Looks like Dragon magazine has some news about Slayers 3 series
Slayers Daisanbu
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Looks like new novels
But Dragon Age come out tomorrow, so more info soon
Still there hopes for new anime
I doubt there will be a new season, they've already used Give a Reason as in insert-song for Evo-R. The best that they could do for a new season is to stop using Shabranigdo / Rezo and follow what's already been printed for thirteen episodes.
By the way, does anyone know where I can get a copy of Revolution's full ED song?
Why not remake after Next and forget about Try
Try is the anime's version of trying to explain the Slayers universe, so it shouldn't be ignored. It wasn't as strong as NEXT, of course, but it's still serviceable and shouldn't just be deleted, especially with its ending. That's where the problem comes from, having to continue after Evo-R. With Pokota still alive there's major concern that he'll be traveling with the group if they were to make a new season, and do we really need that?
I haven't watched Try in so long. Wasn't there some super evil thing that needed super weapons to destroy or something?
Not everyone needs a titcow to prevent carpal tunnel, user.
Another dimension ended up getting buttfucked when their Dark Lord, Dark Star, fused with Vorfeed, their Dragon God, and the new entity had an "epiphany" that the Lord of Nightmares MUST be reborn because the gods were heading towards peaceful stagnation and the mazoku weren't actually trying to create oblivion, but were instead just barely instigating to create enough despair and strife to feed off of human emotions. The fused entity nearly wiped out Almayce's world, so him and a few survivors tried to find a way to kill Dark Star. Their conclusion was that they could use Weapons of Light that had been lost to other worlds to pull Dark Star into a different dimension, split him into fragments like what Lina's world did with Shabranigdo, and use the Weapons of Light to destroy each part, killing the God / Demon hybrid.
how old is amelia
You know Try sounds super fucking interesting when you summarize it like that.
It really was, but the problem is when we were reaching the mid-season climax where everything unironically went to shit they had filler episodes which was awful for the pace and tone the show was setting. Even worse was that paired Lina with Zel and Amelia with Gourry. It's not necessarily a shipping thing, it's that Lina can't bring the best out of Zel's general attitude (to the point where Zel wrote himself out of his filler episode) and Gourry doesn't act as a check to Amelia's hyperactivity. It was just a mess.
Once the three episodes in the middle of the season are thrown out, Try becomes tolerable despite Valgaav existing.
Get off the internet, grandpa. The 90's are over.
As long as I live the 90s still live.
If I could have great settings and great characters revitalized after two decades and have fresh content made for them, I would pick it every time over the moe, isekai, harem, fanservice bullshit that hikkineets have reduced the mediums to.
By the way, is Xellos everyone's favorite character in the franchise? Everyone I've met ranks him well above everyone else in the cast, even Lina, but I don't know if it's because his anime VA brought the character to life, or if they enjoy the creepy vibes he brings in the novels.
What's wrong with the 90s?
Pokota has to rebuild Taforasia, he won't be traveling with the group.
Slayers is a timeless classic you buffoon
No. Mine's Amelia. I love genki small girls, and have a thing for justicefags for some reason even though I'm gloomy and cynical in real life.
Man, the main continent the show takes place on must be really cold...
I genuinely hope that's the case. After all, Filia didn't tour with them after Try, so I suppose the writers know better than to infringe on the anime's core group too much.
>Zel x Lina and Gourry x Amelia
Wasn't that just one episode where they had to "pair up" and they were deliberately mismatched to throw them off or something?
Yes, but like I said, it was bad not because of shipping, but because their personalities don't work. If it had been Lina and Amelia in the Sentai episode and Zel and Gourry in the ghost ship episode, it could have worked much better than Zel only appearing in the beginning and at the end for a gag, and Gourry complaining through the whole episode.
It wasn't just that one episode. They did it again with a block of several fillers in the middle and it was incredibly dull, threw off the pace for the whole season.
By the way I've just gotta say that Rui is an absolute fucking madman and Slayers is better off because he exists and he cares about the characters.
>If it had been Lina and Amelia in the Sentai episode and Zel and Gourry in the ghost ship episode
That would have been a much better configuration for those episodes. But even though you insist it has nothing to do with shipping, for me it exemplifies how ZelLina, GouAme ships just don't work. There isn't enough contrast in those pairs to make their dynamic interesting.
By Slayers 3 we're talking about the LNs, right?
Yeah, but bringing up shipping is a lost cause since Hajime admits he doesn't know how to write romance. The best he could do is have Gourry ask Lina if they can visit Zephilia, with her thinking he wants to ask her parents if it's okay to marry her. Personally I prefer the subtlety of the relationship over the more overt pairings other franchises have. It's there, and everyone knows it's there, and that's perfect.
Xellos gets old fast when all he does is act smug and proceeds to job to whatever the new global threat of the week is. He constantly acts like he's above whatever's going on but then ends up fully relying on the group to get his ass out of trouble, it gets dull.
Yes, no anime announced yet. But with a series of novels to come, the chance for an anime down the road increases. Whether that's a good thing or not depends on you.
Oh right, sorry it's been a while.
>that ghost ship episode
shit I forgot about that, how awful that one was, Zel almost never gets to do anything cool and in this one he just plays a guitar.
Depends on the LNs. As I understand the universe in Slayers, 15 has Lina end the great Mazoku war by defeating Dynast and calls a truce with Deep Sea and Beastmaster, which is probably for the best because even if you DO kill all the Mazoku in any of LoNs world, LoN gets bored and erases it.
A third series couldn't end well unless it's slice of life.
I will absolutely agree that Xellos jobbing to Valgaav was bullshit, but it makes sense in terms of the show's powerscaling for him to get fucked by Gaav (whom Xellos underestimates because he's certain Phibrizzo outclasses him) and Shabranigdo's ghost (trying to kill the Pakota's body before a full possession takes place).
If Xellos hadn't gotten fucked over by Valgaav I think you'd be able to enjoy him more, but I can't change canon, unfortunately.
Zel x Linafags love those shitty filler episodes because they have hardly any episodes pandering to them in the anime with all the Zel x Amelia focus. But Zel just threw his hands up and ignored Lina the whole time. If he were together with Amelia, he wouldn't be able to ignore her. He would probably even dress up in the sentai costume with her while grumbling to himself. It would just be more fun all around.
>Slayers RPG for Super Famicom
>The plot twist is you were playing as a Lina clone the whole time
>Everyone agrees this was obvious in hindsight, because you're a much better and likable person
I mean the whole serie's scaling was fucked from the onset, with them killing a fragment of ruby eyes. Where do you go from there ? You can either rely on constant powercreep, or go back to lesser villains and try to build tension off of them. It's hard to take any of the mazoku seriously, even fucking fibrizo, when you know they're already beat bigger things.
Xellos' main problem isn't necessarily losing to vagraav, which makes sense, it's his presence implying that the group is somehow significant to mazoku internal politics when all it really amounts to was him needing lina to swat fibrizo because apparently the mazoku are unable to handle one of their leaders going crazy and need a bunch of shitters from the human world to do the job for them.
I agree. It's all about the subtleties, like in the City of Women scene where Zel confesses that he has a weak spot for sweet maidens, or the end of Try where he has a charm from Amelia. It's just nice and sweet and there and there's no need to argue it unless someone's stupid in the head.
But there 16 vol too
I thought volume 16 was part of Slayers 3, since it came out like a decade after the fact.
What happens in volume 16 besides "Lina gets a sword?"
I hope someone here will make summary
But looks like S3 it's new thing and vol16 was some kind aniversary thing for Fantasia Bunko
Oh, now I get where you're coming from. Yes, I can agree with you on that point.
I absolutely love the hem placement for those spats. Just enough plausible deniability to say that it's not a camel toe on the cover.
I recently read another explanation on Japanese Twitter about why Kanzaka never put overt shipping into Slayers. The poster claims to have read in a magazine interview that Kanzaka said he had planned for Lina and Gourry to become a couple at the time of writing LN volume 4. But the editor told him, "If you're still going to continue this series, you can't have the hero and heroine get together and expect it to go on," so Kanzaka scrapped that idea. That pissed him off, so later on he swore, "Even if this series ends, I'll never let those two get together in an unambiguous way." When the series was coming to an end, the editor pleaded with him to let them definitively be together, but Kanzaka said, "What are you talking about? You're the one who made me scrap it in the first place."
Now, without seeing the magazine interview she's referencing I can't say for sure this is what happened, but from what I know of Kanzaka's personality, he's well known as a contrarian and this sounds exactly like something he would do.
>"If you're still going to continue this series, you can't have the hero and heroine get together and expect it to go on,"
What the fuck is wrong with Japan? What's wrong with making fantasy stories about a power couple roaming around taking/breaking shit?
That's a nice explanation and it appeals to my heart. Considering that I haven't found the source of Hajime saying he can't write romances either, I'll more than happily swap the sourceless claim I've been told for yours.
I mean, after all, the only reason Gourry is adventuring in the first place is because of Lina's father.
As far as I am aware anime / manga executives have come to the conclusion that promoting romance between main characters diminishes the financial return of the product, because the target audience supposedly doesn't care about romance.
To be fair, what would the audience gain from Lina and Gourry holding hands? Nothing, really. It makes moments like when Lina pretended to be dead stronger. Gourry even demands that in the future she consider his feelings before doing something like that, and it's one of the only times in the series she genuinely apologizes.
Just stick with the small moments for this specific relationship.
Just you wait, it's the 90s time to shine you neo-retro hip gangster wanna be.
Anything to get us out of this garbage decade.
Now I just hope Rui doesn't die in the middle of this new novel series. He has been in poor health for the past year, constantly getting hospitalized and needing emergency open heart surgery a few months ago that caused the Next BD box to get delayed by several months because he couldn't do the illustrations for it. A lifetime of bad health habits caught up with him it seems.
Don't fuck with my hopes user. And shouldn't this be 5th?
Novels, not anime.
Rui dies, Slayers dies. Unless there's someone out there who can draw in the same style while also being completely unabashed about flaunting Lina without her being expressly naked, the entire thing might as well just die. The animation's already DBS-tier, we shouldn't let the novels go the same route.
They could relaunch the anime and follow books a little closer. But I'm biased in wanting everyone not Lina being more useful in battle.
Can't happen. It follows DnD rules and power scaling. Lina's a min/maxer, Gourry dumped points into STR while sacrificing INT, and Amelia and Zel are hybrids which make them automatically inferior. Add in that spellcasters increase exponentially rather than by linear growth, and Lina's the one carrying the team.
Give a Reason > Get Along > Breeze > Plenty of Grit > Front Breaking
Revolution > Sunadokei > Jama wa Sasenai > Kujikenaikara > Don't Be Discouraged
Somewhere > Just Begun
I think editors advice authors don't make a couple obvious until the end because the tension of "will they/won't they" is a powerful hook to keep the readers attention.
I've always preferred the tights over the pants, but they do look really good here.
That bullshit needs to end because will they / won't they completely destroys fanbases. Naruto, Bleach, TWGOK, and other have had this stupid trope and it's annoying as all hell. We aren't watching Dawson's Creek. Even worse, this kind of design is infecting Western media who grew up on anime in the 90s, ruining other shows.
Do Zelgadis and Amelia ever make their own spells or get better at fighting? Every time there was a strong opponent they just kind of stood around and jobbed, that was kinda disappointing.
>I've always preferred the tights over the pants
Excellent taste!
Not really, no. Zelgadis has high durability and strength to complement him being a front-line caster, and he has access to astral shamanism and can use Astral Vine, which is necessary to fight mazoku, something Lina can't do without using chaos magic. The problem with his durability is that against the final bosses, he can't tank them effectively compared to their damage output, which renders him useless in final confrontations.
Ameila brings healing via white magic. It's not as strong as Sylphiel. She's not nearly as durable as Zel, but she still operates as a front-liner after developing Visfarank. Like Zel, she's better than Lina at astral shamanism, so she can fight mazoku as well. Since she's only human, though, that can only get her so far.
Basically the problem is that we only see them fight in situations that are rather extraordinary, putting them out of the fight early.
I'd just want one white magic power upgrade instead of ra-tilt getting brushed off by every tom, dick, and harry while Lina's magic mac muffin of the season mauls everything. Otherwise:
Gourry could stay the same. Just give him a new magical sword. I think he has one in the novels and he wasn't out of control with SoL.
Was Amelia really Hybrid? She seemed all light and just spent some points in goofy spells like the punching gloves one.
Zel, yea I agree since he can sword fight, elemental magic, and has tough skin.
Compared to most anime and books, Slayers has kept the cast power level pretty low key and balanced.
The problem is that canonically Ra Tilt is the strongest white magic spell a regular human can cast, and it's basically a guaranteed OHKO against humans and generic mazoku (lesser demons) while and doing serious damage to middle-rank mazoku (the assassins trying to kill Prince Phil).
The only things stronger are Naga's summoning spells which create dragons, and Meteor Fall, which was played for laughs in the second movie. Neither Amelia nor Zel can naturally cast these spells because their buckets are too small. They would need a focus like Lina's talismans to pull things like that off.
I forgot to mention that Amelia is generally classed as a hybrid because of Phil's training when she was a kid after Naga left. She's shown throughout the franchise not just using spells, but also delivering kicks, clotheslines, and punches.
She's not an EFFECTIVE melee fighter, but she's classified as one nonetheless.
Zel and Amelia need to get married in Seyruun in the next novel arc as this illustration foretells.
You mean this one?
>the slight gap
I mean the one I posted. Notice how Zel is wearing royal Seyruunese white and gold robes on top of his usual cleric's habit.
The one you posted is nice too, that's just in the anime timeline rather than the novels.
I can't tell at all, there's hair and legs and bubbles blocking the view. Still, most everyone agrees they should've been married so they can have faithful, holy sexual intercourse in the missionary position while holding hands. There's even cosplays of them in wedding attire.
God dammit we need more cute cheeky shit like this in anime again
Has there been any decent quality Slayers stuff since Next finished? Try was okay, but after that it seems like it's mostly pretty crappy stuff.
Make sure to buy whatever merchandise you can if / when it becomes available, then. I'm kinda glad that the light novels are only poorly translated and uploaded on the internet, it forces people to invest in the show if they want the good stuff.
I can honestly say that while NEXT is peak Slayers anime, Revo / Evo-R aren't necessarily bad. The problems they face is Pokota's existence, and rehashing old plot ideas. However, Revolution does a great job hitting on Lina's character flaws -- something TRY was largely without -- while Evo-R had a crew that clearly cared about the older fans and threw them nostalgia bones for it. Plus, if you haven't, you can watch Slayers Premium, a movie that came out in '01.
>Amelia and Zel are back for Slayers 3
Well, if we consider Slayers 2 The Empire Strikes Back, they should be safe.
But I dunno, I liked how Slayers ended as a novel.
Hajime must have something on his mind if there's going to be an entire Season 3. As long as it's the OG it should totally be safe, and it'll be interesting to see where they're going to take the crew after the rather good, if open, ending we'd gotten. After all, we haven't even seen Zephilia yet.
It's series three user, we've had season 3 already. And season fou-
Actually scratch that, that was a fever dream.
Ah, shit, meant SERIES, not SEASON.
I just hope it doesn't muck things up. 15 might have had a good ending but Lina and Gourry went through some shiiiiiiit.
Do you know why Slayers stopped in 2000, but Slayers Special / Smash kept going until 2011?
Didn't Hajime just wanna write fun slice of life with Naga and Lina?
Yeah, basically. The light novel was supposed to be lighthearted and poke fun at major themes other anime were doing at the time. Naga is the prime example of making fun of the overly-voluptuous, scantily-clad woman in the 90s (who is rather tame, unfortunately, for today's audiences). Even the anime goes out of its way to try and have comedic moments when the world is ending. I think it was against Copy Rezo in the anime Lina begrudgingly states that "they" won't let them get too serious with dark moments.
Pre-Slayers means no dealing with Shabranigdo or major mazoku, just goofing off.
See, that's why I think the move would be to adapt the Dynast Mazoku War arc for the anime.
Lina and Gourry basically calling it quits and Xellos literally never wanting to see them again makes me think if they get involved in more shit it'll be rough.
Well I guess I have no obligation to read it.
Slayers NEXT was great in terms of comedy drama balance. Phibrizzo just wrecking everyone's shit, Amelia being like "Lina, don't say a word, cause I'll probably have to oppose you if you tell me your plans for confronting Hellmaster", Lina crying after waking up in the inn without Gourry...
Revolution-R is, on the other hand, a tonal mess. It's too comedic, then bizarrely dark, then comedic again. Kickass opening for Evolution-R though
They could do that. If Hajime tries to continue from where he left off, there's a high chance of something going wrong.
Good Things:
>Lina thinking her father set her up with Gourry by meeting him a week before Lina did
>Gourry finally having to go into his backstory and his family problems
>Eternal Queen / Ragradia
Bad Things:
>Amelia and Zel making the story focus on Seyrune
My favorite part of NEXT was Auntie Aqua giving Lina a vision of what would've happened if the Giga Slave failed, and while she's understandably upset that Zel and Amelia (who shouldn't have been there) were consumed by Chaos, losing Gourry made her completely lose her shit.
It was very nice how the one thing she was scared of doing out of fear of losing him was what she ultimately resolved to use to save him.
>Amelia and Zel making the story focus on Seyrune
Why are any of these bad things?
After reading what posted, I agree with their opinion on Xellos. For Luna, even Hajime recognizes that her power is way too broken to become a recurring party member. In Try she's able to pass off saving the world to Lina without problems because she doesn't actually show up, but if she's properly introduced in Series 3, and doesn't act, she'll be viewed as incredibly incompetent or lazy in her job.
The last issue I have is that Seyrune has been overused as a location, in my opinion. There's an entire sub-continent to explore, and it's going to waste. If Amelia shows up, Seyrune and politics are going to be brought to the table, just like every other time she's shown up.
I'm sure Luna also recognizes that she CAN'T intervene too much because of LoN-sama being LoN-sama.
I just, I dunno. I really hope we don't go darker than series 2 because goddamn
That would make sense, but it would be nice to just avoid it altogether. After all, they've managed to keep Naga and Amelia separate this whole time. The best we should get from Luna are her parents praising her much to Lina's chagrin, and getting to see Dilgear after all these years.
>Naga meets Amelia
>"Hey sis why did you run away?"
>"Oh, well, remember how our mother was assassinated? I murdered his assassin with one of the most hardcore spells available. That, along with our mother's corpse, is why I am deathly afraid of blood, drink myself into a stupor, and generally put on a persona as a roguish anti-hero when really I'm running as fast as I can away from my past."
With Lina and Luna, we keep them apart as part of a joke(unless Luna is actually Luna Dunham)
With Amelia and Naga, we keep them apart from each other because if Amelia recognizes her big sis it's not gonna be happy conversations
It's not really a good joke. The whole reason Lina went to the Sorcerers Guild at such a young age was to get away from her family. Her parents doted on Luna and considered her to be the unwanted seconds, and Lina having a streak of committing crimes didn't help her case. In fact, she created a projection device using a mirror and crystals, and when Luna would take baths, she would let the boys in their neighborhood watch the projection of it in exchange for money.
I know it seems humorous and all that, but Lina and Luna have a rather unhealthy relationship given what we've been shown. While the scene in Try is played for laughs, Lina has every reason to be terrified of her sister.
Unhealthy, but that seems like two siblings who both shoulder some blame. A rocky relationship. Though I'd be remiss to ignore the whole dragon knight aspect of it. That's something I can't really relate to.
To be fair my position isn't really logical, it's one based on fear. Seeing something like DBS trying to keep a corpse moving and introducing bullshit to the cast makes me worried that the same thing would happen in Slayers. There's a bunch of shenanigans, sure, but it's just grounded enough to keep it all enjoyable.
I mean, the issue I see is the opposite of Super. Dragon Ball has no stakes that matter.
In Slayers Lina knows goddamn well she's in a tabletop inspired setting which is why at the end of 15 she calls it quits without really saying as much.
Sooner or later that die is gonna come up 1, if the world keeps throwing bullshit at her.
That perspective on Lina's situation is a good point. What do you want to see from Series 3, then? It would be weird to have a Slayers novel without Lina being involved in it, and sooner or later adventure would wind up at her door because of all the mayhem she's caused.
Old enough to breed
15, I think?
You're a man of good taste, user.
I was going over old translations. It's true Hajime has no desire to put Luna into a story with Lina. However, in the same "interview" (Special, Volume 8, pages 221-224) he's said:
"It's not decided. She doesn't appear in "Slayers", because she breaks the power balance with Lina. For example, I think it may be interesting that she appears with Xellos for a spin-off story, somehow."
You can find an old, usable translation at this link:
In the anime Amelia is a bout a year younger than Lina; in the manga, she's a few months older than Lina.
>in the manga, she's a few months older than Lina
I forgot how it went in the manga, but in the novels, initially Lina thought Amelia was older when she first met her. In vol. 16 it was clarified that she and Amelia are the same age in that continuity.
The powergap between the Mazoku upper echelon is pretty fierce. The defeat of Ruby Eyes early sets up some weird relations, but its established the Giga Slave will end the universe if Lina ever fucks it up. In Next she has only ever cast it twice and the revelation dismantles any confidence she had previously about it. Without it, Lina didn't have any tools to actually deal with upper echelon of Mazoku till she learns the Ragna Blade.
Lina's group relies entirely on the Mazoku not taking her group seriously since they are a group of humans. Mazoku are beings of pride, not being caught up in their of self superiority actually makes them weaker and to fight humans with your full set of abilities would damage that pride and reduce their strength. Every threat Lina faces could just end her quickly which always keeps the tension. Xellos himself is in this camp, but he has had the benefit to see that Lina can kill things way above him, he knows he can't fuck around with Lina's group in a fight. Evolution and Revolution were shit, but Xellos dismantling Lina's party was fucking great as it shows what would happen when the Mazoku stop sandbagging.
Therein lies the problem, though. If the mazoku were to try to delete the world, and went to war with humans, the end result would be that the mazoku can't feed off of human negativity, and then the mazoku would be defeated by the gods. It's why there's a never-ending stalemate in the war between gods and mazoku. The mazoku are stronger than humans, but they can't attack humans because it makes them vulnerable to the gods, and the gods can't attack the mazoku because they are relatively equal in strength. We know what a stalemate would cause, thanks to Almayce's world.
It's like a sort of MAD situation.
I was genuinely surprised that Kelly Manison was able to do the ojou-laugh so annoyingly well.
>slayers third series
wait what about Try
The Mazoku have a out if they can revive Ruby Eyes to completion. Huge missed opportunity to not turn Lina into a Ruby Eyes vassal and she was inadvertently collecting them, would be great storyline material and explain a lot of things.
Read the thread.
The light novels, which stopped being printed in 2000. The third series would be a continuation from where Volume 15 left off, with a new arc. That's what the big deal is, because if that's getting more material, it means there's potential for a whole lot more.
That would be daring way to take the story. It would certainly force Luna into the plot if her little sister becomes a vessel.
>Huge missed opportunity to not turn Lina into a Ruby Eyes vassal
Kanzaka expressly refused to do this.
Where do I find the translated novels? They're the only thing I've been missing out on for years because I don't speak moon.
For Slayers specifically, TokyoPop licensed 1-8 back in 2008. The problem is that Slayers didn't have big sales, so TokyoPop discontinued the print of those eight volumes, and never translated the remaining 9-15. Which means you'll have to find fan translations, most of which have been lost to time from individuals not continuing to pay a hosting fee. So...
Good luck?
Motherfucker. Well, something to which I can aspire should I ever be in a position with money: find the full set and have them translated.
If you're lucky enough to have a bakaBT account, volume 1-15 are there.
Again, good luck. There was a fan website dedicated to that, as a matter of fact, with the site owners offering rewards to people who would write in to TokyoPop asking for Slayers to be translated and printed, and even they disappeared off the face of the earth.
Maybe has good advice for you.
>use to have a bakabt account but got lazy and it was deleted
Of course I would regret this when I want something from there now.
That is why its a missed opportunity.
>2 New from $255.06
>Two-hundred and fifty-five dollars and six cents
What the FUCK
Madokami and AB
Used to. Looks like shit dun changed for the worse over there. Why'd they go all faggoty and elitist?
Apparently it's down, too.
we need a monk character to bring some cosmic punches to the group. Where is Philoneus with his kindness to all creatures kick!?
>monk character to bring some cosmic punches to the group
We already have that in Amelia.
That's pretty much what Amelia was becoming in the anime with Visfarank, so if the anime is ever renewed, you just might get it.
It's not elitist to prevent literal scum from accessing your torrents and making downloads even slower. The fact that they don't use Discord shows that they're not "faggy and elitist" but internet oldfags who know what they're doing.
Struck a nerve, did I? good on them for not using Dicksword, but going "lalala look how much stuff we have and you can't have ANY" is about as faggoty and elitist as it gets.
You're not going to pass your interview with that kind of an attitude. If anything, I was the one who struck a nerve with you if you're not willing to recognize that plebfilters are good and necessary. It means you're too lazy to put in any effort.
she still uses magic. Phil brings something unexpected to the table. The power of comedy.
>You're not going to pass your interview
Why in the shit would I apply for one? I had an account, my ratio was always good; if they decided to baleete my account and lock down everything, I don't particularly want to associate with them. I'll find alternatives, and they will fade into obscurity and die, just like everybody who does this thinking they're King Shit of Dick Mountain.
>12 hour thread
>22 posters
Anime and manga are dead.
All my favorite old series' threads end up that way on Yea Forums lately. It's sad that younger generations don't feel like watching these classics and seeing what the inspirations for their modern favorites were.
I'm starting to think that the shitpost "I'm so used to fluid, well-drawn animation that I can't stand watching old, grainy animes" is starting to become an unironic reality. It would help explain why DBZ keeps getting redrawn a billion times...
I'm reading some tidbits from the new Dragon Magazine online. It seems that Kanzaka considers Slayers Try, Knight of Aqualord, and the SFC game to be parallel "Part Threes" taking place at about the same time in different continuities, and the new novel series can be considered yet another parallel continuity to those preexisting ones.
This is interesting to me because I had always seen people assume that Try took place after Next (that is, after LN vol. 8) and before Part Two, but it seems like that wasn't necessarily the case.
I think it would be safest for your mental stability if you just maintain that the anime continuity and the manga continuity are completely separate entities. I mean, Amelia certainly wouldn't get completely ravaged in the animation, would she?
Regardless, does the interview have any specific details as to what Series 3 will have?
we just had a maxed out slayers thread the other day, calm down and wait till sunday like normal.
Sorry, DAD.
>dem Naga areolas
jesus christ
Pretend like they don't exist, for my sake.
There's apparently a long summary in this month's magazine of what the new series will entail, but I haven't found scans of it yet. Hopefully some kind person will upload it eventually. People say that the summary sounds like the kind of story that will take more than one volume to resolve, so at least we can be sure it won't be a one-off thing like vol. 16 was.
>I think it would be safest for your mental stability if you just maintain that the anime continuity and the manga continuity are completely separate entities.
I think that's how the creator treats them. In the new interview he apparently says this line:
>Rather than canon, this can be considered as another possibility existing in parallel to the anime Try and to Knight of Aqualord
So he doesn't even given priority to the novels as the one true canon over the other media versions of Slayers. Maybe it's partly to do with the fact that he does have significant supervision responsibilities over the various adaptations, unlike a lot of mangaka/LN authors, so they all bear his stamp in some way. But part of it is that he likes to leave things up to the audience, thereby giving leeway to derivative works (doujinshi/fanfic). Perhaps that may have something to do with the fact that he and Rui both came out of the doujinshi scene in the 80s and they haven't forgotten their roots. Slayers has had an incredibly active doujinshi/fanfic scene in Japan with very talented writers so I'm thankful to them for not trying to discourage that unlike some other creators.
Damn, that's a healthy perspective. As long as the constants remain the same, the actions are allowed to take whatever course they follow, and that's fantastic from a writing perspective. Rather than condemning the audience to one "truth", they're able to make multiple stories using the same core without it conflicting with each other, because they all happen in parallel and don't cross.
This really says a lot about the intelligence of perverts.
The goddess.
Time for sleep...
Could live with that if it meant Naga showing up in full appearance even for a few eps. Goury being the retard that he is would forget her anyways killing any chance of her ever being referenced.
Madokami duh.
Is Gourry the ultimate husbando?
>tall, muscular, handsome
>devoted, kind, caring
>has the same interests and hobbies
>dim-witted, but perceptive beyond his years
>too stupid to cheat or be seduced by another woman
>too stupid to cheat
I do not remember him being as stupid in novels as anime tried to portray him
I like your picture but isn't it a bit out of character for Lina to try to protect some kittens from the cold?
In the anime Gourry got reduced to an idiot so that way the writing team could have someone to explain the world's lore to, and convey information to the audience at the same time. In the novels, it's narrated by Lina, so he doesn't have to be an idiot.
Maybe, unless she has a weakness for cats. For some reason in most interviews the author / writer conduct with fans, the questioners ask what their favorite kinds of cats are.
>so that way the writing team could have someone to explain the world's lore to
They could just use Lina's monologues then. But I guess anime Gourry would be too op if he was a bit smarter. I still remember that episode when Gourry was mind-controlled by some mazoku and almost wiped out the entire Lina's party.
The good news is that despite him being an idiot, he still retains his bucket capacity. The problem is that, like you said, his intelligence generally holds him back from what he can do. He wasn't properly trained with the Sword of Light since he stole it from his family, and after he learned what it could fully do the weapon was taken away in Try.
Once he gets a proper weapon that can hit mazoku, he'll be back on relatively equal-footing with Lina in the anime.
Some people saying S3 will be parallel reality/story or something
And first volume in october release window
>new Slayers
Neat! Did HD rips for the series/ova/movies ever come out? This makes me want to revisit.
Didn't the Blue-Rays for the original series only get announced in October?
... Ah, shit, it's fucking middle of May...
Yes HD rips of everything are out there.
Note: the series HD scan wasn't from the original negative. (Which was believed lost to a fire.) However, it is still far better quality than what was available in SD before.
The movies look gorgeous in HD.
I remember few years ago and before nyaa death
there was new chinese rips in HEVC of ovas and movies with eng subs itoo
So probably you can find those in some form
Probably seasons too
Yes. Hopefully, they are new HD scans. The current "HD" tv episode rips out there are tv upscales.
The bluray trailer does look like it's a brand new scan. Possibly from an interpossitive if the original negative was indeed lost.
Slayers NEXT BD Rui's art
>Possibly from an interpossitive if the original negative was indeed lost.
Hopefully. While it wouldn't be as good as if it was from the negative, you can still get a nice 1080p scan from second to third generation prints.
Well we know for a fact that Lost Universe had to be redrawn in two months after a fire. If the Slayers films were kept in the same location, it would make sense why there's a general panic over whether or not the negatives are still out there.
Please get healthy soon Rui...
What horrors await
Lina and Gourrey's married life.
In all seriousness, who knows? Where does one continue from a story they resolved 19 years ago?
I just started Slayers and I'm 16 episodes in.
I love it, but please tell me the stupid SEIGI NO MIKATA Amelia isn't a permanent member. Please.
I hate her so fucking much, she's not funny at all, just plain annoying.
She gets healthier.
In all honesty she sticks around because she helps point out Lina's numerous faults. She also gives the party what is basically unlimited resources (even if the money is pooled) so instead of having to hunt down bandits, they can focus on the plot and still eat 40 meals a day.
To be fair, she's supposed to be the ultimate waifu princess fantasy.
She's the one who will be ever loyal, support your adventuring, and despite being overly innocent, is open to romance than things getting more "intimate" if you know what I mean. >> (Plus, being massively well endowed)
Ah, yeah, forgot about that.
I guess I don't want to see series 3, period? "You either retire a hero, or live long enough for the GM to dick you over."
All over your keyboard, I'm guessing.
What's the Slayers equivalent of "rocks fall, everyone dies"?
Source? Good Amelia h stuff is hard to come by.
LoN gets bored. All Mazoku are destroyed. A Mazoku's plan succeeds. Dragons win.
Giga Slave miscast. Mountain Train goes off rails.
Any number of bullshit.
Check your sock.
Oh, and probably most specific to Lina, Gourry dies. That'd be bad for everyone.
It's from this.
>proceeds to job to whatever the new global threat of the week is
Well duh, they're the most powerful mazoku of the planet.
Nah, I'm just fuckin' with you guys, I won't blue ball you.
It's the consequence of releasing a product 8 years out-of-date when the audience in the US that grew up with Slayers would be older not really paying attention to the fact that it had even come out. If it had been easier to secure the original Japanese product, and they were printed in 2001 (before 9/11) or 2002 (around Christmas), it might have done very well.
Yeah, it's kinda sad.
A LOT of old early 90's fan translations has been lost to the sands of time. Especially when geocites got shut down. A ton of fan translated novels were lost.
>all it really amounts to was him needing lina to swat fibrizo because apparently the mazoku are unable to handle one of their leaders going crazy and need a bunch of shitters from the human world to do the job for them.
I HIGHLY doubt that Xellos or anybody for that matter knew what Phibrizo was up to because he literally only lost to the Lord of Nightmares randomly materializing in Lina's body, something nobody in the entire cast could have conceived of. If I remember correctly the main plot was them going after Gaav which turned out to be a lure for the cast.
>novel fan translations
>lost to time
They're right there on the Slayers subreddit
I'm referring to the more obscure stuff.
Like the fan translations of the zeta gundam or CCA novels. Both of which had massive amounts of canon background info.
So do we know anything about Slayers 16 besides "Lina gets a sword" and "Orb appears in the sky?"
"Lina and Gourry arrived in Zephilia and stopped at an inn in the city of Atessa. They are still heading to Lina's home village, so the story takes place soon after the events of the 15th novel.
"5 men noticing that they are not local and after a confrontation easily ended by the slayers victory, the leader turns out to be vigilant in function for the city and his name is Randa. The officials are a bit on edge because a band of robbers are making life difficult. The keeper of the inn, a certain McLyle, who seems to emanate a certain authority, explains to them that they are not mere brigands. They steal cargoes and destroy sites linked to the extraction of ore, source of wealth for the city. It seems they're looking for something more than just money and treasures.
"As a witness to their abilities, McLyle asks Lina and Gourry for help and she weighs the pros and the cons.
"After a meeting with the extremely shy elf Alaina, Lina and Gourry finally accept the offer of employment and conduct the investigation in the nearby forest. Gourry still owns the Blast Sword, but Lina recalls that during her last fight against 1/7 Shabrani Gudu, the latter was forced to destroy the Demon's Blood Talismans and for this reason, some of her most powerful spells are no longer accessible. Using their heads, the slayers come face to face with a small but extremely skilled group. A quick fight ensues, interrupted by the arrival of an official delegation from Saillune, putting the bandits to flight before Lina can identify them.
"The delegation is led by Princess Amelia Will Tesla Saillune, former slayer and friend of Lina and Gourry. The latter explains that following the destruction of Phybrizzo, she decided to meet the high dignitaries of each kingdom to talk to them about Mazoku Lords, sharing all the information they collected about them at the risk of their lives."
Nothing really sadly
Though the art from it really makes me think the Lina/Gourry romance has finally developed a bit.
"The next morning, Lina and Gourry learn the disturbing disappearance of Amelia.
"Despite the disappearance of Amelia, Lina does not seem destabilized. Lost in her thoughts, she leaves the city with Gourry, going to the place of the forest where they had confronted the strange men the day before.
"After several hours of waiting, Amelia joins them, followed by the man Lina had fought the day before. It is actually Zelgadis, which Lina had recognized during their confrontation. The latter had fought the same way as they did long time ago when they met for the first time (using Shadow Snap and Lighting spells), allowing the first to recognize his friend without betraying his cover. From there, Lina knew that if Zel discovered that Amelia was captured, the latter would save her and bring her back to Lina, and the only place that seemed relevant to do was far from prying eyes, where they had fought.
"Zelgadis explains having infiltrated this mysterious group because their magic interests him and could be a key allowing him to have his human aspect back.
"At this moment, the leader of the mysterious group appears again in front of them. His name is Tesias and he is a master of a strange and non human magic.
"A fight ensues between the Slayers and Tesias and its mysterious magic. The latter is nevertheless forced to withdraw when elf Alaina intervenes. The truth is then made about the origins of Tesias : he is an elf. Using the magic of his ancestors, he is trying to push humans out of the forests, and Alaina came on a mission to try to stop him.
"The group goes back to Atessa. Zelgadis explains that he actually knew Tesias was an elf.Hundred years ago, the forest belonged to the elves. They gave it to humans, asking them to administred and use it well, but now they want it back seeing humans are overusing the forest's resources unfairly."
"At this moment, elves attack the city. There're a lot of them and the city is on the way to be destroyed. To avoid the fall of Atessa and find a way to fight elves outside of the city, Lina shots a Drag Slave to the forest. The elves attacking the city realize there's a danger to their forest, leaving the city to try to protect it.
"The battle continues in the forest, but this time, elves are serious and wearing Zanaffar armors. Contrary to the completed one Memphis had, these armors seems incomplete and dangerous. The slayers have to retreat in a mine to elaborate a battle plan. Alaina removes the seal spell on the blast Sword to make it top efficient and Lina asks her to create a magic circle that can increase the magic capacity.
"The last battle begins and the slayers are well on their way... until a Zanaffar armor starts to incorporate the other elves with Zanaffar Armors, creating a very big, powerful and dangerous entity. Using the magic circle amplification, Lina is able to cast an incomplete Ragna Blade to cut him, and Gourry finishes him off, releasing the other elves, now without any armor. Finally, they surrender and Alaina will take care of the rest. Before leaving, Gourry notices a presence and Xelloss appears. He had been also trying to find the elves since they created the Zanaffar Armors using a copy of the Claire Bible, and as usual, his job is to find those copies and destroy them.
"Finally, Amelia is off to keep on his mission, Zelgadis will stay to Atessa for a while, and Lina and Gourry keep their journey to Zephilia."
In hindsight I really should have been posting these...
Higher resolution of the drawing.
Fucking elves.
How 'bout I slap ur shit?
I'm just glad Rui isn't dead because slapping nipples on the girls is a Slayers staple. I don't know if any other artist would go that extra mile in a standard shot for a syndicated manga.
I never ever thought I would type these words:
Thanks, Reddit.
I mean seriously, why are Lina's nipples pointed that why? It doesn't matter! They're there!
So it sounds like novel 16 is more a throwback to the classic days and one more adventure with Zel and Amelia?
Neat, but I was hoping for the beginning of a new storyarc. Maybe something exploring Lina's home village and family. Maybe deal with the issue that someone as powerful as Lina usually doesn't get to just retire in a fantasy world.
>Lina nuking the elves forest to get them to stop attacking the city
That'll do it, yeah. Is Alaina with the Elf insurgents or is she trying to broker a peace?
I mean, Luna became a waitress, so it's possible.
You should be getting that in the next novel, since they're still heading back to her parents' place by the end of things. The concerning thing is that there are still copies of the Clair Bible, and if the Bible is becoming a plot point again, and they're going to Zephilia with the Eternal Queen (an aspect of Ragradia) and hometown of the Knight of Ceipheed, things are gonna get interesting.
Alaina supports the humans and wants to stop the elvish terrorists and the manufacturing of Zanaffar armor.
Well, outside of the demons, not much of the rest of the world can really do much against Lina. She's the level 20 in the setting where most people max out at level 5 or 10. She basically can do whatever she wants.
Better to just leave her alone and let her retire in peace.
Ah, I've found Rebmastu's translation of the preview for 16 in the archives.
"Hey, it's been a while!"
"It has... In fact, I wonder if Gourry still remembers my name," Zel joked.
"Sure I do," Gourry said with an easy smile. "How could I forget?"
"Well, let's just make sure. What's my name?"
"I remember!"
Zel was quiet for a long moment. "Alright then, let's hear it. Say my name."
"I mean, I just said I did. Let's just talk about something else," Gourry said, scratching his head absently.
"Something else?!" Zel, Amelia, and I bellowed in unconscious harmony. The man was utterly oblivious!
"Let's back up for a minute here, Gourry," Zel said. I was beginning to see the panic in his face. "I'm starting to think you really did forget about me. You didn't, did you? Listen, I'm not asking for my full name, just tell me you at least know my first name. I'll even settle for a nickname!"
The man was desperate. Still, I could see where he was coming from... and considering the source, I could sympathize.
"I'm telling you, I remember," Gourry insisted. In contrast to Zel's clear panic, the smile never dropped from his face. "You need to quit worrying about everything. But I get it, you just need an answer. Go on, Lina, tell him."
"Oh, so now you're putting this on me?!" I cried.
Zel's face dropped. "He... He forgot..."
“Whoa, I’m sorry! It was a joke!” Gourry said as he waved his hands frantically in the air, clearly picking up on the depth of the despair in Zel's voice. “I remember, okay? It's Zel... something or other, right?"
"So you do remember," Zel said, a look of relief crossing his face.
Wait. Okay, now that one I was not going to let slide.
"Zel," I said, slowly, "He just called you 'Zel something or other.' Are you really okay with that?"
"Of course I am," he replied evenly.
"Think about it," he said. "By Gourry standards, it's impressive that he remembered even that much."
"I mean... As long as you're okay with it... I guess..."
Refresh. I thought he couldn't unleash the power of the sword because he wasn't trained at all in magic. Meanwhile Lina unleashes its power because she can use it to amplify her own magic.
The sword rang in the silence as it was slid from its scabbard; a pale, violet light shining in the dimness of the room.
"Is this...?" The words left Elaina's mouth in a low whisper, her voice hoarse to my ears. The slender blade glowed faintly: not by reflecting the light of the lamp that illuminated the corner of the room, but with a light all its own.
"What is...?"
"The blade sharpens when there's magical energy nearby... Or so I've been told," I said.
"I am familiar with the theory, yet... I have never seen this technique in practice..." Elaina's eyes never left the blade as she trailed off in reply, as though she were being sucked into it.
"What sort of technique?" I prompted.
"Surely it's obvious. You can see the words right there, written on the blade as clear as... Ah, no. I suppose it wouldn't be visible as words to human eyes."
Words invisible to human eyes? That probably meant...
"So elves see words in this?" I guessed. "Honestly, it just looks like it's glowing purple to me."
"How should I say this... Imagine there are many layers of tiny letters, no greater than a hair's breadth, all squeezed together very tightly... From this I can understand that it does indeed use magical energy to augment its cutting edge, but the finer portions are just so complex... It’s very impressive work.”
Well, right, we knew that much, but I wasn't about to tell her that. Gourry, on the other hand…
"Yeah, it's called the Blast Sword, or something like that," he said lightly.
"The Blast-?!" Elaina's head snapped up and she fixed Gourry with a sharp look. "Now just what are you on about? The Blast Sword is legendary! But..." she trailed off as her gaze returned to the blade. "You may be right..."
"Used to have the Sword of Light, though," Gourry said, almost wistfully.
"Now surely you can't expect me to fall for a joke like that." Elaina brushed him off without ever looking back up.
Well... I guess I couldn't blame her for not believing him.
Sexualizing or cutefying Lina feels weird to me. She is a borderline sociopath.
"So what's the verdict, Elaina?" I asked. "Do you think you can remove the dulling spell on it?"
"It shouldn't pose a problem. It seems to have been placed in a way that assumed someone would want to remove it at some point." As she spoke, Elaina began to remove a variety of objects from her sack, neatly lining them up nearby. A spool of thread, a small bottle with some sort of medicine inside, various tiny fragments of crystal-- no, judging by the color, it was probably Celestal-- fragments of some kind of bone, and several different dried blades of grass.
Looking at the broad assortment of items she'd laid out, there were objects that even I, with my extensive understanding of magic, couldn't place.
I felt the excitement growing within me. I was about to be a witness to elfin magic. And while I wasn't sure if their interpretation of it was quite the same as humans', I couldn’t call myself a sorceress if I said I wasn't dying with curiosity.
Elaina, for her part, continued at her craft as if I wasn't drilling holes into her with my eyes. Removing the lid of one of the bottles, she poured a tiny amount of its contents onto the pad of her left index finger. To me, it looked like some sort of powder or dust, but I resisted the urge to ask. I couldn't risk irritating her with a barrage of questions and interrupting her workflow.
Elaina picked up the spool of thread with her right hand and, pinching her thumb and index finger together, began coating the tip of the thread with the powder she'd poured from the bottle before.
The powder-coated thread began to stretch between her fingers, and unlike normal thread which would have simply drooped down limply, it glowed with a faint light, not unlike the one given off by the Blast Sword's blade. The thin line of pale light stretched through the open air with nothing to support it, and as it touched the sword's blade...
"The string disappeared..." Gourry observed.
Depends. They make note that the loss of the talismans has effectively locked her out of a lot of her high end spells. (Tldr: she was using them to buff herself so she could acess higher spell slots)
This could be a intentional power nerf if novel 17 really starts a new long story arc.
Also, her sister is still flat out more powerful and society is fine with her being a waitress.
"It did no such thing," Elaina replied, eyes still on the sword and thread. "I am using the thread to stitch and sew the letters used in the sword's seal."
I could only guess what she meant by that, but I supposed that she was using some sort of technique to merge the thread with the letters our human eyes couldn’t see and remove them both at once. But honestly, her methods were so advanced and so beyond my realm of understanding, I had no way of knowing whether I was right or wrong.
I remembered her saying that the spell seemed to be crafted in a way that assumed it would be broken later on. And if that was true…
It meant a spell this complex was no challenge for an elf or dragon to disarm, while a human would have no way of even knowing how it worked.
I felt a chill as I realized that if this was nothing to them, then our human magic would stand no chance against magic of their own.
"Ra Tilt!"
A pillar of light burst into being with a roar, slicing a vertical line through the darkness of the forest and devouring the gray shadow.
It was the most powerful attack spell in the Shamanic arsenal of magic, able to obliterate a low ranking pure mazoku with ease. And yet in the center of that pale blue pillar of light, I caught sight of a squirming figure…
And then everything happened at once.
Amelia cried out as she leapt away, her senses tipping her off as a long, whip-like object snapped out of nowhere, crashing down on where she'd been just moments before, moving so quickly that I didn't hear the sound of it whipping through the air until a heartbeat later.
The whip curled around a nearby tree, and using it as a hand(?)-hold, the gray shadow emerged from the pillar of light created by the Ra Tilt.
"No!" Amelia cried in shock, as she attempted to put more space between herself and the creature.
Whips shot out from various points on the creature’s body, wrapping around trees and branches to pull itself out into the open.
Remember that episode where Lina gets cucked by a fish
It was like looking at a colossal spider, waiting in the center of its web for its unsuspecting prey.
Certain high-ranking mazoku could withstand a direct hit from a Ra Tilt, but this creature wasn't one of them. It shouldn't have been possible, and yet here we were. I had a strong hunch that I knew what it… or rather, the armor covering its entire body was.
The Zenaff Armor.
"Amelia!" I called out to her as she stood stock still, clearly trying to puzzle the creature out. "Don't bother with magic, it won't work!"
"Got it!" Amelia called back in reply. It was all I could do to keep the dread from my voice, but she didn't even hesitate in reply. Instead, she raised a clenched fist. "I'll punch it, instead!"
"...Um. Right. Good luck with that."
End of preview.
The Sword of Light in S1 is just a magic weapon that can affect mazoku.
During Try, Gourry has much better control and stronger power over the weapon after Phibrizzo's influence.
In Revo / Evo-R, while using the SoL copy, he's able to do more like fire beams from it, presumably after seeing how Almayce's race handle Weapons of Light.
>undulling the blast sword and giving it broken elf magic
I can hear Xellos screaming from the astral plane.
So are the elves using the OG Zenaffa armor or the Zenaffar armor that, without exception, goes crazy and kills you?
They're copies of Zenaffar armor using schematics from a copy of the Clair Bible. The first elf to get corrupted by the equipment starts to absorb the other elves wearing the armor, but after Gourry kills them the absorbed elves are freed, and armorless.
>Elves going nuts because of their forest
It's their home, I get it. But man, in these "Gaia's vengeance" stories the spirits of nature have a really hard time communicating in ways that don't involve terror or violence.
>Elf's attack the city so Lina just shoots a dragon slave into their forest
There's our girl. Able to communicate to elves in a language they do understand, apparently.
First rule of negotiation: Do NOT negotiate with terrorists, especially knife-eared Indian-giving hippies.
>The tension hung in the air, thick as gravy. Lumpy, disagreeable gravy.
This is terribly written, like, fanfiction-tier writing, but it has its moments. Who'd have thunk that turning the novels into an animated series could be the BEST thing for them? It's usually the other way around.
TokyoPop is notorious for its poor translations. They get the syntax wrong, and transliterate names in the weirdest way possible (Gaav=Garp).
Back in the 90s Lina was the most snarky cunt around.
Now in the day of Isekai with Kazuma talking about jacking it to legal loli she seems outright tame by comparison
> that image
Ok, so how exactly Lina is flat?
She is canonically flat and comely enough that she can get easily mistaken for a boy. The thing is, Rui is a doujin artist.
>Araizumi is still drawing
>Kanzaka is still writing
Name one fantasy series better than Slayers that was released after 2000.
For some reason, I doubt it's so much to do with a poor translation. It reads like a script written blow-for-blow from the anime. It reads like a poorly-put together DnD game which, of course, is how this whole thing got started.
It's terrible and I love suffering through each word.
Seriously Kanzaka pls no ruin own series
None, because it's all isekai shit. I'm hoping some asshole in the US doesn't go out of their way to fuck this shit up and make people hate the LNs.
based and boogeymanpilled
The truth is that only like, twenty people in the US care about the LNs.
We had a livejournal page.
I'll never forget them for the shit they pulled with Battle Royale
That's just reinforcing the notion that we'll never get official translated copies of 8-16+....
>can ship Lina with anyone and not afraid of anything
>draws lewd Lina
>draws Lina with erect nipples in every image
>makes Lina models in some 3D game(?) thing (who knows what he uses them for)
>calls Hayashibara "Her Excellency"
>loyal to the waifu he himself created for over 30 years
Is Araizumi the ultimate waifufag?
He's basically in love with his guy friend's persona and his own reflection.
There's some weird shit there.
No, Lina is Anne Hathaway + Megumi Hayashibara + Kanzaka's persona + Rui's drawing skills
It's only half gay, because half of her is made up of real females.
The Knights Templar were chaste not because of a Higher Law, but because they strove for the art of perfection. Granted, their lower echelons had mercenaries who would rape any Muslim woman they encountered, but those in inner circles had achieved a new realization. They were adhering to ancient principles in the pursuit of divinity, to make themselves eligible for a relationship with "the Woman", an icon they created in their own mind who is the perfect mate.
This is reflected in myths and legends, these "perfect women". Whether it's Beatrice or Sophia, these mythological women were created by man for the pursuit of personal excellency. I want you to understand how important this is. The world's greatest warriors who achieved divinity on Earth were waifufags.
*Audrey Hepburn
Rokka no Yuusha is good.
Foreign sales aren't necessary for the light novels, so if the fans translate them, why does that even mater?
>Audrey Hepburn
I can know imagine Lina in physical 3D
To each his dulcinea
That he alone can name
To each a secret hiding place
Where he can the haunting face
To light his secret flame
For with his dulcinea
Beside his soul to stand
A man can do quite anything
Outfly the bird upon the wing
Hold moonlight in his hand
Yet if you build your life on dreams, it's prudent to recall. A man with moonlight in his hands has nothing there at all...
I want to give more money to Rui so he can pay his medical bills ;_;
There is no Dulcinea,
She's made of flame and air,
And yet how lovely life would seem
If ev'ry man could weave a dream
To keep him from despair.
To each his Dulcinea...
Though she's naught but flame and air!
guys why do I feel sad now
>makes Lina models in some 3D game
Can you elaborate on this? Like provide some screenshots of these models
In defense of episode 17, the episode 17 crossdressing filler is Slayers tradition that occured in every single season. Except for Revolution and Evolution-R, which were both 1 cour. Even if the episode itself was mediocre, I still like the meta joke.
He's not even stupid. He trolls Lina better than anyone, even in Next when his flanderization became really apparent. It's more like he just doesn't bother with complicated and detailed things.
I have no idea what this program is but I see it often on the japanese side of twitter.
Gourry is underrated. He actually plays the straight man role of the team pretty well, maybe even funnier at it that Zel who's just your average sarcastic tsukkomi(in terms of commentary).
Thanks. But that is Live2D, not an actual 3D.
I didn't know what it was, thanks to you too.
This is the genius of a truly devoted waifufag. What he does is he makes every ship true, so his waifu can never be NTR'd. Rui is thinking on levels no simple depraved pervert could ever begin to operate on.
Anyone got any of his doujins?
I hate otomeshit but I'd play otome game with Lina as the MC + hidden yuri route with Naga.
>every ship true
I kinda ok with 3 of them but Lina x Zelgadis is already an NTR. For Amelia
Just try to keep pace and say yes when Naga challenges you to a drinking contest
The Zelgadis route is harder because you need to find the cure for his erection lasting more than 60000 hours and also push Amelia away from him without letting her die or become unhappy, you also literally have to fight Crispin Freeman IRL
Forgot to mention
>makes voiceovers for his drawings of Lina with the use of voice changing program
And he likes Ranma 1/2...
I've seen this story before. I know where it ends. Just freeze yourself Rui! Wait until we have the tech to go full biological swap or deep dive VR! That forty percent rate is a killer
This is some uncanny valley shit, but I respect his passion greatly
>you also literally have to fight Crispin Freeman IRL
There is an amusing anecdote behind this, isn't there?
Why is Zelgadis sweating nervously? He needs to keep his cool.
Not exactly. Read , it has to do with the author's approach to Slayers continuity in general.
>Though the art from it really makes me think the Lina/Gourry romance has finally developed a bit.
It wasn't, that's just Rui's usual fan service.
There was an image with this Lina and some other, modern LN heroines that looked like the epitome of SOUL VS SOULLESS meme.
I read the novels in Japanese. Tokyopop took a lot of liberties. Stuff like that "gravy" line isn't how the LNs were written. Kanzaka's style is actually much plainer and down to earth than that, which is probably why they felt the need to embellish. Even the fan translators like Rebmastu embellish to some extent.
Having said that, Slayers is considered one of the granddaddies of modern fantasy LNs in terms of stylistic conventions and a lot of the popular habits of today's LNs can be traced to there (short punchy lines so the story can flow quickly, lots of sound effects in the narration, first person POV, "quirky" dialogue), for better or worse.
It's not a great piece of literature. It was very clearly Kanzaka's first published series and I think the anime did a better job at fleshing out his characters (besides Lina, his self-insert).
You forgot
>uses a voice changer to make a feminine voice so he can pretend to be Lina online
He and Kanzaka are both wizards who swore off 3DPD, I wonder if they give each other brojobs while taking turns pretending to be Lina.
I mentioned it later but yeah. Also the program he uses is called Custom Cast apparently.
Amelia's not his waifu, though, so it's not Lina getting NTR'd.
Psalm 51:5
>Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me.
>the program he uses
If I was Rui I would just hire Hayashibara for me to voice over my homemade porn
I have a bunch of them, including The Blacklist 2.
I should probably get around to scanning them and the rest of my Slayers collection, except I just have a crappy all-in-one scanner and can't into Photoshop.
I never got a chance to buy the first The Blacklist, but it's probably floating around on auction sites at an inflated price.
If Rui was Bill Gates, maybe
Why does he have a Zel x Lina header on his twitter? I don't remember this drawing
Are you sure it was that outfit Lina was wearing?
Yeah I'm sure. It's from some event related to the publishing company I guess.
Thanks it made more clear what they talked about
That's from the 25th anniversary exhibition a few years ago, he drew Lina paired with every male in the main cast. There are still a lot of Zel x Lina fans among novel readers mainly so that was some fan service for them.
>Asking a remake
Yep, I remember that too. It was some LN company's anniversary or something similar. Cannot find it at this moment
That was the Slayers 25th Anniversary Exhibition that happened in 2015. There was a cafe and an art gallery with Rui's artwork.
A whole bunch of drama happened after that because the exhibitor GoFa was supposed to publish a book of Rui's art and send it to people who preordered, but instead they lost his original artwork and never made the artbook. Rui has anguished about this for the past few years and made many a late-night drunken tweetstorm about how it feels like they killed his children.
This is the one
Nope, I was wrong, 16 was in OCTOBER 2018, meaning this is a better comparison. Volume 15 for Konosuba came out just a month later.
I'm kinda jealous I'll never been this high level of a waifufag for my waifu.
Sorry, that was meant for .
That was for Fantasia Bunko's 30th anniversary.
Do you think any of the other artists realized they fucked up? It's like they were trying to design Gatcha girls instead of their characters. All of them except Lina have the same design, so soft... I don't know the word, I want it to be a sharp pejorative, like flaccid, or insignificant. Generic?
Yep, seems like it. Although I kinda like 2 of the other heroines but their designs are indeed a bit generic when comparing to Lina
This was the Fantasia Bunko Thanksgiving Festival. They have one every year but 2018 was special because it was the 30th anniversary of the publishing imprint.
It's for old people. Either post Konosuba or fuck off old man.
That's just 2010s character design. None of the people used to that style think anything's wrong with it, that's just what they're used to.
If you're not willing to create your waifu and base your life around your waifu, you don't deserve your waifu.
I think the big problem with modern anime artstyle is the matte coloring, gigantic dead eyes and flat facial structure.
God, It's like there is a shining jewel surrounded by so many dull stones.
I strongly disagree with this opinion. Beauty in art isn't subjective.
Really strange how the other 3 girls look like they have the same artist even though they're from different series.
Konosuba itself has its roots in 90's fantasy.
Did all of these artists who starting snowballing up in popularity in the 10's use the same "How to Draw Anime" guidebook? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely serious. It's like how CalArts, which was the go-to drawing school, ended up creating artists whose designs and drawings are way too similar to each other.
No one has style anymore. It's all the same cookie cutter girl these days.
I wonder if growing up in the internet age has made it a lot easier for people learning how to draw to end up with a very uniform style. Maybe everyone is using the same tutorials and staring at the same illustrations shared on social media every day. In the analog days people had a more limited circle of influences, and maybe they experimented more with their own style.
Amelia is an innocent girl who happens to be bathing in a mixed bath. She's also only ever shipped with one guy unlike Lina.
>No one has style anymore
Not true. But good designs are really rare in anime/manga/LN nowadays.
This is a man who understands women.
The exception that proves the rule. The only reason Kabaneri had a unique style was because the designer was Haruhiko Mikimoto, the character designer of Macross and Gunbuster.
A bit rehash-y, but I like the whole situation with the elves. Would love to read the whole thing. Thanks for the short re-telling!
rip, slayers user
You're welcome, and while I understand your sentiments I'm still hopeful that once Hajime gets the rust off and develops an arc instead of what's arguably a short story, I'm sure things are going to get along (heh) back into the groove.
They should stop for a rest at a medieval love hotel.
There are modern mangaka with strong, memorable artstyle, but being a LN illustrator often it's just enough to draw cute fluffy girls.
Also maybe I'm tripping balls but I think Kanzaki Hiro's artstyle looks like a cross between modern Araizumi and generic moe LN artstyle.
They should go to church.
You're tripping balls, there's nary an erect nipple nor a lewd fang in that image.
>go to church
But it is way too lewd to do it there
I have a Lina Inverse plushie. I also bought Sayaka figs but they keep breaking
I wonder if they fight when I sleep
>I wonder if they fight when I sleep
Something like Amazing Stranger but about Lina figurines when?
Figurines tend to break down after a surplus of a salt substance is sprayed all over them without proper cleaning, user. You should take better care of your toys if you don't want to keep tossing away your disposable income. "Disposable" is just a phrase, not an intent.
Only if it's to get married, and then on to the wedding night where Amelia discovers what it means to be always hard with zero refractory period.
>arching her back
Only for her husbando.
Yeah, okay kid.
Getting Ranced would be too good for them.
Yeah, really don't mind it, especially since it is more an anniversary release. Certainly excited for the future stuff, I just love Slayers too fucking much.
You guys should bug Rebmastu if she still hasn't translated vol. 16. She said she would do it over a year ago but I don't think she has yet.
Well make sure to stick around with us, I know someone is going to make sure Yea Forums gets its share of Slayers content once Series 3 starts up in October, and it'll be good to have you here.
Maybe Rebmastu has other priorities going on. With this news maybe things will start moving again in the understandably dead community.
She is translating LNs/VNs for pay, but claims to still love Slayers as her favorite series. If people remind her, she might start moving on the translation.
>learning Japanese is useful
It doesn't pay that well from what I've heard, not much above minimum wage when you divide by how much time it takes. Also nowadays pro TLs have to translate a bunch of garbage isekai LNs.
Will certainly keep an eye open!
Does it really take that long? I presumed it would just be going over something written in relatively simple terms, translating it literally, and then reviewing the translation to fix the syntax of the sentences and the tone of the characters, followed by a final review.
What you describe is similar to my process. But it still takes a long time when you consider that it's about 200-250 pages per volume. It's far more labor than manga translation just because of the sheer amount of text.
Lina stands out.
She just this sort of way of being the center of attention, doesn't she?
Also, the process you're describing still involves several drafts. If you want it to look better than the average level of LN translation on Baka-Tsuki where they stop at the "translating it literally" stage then rewriting dialogue to suit the tone of the characters takes time, among other things that need rewriting to fit English literature conventions. For example, the way Japanese write action scenes is totally different than what you'd find in an English-language novel.
If there is one thing I miss about the 90s anime scene was all the promo art.
I wonder what an episode with just Lina and Naga would be like today.
Watch the OVAs as reference.
I used to watch this when it aired on my country, I used to love it but never thought of it as a parody/comedy to be honest, I guess because I didn't have the groundwork to know what it was exactly parodying
The easiest juxtaposition you can make is between Slayers and Lodoss War. When it comes to parody material, though, most of Slayers is making fun of rampant tropes prominent in the 90s, so some of the comedy can be dated. Naga's design and laugh are supposed to be parodies, but thanks to oppai lovers, she's rather generic.
>Naga's design and laugh are supposed to be parodies
Was oujo laugh all that prominent back in 90s? I actually thought that Naga was among the first characters who used it extensively.
Pretty prominent, yeah.
Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2, Rurouni Kenshin, Cardcaptor Sakura, Dragon Half, Rayearth,Utena, Orphen, Tenchi Muyo, and Urusei Yatsura all had ojou-laughs before Slayers. In fact, even Lone Wolf and Cub had the laugh.
The thing is that Naga's laugh is so powerful it stands out against everyone else's "weaker" laughs.
Does this mean I can blame Japanese editors for not letting manga/LN couples get together before the end of their series? All this time I thought it was because of otaku envy but maybe that's not the whole story. I want to see more series with committed couples going through obstacles and fighting their enemies together. That's a seriously underserved niche.
I'm glad. Lina is mine.
>Looks like Dragon magazine has some news about Slayers 3 series
I have some news too, it's called TRY and was released in 97.
Yes, but you need to consider shounen in the 90s. Hokuto no Ken didn't have Ken and Julia together. The main story ended when he finally found her. In Berserk, even though Guts and Casca start a relationship, she ends up retarded, meaning they're "together" in physical space only. Compare that to Sailor Moon, where Mamoru is a big deal to Usagi, or Ranma 1/2, where even though Ranma isn't in a relationship with Akane for most of it, his goals change if someone tries to flirt with her.
Basically, to editors who are old and were in charge of the pulse of what fans wanted, shounen didn't have romances, while shoujo did. Slayers, a shounen (its targeted demographic is explicitly male), meant that to the editor, adding romance would deter the main audience, and reduce sales.
It wasn't until finding out that the fanbase was begging for pairings that the editor (in this hypothetical, but potentially true, scenario) would ask Hajime to pair them together explicitly to make more money, and Hajime, understandably ticked, would refuse.
>not season
waka waka
Amelia gobbles balls
That does beg the question, are his balls all stone too? Do they have any sensation? I mean, if buckshot can't hurt how, how can he feel the sensation of love?
>Either post Konosuba
I weep for the future.
bruh just think of all the super animated big ol' anime tiddies just flopping around in the future with voice actresses who actively debase themselves by fake-climaxing into a microphone for a shit ton of cum-stained disposable income!
anime is GREAT
Yeah, literally me.
Now imagine the first reaction Phil will have when he gets the news that he became a grandpa. LITERALLY.
I love Naga's ojou laugh the most though. It gives my dick power.
>tfw no husband/wife & the kids party tearing shit up together on a never-ending honeymoon adventure
Do you think you could handle eleven Nagas?
Kanzaka said Zel's stone is only on the outside. So his heart is human and he can feel love.
Zoom zoom hate classic anime! Zoom zoom want more idolshit and moeblob isekai harem!
I mentally prepared my mind, and body for nearly two whole decades. Yet I still think the experience would kill me. A great way to go out though.
This is hilarious.
is that a yes on the testicle question?
The real question you should be asking is whether or not Amelia's hymen will spontaneously snap on its own accord if / when Zel finds a cure for his AIDS.
Zel was such a fag when he was human. It's better if he stays an edgy rock. He'll be more fun in bed that way too.
As long as he's in bed with Amelia, and they are within the bonds of matrimony with Phil's blessing, there will be no problems.
Fuck off boomer bitch. God, you shouldn't be allowed to post here if you were born before 1995.
Look, in any future thread, if you're going to necro-bump at least have something of substance to deliver instead of the same old garbage that could be found on reddit or twitter. Some of us get our hopes up when we see a dying thread get revived, and it's irksome when it's just shitposting.
I like Slayers but most importantly, BRING BACK SHADING!
I'm pretty sure shading went away with cel animation's replacement with digital. I'm no animator, but I was under the impression that there's just somethings that can't be done on a tablet, or at least not effectively, and shading is one of them.
He looks like James from Pokemon.
I am an animator/illustrator, and I assure you anything you could do on cels and paper, you can do on a tablet. If you wanted to, you could make a show look entirely like it was made analog in the 80s. Pic related.
People just don't do it anymore. Except for retro nerds like Blue the Bone.
If that's the case, is there a specific reason why Revo / Evo-R wouldn't have had the shading done? Or Super, or any show that was a major part of cel animation that ended up getting extra episodes decades later? It seems like it's not being true to the source.
Not sure I get your question. The reason the shows looked like they were hand painted on cels back the is because that's how you made them back in the day. There's literally no reason to make sequel shows replicate this look. It really doesn't matter except to the absolute most niche of niche people. Slayers wasn't Slayers because it was animated on cels. It was Slayers because it was story about a greedy, dumb, flat-chested sorceress and her goofy friends.
Unless you're entering something in a film festival, it's just really not something people do. Indie filmmakers and animators love to make retro love letters.
I'd assume it's to make episodes faster, which is also why it's uncommon with anime in general these days.
Huh. I'd presumed this entire time everyone loved it, not just in Eastern media, but in Western ones, too. People give cartoons animated by TMS in the 90s high praise, like B:TAS or Cybersix. I'd guessed that it simply couldn't be done because everyone would want it, not that it's niche now.
Because it's too much work obviously. Much easier to bucket fill everything the same shade. Jap consumers will eat whatever shit they're handed and eventually later generations just accept minimal shading as normal.
Only sakuga fags care about details like that. The average pleb doesn't even notice. It's not like adding more shading makes sales go up.
Pascal Ramseier got pretty popular thanks to his TIE Fighter short on YouTube. Isn't that a sign that there's at least some appreciation for the choice of style in shading that he's using?
... Then again I'm pretty sure Yea Forums called him autistic for it, so maybe not.
You can still make fluid, hand drawn animation with modern animating tech, if that's what you're referring to. There's just no reason to make it look 'old' on purpose for most people. I don't think that's the appeal to those people.
But it is a thing you can do. Look up D.Sloogs. That's pretty much all he draws.
Ahh, that's the good stuff...
I keep forgetting that while Americana is dominant, it's not ubiquitous. Since we're going back into an 80s / 90s retro phase, I was silly enough to think that the rest of the world was doing the same thing. Thanks for explaining things properly.
I miss when Rui used to be able to draw like that. His digital art now is so bright and shiny, and his lines lack a lot of the character that they used to have. He's streamlined his style a little too much to the point it looks oversimplified.
>Slayers arc 3
This can't end well for the gang. Lina does her best to avoid being Murphy's Punchline but if the GM is going for a campaign ender...
Zoomies should not even be allowed on the internet.
What's the "Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies" of Slayers?
Kill Gourry and you make Lina live long enough to become the villain
He drew that in 2015 for a special event. He may be dying but he still knows how to draw his waifu between hospital visits.
No, that was the cover for LN volume 6. That exhibition included old works from when the novels were serialized in Dragon Magazine the first time around. He doesn't draw Lina like that anymore even when he's drawing in analog.
>Game of Thrones shits the bed
>Kanzaka comes out of retirement
>"I'm about to end George RR Martin's whole career!"
We have 51 posters in this thread, probably less when people switch from phones to computers between work and home. Slayers won't do shit to that Nazi garbage.
>Xellos: I don't want to see Lina and Gourry ever again now that Lina fucked Dynast and Gourry has the blast sword
>Volume 16 happens, elf sharpens blast sword
>Xellos: God DAMN IT
I'm not talking about fanbases, I'm talking about inspiring future generations of fantasy.
Am I the only one who wants to be pegged by Naga?
Ah, fuck.
In ten years, if someone's sword and sorcery makes it big and they cite Slayers as an inspiration, I'll eat my own shit. Until then, the only derived fantasy you're getting from this is Star vs. the Forces of Evil and Mighty Magiswords.
>Mighty Magiswords
Sometime I still can't believe this exists, even if it is kinda nice to see something clearly Slayers inspired in recent years.
Linas are best girls.
Bitch needs surgery for those tumors.
Also I just remembered that there's a 16-inch difference between Lina and Gourry.
I thought Kyle insisted that he's never heard of Slayers.
Ain't that just a fucking peachy-keen coincidence that his palette-swaps are from a franchise he's never heard of before and everyone on Yea Forums was saying that "she looks just like Lina" when the promo was dropped for it.
Lina isn't British though.
She also doesn't have tits or thighs.
I wouldn't mind if someone plagiarized Amelia. We need more Amelia clones in the world.
Too much chest and too much justice would throw the balance of the world out of wack, user. Look at how much of a temper-tantrum pseudo-nerds on social media have over the existence of Power Girl. It would be best not to have condensed perfection ruined by making duplicates.
I love Slayers and miss it bros, thanks for this thread.
You'll come back and visit sometimes, right?
Definitely, if I can catch them. Threads where people actually talk old series with min shiposters like these are always my favorite.
Considering how slow this thread was, I'm hopeful for that. Now the worrying question becomes how frequent these threads will pop up with new content on the horizon...
Translations when?
When someone tells Rebmatsu, so she can start enjoying her job again.
Never. We never got Special past volume 1. Slayers just isn't hot anymore especially compared to your average isekai WN.
How are the main pairings teased in the series so top tier?
Back in 2000 in the closing of the last light novel, where series three will be picking up, Gourry's last line to Lina was asking if they could both go to Zephilia, Lina's hometown, with Lina suspecting to herself that he wants to marry her and get her parents' blessing. Also, unlike in the anime, Zel and Amelia don't have necessarily overt feelings for each other, but Hajime seems to want to keep the "pieces" consistent, even if their stories are different.
For example, all of the lore is the same, the characters have the same backstory in all mediums, and have generally the same personality. The only difference is where they took their paths. Hajime seems to view the anime, novels, and specials as parallel to each other, which as someone pointed out means that the fanbase has basically free reign when it comes to fanfiction; if Amelia and Zel can't bone in one of them, they certainly can in another.
I see, I read this earlier in the thread and agree it's a nice perspective that I appreciate. I wonder if we'll actually see some progress with them then.
All we can do is remain positive and hopeful and be welcoming to those who have been disillusioned by moe, isekai, and gacha.
I hope they also take well to Slayers too. We'll find out if they do in another thread in the future I guess though.
Basically. We don't even know when the new series is going to drop, or even what it's about, and speculation can only carry us so far. We can't even hit bump-limit.
I don't even have any pics to post either but I appreciate all that you've posted, made my small Slayers folder expand.
I've waited ten-thousand years to share my collection. I'm happy to share!
Was this from the same doujin posted earlier or a different one? It's a good collection though, I hope to see more too whenever a next Slayers thread appears too.
Ah, shit, I did it again...
It's different. To find the one I've just posted, you have to dig through LiveJournal to find a lost post from 2005 where they scanned all be a couple pages, and scanned them out of order. You can find them here:
And you can find it's sequel, which is for your heart and not your penis, here:
Good luck reading moonrunes.
This is exactly why I've been learning the runes lately ok for other things too so it might be good practice, thanks. I'm honestly surprised sometimes to learn some doujins can still be found on livejournal since it seems to be pretty dead these days.
>sequel for your heart and not your penis
This is exactly the kind of wholesome degenerate stuff I love best.
There is no greater feeling than having completed the circle of depravity, jacking it to tags that are banned in most European countries, only to come back home to sweet, vanilla hand-holding.
Unf towards whom?
Awful character, awful design, the Pakota of Try. There's no good lewds of her because she's just not a character anyone can get turned on by. You liking her in any way goes to show that you are a debased, unnatural human being, if I can even call you human.
Best girl.
Scalefag, please.
What kind of monster keeps reporting this wholesome pair of titties in a completely nonsexual context.
Where do I start watching slayers again?
I only remember that scene where she cunt punts naga despite being under a shared pain spell
Next then Try then the OVA series.
I recommend the OVAs before the movies. Funimation has all of the episodes subbed on YouTube, and a couple of folks have all of the movies except for Gorgeous and Premium, so you'll have to use a different source for that.
Feels bad that we'll never see another Slayers console game again, and if they ever make another game, it'll be mobile gachashit.
They peaked early with the RPG game. The final twist of that one is too good for another original story for a game to compete with.
Slayers Royal was really fun though, it felt exactly like watching the TV series.
Where can I get this game in English?
You can't.
>Where can I get this game in English?
As long as Pokota exists, we all lose...
Amelia's petite yet curvy body is my ideal. I just want to IMAGINE her in every position.
drew some shitty doodle to commemorate the good news
Gourry clearly got used to it by the second time
I want to say I'd be ok with gacha garbage if it came to that but it really depends on how it's done, but it's also bc I want it to crossover with Langrisser's mobile game.
Very cute user. Maybe I should also draw Lina again sometime.
That is pretty good for a shitty doodle.
, it's really beautiful
How is the Slayers BR quality? I heard they were upscales, but is it the best choice for watching?
this thread reeks of old people fragrance
thanks for the encouragement anons i really needed it
But I was born a few months after the anime started airing.
Your face is old senpai.
Get the fuck off my lawn.