Heilige Scheiße! Was habe ich gemacht?!?
Heilige Scheiße! Was habe ich gemacht?!?
Other urls found in this thread:
I dont speak hitler
Gute Frage bro, sieht absolut scheiße aus
Sxarp lost house.
Which 2hu is that
Sxarp - she's the 2hu of judgement and purgatory
How do you say this in German?
Sxarp's verlorene haus
Sxarp Haus verloren
Bitte auf die Linguee achten. Die Amtssprache ist hier Englisch!
It's Sxarp's verloreneS Haus actually
Verpiss dich
Is this the official anthem of Sxarp lost house? youtube.com
So German is SVO?
Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer?
Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
Deutsche auf MEINEM Anime Brett?
Ich hasse euch alle! Außerdem ists schon 9. Zeit für die Heia, Bernd.
The question is, is Szaro a Hungarian?
She’s a hungry girl.
Heil Rize!
Grrrüüüüüner Tee
Gochiusa?? More like GochiusArmenia, because I'm going to conquer Chiya's pussy like the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantine, Turks, and Commies have plundered the poor country. Yes! I'm going to fuck Chiya so bad that y'all feel bad about her....but I'm not. I'm going to drink milk straight from Chiya's twin peaks that resembles Mount Aragats' northern and western peaks. Hell I'm sure that Chiya's a prolific milk producer, just like Armenia which is a nation consisted of highlands and plateau, perfect for producing best quality milk ever possible. Even though various have visited her just like Armenia, I'm sure Chiya is still as pure as Lake Sevan which is virtually the only source of fish in Armenia. Speaking of fish, I'm sure that sex with Chiya will be far from having sex with a dead fish. Her pussy is like Lake Arpi, whenever I push my penis inside of her pussy, I'm sure that lots of water will flow out as fierce as Akhurian river which is the longest river in Armenia as far as 205 kms. I'm going to violate Chiya like the Turks did during Armenian genocide, so that our sex will be far from being wholesome and again anons may feel like she's a poor fellow but don't worry because I will ensure her safety just like Armenian people love their roots in spite of millions of genocide and occupation, Armenia lives