What is his endgame? Pick one:
>muh friends
>muh wife and child
>muh world destruction
>muh removing the paths
>some other supernatural shit we don't know about yet
Shingeki no Kyojin
Using the wall titans to make sure marley and the rest of the world will get there dicks out of paradise island's ass forever
Reiner will kill shitren Uchiha
oh fuck you created this thread while I was writing mine
Sorry user-kun
This thread is better than your wall of text blog post. This OP is simpler
Stop using Reiner manletcuck, so glad manlet killed Erwin.
Nigga Eren did this to Reiner without even using the WHT. If Reiner kills Eren it'll be because everyone else did the heavy lifting for him
You forget the most important one of all.
>muh freedom.
Based hunterchad
Free from what?
>Eren is literally Leon Von Albensleben now
Is he going to invent a combat drug to better deal with the Titans?
Hunterchads were the first ones to say Eren is the father and they got some things right
Incoming rape when?
This kills the JMfag.
The Asuka/Shinji of this series.
from those who would oppress him, from the oppressions we create against ourselves, etc.
Free to fight and struggle no matter what. Rather than keeling over like a sick dog.
Kill yourself Attackonweeb
I use the term Nencels personally.
All of this shit. All of it.
Is Eren the villain now?
>Is Eren the villain now?
"Sopa de macaco 3.0" SOON
"Sopa de macaco remastered: anime edition" EVEN SOONER
But he's the main character.
What are they even doing?
So they are only Hunterchads when convenient to you? Even the Hisokafag said it.
dude subversion lmao
I thought it was ZE at first.
Are you JMfag's prophesied nemesis?
Animeonly here, is this really what happens?
Yes, the erwlmod was also in hxh threads saying how great Erwin is and only quoting EH posts. She used to call attackonweeb to the Killuafag everytime she ran out of arguments and the Killuafag used to say to her to take care of her cats kek
>type of villain: delusional revenger.
I know him being there is already a mistake but that is straight up wrong. He seeks to destroy marley because they want to destroy paradis, not because of revenge. The revenge he seeked was against the titans and that stopped being a thing in uprising
would snk have been more kino if the civillians built up to the point where they killed all pure titans and went to the ocean and saw marley turning people into titans as the bombshell twist
Eren a cute
fucking retard. was the video not enough proof of whats happening?
>Free from Ymir's curse, Free from the First King's will, Free from Marley, our minds free from their prisons. That is the Eldia I've yearned for
EJ is objectively superior to JM in every way barring one small complication.
>muh wife and child
>muh world destruction
>muh freedom
all of those
The ultimate freedom is death, user. And zeke-sama is Ymir's chosen one to bring true freedom to all eldians.
And? Where is it written that a protagonist must be a hero?
the protagonist is always the good guy. eren is the good guy and marley is the objective and canonical bad guys.
A slightly above average complication
That's a cute pìcture of Pieck. She will marry Zeke, obviously.
Why does Eren always hog those kino moments for himself?
I was going to call it shonen and that those mangaka all have to follow stupid rules but this probably isnt shonen so never mind.
They follow him voluntarily.
But traps are based
>Reiner, are you ready?
>I'm a piece of shit.
>I'm ready.
Does Eren qualify as a shoujo heroine?
Carla sure is cute here
>the real mastermind
>The absolute state of the manletcuck
>muh world destruction
when did eren leave for marley again? 10 months ago? it's hard to keep track of how much time has passed
>Chose Historia over freedom
I don't blame him, she is the best girl
EHfags are satanists
I don't know why, but I think Reiner is part of this farce. He's a triple agent. Mark my words.
EHfags are rapists
Was that even specified in the first place?
So if Eren is the villain now who will be the one that kills him?
Too expensive, I think rather than putting so much CGI we need more detailed Mikasa's anal hair.
Dumbest thing I've read in these threads.
give me one fucking reason for eren to stay in marley 10 fucking months doing absolutely nothing
He will kill himself to end the curse somehow
christ i don't know. i thought i remembered reading it was 10 months ago. maybe some user pulled it out of his ass
He spent those months having kinki titan sex with Zeke.
t. joouheika
For me, it's EM
Okay, that makes sense.
That's worse than the usual one
Isayama doesn't want to tell the months because that would be even more of a clue that Eren impregnated Historia
What about ErenMike?
delusional anti-EHfags pulling shit out of their asses just like they believed historia would actually listen to yelena
zeke and eren first meeting was the same day as the festival
>zeke and eren first meeting was the same day as the festival
You sure?
>in before the triggered reply
>eats every shifter
>basically becomes a god with all 9 titans
>touches royal blood Historia
>rumblin time
>every non subject of Ymir is dead
>uses new god power to send subjects’ flesh “back in time” via PATHS
>everyone is young again and free
>can live a free youth into old age repopulating the world outside the island, without the titans or Wall
How mad
read chapter 98
I feel like she's gonna do something important next chapter
If you ask me, it'll go down like this;
Returns to the cells
Asks if Armin is in agreement with the euthanasia plan (she was hit by the ARF after all)
Tells them to help Eren
Frees them
There are no heroes of villains, that’s the point of the story
Probably. Either she or Onyankopon will free AMJC
Think there's any chance that tonkyponk will turn on her? He's a godfag as those religious types are tricksy.
oh no no no no
Who cares? Reiner destroyed eren last chapter and he'll do it again.
>black guy good
>Russian woman bad
I really hope Isayama surprises us
>Think there's any chance that tonkyponk will turn on her?
I'm guessing so, he always looks mortified at everything she does. That alone is boring but his religion thing seems like it could be interesting, I wonder if it'll go somewhere
>inb4 Yelena puts him down for being a nonbeliever
Living in hope
Yelena putting him down for being a non-believer would be based. Especially now that Zeke has turned up and saved Eren, think of what that does for her convictions. In her eyes that's probably divine intervention.
Who's the faggot with the tuba?
>Eren keeps Titan powers involuntarily but vows to never use them because he values everyone’s freedom
>inevitably uses memory power and other mind stuff in small ways to stop people from doing bad things
>inevitably escalates because nothing can escape corruption, no one is truly free ever
>none of his subjects have free will
>Didn’t die a hero, lived long enough to become the villain he would have fought against as a post-basement youth
>last panel is him and his new(est) son who will inherit the god powers and continue on being the only line of humans with freedom
NOW how mad
Will Mikasa be the one to kill Eren?
Yes, the finale will finally represent her character development
eren will only die by passing his titan down to his 3 year old child
>Especially now that Zeke has turned up and saved Eren, think of what that does for her convictions. In her eyes that's probably divine intervention.
Yup, she's in heaven right now
What if Boyega is Kiyomi's spy and kidnaps Mikasa and takes her to Paradis in that plane?
Armin will eat him once his time is up.
>"she'll get her development n-next chapter for sure guys"
Mikasafags for the past 117 chapters
God dammit she's cute.
I brought up the same idea ages ago, but I doubt it. That plane in the docks is definitely going to serve a purpose though, especially with the blimps
Zeke&Eren x Yelena mfm doujin when?
>literally in tears at the mere sight of zeke
her death is gonna suck.
Predict the threads from July.
My predictions
>Isayama receives multiple death threats
>Swollen belly Mikasa at the end of season 3
>Kabaneri movie flops hard
well,there has not ever been the slightest sign of character development in the past chapters. Hopefully things will change for the better, seeing how eren and mikasa's relationship is developing in the final arc.
wit making that shitty movie and vinland really fucked up snk's budget. and beacuse of that s3p2 and vinland are about to be terrible
Option 6: MUH LOVER
Jean undid any potential development
>lanklet CGI
>tfw no ayy au
Was Bort this big?
When will Annie be freed from her Namek crystal?
Eren is ancap
She is breaking free.
no, he is just straight up an.
It's literally Grisha. Hiroshi Tsuchida saying "you are free" soon.
Is Zeke holding his niece
The child has girls eyelashes.
It's Grisha holding the child he had with Kruger via paths
Falco and Gabi by Enko
>one eye has lashes and the other doesn't
Wtf the baby is a tranny?
Reiner and Eren's kids are cute! I hope they invite their parents to their wedding.
>inb4 we get devilman ending and Eren grows tits from consuming the FT
honestly what is pic related even trying to say? that eren somehow did not do the right thing by killing mikasa's captors? what was he supposed to do?
How will Floch die?
I bet he's getting eaten by a Titan in Shiganshina.
Look at this cute couple
>Imagine being a skrongnigrenfag after this chapter
Me too
Reminder that the fights RE have are a metaphor for the EXPLOSIVE SEX they have in bed
>drawing underage characters having sex
Those are Pock and Pieck's adopted kids now, Eren and Reiner were deemed unfit to raise them.
I rabu Piku.
I just want Jiiku to be happy.
>best part of the manga animated in ~2 months
Annie is love
Annie is life
Annie is light
Not while Reiner is still alive! He will soon resolve his domestic abuse case with Eren and take full custody of Gabi Jaeger Braun and Falco Jaeger Braun Grice and there is nothing you can do about it
Is that Brittany Venti?
EHfags are speedreaders
I can't wait but I am also scared in case they botch it... I don't think I could accept anything less than perfect, bros.
Ok, Jean.
Can't wait...
Dios mio
Gross shippers.
She looks to old to be Gabi, but she could be a teenage Gabi. She has a nice facial structure and pretty lips.
Why is kid Grisha so cute, anons? I want to adopt and help him with his war crimes.
I don't browse these threads but I've seen that parallel picture roaming around with Eren Historia and the sun setting and dawning. Thinking of that,
Did anyone make the parallel with Eren, Kruger and the suns setting?
They're even facing the same way with their heads, and with them being Eren's, same titans, Eren probably changing because of his memories, etc. These would make a better parallel.
I think in the context of the scene where that page appeared whether or not Eren's actions were justified wasn't really the point so much showing how said actions were perceived by Mikasa in that moment and how the young adult she's become has been occulting those thoughts which clashed with the idealized image of him she constructed in her mind.
Hello EAfat
This one?
Just remember what he grows into.
Which shingeki has the most kino art and why is it Eren Kruger?
Even better.
Pretty sure the sun is rising in both Eren and Kruger panels.
Poor Grisha. Maybe he would've had a normal life if Faye hadn't been murdered
just that mikasa had a totally idealized memory of events and image of eten. it highlights the gulf of understanding between them and sets up the EMA talk
Calm down, Kruger-san. Grisha is used goods even through paths and is a straight male.
What kind of name is Grisha anyway? It doesn't sound German to me. Is there a meaning to it?
>Grisha is used goods
I made a post months ago about sunrises and sunsets in the manga. The main reason people bring up those two examples is because they occur in the same volume, in the first and last chapter, so it seems more likely they're meant to be a direct parallel. But they aren't the only sunrises/sunsets even in that volume.
I've wanted to do a reread and gather up all the examples of sunrises/sunsets in the series and see if they have anything in common, but I haven't had time until recently.
>Russian variation of Gregory
>Meaning of Gregory: "vigilant, a watchman"
Does anyone unironically think this guy did a good job with Eren?
That image makes me wish The Owl were a real historical figure. Feels bad that he isn't.
what a speedreader
I mean they’re both 17 in “Cute and Canon”, which isn’t underage in most places.
>Historia is actually almost three months older than Eren
Wonder if Historia plays /ss/ in the bedroom.
>vigilant, a watchman
Better than Zeke, but probably because Carla is a better mother than Dina
I want to see them smile together again, bros...
Goodbye niggers, I am off to research now.
So why did Freida not go with Grisha's request to kill all the titans?
Soon. In hell.
>not underage
Thats cute coming from a manletpedo
king's will
Because of the king's will.
In some places is not illegal, besides both are 17 years old in that doujin if I understood it correctly. You would be traumatized with other mangas, japanese women are not that puritans. Funny enough there are more burger roasties being pedos than japanese ones
Cuck vow
Nobody cares if teenagers have sex with each other even if they're underage. There are clauses in laws specifically to allow for it.
It's not underage in the civilized world and in many parts of america.
Kill yourself LMwhale and all the manletcucks posting your pedo cancer.
>Zeke getting redeemed.
Hopefully. Zeke deserves love.
Stop embarrassing yourselves snktards
yes. in what way did he fuck up with eren?
>reiner trying to see if the ferris wheel is high enough to jump out of
>The MP debunked it
I really feel sorry for Isayama
stop shitposting dumb shipperfag
Stop infecting the Catalogue, retarded roastie shipperfaggot, your stupidity hurts me
Perfect endgame
Why did Isayama gave up on developing Mikasa at all after Eren was revealed to be a titan? It felt like Isayama was actually going somewhere with her after Eren's supposedly death but after that we see nothing from her for almost 100 chapters.
Maybe he got mad with WIT for changing Armin parts but yeah he could have done more with her
I'm not an eafag
>shipperfag is a huntard
because he stopped caring about her apparently, understandable since he created Mikasa just for marketing reasons
I still remember audibly saying wtf after those final panels
No wonder Eren is such a little psycho, with a dad like that how could you not be.
Hisubingbongbing is cuter.
Not him but I don't think guessing a twist counts as shipping, fujopedo
caring about the father of historia's child is being a shipperfag.
She's a deconstruction of the stoic love interest character
>since he created Mikasa just for marketing reasons
elaborate, is it because shes hapa?
>Attackonweeb is here
where is the anime aired up to in the manga?
>not understanding the byronic hero
like chapter 76 or something maybe idk
Fuck off secondary.
chapter 3
wut i literally read the manga for awhile haven't watched anything since season 2
Fuck off secondary
Because the editor want a female character. Even his name is the name of a WWII boat because in words of Isayama: "series with a girl with a boat name had good luck".
And it’s name is the Shingeki no Kyojin...
Yes user, I'm sure repeating yourself over and over about it 10 times for every post adds a lot
literally the first time i said it, but keep being obsessed dumb shipperfag
Yes sure user, btw nice RE gallery above you didn't happen to see
And? You have others posting theirs too.
Stop assuming everyone is a shipperfag just because they are not afraid of wanting to talk about other characters.
I might have fucked up the order but these are the infamous posts made by the FUJOS who got deleted. I've wasted my time doing this. I hope he's a falseflagger and not seriously doing this believing it has any impact outside of attention
>wahh he doesn't call out out shippingfaggotry
get over it crybaby. REfags are no different from you. you're not above or below them
>I've wasted my time doing this.
Yes, you do. And you should be feel ashamed for this sheer level of autism.
>REfags are no different from you
They are better than you because at least they post without crying for every user daring to mention Eren or Historia, "non shipperfag". You won't see me complaining about them, shipperfag.
So the episode titles have been revealed. Judging by "the basement", I guess episodes 7-10 will cover all that backstory infodumping. Which means that once we get season 4, it will start after the timeskip, with Eren in Marley. With any luck, a two cour season 4 will be the final season.
>REfags are no different from you
They have less crybabies after them like yourself for sure. I'm going to join that user tired of your harassment to other posters like an hysteric bitch
Old news
She was supposed to remain a clingy overbearing and subservient autist so that Eren could call her out on it four years later.
>They are better than you
don't care. i saw a shitpost and called them out on it, and now i got more shipperfags getting triggered at me. keep seething.
don't talk about THAT till burgers are sleeping, ignore them. I prefer EJ over EH and EM but the sperging affects the rest
Is Annie still on Namek?
kill yourself EHfag
She's still in the healing chamber with that purple alien fuck laughing at her
Who do you think you are retarded manletpedo? I post what I want, if you don't like it get out instead of crying and spamming things unrelated to the, manga, cancerous manletcuck
So basically Namek.
>kill yourself EHfag
I think you got the wrong guy. I am the one man here who absolutely despises shipping and thinks that all shippers are degenerate scum who should just read romance shit if they want to ship.
Oh, I don't know, man, maybe by forcing his burden and titan power on his 10yo son by using the "he's special" excuse like he did with Zeke?
Armin, Mikasa, Reiner or himself
>Who do you think you are retarded manletpedo?
im not a shipperfag, so you assume im a manletfag. ok, retard.
>I post what I want, if you don't like it get out instead of crying and spamming things unrelated to the, manga, cancerous manletcuck
so exactly what you are doing right now then. i post what i want, calling out a shipperfag, and you got triggered about it
Waaah Waaah waaaah. Keep seething manletpedo
>assblasted shipperfag couldn't handle the fact that he can't counter any of my arguments so he tags someone completely unrelated to me
L M A O. this is your average shipperfag.
>REfujos hate the manlet
I want to marry them. Agreed so tired of the manletcucks wanting this to be a shitlet shrine, they say they can post LM because "i-it's trolling bro".
Pii a cute.
>L M A O
Imagine thinking you own this place, retarded shitletfag
Pii? more like Piiece of shit!
t. Manletpedo
imagine reading the manga wrong and then shipping characters together. OH WAIT, YOU DONT HAVE TO. LOOOOOL
Imagine thinking I take it seriously unlike you, who pretends manlet is more important than Reiner and that Eren will fuck Shitkasa
>Imagine thinking I take it seriously unlike you
of course i take the manga seriously
>manlet is more important than Reiner
>Eren will fuck Shitkasa
also false
but leave it to the shipper to not even like the manga but shitpost about
Pii doesn't like what's going on in this thread, she sleep now.
Cute and canon
Isayama in guide book explained that he created Mikasa with the intention of "looking in merc", also the fact that in no interview has he ever talked of Mikasa in exactly a good light
annie is going to DESTROY eren once she gets out of the hyperbolic time crystal
>of course i take the manga seriously
>manlet is more important than Reiner
KEK so the retard sperging was a manletwhale? OF COURSE
Nah, you just don't give a shit about RE posting because it doesn't trigger you personally. Not like the last thread didn't make it obvious enough already but there's only one ship capable of turning the likes of you "non-shipperfags" until a bumbling mess of raging autism, and it's pretty clear why.
Thanks for proving your retardation
>last thread
what the fuck are you talking about?
sex with Gabi-chan
manlet is not more important than reiner though.
I can't delete my pic
those are some lewd hips
How in the hell is manlet more important than Reiner? Retarded manletpedo, just because you fap furiously to him doesn't mean he is that important
t. Manletpedo
>you fap furiously to him
nothing wrong with that
>With any luck, a two cour season 4 will be the final season.
No interest in seeing the s5 finale?
>How in the hell is manlet more important than Reiner?
>"manlet is not more important than reiner though."
>brainlet still replying to the mentally ill creatura
Yea Forums doesn't allow you to delete
Manletcucks just want this to be their pedo territory again
its funny to see what they say next when theyre pushed up against a wall
>already forgot about all the triggered shitposts from the fujo that got deleted
Is your memory that short?
What did Araki mean by this?
STOP FIGHTING. Just enjoy the best nose
i wasn't in the last thread you fucking buffoon. thats why i wanted to know what the fuck he was talking about and who the fuck he thought i was
Yeah, but lets not allow others to talk about certain part or you will get triggered instead of actually give arguments, right?
you can talk about what you want, and i'll call out that talking as shippingfaggotry all i want. there is no argument. you just dont agree with me
That's a weak sniffer unit
>i wasn't in the last thread you fucking buffoon
I don't give a fuck whether you were in it or not, that wasn't my point.
Ribai will rape Gabi :)
Seriously not that user but I fail to see how you just spamming one word is better than some anons simply posting fanarts or talking about a part of the manga
>didn't you see all the deleted posts in the last thread
>it doesn't matter if you were in the last thread or not
Pick one.
>you just spamming one word is better than some anons simply posting fanarts or talking about a part of the manga
its not. im just calling it out. why does my post have to contribute to anything or be better than one thing?
I never said you weren't free of being retarded and proving you can't find any argument. Let's say Eren is confirmed to be the father, would you keep crying?
Then you are just a flammer pretending to be better than others. You are as autistic but even more depressive
>Let's say Eren is confirmed to be the father, would you keep crying?
no because the father doesn't matter to me because im not a shipperfag.
>eren is the father
cool. i don't care
>farmer is the father
cool. i don't care
>third party is the father
cool. i don't care.
>Then you are just a flammer pretending to be better than others.
who cares?
>The absolute state
Why are you so obsessed with shipperfags when you admit that you don't have to contribute to the thread? You are actually even more cancerous
>talking about a part of the plot makes you a shipperfag
You must be really afraid of relationships in real life. I mean you are here, but you shouldn't be this terrified
>Why are you so obsessed with shipperfags
i called out one post. every subsequent post of mine is just either me defending myself or continuing the conversation. someone called me out for not shitting up other shipperfags, while i was busy already arguing with one. i don't care if i contribute to the threads or not. i saw a shipperfag who was shitposting, and then i called it out. that is it.
>Eren nendoroid being re-released
Somebody loves me. My chequebook is ready
>discussing about something no matter who the father is in the manga makes you a shipperfag
Why are burger hours so autistic.
HLJ have the best price that I know of.
EHfags killed the hype
t. Shipperfag
Eren doesn't even know what he's doing anymore. He's just doing shit to do it at this point.
>coming into an snk thread to call us dumb snktards by mentioning a post of a meme collage from a different thread about who the father of historia's child is doesn't make you a shipperfag and shitposter
the average europoor
The point was that you're no better than the autist who shat up the last thread shitposting under the pretense of "calling out shipperfags".
did a marleyfag write that shit? holy fuck
Are "anti-shipperfags" the worst kind of posters? I would literally choose the KrugerErenfag posting fanfics over this shit seriously
Mist Ending Theory
Eren receives a vision after eating all titans except Zeke but he misinterprets what he's seen due to a misconception. After the defeat of Marley in Paradis Eren uses Zeke to activate the coordinate. He removes the Eldian's ability to transform into titans, but the people of Ymir start to die. Eren then realizes the truth behind the vision and that the Eldian's natural state was titans and in removing that they lost something essential for life. Zeke dies afterwards. He is smiling despite Eren's obvious devastation as his goal is fulfilled.
t. Pathetic Erenfag self-inserter
That wasn't me. I was just pointing out the fact that you made two contradictory statements.
the boobs are2big and the nose2small. i hate delusional fanarts
>anti shipperfags.
Those ignore the shipperfags, the ones "fighting against them for our own good" are an even more autistic version of shipperfags
You just proved his point, holy shit
You faggots, need your containment board to yourselves.
I'm pretty new to figure collecting so thanks for the site
It was at least written by a retarded Erenfag that confuses regular ODM use with noteworthy skills.
>3D Maneuvering Skills: Eren initially started off struggling with handling the 3D Maneuvering Gear equipment. However, even when training with a broken one, he was able to keep himself balanced for a short period of time, which Keith Shadis noted as an impressive feat. Eren is commonly not seeing using this gear as he mainly engages in battle in his Titan form, but when using his gear, he displays competent skill with it. Most notably is when he faced off against Bertolt Hoover after returning to Shiganshina, where he launched himself in the air and cut him out of the Colossal Titan.
You're welcome user. They have a free virtual warehouse, they'll hold your item for up to 60 days to give you enough time to save up for shipping costs if that's something you need to do.
He doesn't have one. It's just incel rage since he's still a virgin.
I think I might get the Mikasa or Hango one. I already have a pretty nice Eren figure
You don't get my point, 20 fanarts per thread is not a problem, 300 posts dedicating to cry about those 20 is annoying
>Shitty proto Eren
Yawn, call me when they release a figure of the real Eren.
>I already have a pretty nice Eren figure
Reminder that Sasha was a meme character who died a meme death.
>since he's still a virgin.
Historia disagrees. By the way LGBTfags, GOOD THREAD
the fuck's brave act?
>what was her last word...?
I pre-ordered Hange too. I'm debating whether to get Mikasa or not. What Eren figure do you have?
It was cute. She bonded with Nicolo over cooking and died thinking of that. For a meme character it was still pretty sweet.
>It was cute.
honestly, i think it ruined her death and any impact it had went away.
sex with Lebi
I hate the face on this one. But I like the outfit more than this one
It's actually tricky.
After what Eren have done he can't just Lelouch himself and get happy end for everyone else. The world powers want Paradis deleted.
Neither can he sign a treaty with them since that just prolongs the issue, but doesn't solve it.
And of course going full Hitler and conquering the world is a shit ending.
Isayama wrote himself into a corner. Devilman everyone dies ending incoming.
Where is the last from?
An EH doujin.
>And of course going full Hitler and conquering the world is a shit ending.
what the fuck? eren genociding every race with the wall titans would literally be the best possible ending and would keep the series as a 10/10
Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood, so that he activates his Shiso no Kyojin coordinate powers. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I couldn't be talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger using Porco Galliard as a nutcracker to destroy the Sentsui no Kyojin crystal so he can consume Ms. Tybur and gain precise creation abilities. I'm definitely not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger with mastery over his Sentsui no Kyojin creation abilities used to break open the Megata no Kyojin crystal and consuming Annie Leonhart in order to gain her titan abilities. I'm really not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager commanding a group of loyal followers who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Eren's dream of finally setting his people free and ensuring the safety of generations to come. Do you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after going fully nuclear and telling Mikasa he's hated her his entire life and beating the shit out of Armin because they're both just slaves who refuse to accept freedom and try to get in the way of his true, eternal freedom? You better be joking if you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after being ambushed by the surviving members of the Senshi-tai, effectively fighting off both Reiner and Porco at the same time and even taking on Reiner, solo, after eating two direct headshots from an anti-titan sniper rifle. I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with Sieg's Kemono no Kyojin form, albeit rejecting Sieg's plan to force Eldians into sterility in order to protect his lover, Historia Reiss, so that his child can be born free into this world.
>dont talk to me or my son ever again
basado, as always but
>Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood,
eldian should be titan here, desu. since it has to be a titan anyways, and we know only eldians can be titans
What’s wrong with KrugerErenfics? It didn’t feel ship-induced at all and was a pretty nice read, all ESL mistakes aside.
From an EH doujin released months before S3P1 started airing.
this one
>"he's special" excuse like he did with Zeke?
eren was special though. and grisha knew that. he didn't know if zeke was special, but still called him special.
RE is cute. I don’t want it to start being associated with pointless drama.
Either he wants to kill everyone or save them. Could go both ways.
he was falseflagging.
Oh that one is nice. I have the Manlet one from that set
The whole point of Eren's development in Uprising was coming to terms with the idea that he wasn't the chosen one he started fancying himself as somewhere along the way and that it was okay for him not to be. Did you not read his mom's monologue in chapter 71?
The brand
Edited honkers are weak sniffer units
I agree. The first face is ruined by the mouth.
That's Kotobukiya if I recall correctly.
Good point I guess, but I'm probably not going to change it at this point since it's sort of trivial.
i did. he still is special. even when eren said he wasn't special, and that he was only born to a special man, i disagreed. eren is special, and him showing interest in freedom from a young age solidified grisha's opinion on him.
I know. If only it would stop..
>since it's sort of trivial.
its a key point of the plot, but alright.
a doujin for women
Thats not the case, eren is not special it has always been said in the manga many times even by him, he just got lucky.
Zeke is the one who is truly special with his royal blood and now after his revival he is even more special
Zero Requiem ending is still very possible, especially given his comments to Falco about becoming a devil who might destroy the world. He just has to go a bit further than Willy did, with "only the island Eldians are evil" becoming "only the Yeagerists are evil". And that'll be an easy sell if it's the 104th who end up saving the world.
It's trivial in the pasta because it's pasta. That line was also written in the context of when he first touched Dina and no one knew exactly how the FT was activated.
Grisha didn't choose him because he was special, he chose him because he ran out of time and options.
I kinda wanna get the Mikasa one from that set too but I don't have the money right now
oh yeah you're right
considering the final pannel and the fact that eren wants freedom, that means that no eldian can ever again transform into a titan.
eren is going to break the curse.
but he also wants eldians to be free from marley opression and wants the world to stop hating them
so this is kinda tricky. if he justs breaks the curse, that will not stop the entire world from attacking the island.
I really dont know
if BRA didn’t attack yet, eren would have learned about the world from grisha and he would have accepted the titan, even knowing he would die in 13 years and have to eat his dad.
Eren is literally a copy of grisha, since kid wanted freedom just like eren wanted freedom from the island, they are not specials they just had luck, now is a matter of time to see if eren is going to make the same mistakes.
And he didn't choose him, it was desesperation of the moment.
That's not what made Grisha say that he was special when Keith challenged him. He used the exact same words he used to justify his treatment of Zeke "He's my son". That wasn't Eren's freedomfaggotry that he evoked either when he forced him to take the serum but his duty to avenge his mother, despite the fact that he should have been fully aware that being motivated by hatred anf revenge led nowhere as he himself felt nothing but disgust when he saw his sister's killer getting chomped.
I made a thing.
Mikasa didn't witness Levi perform this particular trick, yet she still knew about it and was able to perform it with a fair amount of precision. Eren tells us that because she's an 'awakened' Ackerman, she gains all the combat experience of those who came before her. Do you think this link is persistent and an awakened Ackerman can actively learn techniques passively in real time despite not being party to them?
What are your thoughts?
Reddit fucks better not steal this shit.
Very based
It's just throwing a sword, user.
You need to swing the handle and detach the blade at a very precise moment, similar to how a sling works. There's a very good reason this isn't a trick that many people perform.
>We could had have the Beast Titan or Zeke
>manlet again
Chances o Zeke's merchandise is at free fall, it will Five even faster and further with him BTFO of Erwin and manlet.
>another dumb Mankasafag
I would pay a premium for a figure based on precisely that scene.
I'm absolutely not one.
They're not even that similar. Grisha just wanted to see the blimps with his sis and then everything changed for him when she died, as his worldview and goals were entirely shaped by that one defining event in his life which he never managed to truly recover from. Eren's freedom boner is a whole different category of autism.
Who the hell though that putting 3/10 in charge was a good idea?
I don't think that move is that impressive for a super solider
He has a shit ton of cool scenes since he is always hyped up every time he shows up, even when he does nothing he looks good with that devilish smile of him. Problem is, to leddit and dumblr, he is the "bad guy", so we get another manlet statue with the same face he always has and in the most boring poses.
Shit, I would love if they made statues focused only in the titans, they are the best part of the series.
Grisha's boy didn't turn out very booksmart, oh well
I just want his glasses
>There's a very good reason this isn't a trick that many people perform.
Yeah, it's ineffective against titans.
Except he is leading by his image, not his witts. Besides, the guy doesn't plan to back out for nothing, it must be something else.
it’s just strength, not skills. and it’s not retroactive either.
Well, he more or less put himself in charge. He also most likely had enough confidence in his ability to push back Reiner and co. on his own, and beyond that he probably just wanted to personally finish off the guy responsible for messing up his plans with that surprise attack.
It's all ending in like a dozen chapters and Annie is still nowhere to be seen
I just want a hobo Eren figure.
Why do people call Eren a villain? It makes absolutely 0 sense, there is literally no choice for him but to fight, if he didn't purge Eldia's military they would waste who knows how much more time and resources training people to fight motherfucking titans, it's beyond retardation that they haven't reformed the military in all these years.
Marley wants to eradicate Eldia, why would they not fight back? There is no fucking alternative, they are facing genocide, how can people not understand this.
The most villainous thing he could do is do nothing and let his people die like the faggot King Karl did, now that gigantic faggot is a true villain.
Why does Zeke look so fucking old in the anime? he looks mid 40s or some shit and in the manga he looks early 30s at most.
I didn't say it was impressive, that has nothing to do with the point I was making.
I would definitely like more merch focused on things that aren't main cast-centric.
Not for blinding them, which in many cases would be preferable to attacking.
There's little strength involved, the attack is akin to a sling. And what do you mean it's not retroactive? I said she knows how to do it after the fact without having seen it. My point being, do you think she may have learned it through the Ackerman path, because Eren indicates that Ackerman skills are interchangeable and can be passed on passively.
Pieck loves Zeke!
Japanese teens (male) don't care about competent girls.
Because leddit and dumblr thinks the world is black and white, while they dobt realise Reiner, Eren and Zeke are the heroes of their own story and has the same will power to achive their goals like a protagonist and is just as driven.
I don't think it's that deep, I think she's just skilled enough she knew she could chuck that sword accurately. Also Manlet has used that trick a couple times so maybe she did see it once
I still think Eren is the most right out of the 3, Reiner is just protecting his family which is understandable but he is dooming his people doing so, Zeke is a fucking coward taking the easy way out, Eren is the only one fighting for the long term survival of his people or at least that is what it seems like.
Because Zeke looked old when he first showed up in the mango, people assumed he was 40 or 50. Guess they aim for the same thing.
But he will look younger after trimming his hair and beard.
>I would definitely like more merch focused on things that aren't main cast-centric
Everyone besides leddit and dumblr would.
Spawning that many Colossals would cause the ps1 to overheat, though.
The digits have spoken, EH is best couple
We can all go home now everyone
>I don't think it's that deep, I think she's just skilled enough she knew she could chuck that sword accurately.
That's fair. I'm just putting forward the notion that this is an in-canon possibility based on what Eren said.
>so maybe she did see it once
Not as far as I'm aware. But I could be wrong. I thought he threw them into the female titans eyes, but I was wrong about that, (he boosts down her arm and stabs both swords into her eyes) it's what lead me to think about what Eren said and how she might have learned the trick.
I would like a figure of Kruger snapping the ship over his back.
>I would like a figure of Kruger snapping the ship over his back.
Holy fuck that would be a cool figure.
I don't judge any of the 3 actually.
>Reiner: Wants to save ter world and his family
>Eren:Wants to save his compatriots and loved ones
>Zeke: Wants to save humanity and eldians by ending the titans by a shift death to his people
Problem is, all of them has genocide in their plans, Paradis will be destroyed with Reiner, the world will be destroyed with Eren , and the eldians will die with Zeke.
I would order it in an instant.
A statue of this one would also be pretty rad, or metal gear Pieck or Porco and Reiner vs Eren, or Zeke's reveal. They have so many good choices, but stays with manlet because fujo buck.
this fucking image kills me every time
Looks like Yelena doesn't get what his deal is, either.
>the world will be destroyed with Eren
Why does it have to be like that? He just wants for Eldia to be left alone, it's the world that is walking right into Eldia's maw by not letting them be.
Muh must always move forward
Sneaky Pock.
I'm willing to spend some fujo bucks on nutcracker Porco or WHT
Why would he listen to what Zeke's bitch has to say?
>tfw no 1/35th scale pieck & crew to make ww1 style dioramas with
He was referring to Historia.
Why didn't the anime give him his hoodie that he wore here during Uprising? There was like one promotional art picture where he wore it but he never actually wore it in the anime
Eren wants Paradis eldians to be free, maybe accept any outside eldians if they want to join them, but giving him the choice, he would nuke the world and save Paradis.
WHT would be pretty cool, with spikes around it and a crystal hammer.
Metal Gear Cart would be rad.
this panel would have been better if yelena’s speech bubbles were shakey.
No one cares.
>Metal Gear Cart would be rad
A Cart figure would be so fun if you can swap out the RtS cart, the Panzer Unit, and the anti-titan artillery.
I don't see a basis for this. Eren currently views becoming a shifter as a curse, to the point where he doesn't want any of his friends to become one. I'm not even sure he would have fought like he did to inject Armin if he knew the truth at that point.
He was most likely just talking about Pieck.
Never trust women. This mango is full of redpills.
>eren you shouldn't trust x
>yeah just like I don't trust x
i care i thought it was cool
t. mankasacuck
>would be so fun if you can swap out the RtS cart, the Panzer Unit, and the anti-titan artillery.
Shit negro, that's a million dollar idea.
This manga has so much potential for amazing merchandise but they waste it all by making manlet and Mikasa statues.
>Why do people call Eren a villain?
Because he's a cuck.
el manlato blanco
>Imai will animate this scene
who dis
Not sure what you're getting at but in the raws he literally just says "Just like that woman". The ambiguity which caused nips to speculate and pushed the translator to choose to interpret Eren's line as him referring to some other else he doesn't trust came from his use of あの instead この, which doesn't account for the fact that the former still could've been used to refer to Pieck for a variety of reasons, an obvious one being that she was already getting far away from him and Yelena.
Action Animation Director for the show. He animated plenty of iconic scenes in S1/S2 and key animated the Manlet vs Kenny fight in episode 2 of S3P1.
Who cares? He's basically dead in the manga.
It's going to be a Sakugabooru highlight then. Great. Hopefully they keep the substance and don't go for the flashy effects. Manlet needs to seethe in Zekes face
So to summarize, Mikasa is only realizing at that moment how fucked Eren was in the head regardless of the fact that killing her captors was the right thing to do? and that her idealized view of Eren was only because of the Ackerbond?
the guy who makes all the kino 3dmg scenes
>He's basically dead in the manga.
Ye of little faith
Got it
Guns > rocks
Its over, Zekefags.
Zeke should throw guns :)
I don't get the confusion from nips, i have in my text an example exactly like this
Can't fucking wait for 2024.
I love Zeke!
>One pitch of explosive ammunition>Entire fleet
The rocks are to even things out a little to Marley.
>14.5×114mm BS
>30mm RHA penetration at 500 meters
it's time
any fleet that bunches up that close together is just begging to be destroyed by any kind of heavy gun tbqh
new thread?
Only if Zeke is in the OP.
>100 meters + One shot per gun
>Barrage of rock coming from 1km away and going at super sonic speed that can level a entire field
Is not the first time he does it, Zeke just has a supernatural pitch that can spread as wide as he wants.
>this will be censored on sunday
What was that guns name again?
How was the Beast Titan used before Zeke the Ace?
Wasn't the confusion because he used words for someone who's not physically present?
i still believe in the theory that different users were different animals
How did Zeke learn that he can make titans etc
I honestly don't get it either. Granted, japanese can be quite the tricky language with its nuances, but here it seemed to me like a really trivial thing to focus on and speculate about, especially for a fanbase that is generally oblivious and/or doesn't analyse stuff. Plus it's not like there were any characters aside from Yelena or Pieck that would make sense for Eren to even bring up in this conversation.
He knows his mom is a royal, combined with Xaver's research and titan memories he probably reach the conclusion that royalty can still limitedly control titans
I wish it was explored in the story. I also want more restorationists. I want more Marley in the past in general.
Can't wait.
Humanity > titans
Im worried we arent going to get more worldbuilding or titan lore before the end. I really dont want to read shitty spin offs for that.
The ambiguity really comes from the fact that it can be interpreted as Eren referring either Gabi doesn't trust Pieck or the fact just like Eren doesn't trust Pieck, She doesn't trust Eren either, the second being more valid than the first one
>I really dont want to read shitty spin offs for that.
I like them, so I would be fine with that. Except for BTF, that's garbage.
it could go either way, there are elements of the setting and the history that could benefit from a different author or artist doing the nitty-gritty to really reach their full potential, or it could easily get all handed off to some formulaic hack to make a completely forgettable bog-standard thing that doesn't capture any of what actually makes the series compelling
Nah. あの ("that") which Eren uses to refer to the woman in question can be used when the subject is far from the speaker and listener and/or know by both, the subject doesn't have to absent or out of sight.
The confusion came from the fact that Yelena used この ("this/that") right before, which indicates proximity of the subject, and which Eren didn't follow up on as he himself used あの. But like I said, variety of reasons could explain the use of the word such as the distance between the subject and the speaker/listener, emotional detachment from the subject etc.
They're animating Zeke v Manleto already? That's adapting 3 chapters in 1 episode.
The first interpretation could've worked too if it weren't for the fact that Eren never refers to Gabi as a woman (女), but as a brat (ガキ). Even then, using 女 for a child would seem a little strange.
yea that's why i said the first one doesn't work as much
That's from No Regrets.
btw the head on the ground belongs to a girl that was basically his sister.
This. I would buy a Jaws or Kenny statue.
Zeke is just a key, Eren is the true CHOSEN. The only reason Zeke is still alive is because without him, Eren's plan won't go through.
there's Historia tho
>another retard who doesn't understand how merch works
Are you a Historiafag?
Yeah, no. Zeke is the chosen one.
Zeke is a loser who wishes he was never born. Eren is a hero who will stop at nothing to be free because he was born into this world.
He stopped for 4 years tho
He was just looking for the right path and planning
I understand how popularity works, but figures of the titans and shit would be cool as fuck.
that doesn't stop other series tho
>she trembles
Yelena is so cute I can't stand it!
at least make the thread hit the bump limit
Yelena a shit. A SHIT
t. MPs
Araki knows, and depending on how he adapts the last episode of this season, he may have already resigned himself and switched sides
Damn, I'm not even a Levifag, but I'd buy this in a heartbeat if I was
What’s wrong with BTF?
Uncanon fuckery.
Character designs are also a literal kick in the skin sack
BTF could have be better if it involved the internal conflicts inside the walls, something like the MC going a against the monarchy and the MP