pregnant
This faggot Who believes there is no reason for partner switch
If Kokoro has growing feelings for Mitsuru, wont that mean She wants to change partner instead. Guess we Will see this saturday if it wont end in cancellation notice
For the last fucking time, dinoAIDS had absolutely nothing to do with Mitsuru's deteriorating health, it was the child fever triggered by his grudge against Hiro
Kokoro switched in the anime bacause:
1. Mitsuru was in danger of failing and being pruned
2. He was a depressed self loathing wreck bordering on suicidal and she felt a need to save him
3. She wanted to deepen her relationship with him and he'd resisted her attempts to get him to open up to her so far.
4. Fatty was being obnoxious
5. Nana was the one who let P13 know that partner swaps were even ;er\ktted and outright encouraged it
But in the manga they're clearly both doing fine. In recent chapters P13 spent barely any time piloting anyway.
Maybe maybe not. There's no official explanation on how it works. Mitsuru was described as always being sickly possibly due to the elixer injection, and popping pills in the greenhouse doesn't suggest his butthurt at Hiro was the only thing wrong with him, even if that took him over the line.
I don't know about the others but for me, Kokoro made that decision not because she felt pity for Mitsuru, but because she was drawn to him. She had said it herself, she's not the kind person everyone thinks she is. Not going to sugar coat her intentions by her being noble or whatever. She want him. Not Goro, not Zorome or Futoshi. Just Mitsuru.
However, it's not fair to judge her harshly because of the broken promise. She didn't know at the time that there's an opportunity to change partners, and even if Nana presented the chance, she will not disrupt another pair so she could switch Mitsuru. That would just be rude.
It was only when Ikuno released Mitsuru that Kokoro saw her chance and she grabbed it. For all she knew, it's a now or never opportunity so she didn't stop and think about her promise earlier.
We all make promises we will eventually break, and promises to us broken by others. Such is life...unless you live under a rock and doesn't interact with another person. Then yeah, can't help such people who can't relate. It's hypocritical to hate on another when they themselves can't keep their own promises either.
I just want them to show what she's doing already
>P13 sent to engage Hime
>"At last we truly see"
Its not as much Mitsuru as how APE is again being shown wildly inconsistent and incompetent. Ironically again when Mitsuru and Kokoro are involved. You cant stress how impossible their odds are and then make the enemy that idiotic.
Also we were warned things would be very different. They may still get together, but under different circumstances. Or theres the possibility we go way off track and they dont. Who knows at this point.
>very different
Nice meme, the General plot is still closely following anime. Are you perhaps a fatfag, Who hopes Kokoro wont leave that fat turd. Guess you want her to suffer with the fatso. Reminder that even manga is heavily pushing them together. Why do you hate the idea of them getting together again so much?
Stop putting words in my mouth and bent out of shape over fucking nothing like a retarded shipper. I'm just pointing out that we dont know where this shit is going now and the general plot is even shifting with Klaxohime appearing early. Pointing that out doesnt mean i care about fatso, self insert and thot.
>You cant stress how impossible their odds are and then make the enemy that idiotic.
I get what you mean, but to single out Mitsuru and Kokoro about poor writing when there other weak areas as well just doesn't sound right to me. For instance, squad 26 sacrificed their lives to cripple that lehman class klaxosaur, and all Strelitzia has to do was fly through its mouth and destroyed it in 5 secs. Yeah, talk about being OP. But I'm not complaining, would rather see these couple happy together.
I see no reason why Yabuki will not make Mitsukoko official, he has changed a lot in their interaction, specially the beach when Mitsuru accidentally groped her, and Futoshi didn't even get to gawk at Kokoro's body because Genista was spared from the suit melting slime klaxosaur. He has made Mitsuru more appealing to Kokoro by helping her with her desire to save Alpha/Delta.
And Futoshi even more irritating. Good lord, I was able to mostly ignore Futoshi until chp42/43. He's more obnoxious in the manga than the show.
Kokoro is nice!
Kokoro is sweet!
Kokoro is cute!
Kokoro loves her friends!
It's not unfair to point out that while Franxx's writing was shit all around, some of the worst parts of the second half involved them like the mindwipe, and already things are getting questionable now at them at the center. I'm hoping for the best but im just being catious until I see otherwise.
And you posted one of the lamest pictures of her
literally made for BBC
Literally made to love her boyfriend and no one else
>no deltaposting
>no bullyposting
>no spankingposting
>no drawfags
>no greentextfags
>no cute stuff
>only shitty mitsukoko/fatfucks allowed
what happened
Because of novelty that it is a mecha that caters to women. I mean, think about, all its mecha parts (no pun intended) are infantile and take a sideline whenever it comes to emotions and love. It is even pointed out how our main characters are all fruits with very personalized mechs.
Now, girly emotions and romance have always been a big part in mecha anime, in Gundam for sure, but their romances always knew their place, either weren't very significant to impact war or, on the other end, decided flow of story (like both of Haman's rejections). In Ditf the love and fucking are in the forefront, every fight is about their emotions and relationships first, none of the characters ask if it must be done, they ask if it must be done for whom. The flow of story is channeled entirely to explore teenagers relationships and fucking, everything else is a side quest.
Was the maanga finally officially cancelled?
Where's the discord link
>no greentextposting
only thing i really miss.
>insecure manchild drooling over how girls ruin his hobby/medium, parades around his slave morality
God, I hope no women is ever desperate enough to give you a chance at procreation.
Good old days.
>novelty that it is a mecha that caters to women
>implying pretty much every mecha show in the last 20 years hasn't had at least some form of fujo pandering.
At least FranXX had minimal yurishit and gaybait.
Aren't the good posters gone in the discord, leaving us with the shitty drain puddle that is mitsukokofags circle jerking and people hating this shitshow?
Both true.
>oy vey, the parasites know, shut it down
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot asshole with likes telenovelas in his shitty anime trash.
I am still here for you, frens. Never forget. It was a show and it teached us good heteronormative values and the importance of men and women helping each other out. Remember the anons who started working out and trying to get into dating again, just because of the show?
Fuck off you stupid niggerfaggot who likes a mediocre shitshow worst that any soap opera Latina.
Only thing left is Mitsukokoniggers and what else?
This show should go full damnatio memoriae.
People moved on, retard.
No. Wait until they nips produce another original mecha waifu trainwreck trash.
This is just sad at this point
>Yea Forums-Anime and Manga
Not your safe space to delete anime threads you don't like unless spam. Also there is an option to hide thread.
I didn't say I hated it or that it's even bad, it's your assumption that I did. Now where did it come from?
I should have phrased that better, it's novel to people who aren't very familiar with mecha or anime in general. Anime now is more accessible than ever. There were girly mecha anime and fujo mecha too, I for one love Macross.
Don't forgot Chakku who made 5 MAL accounts daily to rate it 1.
You sound so clearly upset.
It's sick. Imagine being that unsecure
There is an aspect of Hir02 relationship that stuck with me, the relationship started out as toxic, obviously 02 was manipulating an innocent young boy to dance to her needs. The way it progressed to a mutually affectionate wholesome love somehow stuck to me as unique. Honestly thats the only thing I liked about Franxx and why I watched the show for 24 episodes. Otherwise I would agree the characters are more or less generic and the plot garbage.
Will probably be a year or two. You're just new and this broke your hype cherry.
The poorfags in Yea Forums won't even pay for a theatrical release in west, yet alone going to nipland to watch it.
I think what ruins their relationship for me is the amnesia part. I mean, we can all agree loli oni episode was the best, but then it makes their relationship not like an accident or toxic relationship turned wholesome, it becomes something of a destiny at that point. It's a wholesome relationship - FUCKING AMNESIA - wholesome relationship. So garbage plot ruined even that for me. They really shouldn't have met as kids.
Cage, Code 002, Hiro and Zero Two, Vanquish. It has a really great OST imo. One of the things that stand out about the show.
>power of love and friendship!
yep, that's a drop,.
did anyone actually enjoy/take in the last 3 episodes?
02 is 2DPD
How is thread still alive
I did for the Mitsukoko moments. Call me a fag or a tranny whatever, it won't diminish my enjoyment of this show.
My bad.
Is it even getting a theatrical release tho? I'd see that in theaters
The only reason I still care about this franchise
New chapter tomorrow. Mitsukoko partner switch will most likely start, fucking disgusting 2+ months of enduring that shit UGH
Hype bump
We'll watch it from screencaps from people who watched it on theaters.
What anime?
Same for me. Couldn't care less about the other jobbers and meme waifu
That's karma for the shit spamming threads that the OP made
This show was shit but I got to say the stupid as fuck aliens reveal was funny as fuck and the way it buttblasted Yea Forums alongside with Ichigo kissing Hiro were the only highlights since last year.
>Do we have to wait another 10 years for another anime to generate this much hype?
I promise you that I will learn Japanese and write a LN to be adapted before that time. I hope you don't mind trap protagonists.
VIRM were the biggest winners of the show. They got to rule over mankind for like 200 years. They perished their nemesis (Klaxosaurs) and almost destroyed Earth , which was postponed by merely 1 million years, which is just fraction of time for VIRM. They lived happily in gay unison for billions of years, while the main couple of the show was reincarnated as literally-WHO's that lost their horns and became boring ningen like everyone else. All hail VIRM!
>fucking isn't allowed in virmland
>tits aren't allowed in virmland
>hot anime spaceship-mecha women aren't allowed in virmland
I'd take a single year with those over an eternity with none
Hiro made the right call
This was a nice thread pleyas
Probably won't be up when I'm back
Just like always it was lots of fun. see you guys next franxx thread.
Ningen were a mistake
>Why did it create so much hype, anyway?
Trigger fanbase are totally insame. The only hype was the shitpost about it.
wrong but sexy
>generate this much hype
Did it? I thought it was just a mediocre forgettable show that got a slight boost because it's made by Trigger.
INSANE yeah.
The only place it had hype was on Yea Forums. Nobody else really gave that much of a shit.
Cry harder
Where do you even find such ugly arts?
>Did you know your mother and I use to make that robot move?
>Yes, your dad is correct honey.
>WAAH! Mom and Dad are amazing!
I need that SOL OVA of FranXX.
Can someone post the zero tsu and ichigo illustration from the new volume (uncensored)
Same Mitsukoko for me. Also was funny to see 02fags lose their minds
>Kokoro forcing herself to connect with Futoshi for the good of the plantation
>thinking about puppies and pretty flowers
>doesn't work, can't get her mind of the fact she has to become one with this incoming mass of blubber
>barely avoids vomiting
>meanwhile futoshi is so fat he can't even see his own stamen anymore
>"What's wrong milady, Papa will be mad if you can't connect and you HAVE to connect with me"
>Kokoro suddenly feels like she got stabbed with a small pen
>she remembers Mitsuru who was writing poetry the other day and calms herself
Thank god for Mistsuru, eh lads?
See you.
See you fellow user
How will Fatoshi ever recover?
>40% Sync rate with the fatass (3/8 bars)
>103% Sync rate with Mitsuru (over 8 bars)
also stop posting that disgusting pasta. Luckily soon the manga Kokoro will be freed as well
Nice try shitposter, it's been over year since that scene. But I don't want this thread to end to the revolting face of that garbage fatso, so here's something better
Looks better than the canon design.
Not really. The Anmesia thing could’ve left a big impact on the characters if it wasn't brushed off so easily. Like 02 accepting the new Hiro and Hiro struggling internally about who he really is and how that impacts his mental health. Besides, episode 13 is the only legitimately great episode in the show because it avoids the bullshit.
One simple archive search
Oh boy, you gotta remind me of another show that went to shit.
Imagine if Mitsuru actually died when Zero Two rode with him. Being Kokoro would be the worst fate
she would be hachi's plaything.
still more pretty than you pleb
cute egg!
Hail to the Queen.
>Franxx merch
>Ugly cry strawberry, blurred, background
>Smug happy dino, forground, in focus, bigger
Sasuga trigger
this is kino as hell
I'd give it two years. Before darling and the trash was Re; Zero in 2016. Be chill OP
Franxx was a wholly promising new series that could have gone down in legend when it was airing, it more or less nailed it up to episode 15. People were complaining about some things on the way there but really it was solid.
Then it progressively went to shit. When Zerotsu became a giant mech is when it took itself from becoming bad to irredeemable. And the ending with them both dying (not even defeating the enemy) and then the meaningless pandering nonsense of them meeting again as reincarnated kids, fuck that shit, you are the product of your experiences that new kid romance is meaningless they're not the same characters.
She was the promised one and they ruined and killed her.
Why couldn't it stay good bros? I just want to appreciate the deliciousness that is Zero Tsu without getting bullied.
Will they ever let him make another anime?
Man, it really hurt you didn't it?
when will bullying stop
It's okay
She got gobro to protect her and comfort her after she's cucked and bullied.
She'll probably meet some shinigami with orange hair or something
>top tier waifu?
Well she was a semen demon and a half.
I mean few animu characters are this weirdly obsessed with the MC openly. I think that ice chick from Rosario Vampire is the only one I can think of like this, but she was more stalkerish while the 02 had something else.
Pic related. How could you not fall in love with that?
Where's Ryoma when you need him?
Life was a mistake.
Mecha has become like this since Eva (where the mecha were the parents of Shinji and Asuka)
Yeah it killed me. Zerotsu was going to be my forever wife.
>The flow of story is channeled entirely to explore teenagers relationships and fucking, everything else is a side quest.
I disagree, the world of Franxx was horrific and the true thing that caught my attention. But the relationship between 02 and DARRRRLING was bonus. I do wish Hiro was better written, but luckily 02 stole the show and all the attention.
I still think the world is something interesting though and that anime producers should look at what they did, even if the world wasn't used to it's full potential (Franxx seemed to switch from a love story about 02 and Hiro in a dystopia to being all about the teen relationships, which I feel limited the shows potential). It could have been more similar to Ghost in the Shell or Armitage too.
If I may offer a word of advice
It happened to me before where I watched an anime at the wrong time. I'd hate it for years and eventually rewatch it and love it.
Don't dwell on it right now, forget you ever watched it, go watch something that makes you happy and come back after a year or two and try to rewatch it.
Taste differs from person to person but sometimes time's all it takes. see you in 2020 user.
They turned her into a giant robot woman and killed her. If they do a rebuild of the final arc where neither of that shit happens they can redeem themselves, otherwise never.
>he can't wife a dead girl
She really was the thing that carried the show and allowed you to ignore the other characters which were all annoying as fuck and not even in the "shinji/asuka" type of way. I simply did not like the other characters at all.
It was 02 and the world setting that made this.
People often mention that this show means nothing, but I think they missed some of the meaning from it. There were a lot of interesting things in it that were overshadowed by mediocre things.
I got bored. Up until those eps I was thoroughly into the show. While I understand what they tried with the alien thing, I think it ruined the dystopian vibe. Needed to me more like Aliens x Matrix sort of thing, but the aliens in this show were rather dull and boring. Imagine if they were like xenomorphs and used humanity like the matrix.
That's why I think the show had potential.
Is it tomorrow yet?
Yeah funny that.
I came to Yea Forums around 09 looking for this sort of thing after hearing good things about the cyberpunk anime series. Industry clearly not taking the hint there.
Meh, it was fun for what it was.
Something to watch every week.
Wish anime producers knew about the TTGL/Code Geass water cooler anime and how to make the correct characters and story beats to make it work.
It's either safe or safe "risk taking" in that way that makes it trite, or desperate attempts at DEEP nonsense.
Get's spammed a bit. But overall I think it needs attention regardless.
She spent the rest of her life with the only person she ever loved travelling through space to fight for the hope of the universe.
Don't you think it's beautiful? it's there for ou to fill in the honey moon where hiro and zero two were in space.
Also I don't know about you
but she made a beautiful mecha space bride in my eyes.
>can't wifu her like that
Trigger doesn't really do waifu for the sake of waifu
Story comes first,
>she's dead
Franxx pulled the romeo and Juliet prologue at the start.
It's fair they went all in with it.
It's like the leaning tower of Pisa though. You build a beautiful tower of marble and it sinks on the piss weak foundations you laid and the bad location.
>The Anmesia thing could’ve left a big impact on the characters if it wasn't brushed off so easily.
Yeah, see, for me lack of this possible impact ruins the whole plot thread. It didn't, it was a waste of time.
I refuse to believe anyone exists that doesn't love zero two.
The hebrews.
I never watched this, but I think she looks fantastic red and wish there was more of it.
Reminder that they put more effort into the childbirth scene than the final fight. Farting in the pants is cancer.
It's fine i get used to being endlessly mad at the world.
Just remember to never trust a fat pig from nippon-land, who only wants to assuage his disgusting fantasies through his creation. He would have truly deserved the third incoming nuke if we were during WW2.
>People were complaining about some things on the way there
A lot of people saw familiar traps the producers were falling into. For starters, having a dystopian setting and then focusing on the relationships and giving these kids a weird utopian world cut off from the dystopia was really strange to me.
The relationships should have built more around the dystopia, that is them overcoming the dystopia and building a relationship in the process. Instead they sorta just go to a weirdly convenient location that makes it more like typical drama.
*he would has
Was this shooped or legit QUALITY
She does go full red in the series a few times
Alright that's the point where you see the door.
I like the series and you are clearly upset, go watch dragon maid or something cute
user what have you done to this foot ?
How many were anons though?
but user. I'm a kike and I like her too
I can't remove that anger from myself anyway, DitF is not the only thing that burns me up.
Sooner or later it will come back to haunt me, I don't think trying to delete something from your mind as much as possible is useful, you must face it and accept it anyway.
But thanks for your kindness user.
I hung out with the wrong people in 2017
dark times
Don't click unless you want to be scarred for life NSFW
You can always try and rewatch it now?
Fuck it, you may aswell learn yourself to like it if it hurts you this much, right?
Ye i'll probably rewatch it later when I get spare time, the first half (1-15) was comfy and profoundly beautiful.
No it does not
Jesus Christ.
have fun
Have a good night/day, and may I see you on another thread of DitF.
I'm sorry user
I was born a lizard, I've since moved to the promised land and became an american
Just like zero two I'm working to become human
That episode was wild
I'll never forget history
>born a lizard
Oh, you're just an anglo then.
But it's Abe's funded anime after all.
OUR wife, comrade
Darling in the Franxx was extremely promising for over half of its run.
It can be done but it takes genetic engineering and a traumatic backstory.
I jacked off to the mechs to be honest. we need hentai for them
>a year later
>still makes Yea Forums seethe on a daily basis
Timeless classic
why the fattie tho? Goro got cucked more than him.
Pretty much this.
Well, because someone is spamming threads on daily basis and people are stupid enough to reply to it. Fatass is anything but timeless though, timeless cuck and faggot maybe. There is no one who could like him unironically. Just talking about that fat cuck makes we want to throw up. Such repulsive character. I don't hate fat characters, but he is the bottom of the bottom. Fat ugly incel. Time to purify my eyes after that disgusting image
Fuck Kokoro
Mitsuru does that every night
That’s because Nishigori is writing the fat ass. Also, I’ll argue that Mitsuri is practically worse than Futoshi as he’ll stick his dick into Kokoro without thinking twice, after Kokomo comes off as a creepy bitch. The fact that Futoshi takes the pope role in their wedding is enough to prove that Mitsuri is by far the biggest bitch in comparison. Futoshi also wants to put his faith into Mitsuru, as Bitchigo only strives to rip a relationship into shreds whenever she can.
This is why I fucking hate how Nishigori writes Futoshi, Futoshi’s actions strangely doesn’t follow his obnoxiousness. It feels like there are completely two different characters into one, a completely badly written joke and a mature but a little more extreme, energetic person.
Let’s mention the goddamn picture book. It feels like scrap lore when you consider that love is literally everything in the show, 001 can easily fill the role of the beast princess, and the color schemes of humanity, klaxosaurs, and Virm. Humanity’s color scheme looks similar to the color scheme of the APE society, which is mainly inspired by the same european society the book takes place in. The klaxosaur colors match with he beast’s colors and they sound like very similar societies as they both have a princess as a leader and have the status of being hidden. Virm matches the colors of the witch and even the weird physical features of the witch.
I find that thing odd too. In my mind, they can just have the APE members have their own parasite squads that are raised and treated a certain way depening on which APE is in control of it. Like there is a squad that’s even more laid back on rules than squad 13 or vice versa. It’ll make the world feel more organic, keep in touch with the themes of diverse unity in the show, and it’ll help to make squad 13 remain in the same dystopian society as the other squads in the show.
>color scheme
I have to admit, when I saw the wedding page in ep18, first thought that came to mind was that 02 painted a picture to illustrate Mitsuru and Kokoro because of the hair color. Then I realized this was part of the picture book that 02 read that was supposed to be her story. Ummmm...
I notice that some of the guys in the background look like typical APE citizens. This makes me think that despite all this time, the Prince might’ve been involved with APE and is possibly their most influential member, as he merges his ancient European background with the modern period of humanity. Back then, his world would be quite violent despite it’s deceptive appearance as Kings and Princes were tied to war in a similar way 001 was tied to war. The kingdoms also fought eachother on a constant basis.
What’s interesting to note that the royality held the belief that GOD given them their positions. Perhaps the witch in the story was secretly that God.
She should bring down her knees of it hurts so much. I mean, Mitsuru is a big guy already, she's just being greedy right there.
I unironically think she looks ugly. Not just there but her design in general is unappealing to me I think her hair clashes weirdly with her skin. She's also a bad person in the anime and I thought it would take a more nuanced approach with hir02 but...
>This will never happen to you
Alpha a cute
>looks ugly
Hey man, I don't mind if you prefer dick
>bad person
Nice fanfic
i mean i could get if you don't find her attractive but downright "ugly"... there's a limit to how ridiculous you can get user before people suspect you as a veritable troll and faggot.
best soon to be mom
>Liking strawberry
How is it like to be the chillest guy on the plantation that's everyone's bro?
Can't wait to see him fuck his imouto in the mango
>calls thread dead
>thread reaches 1200 replies
what a faggot
Although, I do find their comment interesting. They bring up that her hair doesn’t match with her skin, as if that is a sign that something is off about her human form that it’s not what she really is.
This edit deserves an Oscar.
Incest is wrong, children.
I'm ending it with a bang posting 02s all the way to the archive
Good thread boys
we hit bump
That is disgusting.
This is an exception
And you know it will happen
mixing things up
sweet dreams
I lived in a time filled with it. It was so bad, that it eventually caused families to lose their minds and their intelligence. Don’t heed my warnings!
how can other girls compete
After looking back, shouldn’t naked 02 be a little more commen? Like at their room, 02 would be buck naked almost all of the time and would abuse the lack of APE enforcements to be naked in the plantation?
Not gonna lie, she is 10 outta 10
interesting theory
I wonder if manga Papa is ever going to be that threatening (and sexy) in person?
It wouldn’t mind a naked 02, it would actually make her character more consistent. But boy, my boner can’t go back down.
Yeah kinda like that. Her skin and her hair look weird in the show and I never really found her general colors very appealing to me
no, not gay, my dick isn't just in my hand all the time
Ugly is a strong word, yeah, but I really do not think she's all that cute or sexy even. Idk if I've become cynical but I've found other pink haired anime girls to be way cuter than 02 by a long shot
>At the beach, 02 and Hiro had isolated themselves from the squad. They walked together on the shore, talking about life and nature.
>”So Darling? Does this suit provide any protection.” She pointed at his trunks.
>”I don’t know-“
>She takes off her one piece. “Then what’s The point of wearing it?” She smirked.
Fuck that's hot.
Thanks. I’m not sure why but I write stuff like this in my actual fanfic. I want 02 to be more inclined to nature in some way while making her consistent as a character. It just makes sense to have nudity be attached to 02.
Love conquerors ALL
I always wonder why APE doesn’t establish at least one insane parasite Franxx pair that abuses the love thing in some dark twisted way? At least something that can withstand that red Sterlizia.
It seems like the blood on her face actually foreshadows her true form in this scene.
That could be.
Interesting theory.
Whether it's intentional or not it looks real cool either way
Man I want to protect smol 02 so much.
I wish they actually made her true form resemble Eo To or the have her skin be a deep, dark shade of red blood. It’s just the verson we actually got was so lame, she didn’t even have her sweet monster teeth.
>reached bump limit
>still gets bumped
unstoppable force of nature
Fun fact, Eo To doesn’t have any eyebrows
02 and the four boring hoes.
Ha dingus.
She's perfect
nigger, Kaguya-sama is always being discussed on Yea Forums for years
The thread will be enjoyable, but the manga will not be enjoyable. That’s my safe prediction.
Seeing muh waifu is always enjoyable
200th image